Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I want to take a few moments and share today something that is very dear to me. The last few days I have really been thinking and praying through our Jamaica trip last June. With a few folks emailing me this week about the trip for next year already and sending in a request to book a particular week with Jim and Penie from, My Fathers House in Westmoreland Jamaica - It has me a little excited about things. It has me thinking forward and leaning in at the same time all about this joy that the people of Jamaica have even with what we see is basically not much in terms of material things - they have so much more than possessions to be joyous about. It really is hard to explain unless you have stood in their place and touched the places they have touched. Mission trips are vital to any walk in faith. You have to experience something so incredible and so much bigger than ourselves. Often times we find ourselves in a rut and unable to move forward, experiencing the same old thing over and over again and breaking lose and going on a mission trip - not know what to expect or how God is going to touch your life. Its that faith risk we often need and its sad that the people of God often times never take this risk and experience something so life changing. Imagine that experience in a young person and the lifetime ahead of them with Christ because of that one experience.

I highly encourage you to go - go where God is telling you to go and do what He is telling you to do. My friend Donnie just made it public that he is going ...going to Uganda on a mission trip to touch the people on the other side of the world for Christ. Planting a church and partnering with another local church there and bringing hope and Jesus back to the center of the communities there. I am so pumped for you my friend!! This will be a life changing experience that will reap years from now and everyone who is touched by your story.

I wanted to share Mr. Stevenson video that I captured in Jamaica. In his later years in life, unable to walk, family not around - Mr. Stevenson I was told was a MUST meet while at the mens sr home. No airconditioning, no privacy, flies on his face and only a radio and a few personal items but a voice that touches hearts for all who take the time to visit with him. Me, Kayla, Morgan, Emilee and Taylor got to sit with him - smile with him, sit in AWE of his songs and be touched for a lifetime of the music that he shared.

His joy comes from the Lord and the Bible talks a lot about music, singing and dancing. Those are all fun things. Those are all important joyful things! Singing is a intragal part of worship when we are at church. It gives us a chance to connect heart to heart with God. To go to a place of being emotionally and spiritually ready for the preacher to bring the Word of God. I love that fact that my church, Elevation Church, is joyous, is excited, is pumped up and worship with such enthusiasm and hands raised! Its an amazing experience and one that often leaves me in goose bumps knowing that God is connecting my heart to his even if I cant sing, cant tap my foot to the beat - it doesnt matter. Its an audience of one :)

Chris Tomlin write his worship music through the book of Psalms. Psalms in the Bible is a collection of song, prayers and readings that pulsates with the heartbeat of worship. David and the other Psalmists express their adoration for God as well as their sorrows. If you are in a place in life where you are at a difficult place, read the Psalms and let the music and prayers penetrate your heart. Keep reading if it doesnt take place right away because there is something there that it will happen for you. Music is such a great influence in our lives. We were all teenagers once and I still remember those days. The beat of the music, the lead guitar the song lyrics all play a part to help in our moods. Soft music, hard music, uplifting music and even classical and country.

I had a though though as I am around a lot of folks - what if we really examined what our music says to us? What if we could cut half of our music out and replace it with music that honors God and brings an act of worship to us? Not all music is bad and at certain times in our day or week there is a place for all kinds of music to address the situation. I would not like to listen to classical music while running on the treadmill for example but put me some Third Day on or some 80's music and I am running like I can't feel my legs!

WHat would it do to our hearts if half of what we put in our ears was music that brought on worship? Set the stage for us, brought us to a higher place, encouraged us, gave us a chance to allow God to speak to us either during or after? WHat would that look like? There is a song by Chris Tomlin that I have been listening to and often times I just find a quiet little place and sit - eyes closed and let the music, the beat, the words fill my heart and soul. Its such a incredible thing to allow that to happen.

Chris Tomlin - This is our God

A refuge for the poor, a shelter from the storm - This is our God

He will wipe away your tears and return your wasted year - This is our God

Oh, This is our God

A father to the orphan, a healer to the broken - This is our God

And he brings peace to our madness and comfort in our sadness - This is our God

THis is the one we have waited for - Oh... This is our God

A fountain for the thirsty, a lover for the lonely - This is our God

He brings glory to the humble and crowns for the faithful - This is our God.

What, loved ones, would that look like in your life? I think Mr. Stevenson has the right path to Joy. His heart is full of worship and you cant help but to let that song out.

Sing it loudly today, loved ones... God loves a cheerful heart.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Walk...

Life is a journey. This journey takes us on a life long path with many twists, hills and even pit falls along the way. Choices come and go and some are easy and some are not. As I think back to my start in this blogging world and sharing my heart along the way - it has been a journey and not one that has been rushed at all. Yes there have been many great incredible moments that God has shown up in my life or in someones life around me and it is life changing, inspiring in many ways to keep writing and jotting down these little things that I am learning. Its my walk...

Its not rushed, its not wavered far from the direction that God has me on and it has been amazing and fun too. Even if my walk is not the same as yours or is really different - we all come to know the Lord in our own special way. Your journey is yours and mine is mine. People come into our lives for a season of time and they leave for whatever reason but they are there for a purpose but regardless, they are there in that walk with us for that time frame.
If you look up the word "Walk" in the Bible - its almost everywhere. See Jesus was never rushed. He had a mission, a plan, he knew along the way who he was going to touch, who he was going to rebuke, who he was going to save. He stopped along the side of the road, went in what others thought was crazy and farther to get to a certain place - he had a plan and a mission already set forth. His sandals got to see many miles along the roads, his eyes got to see many lives changed, his heart got to touch the lives of so many who needed grace and a love that only could come from him. His walk was blameless and his walk was only his to walk. Nobody else could do it for him. We needed his walk. We need his walk then and we need it today.
Let dig a little into this important word:
Proverbs 19:1- Better the poor whose walk is blameless than a fool whose lips are perverse.
Isaiah 2:3 - Many peoples will come and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God if Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.
Isaiah 26:8 - Yes, Lord, Walking in the way of your laws, we wait for you; your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.
Isaiah - 30:21 - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, This is the way; walk in it.
Matthew 14:29 Come, He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
John 11:9 - Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Anyone who walks in the daytime will not stumble, for they see by this world's light.
John 12:35 - Then Jesus told them, You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going.
Colossians 3:7 - You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived.
3 John 1:4 - I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.

These are just some of the examples I pulled out today and each of them is an amazing example of the journey ahead. A non rushed journey, a path which required watching where you are going making sure not to stumble in anyway. Its a journey that requires others to help you. Its a walk that is personal and develops over time. Its a faith walk that requires all the right ingredients over time to have lasting fruit.
I am thankful for "mywalk" - the journey that is saving the best for last because that is what its all about. Its not about walking with Christ and never having another issue to struggle over or pain is not in your life any more. Its a work in progress and be thankful for that. As you mature and deepen your walk - God will faithfully open doors, teach you things are you are ready for them. If it was a race, a big rush to get to the end - if you knew the ending of the story before you experienced the process of the story - you would fall away. You would run in fear. You would never get started.
So the process of "thewalk", loved ones is putting one faith step in front of the other. Over time you have a journey behind you that God has taken you on and without that walk being one faith step in front of the others - you would have never went anywhere.
Faith is believing when we dont understand. I dont understand a lot of things but I am grateful for the process. I am grateful for the people in my life. I am grateful for the church that Jesus gave his life to. I am grateful that I was important enough to save. I am grateful enough that I am worth this long process in "mywalk" and that Jesus has not given up on me.
I am grateful that this life, mine is mostly insignificant in the big picture but living it with significance.
Never lose the story in your life loved ones or the beauty that is in it. Our lives, our walk is the beauty that the world needs because there is beauty in the Gospel and the world needs it. Walk you walk today and live with beauty thats all in it.
Thats my challenge for you today. Feeling it or not - Walk it :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Had a great time this past weekend being at the cabin. It has been since July 4th weekend since my family was all there at the same time. Much needed down time and much needed time to just wind down and relax. Our day on the lake on Saturday was awesome and dinner at Larkins in Lake Lure is one of my most favorite places to eat at. The view is amazing with the water front and mountains in the back ground and being with people I just love.

It has me thinking on a few things that I want to share a little about today. There have been some major milestones that I have crossed over in my faith journey. Amazing things God has shown me and taught me and I am thankful for them as well as the people God has put in my life.

Following Christ is the hardest but most rewarding thing I could have ever poured my life into. When your faith is at a place where you dont want to just go to church on Sundays and sit in a chair year after year after year with no further walk than what I let God do in my life. Never challenged, never changing, never experiencing, never growing - or leading others. Imagine a life of 60+ years and that is the lifetime of Sundays. That is not me nor have I ever wanted that. I dont want to look back over my life and know I did nothing for Christ or led anyone to know Him. If I was that kind of person, it would be all about me and what I am getting from it. Most of the time, its very little. As I look back over the season of time in student ministry - I can hold my head up and say, I had a voice into the lives of so many students and their families that will touch their hearts for a lifetime. Their eternity for some of them and those are big things to celebrate. Its not my time to have a mid life crisis it is time to have a mid life calling. A man on a mission. Shouldn't we all be that way when we are truly following Christ?

Not many of us will have a Saul to Paul conversion through a blinding light and for Christ himself to tell you exactly what to do next. Most of us will be called to serve Christ in small ways but very important ways. You may be a small business owner but following Christ is so important to you that its your calling to handle business deals withy honor and integrity. You are leading your customers in faith and inviting them to church. You may be a stay at home mom but your children and the other 2 you watch who's parents dont know Jesus- you are shining a very important light into their lives through the power of Christ. You may be a student who is attending a new school for whatever reason and your scared of many things but your love for Christ shines over those fears. Other students notice this NICE difference about you. Your teachers are already talking about this awesome student they have in the faculty lounge. They are watching you because you are shining for Christ. Maybe it takes a little time for folks to figure that out about you but its there and people are noticing.

Maybe you were at a place a year ago and the Saul in you had revelation to go on a mission trip and you came back as Paul. Something changed you because you followed, because you answered the call, because God broke your heart on something so much that you took the risk and went.

God is calling us to go !! If God has called you to do something then do it.

God will never ask you to give up something that He doesnt have something far greater to replace it with.

Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

When you are truly following Christ - you will go. You will do. You will be involved. You will touch the hearts of others. You will follow. You will lead others. You can't help it.

I am thinking back to our Jamaica trip and their are 2 pictures, two things that stand out most about that trip. One being that we actually went and sometimes I feel as I can't believe we did something that bold and went to a far off country and served the people there who desperately need to know the name of Jesus. We served in amazing ways together. We loved not only on each other but also the people there in Jamaica. Lives changed. Hearts changed. Our hearts and lives included because it was time to step out in faith and do something.

I want to share 2 pictures today: My favorite pictures from Jamaica. As I looked them over and reliving the moments there and the people we touched along the way that week - Mr Cole sticks out to me as I am holding my Bible. On that cover if you look closely is written the word "Hope". That is something that he had - hope. He had hope because he had a relationship with Jesus. It was personal to him and as I read to him and we spoke of his family and one day God was going to call him home and he would use that walking stick again and never have to be confined to a bed - He had tears running down his face. So did I. That experience with Mr Cole was not one I was going to have sitting for years at the 11:00 service in that same old cushioned chair. I was not going to get a chance to share Jesus, cry with him or pray over him if I didn't just say OKAY Lord - I am going even if I had no idea what was going to happen.

The other picture is Morgan holding one of the many children she and our team got to touch that week. Its probably my favorite picture because of the smiles. Here is this little girl, probably from a very broken and disfunctional family and she got to hear about Jesus that day. She got to be held and hugged and loved on for a few hours because God broke a heart and Morgan was that person to pick her up and love on her. Morgan and many others got the chance to share with these children that they matter, they are important and that they are not forgotten and in those moments they felt special. They know the Lord love for them because we shared it with them and there was nothing in return that they could give us except the memories and our changed hearts.

I am thankful for the opportunity. I am blessed because of the opportunity and having enough faith to step out of my comfort zone, lead some folks to experience this journey with me and take the message that Christ has given us to the world.

I am thankful for a church plant Elevation Church University campus that has come just at the perfect season in my life so that I can be part of something bigger, broader and something that God is doing there that is amazing. I am thankful for the vision forward.

Luke 9:3- He (Jesus) Told them: Take nothing for the journey - no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, no extra shirt. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, leave their town and shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them. So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere.

Saul set out for Damascus that day to appose the Christian movement and he returned the most influential missionary the world has ever seen.
Hope this challenges you today and gives you encouragement. A little fear is a good thing but too much keeps you where you dont want or need to be.


Friday, August 26, 2011

Its Friday. Whew ......
Its been a tough and busy week - We are headed to the cabin tonight for some much needed get away time. Carol had actually booked the beach until mid week when Irene started making a scene on the coast. Praying for everyone along its path. Carols brother Bob was supposed to have knee surgery Monday but has had to cancel it due to the storm there in NJ. He is in charger of all the tree crews in PSE&G and with maximum damage to the area - they need all the help they can get there to keep the area with power. Sad we hadnt made it to the beach this year but hopefully later in Sept that can actually happen before the weather gets cool.

I have been really thinking the last few days about Jamaica, serving and missing that small group time with folks. Its been a long time since our small group was together and sharing together and just spending time in each others lives. After Labor day, I am really looking forward to getting back to doing that. I am really missing some worship time since finishing the Chris Tomlin book, I kind of have this new feeling on worship and what it actually means. Its not just the music we play and dance to its actually the song we live our lives to and our entire day as we live that out is actually set to worship our Heavenly Father. I love that new picture that has been drawn. I am also missing our Jamaica peeps, our team being together, our Michigan peeps and momma Penie and poppa Jim. I just sent them a friends request on facebook and hoping I can catch up with them through that social media avenue. As we get ready to launch Elevation University I am getting excited about serving again. Not that I have not been doing that but just in a bigger more impactful way. I like to get my hands dirty and my feet wet when it comes to serving others. I dont mind a little strain from time to time. Our Jamaica trip was all about that - serving and showing others Jesus. I think for most guys my age I have come to realize that they go through this stage where being 45 its close enough for the kids to be out of the house and then move to the next phase of the next thing. Im not all that ready for the next thing. I am not all that ready to buy a convertible and me and Carol drive away. I am not about to think or go through some mid-life crisis because my life is full and I am doing what I know I have been called to do. I am not missing out on anything. Thats what the midlife crisis is all about.
I want to look at it as a mid-life calling. 45 years old - pressing onward to make the name of Jesus famous. Made famous in the hearts and lives of teenagers, in our community and in the world. What better and more important plan could there be?
I dont have time for the mid life crisis - I love serving Christ and all those he points and puts in my way. Jamaica was so eye opening to the real joy and heartfelt Word of Christ. Some folks can go to church, sit in the same place maybe every 2 weeks or once a month or even week after week. Church attendance doesnt do anything for anyone except make the church look full. God pressed on me to reach the world and to experience something so much bigger than myself. Its hard to describe unless you have been really.
There is a new movie coming this fall - right on the side of Courageous - its called 58: If you want to view the trailer -

It looks to be a powerful movie touching the world in all the parts that a follow of Christ should be touching on. I am so excited to be part of Elevation University. This is a church that gives, does and goes to the ends of the earth changing lives for Christ. They are serious about it and I am so excited about it. There is freedom in that serving. There is freedom under that vision. There is freedom to go and do but what is true freedom?
Romans 6:15-19 - So since we're out from under the old tyranny, does that mean we canlive any old way we want? Since we're free in the freedom of GOd, can we do anything that comes to mind? Hardly. You know well enough from your own experience that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom. Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and its your last free act. But offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits. All your lives you've let sin tell you what to do. But thank God you've started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom! Im using this freedom language because its easy to picture. You can readily recall, cant you, how at one time the more you did just what you felt like doing - not caring about others, not caring about God - the worse your life became and the less freedom you had? And how much different is it now as you live in God's freedom, your lives healed and expansive in holiness?

I am so excited about what is to come. I am so excited to have a small part in touching the lives of so many people in a few weeks in the Charlotte University area.
Thank you Elevation church and giving us this freedom to be part of this launchpad here in our community and in the world.
Dreams happen because faith is believed in. Its believing in advance. Faith is persisting when we dont feel like it. Faith is believing when we dont see it. Faith is giving when you dont have it to give. I got to see so much in Jamaica, the people we serve at the shelters serving a meal, providing clothes or a christmas present. Its serving in the tears, the smiles, the heartfull conversations, the prayers with so many students. Before any of that could take place -

I have a picture on my desktop from one of my students who over the past few months has given her life to Christ and she made me a picture. She is holding a sign she made and she is smiling - on that sign is: I am Second <3
When you give and serve - your heart gets bigger. It touches those around you and in turn they touch someone else.

Mid life crisis? - Na, mid-life opportunity :)


Thursday, August 25, 2011

It has been busy the last few days. Making some time to write has been difficult but I really wanted to take a few moments inbetween things and share. Today being the first day of school for the students here in the Charlotte NC area - I got up early and began my prayer chain out to them and asking God to make an impact in their day and school year. I got a lot of text messages back and in those moments knowing that those prayers, those heartfelt words were going out - it does a heart right knowing that it made a small difference this morning in the lives of some scared, nervous, and excited students. It may have been exactly what they needed to hear instead of the hustle and bustle of a new routine in the mornings and we all know how that can go. Im thankful for all the messages back and I am really praying that this new beginning will truly be a new beginning for those who need it. Some moving to new schools because of the lines drawn by the county, new schools because of a 8th grader moving on to high school or maybe even a new student moving into the area. All the same I am really praying that the vision be that this be their new mission field for the year. There are some fired up students out there on fire for Jesus and I am praying for their contagiousness. I pray for their actions, words, and their kindness to stand out amongst the crowd - all a good way that people notice something different about them. Thats a great thing to have!
I have been reading a new book the last few days by Chris Tomlin "The way I was made". If you know anything about church you probably sing some of the songs that Chris Tomlin has wrote. His worship songs come from the heart and its an amazing level in terms of the thousands of churches that use his worship music today, all the people who listen to his music on a regular basis. Its amazing how much people connect to his music. In his book he speaks about our lives being that of worship.
Imagine that! A life of a normal person going about normal life honoring and worshipping God in the music of their song in life. We all have our own unique tune we play our life music to. I love that and he speaks about leading worship in front of thousands of people and how he gets ready for those amazing experiences. How he sets his heart right and his act of worship on stage is very much the same as those in the audience. Its worshipping and when the Spirit is present in that place - amazing things happen. So much of his music comes from the book of Psalms where David sang and danced out to God. Imagine going through life like that -singing and dancing as though nobody is looking. NObody is looking but they are - but you dont care because its not about them. Its about singing your tune to God. Thats worshipping your life as you live it for God.
I love the verse that came to me this morning as I prayed for all the students, the teachers that are there that we are trusting our children with and how hard their job is.
Psalm 29:11 comes to mind.
God makes his people strong. God gives his people peace.

A new year started today for many. A new beginning is starting for me and my family as well.
Psalm 37:4 delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
I am focused the last few days on the beginning of that last Psalm. Delight in the Lord - dont we all sometimes miss that part? I am so excited for the paths ahead with this new beginning in life. New school year, new semester, new faces to get to know, new hearts to love, a new church to plug into and love ... gosh it really is amazing.
On another note:
Something new - I took Kyle and Morgan on Tuesday out for her birthday. 14 years old! After a quick bite to eat, I took the kids to the gun range. Yes I said that correctly. We have talked together about that for over 6 months and it was time to make that happen. Tuesday I took the time and we did just that. Baretta .25 with 3 boxes of ammo - shots fired and targets hit. Smiles came and hands shook but it was fun. AND nobody got hurt :) I asked Morgan what was the best part of her birthday. She said going to the mall...I said I am about to top that in a big way! Her hands were still shaking an hour later :)


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nothing too insightful to share today other than the fact that God is good. I am very encouraged today for reasons that I will share a little tomorrow but for now - I am thanking God for where he has placed us today. I am thankful for the incredible opportunity ahead of us for His glory and praise. I want to share a happy 14th birthday to Morgan and hope it is one to remember sweetie. See you in a little bit to share in some smiles. This has been a "good" day today :)


Monday, August 22, 2011

I have a lot on my heart today but I am so encouraged from yesterday. Up early for a planning vision meeting at Elevation Church on the Matthews campus at 8:15. With Carol, Kyle, Brody and my new best buddy Eric in tow - we walked into a room with 135 other Elevation Volunteers committed to serving the new University campus. Week 2 of this class with 1 more next Sunday. Pastor Larry came out and with his passion, humor, vision and heart, shared with all of us for 2 hours the vision behind the church. He shared the last 5 year journey that Elevation has been on and where it is going - united as one even through 4 campuses and 10,000 in attendance. Code Orange! Pastor Larry got to speak from his heart on a few topics and using his unsaved sister as an example as to why Elevation and its leadership and volunteers are passionate about reaching people for Jesus. It was honestly, the best meeting, in business and for sure in church - I have ever been in. I looked over at Kyle and Brody - both smiling. Listening and learning. Carol smiling and letting her wounded heart be healed over with every word Pastor Larry spoke yesterday and every note that was played at the 11:15 service and then with Pastor Steven speaking about following Jesus and hearing the points he put together about Pointing the Way and Clearing the path.
I looked a few times over at my buddy Eric and this quiet fella sat smiling and letting his heart be filled with vision and potential.
After the break we got to grab something to eat, drink and use the restroom - it was a good chance to talk with some new folks. I have no problem talking with people and so I was in my element there. It was awesome hearing the hearts of these other volunteers who are going to be part of this launch. Like passion that I have not seen nor felt in others in a long time. Like they had this attitude that they were not going to miss this. This is like the Apollo 13 kind of faith and opportunity and nobody was going to stop them. Nothing was going to get in their way! Some driving 45 minutes to church - to be part of this launch pad for Christ in the UNC Charlotte University region. 175,000 people live here in this area and all with the potential to know Jesus if we reach them, if we smile with them, if we touch them and let them know they are worth the effort and there are people who care about them no matter what or where they may be in life.
SO as I sat yesterday my heart spilled out this poison from me that has been really painful the last few weeks - I let that bleed out. It really was an amazing moment. My heart was changed rght then in those moments.
Looking forward - "A calling from God is running TO something not running away from something" is one of my notes yesterday from Pastor Larry and hit me like a ton of bricks. Gosh there were many moments yesterday of my head getting hit :) - thats a good thing!
So in that moving forward it brings me to Luke 10:29-37

Jesus said in a reply: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. Look after him, he said, and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.
Which of these 3 do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers? The expert in the law replied, The one who had mercy on him. Jesus told him, Go and do likewise.

I feel the mercy on me today. I feel the healing taking place. I know my family needs it as do some others who have been hurt lately. I am just so thankful to be on the footsteps of something incredible that is about to take place. I am really encouraging them to share the journey together because we cannot heal alone. We cant grow in our faith alone giving them a chance to let the hurt and poison bleed out and so they may be filled with grace, love and mercy just as this hurt man received from the Samaritan. Many will come and see you and leave you where you are. Some will hurt you and they have said "Friend" for years but leave you in the ditch.
I dont want to be a person that leaves someone on the side of the road hurting. I want to give my best and over the last few weeks, finding my best has been hard as I am laying in the ditch and seeing people walk by, saying hurtful things or just not saying anything at all.
Elevation church - God sent you in our lives at a perfect time. You are picking us up from the ditch, healing our hurts, speaking truth with love, and giving us a clear vision so we can see again.
I am excited for the future. I am excited to be a part of this no matter how big or how small. I want to give God my best because the best is yet to come. The man in the ditch had another day because someone took the time to care and to take a stand and not just walk on by.

I will close with this. Only home for an hour yesterday - some friends of ours came and with clothing donations in hand we headed uptown Charlotte to the Center of Hope to serve a meal to the women and children there. With another group already there - we partnered with their church St. Lukes in south Charlotte and we served the folks there like we have never done before. Articles of clothing to start their school year off with something new is huge for a child and a parent. We had the moms order the food and then find a place to sit. My team, Dan, Linda, Caleb, Danielle and Eric served them by delivering their plate of food, getting them a drink and just having a few moments speaking to them. Connections were made, smiles were shared, conversations took place - thank you's and God bless came to the surface. For many coming in with grumpy faces, life being heavy on the shoulders - here they are leaving with a smile, something new and a good home cooked meal. The night closed with 2 things. One a little 5 year old girl came over and thanked each of us for coming. She gave out hugs and I looked over at Danielle who had this huge smile on her face - I said Danielle, you touched that childs heart for days because of you serving her the way you did. You showed her love, acceptance and grace - just as Jesus has done for you. She will be looking for you next time and I am so thankful for that. As we walked out - we had to say goodbye to miss Pam. I promised to keep in touch with her as she did the same. With a hug and the words "I love you, thank you for touching my life the way you have over the last couple visits" - I smiled and told her I loved her too and I said it is I who should be thanking you miss Pam.

Jesus said - Go and do likewise .... I think I will :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Days like Grass

Psalm 103:15-16 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

Still, today I want me "days like grass" to count for something. God didnt give me this day to just live out some boring routine day after day. I want my days to matter. Maybe that is why I am passionate about certain things, about certain people and for people to know the life change I have experienced because of Christ.

There have a been a few really amazing God awakenings in my life. As I sat with some of my close students last night that I have the honor and privilege to pour into we were talking about how scared and frightening thunder storms are. Here in the south, we get them during the summer and sometimes they can be scary, fierce and light up the sky at night like you cant even believe. I think about those moments and think ya know - thats how God sometimes comes into our life. I mean He comes in huge very impactful ways and often times right in the middle of lifes biggest and scariest storms.

For me, that looks liked the night that I found out my mom had cancer. Hearing the news from a doctor speaking the "C" word about someone who you love so much and never at such a young age think you would be hearing that letter. That night across the street in the hospital hotel basically because they gave a good discount for families of sick loved ones who need rest and sleep - I have my "Awakening Storm" with God. I had my Bible and I had my tears and my heavy heart and I was ticked. I mean I was unbelievable upset - upset at me, my life, the hotel, the room, the doctor and yes even God. I cried out over and over and I trashed that room. I had my wrestling of my heart with God that night and after I got it all out, which I am thankful that God hears us even in our toughest moments, he clearly said to me in my heart that He was going to heal my mom but not in the way I wanted. He was going to give her a new body, have a place for her to be forever and that He had work for me to do. He told me that He told me these things, so that I can work for His glory and purposes in my family. It took my mom for me to come to Jesus. It took something so precious to me for me to get to know him and not just know him but have a trusting relationship with him. It was a thunderbolt, sky filled lightening storm that took me to another place. A place I am thankful for today.
A place that delivered me into a new direction in life. A life with meaning and purpose and a mission. A mission that I will not quit on because Jesus did not quit on me. I have an amazing family that supports me and an extended family who loves me like family. There are some young people in my life who I love like my own - none of these things would have ever happened if I did not go through my God awakening.

I have to say that the best melodies in life come when you have a joyful and free heart.

I am currently in my other God Awakening season. After the things that happened at my old church, I am on the door steps of being part of a church that is about to blow this city up for the things of Christ. I am so excited and pumped up for the things ahead. Though the hurts of the past are still there and I continue to have my moments ... especially when it comes to my students but I know the platform ahead is going to be amazing. I wont lose sight of where I have been or the people who have touched my heart but I know it all happened for a reason. I really feel like that God is about to pour out something into my life, my families life, my new church family and church - that I sometimes cannot contain it.
Jeremiah 29:11 comes to mind right now - For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

That excites me because I truly believe it. I truly believe the extended families in my life are with me through the tough times and the bad times. We talk through the tough spots and come out on the other side better and stronger. A lot of that is keeping the right attitude with a good reflection so that you always remember who you are. We were created in His image and when - "You want what God wants for His purposes - You are UNSTOPPABLE!"

Our destiny is eternity with Him. We cannot grasp eternity with our feeble little minds but we can hold tight to the concept the best we can. Like the Days like Grass - I want my time here to count. To make a difference. To break the mold of everyone else doing their own thing and blending in with everybody else. I want to stand out for Jesus in my world, in my mission field of life and to be fired up about it.
The wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. - Saddest thing I have read in a long time. Sad about a life lived here and not to be remembered.
I want to be remembered for standing for the Lyman family, in honoring God, for loving Morgan and Taylor like my own and being faithful to my wife my entire life and loving her as Christ loved the church and to my son who I get the honor to pour into living a godly life for Christ and being a man following Jesus. I want to be remembered for showing others Christ by loving and serving them, for having the time to talk and encourage adn pray for dear people and for taking a life changing mission trips to far off - on the other side - places. I want to touch the hearts of those there as well. Its a life lived for the right reasons, the right purposes and the right destination.

Forever God is faithful; Forever God is with us; Forever God is ____________. Fill in the blank loved ones in your own words.

God wont leave you in the storms of this life - there is nothing to fear or hide from - He just might be making his entrance with loud thunder, big lightening strikes, ground shaking so that you know .... You REALLY know.

God is enough.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Whoever is not against us is for us

Mark 9:38-41 "Teacher," said John, "We saw a man driving out demons in your name and we told him to stop, because he was not one of us." "Do not stop him," Jesus said, "no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us. I tell you the truth, anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ will certainly not lose his reward."

As many have come to know, we are no longer at Rocky River Church. It has been a great 7 years serving, growing, learning, leaning on God and those around us. I have seen God work in so many things, through so many people it has been amazing and so inspiring to be on the front row seat. We have made life long friends there and we have lost some over the years. Not only did we grow in our faith and climbed mountain after mountain but we have also climbed some big mountains personally in our lives. My fear of public speaking is mostly gone because of the passion I have for Jesus in my life and wanting to share with others the life change that Christ has given to me so that I may help somehow in their faith journey. I have answered the call on my life to step into the lives of the Lyman girls not only as a friend and male role model but also as a kind of step dad kind of way. This should be honored and not told I need to change because it doesnt look right! Sorry - I know what God has called me to do and what would that say about me if I just walked away from them? What would that say to them? - Far too many kids out there get to experience that in their lives first hand from a parent leaving the family and I will not back down from what God has called me to. I put a lot of value on that role and even though I didnt understand it at first, I know God has called me into their lives. More importantly - they know it!
8 months ago, I stepped up into the leadership role for the student ministry and being honest I was scared to death even after 5 years serving in the ministry and the pressure is unreal to keep the pace up and a full time job, being a husband, a dad and an influence to so many. I did so because I love the students that God put into my life. I love reaching them and showing them Jesus and I will always remember the times of smiles, of tears, of great conversations and leading a prayer as a student gives their lives to Jesus. I love the encouragement that I got to share with them but also the encouragement I got from them. Works both ways.

One thing I want everyone to know is that - I DID NOT LEAVE YOU.

I never got a platform to share that.....I stayed to the end and looking backward and now forward - God is moving my platform to another. He knew I would not leave the students that He put in my life. No way, no how even as folks continued to tell me - there are other students in other places that you can make a difference for. Sorry, not job is not done here yet.

I honestly would not change anything I stood for nor change anything I have done.

I spoke to a dear friend yesterday afternoon who called me and his words of wisdom were the same words of wisdom I gave to a incredible student last spring where she was trying her best to stay but mom and dad had moved to another church. I told her to follow her family because though its hard and it hurts that this is where you want to be and you feel connected and growing in your faith, you have to move on and I told her these words. "Dont Look Back" - those were the same words my good friend shared with me.

I will share that God has given me some incredible families to do life with. Friends that have stood by us and have reached out in amazing ways through this ordeal because they know who we are, what we are called to and encouraging words to say - KEEP GOING!
So that is what we are going to do ... press onward. I am excited to have a small group of students to invest in and do life with because that is something that Carol and I have wanted to do for over a year now but was unable to with so much going on. I am excited for LifeGroup to kick back up this coming weekend and hit the ground doing life together, sharing Jesus together and serving together! I am also going to continue to be excited about Jamaica next year and going back because that was us being the church. It was an unbelievable experience and one that is life changing.
The road ahead - Elevation church is opening a new campus this September and Pastor Larry has asked us to be part of the launch team. Over a year of praying for this and the timing of it all - well its a God thing. Think about it ~ I sat up in bed that morning not 24 hours after everything unraveled and smiled, Really God? Now? WOW!!
People should be allowed to own their faith. They should be allowed to go and serve, to go on a mission trip, to start a small group, to hold a Bible study, to minister to students and families, to do life with others, to share Jesus with whomever and to make a difference in someones life! Following Jesus - these things you are called to do!
As the scripture says in Mark 9: Dont stop them Jesus said ... if they are doing good in my name - let them do it.
We should be taking the name of Jesus to all ends of the earth. You cannot control a move of God and I am so excited to be part of a church that many cannot explain what is happening there in their short 5 years of being. How do you explain over 2000 baptisms in 2 weekends? Thousands of people coming to hear Gods truth and be part of a God movement in a city like Charlotte NC right in the heart of the Bible belt and so many other churches here.

"Dont look back" I will remember where I have been, the lives I have touched, the faith that has grown, the tears and the smiles, the friendships that will last, the truth that will overshadow the rumors and the journey ahead - because the best is yet to come.

Elevate - upward.
"Whoever is not against us is for us" - which side are you on?

Will - I never got a chance to serve the youth with you but I am really hoping and praying for you to hit the ground the running and making a difference of the lives of the students I spent 5 years with. I owe them my prayers for your ministry field. I am proud of them after everything they have been through and excited with all that God is going to do in and through them. Shine on...... we are on the same team. ~Lonnie

Friday, August 12, 2011

This has been a pretty amazing day. Just really encouraged by a few folks who took some time to call me. A few text messages from 2 of my students who had me in tears after learning I wont be at their church anymore. Their promises to keep in touch and that I will always be Uncle Lonnie to them just really touches my heart. I got a call from one of the volunteer coordinators from Elevation church this afternoon and after speaking with her for 3 minutes she said, "Lonnie, I can feel the passion that you have for Jesus and for sharing that with others, as a matter of fact at our launch meeting this week, Pastor Larry spoke of you and I want you to know that you had such an impact on him. I can see why now." Gosh that just tanks me up and knowing that God closed one door but opened another just humbles me knowing that God knows my heart and hears my cries, feels my pain, smiles in my small victories - He is a God with a face. Have you ever wondered that?
I mean we speak of heaven all the time. We vision what heaven will be like and finally meeting our Lord face to face.... its a moment that I can live a little through my mom because I remember her asking me near the end of her earthly life in one of those long nights of being awake with her... she said, "Randy, do you think God would mind when I get to heaven that I just stand for a second and touch the floor of heaven with my big toe?" She said that because I knew she did that when we went to the beach all the time. She would be all excited and run down to the waters edge and then every so gently - stick her big toe in the water. I know mom got a chance to do that and Jesus heard that request. He felt her longing to do that.
I am just thinking that people sometimes forget that God is real, he is listening, not only in the soft gentle prayers but also the hurting ones, the ones were we crash and burn and yell and are angry - He knows the frustrations and hurts we often have to go through because he knows our hearts. We might as well just be honest and not sugar coat anything when we are speaking with him ..I mean he knows what we are feeling regardless right?
I am really feeling Christ the past few days and He is up to something big. He is about to blow my mind with something...I just know it.
I am in 1 Samual 3: today reading about how God called Samuel. 3 times he called out to him in an audible voice and 3 times Sam got up to go see his dad Eli. Finally after hearing God once again call him - Samual said, "Speak, for you servant is listening."
How often in our lives do we just stop and answer God and then listen for him to speak? I mean here is a teenager and God is speaking to him. I look around at the students in my life and think Guys,,,, God speaks to you. You are not too young to do something amazing for the kingdom of God. Dont be afraid or put yourself down. Dont let others tell you that you cant accomplish great things - when you want what God wants for the reasons he wants - YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!!!

Are you willing to answer the call that God has on your life and then listen? I am really excited today! Like over board ...because I believe that God is about to bust open something amazing. It may be in the life of someone around me, it may be in a situation that I have or someone has been praying for, I just dont know... but I know I hear you Lord. Your servant is here and is listening.
I know I shouldnt get coffee now but Im going. Its Friday :)

peace out,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

This is I think the first time I am uploading a video to my blog. I think it shows a very powerful scene on Grace and I want to use it today to extend some of my thoughts on it. Hope you enjoy the video - its from the movie - The Grace Card.

Partly what I want to talk about comes from a message I had the privilege to preach back in March of this year and I want to share that today. Last night Carol, Kyle and Morgan and I were invited to come and share at another youth ministry their highlight reel of their mission trip a few weeks ago. It was awesome seeing the pictures, the short videos and hearing some of them share their heart about their experiences. Carol and I both spoke last night about and we both sat with smiles knowing that the impact of that trip in the lives of those students and leaders and all who they touched while there will have an impact on them and their faith for a lifetime. As I sat and listened with a smile on my face and my heart warm to what all the awesome things they were doing, there was an elderly couple sitting at the next table. I so wanted to speak to them and just find out a little about them. Not knowing if they helped pay a way for a student or even a few of them, why they were here when its a student night and they are probably in their late 70's I would guess. I could see them nodding their heads, smiling at times and to be honest, I bet they were loving it that these young people took the sacrifice and go do something for Gods kingdom. I have been saying for a long time now, especially to those who are close to me - you have to just keep showing up. If the opportunity passes you - you miss out and you will never really know what that something great could have been. You never know whats around that corner if you drive past it. I bet that elderly couple took such joy in hearing those stories. I bet it made them swell in their hearts what these young people experienced. I looked at them and prayed - God, if its part of your plan - I want to be like them when I am older. I want to marvel at the faith that the young people are taking on for the kingdom. I want to be excited for them as I was last night but also when I am 80. I want to help someone go and experience and give them a chance to experience something so much bigger than themselves - I mean who knows what could take shape in a lifetime because of one mission trip and being FAR out of a comfort zone. Someone may experience sharing Christ with someone else for the very first time and now that fear is gone and now you cant shut them up. Maybe its sitting and opening a bible and pray with an elderly woman who has been in a nursing home for 2 years and hasnt had a visitor in 3 months. Maybe its a new boldness to break out of being shy and speaking to new people. One never knows what experience can shape a lifetime.

So as I sat last night not being at my normal Wed night place where I have spent the better part of my life there I sat listening, dreaming, reminded of my peeps from Jamaica and all the hearts we touched there. I thought about being sad for a moment that the students I had to walk away from who I have invested in for 5 years. Its going to be harder now to continue a relationship with them but not impossible. I think about the news faces and hearts I get to invest in now at this new student ministry and church families. I think about the new platform we will be in at the new campus of Elevation Church University and the potential there. Yes one platform door shut but a bigger one opened and that happened because God is ready to move in our lives.

At times I am really upset that what happened happened. I dont regret standing in and taking the fall for standing up for one of my kids who is very much a daughter to me and I stand by that. I can tell you there have been parents thanking me for that stand even though it cost me a platform to speak to many. I know what God has called me to do in her life, her families life and for me to waiver on that would not be in Gods will and what He has called me to do.

But Grace, - I am getting there. I am at a place today where I know its a good thing to move on. Not ever forgetting the paths, the smiles, the tears, the lessons learned and the conversations that have taken place. Grace becomes a big part in all that and being at peace with it. Folks can gossip, folks can have their opinions and views but I can say - I can rest my head at night, I can look at my wife in the eyes and thank her for sometimes pushing me further in my walk with Christ, I can share with my son that being a man is more than being tough - its about standing strong even when the heat is on when God has called you to do something. Not everyone will get it, not everyone will understand or even agree - but we are not here to people please. That will get you no place. Grace is that card you extend to others as you forgive them and releasing you from the pain. No more carrying it around. No more hurt feelings with it. No more questioning yourself about what ifs ...... just peace with it and leaving it there.

The Grace Card - this is from the movie - I promise to pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same, and be your friend always.

In the movie God has been pursuing Mac his whole life. Even when Mac became an athiest, GOd continued to woo him so he could take the burden of guilt and shame away from Mac for his role in his sons death. Now, as Mac was at his lowest place, wanting to die, he asks his friend Sam, a black pastor of a local church, to pray with him. Sam, a wise man who knows Mac needed more than prayers for his sons healing, tells him to come to the alter and pray with him for salvation. This is the end of the chase of God for Mac. GOd has finally forced Mac to realize he cannot make anything good happen on his own. IN his brokenness, Mac can call out to the one who can bring life to him and his family. Mac is about to move from slavery to freedom. This moment happened becase Sam refused to give up on Mac and kept loving him even through the most racist of conversations and even through his darkest hours. If Sam hadnt forgiven Mac and continued to love him, he would not have been in the chapel when Mac cracked and broke down. If Sam hadnt been there to guide him, its unlikely that Mac would have made his way down to his knees before God. GOd used Sam to lead Macv out of darkness and into the light. God uses people to partner with him to reach the lost people in your life. He want to use you in some amazing ways. The question is - will you let him?

Sam showed Mac grace because God had shown him grace. This film was all about responding with grace to those who are hurtful to us, so that God can use us to help them discover the only One that has life and power through His grace.

Who in your life today needs that forgiveness? Who in your life have you turned your back on over a rumor or some hurtful ways?

Live your life in the past and it will poison your future.

Galations 6:2 - Bear one another burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. We are most like Jesus when we bear someone's burden beyond what is comfortable adn convenient, and even beyond what is safe. Letting go of someone in your life is sometimes hard but its also the easy way out. Sticking with it is hard, its inconvenient it hurts at times but by extending Grace, you can be free of the damage that the struggling friendship causes. People come into your life for a reason, they also leave your life for a reason, sometimes in lfie we need a life lesson and God sends us a teacher. We may not like the lesson because of being stubborn, blind, full of pride -you fill in the blank - but the lessons are there regardless.

Do you want to be like Jesus? Grace through Gods eyes, means I love you more than anything else even when you dont love me back. I WILL LOVE YOU ANYWAYS.

Be a Sam in someones life today - in doing so you will be more like Jesus.

Love you all,


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Had a great time last night on campus with some of my peeps to see the movie Soul Surfer. That movie continues to press my heart even after seeing it 3 times. I mean it is jammed packed with lessons about faith, lessons about trust, and lessons about God's love for us even when things hurt and we cant seem to see past them. There is purpose in our hurts and in our pain. Pain is a great motivator and even with the loss of an arm, Bethany's stage did not stop there in her waves but it expanded past the waves and into the lives of so many. She never quit and that is the inspiration there. I love the part of the movie where at her wits end and through her experiences on a mission trip, truly finds her calling and she gets home and goes in to see her dad. She says, "Dad, I need your help." - gosh I love that. I love it when my kids call on me to come and talk, to help them, to shoulder a cry - whatever it is - I rise to the occasion. Our heavenly Father is the same way. He loves it when his children call on him in, in normal prayer, in need, in desperate times but also in good prosperity times. I love that connection that comes when your heart is tune and it sings...there is such joy in that place.

I am in Mark 10 this morning and reading those passages has me thinking on a few things. There are 2 people in that chapter that Jesus uses to share with us two extremes of faith. One being a rich man who has everything this world has to offer and the other is a poor man, having no possessions but seeking only one thing - his sight.
Both come to Jesus with a need or a request but both left in two very difference places. The rich man comes to Jesus in ease and the poor blind man comes with shouting and begging. Both are spoken to by our King because he loves all of us and its awesome to come to realize that he has his own time table and is never rushed when he is showing us how to do ministry with people. So as these two folks encounter our Lord - the rich man is told to sell all he has and give to the poor while the poor man experiences miraculous healing in his sight. The rich man declines and turns away sad while the poor man now with vision is healed and follows. Only one is transformed to be a disciple while the other his idol continues to be his possessions.
The real lesson here in these 2 very different people is that both knew Jesus had the answer and both received his love but only the man who relinquished his life gained his life.

In life, we may love a lot of people. People who are very dear to us and we expect to receive that love in return. Many times we dont.... or we do for awhile and then something happens or feelings change. Our love for Christ is always in return because He loved us first. Sad when love doesnt flow both ways, in our walk with Christ and in our true relationships.
Let us do more than just seek him loved ones, lets truly love the one who loved us first.

Are you the rich man today or are you the blind man? - both on very different paths.....


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last week was tough. Yesterday was brutal.

Being honest.

I will say that I was pretty down most of the day yesterday thinking about some of the things that have happened in the last week. Feelings all over the place but I wont address those places at this time because I am taking the high road and not letting gossip take over.
Last night after the gym my spirits were raised a bit because I had one of those angry workouts and I got some frustration out. Thats always a good thing... I did notice yesterday that I have been lacking something for the past week.

I mean when something happens to someone its easy to fall into a down state. A depression so to speak - for some that may happen even without something bad happening and just a persons thoughts can drag a person down. We have so many people on medication for the slightest of mood swings - even with dips and I know that depression is part of my family and it concerns me at times. I will say that I am mostly an upbeat person who always tries to find the good in everything. Last night I was meeting with some new folks and the pastor there was speaking and lead us in a pretty awesome and powerful prayer and he spoke about how we talk to people, how we pray and in general our outlook in life - He said that we should always end on a high note. When we pray, end our prayers to God on a high positive note. When we speak to people, end the conversation on a high note. In our lives, live your life concentrating on the high notes.
It really hit me. He said, "Blessings often come on the other side of adversity, push through today, you're breakthrough is right around the corner!" "Its darker in the moments right before the light."
Those words hit me on the head like the bolt of lightening flashing across the sky here last night. It was a great light show in the sky and those words did the damage.
I am inspired today and inspiration is exactly what I needed.

Inspiration - an inspiring or animating action or influence. Stimulation or arousal of the mind, feelings or creativity.

The Bible is Gods inspiring word. The people who wrote the Bible were inspired by God to record his words and commands. All of us need inspiration in our lives. We all could use a jolt of it to put us back on track and in a positive path.

In 1 Thessalonians, Paul, Silas and Timothy start the scripture off with "thanks" to the people there for their faith. It inspired me today to not focus on what has happened, for the folks who will be a part of my life but to be thankful for those who are and will continue to do so. Its a perfect reminder to be thankful for the journey and not the destination. Its all part of the story God is molding us to be.
1 Thessalonians 1:
We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you, because our gospel came to you not simply with words but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. And so you became a model to all the believers........

I think about Bethany Hamilton today from the true story Soul Surfer. I think about how her faith was being tested as the shark took her arm and her way of life. Surfing was everything to her. It was her future, he way, her income, her fame. It defined her as a person. On a mission trip she discovered the joy and beauty to surfing and the real love she had for it. She honored God in her faith by never giving up hope, never giving up trust even when she didnt understand. See inspiration works like a light. Turn it on, and it shines on everything around it. It brightens things up and inspires people to do more and be more.
Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Our life story for Gods purposes should be an inspiration to others. There is a quote from Albert Schweitzer that reads:
"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."

Im blessed today looking around my office here at work with all the little notes, words of encouragement, testimonies from students have given their lives to Jesus and they are saying thanks! Smiles on the faces and a reminder that inspiration can move us further in our walk with Christ if we have the people in our lives to keep us moving forward.

Love Loud ~ Risk Often ~ Hope Always


Friday, August 5, 2011

I woke this morning to an amazing alarm - one that I woke long before it went off because I have not been sleeping to well this week with so much going on ... To give you a little inside to me that you may not know.
Almost every morning before my feet even touch the ground, I thank God for the day ahead and then get my day started with coffee and a shower.
This morning was different and without giving thanks I picked up my cell and checked email. I know, its lame but the email was awesome and I know as God has closed a door finally in my life - He stepped up in a big way and opened another. I am so blessed and it has set my day off to another direction and one that I know will be an amazing road ahead. I will say more in details about all this as things get worked out and closer to happening.

Carol is out to the beach for a few days with her girl friends and I am enjoying my time with Kyle, Morgan and Taylor...we have shared so many laughs and are enjoying each other - society may have a problem with this but in all reality, this should be applauded because its exactly in many ways what God has called each of us to do. Make a difference in someones life, pour into them and love them as He would. Step up in a need if you are able to fill it. I am so blessed because of "My Calling" ..... no more target.... just blessed to move forward.

I will close today with a song lyric from Third day.
~ Follow Me~
You need a place where you can find some shelter
Follow me there, follow me there
You want a hand to hold, someone to help you
Follow me there, come on, follow me there

Where love, like a river, flows
Peace like you've never known
And joy never ending lives
A place where faith can find
Hope that will never die
Follow me there, come on, followe me there

You need a place to be your sanctuary
Follow me there, come on, follow me there
Where you can lay down all those burdens you carry
Follow me there, come on, follow me there

Where the lost can find salvation
and the lonely finds a friend
Where the sinner finds forgiveness
WOnt you follow me there
WOnt you follow me there

Peace out,

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

It has been AWHILE since my last post. Lots of things going on - some good and some well not so good but in the long run will be BETTER!

Last week I spent the week in Myrtle Beach with our student ministry. Though having its tough spots and tough situations - I fully enjoyed the conversations with so many students. Some tough conversations and having the chance to pray with them and preach a message on Tuesday night was just amazing. I think I made some good connections with a few students who before camp I had not had the chance to get to really know them. I am very blessed to walk away knowing that I invested my time in them and in their walk with Christ. There is nothing more important than that to me. The last morning on the beach was indeed my favorite time as me and a few students walked to the beach, sat and watched the sun rise. I am so in awe of what God shows us and his power and beauty for us to see and experience. It was an amazing morning and if that beach was here right now - I would be putting my feet in the sand to just sit and worship Him with all I have.
I had in my inbox this morning a great reminder as to why I stepped up and put myself sometimes in harms way as a target when people dont understand or want to cut me down but I am not letting myself go to those low levels and I will ride on Gods word and as he has promised, will soar on eagles wings.
I have been over the last few weeks, last week and this week, especially, reflecting on how God called me to serve students. I need to remember those details and keep focused on that because I am reminded again that youth ministry is a ministry of extremes - and that includes the good, the bad and the ugly. I need to hold onto my sense of my calling.
On the beach at Cherry Grove SC - I was watching the sunrise while having some quiet time with God, seeking direction and purpose for my life and asking him to lead me on a few things and he clearly spoke to me to step up into the lives of a family that is so dear to me. I gained two daughters that morning and a sister and I have yet to back down from that calling. Time and time again we are tested as we do life together and reflecting back on that moment that I said OK God - I am done hiding, giving excuses and running - I will do what you are telling me to do even if I have no idea what I am doing, how this will look, how it will work or even if it will be accepted. God has been there in every inch of the way over these past 5 years now.
Your calling will make you humble.
How can it not? As much as I would like to call it my student ministry it is not mine to own. I can live it, breathe it, I will even take a bullet for it but calling it mine is just not right. God has given me the stewardship over this section of his kingdom. He has the power to give it and also take it away.
I think my calling is keeping me focused in many ways. I care deeply about the students, their faith journey and their walk with Christ. In many ways, they also teach me about my faith and my walk with Christ and no matter what - keeping in focus Christ in the center of all things has been a priority with me. The students know my heart and they know they have their best interest. They know when they speak to me or have tough things to work through, they know I will point them to Jesus at some point in the conversation. I may not be able to fix the problem but I can show them Jesus in the solution. Being the person I am, I jump in and take hold. Students have a situation they need help with, want to talk something through, I have always been willing to drop stuff to help. I serve student ministry because I am called to and giving it less than my undivided attention just isn't allowed for me.
My calling will also keep me going.
I took many conversations last week with upset students. Its part of the job. I remember a few years ago while serving under a great youth pastor who is now a head pastor of a church, Travis Bush - I told him that Youth Ministry was relational. Without those relationships - its just another group of kids getting together to have fun, waste time and doing nothing to increase their faith, learn about God and then do something with their faith. WIthout those relationships, a student will never trust you, get to know you and then open up to you. That is the key when you can have a student be at that place and them come to you and open up with a struggle or have questions - thats the fruit that Christ is talking about.
I got to see a lot last week at Camp. I got to talk through some tough things with some students. BUT I also got to be a part of a student giving their life again to Christ. I got to be a part of them saying, I have messed up, I used to be close to GOd and I want to get that back. Lonnie how do I do that? - yeah there are tears, there are hugs and there is real stuff taking place.
GOd transformed my life because I answered his call and through these students - I want to have a front row seat in their lives and watch what God will do in their lives.
GOd will give me the desire, the strength, the wisdom and the passion to do what he has called me to do.

I am focused...because I am called.