Monday, March 12, 2007

Time for some fishing...

Not fishing at Lake Adger - even though that sounds great right now as the weather is warming and I am sure the bass are biting..... but fishing for people. Reading my Purpose Driven Church book tonight making some notes for our Sunday night Rock Group meeting and this is what I have learned... or atleast reminded of.

Go where the fish are biting – Go to where the people will listen. Take advantage of the responsive hearts that the hold spirit prepares.
Matthew 10:14 – “If a home or town refuses to welcome you or listen to you, leave that place and shake its dust off your feet.”

We aren’t supposed to pick the green fruit but to find the ripe fruit and harvest it. We are not supposed to stay around unresponsive people.

It is not good stewardship to continue badgering someone who has rejected Christ a dozen times when there is a whole community of receptive people waiting to hear the Gospel for the first time. The Holy Spirit wants to direct us to the people he’s already prepared to respond. Jesus told us not to worry about the unresponsive. Shake the dust off your feet and move on.

The Apostle Paul’s strategy was to go through open doors and not waste time banging on closed ones. We should not focus our efforts on those who aren’t ready to listen. There are far more people in the world who are ready to receive Christ than there are believers ready to witness to them.

Friends - what do you think this means in your own words? Comments please.....

WOW - Light bulb going off here........ Ok Lord I get it. I am on it..... I understand - a promise is a promise but the seeds are planted - its in your ball park now. I have some fishing to do!

Father - I pray for those seeds - for it is all I can do - the rest is up to You Lord.
Amen ~


Anonymous said...

Wow - GREAT blog. Glad that your light bulb has finally gone off. I guess you just needed to hear it in a different way. Happy casting....!!!!

Sharon Davis said...

If we do our part in love and tell others about Jesus, our duty is done, the Holy Spirit will let us know if it is time to move on. No amount of pleading will lead anyone to God, only the dealing of the Holy Spirit will do that, but it is our desire to continue praying for those that mean so much to us.
"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it" Isaiah 55:11

Our time is running out in the race, we must take as many as will accept HIM with us to Heaven, and some will never know of Jesus without our voice and our light shinning with HIS words of love. There are people actually starving spiritually for the word of God, they are ready "ripe for the harvest" those that reject HIM will be left behind when the trumpet sounds and we join those that are dead in Christ in the air.
God has given us a burden for the lost, but it is up to the lost after they hear the word to make that choice, no one can make it for them other than themselves.

"Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus"
Revelation 22:20