Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Prayer request....

Wow how life can turn on a dime. Friends and loved ones - please pray for my dear friend Lynn's and her mom as well as Lynn's family. I learned today that Lynn's mom has breast cancer and decisions will be made this Friday as far as course of action and treatment options. Please keep them in your prayers and pray to God for healing hands, a comfort that only Jesus can provide and to keep this family pulled closer together. May they experience Gods blessing and grace first hand as they walk together during these tough days ahead.
We all may have a differences - we may be from different parts of the world with different customs and beliefs - but we all know the same things when it comes down to a loved one like a mom who is sick and needs those around them. I will keep you all posted...


Father - I pray for Lynn's mom - for Lynn and her family. Pull them close Lord so that they may experience Your comfort and Your healing hands for this cancer that is in her moms body. Lord I pray for good reports and a team of doctors and nurses who are the best that the hospital can offer her. Lord I pray You supernaturally come and touch her heart today so that she will have the peace and comfort that her mom needs right now. May she be a light for You for her family and friends to see. I pray for those who don't know You during this time that are close to this family - may they see something here Lord that draws them in to Your loving arms. Thank You for loving this awesome and long time family - loved ones that are close to my heart.
I pray In the power of Your sons Holy and most high name in Jesus,

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