Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It has been a prayer morning thats for sure. I have been up since 4 and full steam ahead and so thankful for the people in my life that God has placed there, thankful for the calls and text messages for folks asking for prayer and allowing me to do that for them. Nothing bonds hearts together than through fellowship prayer. Its the church the way it should be - people coming together and leaning on each other, loving on each other and meeting needs of each other.
A few weeks ago as folks were showing up to rock group someone brought it to my attention that my welcome mat at the front door was backwards. We made it into a joke that it was for those leaving - meaning as they walked out it meant - Welcome to leave and that brought some more jokes and comments. I was awake this morning at 4 thinking about that welcome mat.

We - Come - Me - There are 3 very important words in there. My mat on the front step is old and even though its old it is still in good shape. I am ashamed of that. It should be worn out from inviting folks through my front door and into my home. Jesus would want it that way.
This past few days off, I admit I not only pulled my mat at the cabin in the house - I was just down right rude. Some folks we know up there stopped by for a quick visit while headed home from their family thanksgiving. Jets were on and I was watching the game. Everyone in the house had their place and doing their thing. The family came up and their 10 year old daughter walked in and said hey to me with a big smile. It was good to see her and we spoke briefly before she moved over to hang with the kids in the house. For the next 10 or so minutes I got to see them move away from her, avoid her, comment how annoying she was and was just down right mean. I mean who is the bigger person here - she is 10 and wanted to fit in, say hello, and spend some time. I was really upset and in being that upset - I did the same thing by not plugging into the adults who came to visit us. I didn't even get out of my chair or walk out and say welcome. The welcome mat to my home, people who don't know Jesus - I did not invite in and were not welcome. I was just as guilty as the kids were in their treatment to someone else.
We - As a family ..... we act as one when it comes to people coming into our homes.
Come - Yes we have to have arms extended to let folks come into our homes and into our lives.
Me - Yes Jesus met people right where they are in life. We have to be more welcoming to let people come into our lives as they are and not wait till they get life in order or up to some standard before they are welcome to come in.
I honestly think Christ would be ticked by our actions ...especially mine. I have to see the church and its people through Christs eyes and not my own. Focusing in on peoples problems, their struggles and where they are in life. I called and apologized last night for my rudeness and will work and serve them to make this right. I think this will allow a door to open for sharing the Gospel of Christ in a very practical way.
Luke 5:27-31
After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow me", Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him. Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to his disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick."

How can we follow Jesus and reach out to the lost if we are only grouped and hanging out with our peeps in a holy huddle? We need to extend the hand of grace and show them what Christ has done in our lives and we can't do that if we are huddled together in the same circles of people all the time. Levi being a tax collector at that time was considered the worst of the worst as far as people go. He was a crook, ran over people, took unfairly, had power over the people he collected from. He of course had friends and had people he hung out with ...we all have circles of friends we do life with. Jesus came and said those simple words - Follow me - and Levi dropped everything. Changed his way of life in that moment and left it all behind. He left the mafia of that time just like that. He then wanted to throw a party and celebrate and enjoy his new found teacher and friend. The one who changed him from the inside out - he invited his friends. As the leaders of that day sat and watched - they couldn't believe their eyes as Jesus sat with his disciples with these low life people who were far from God and the rules of that time. They asked and were ticked as to why Jesus was with them! And here is my point today loved ones, they were upset that Jesus was not with them.
Jesus reached out and touched those who would not be touched. He told the Samaritan woman all about her life and what did she do at the well? She left and went and told everyone she knew about the man who new everything about her. He didn't judge her or degrade her or tell her she should get her life straight and quit doing the things she was doing and then come back. He touched her where she was in life and while standing on his WELCOME MAT.

Loved ones, our welcome mats to our homes are exactly what our friends and neighbors should be - Welcome. - Welcome into our homes and into our lives. Community and doing life together.

As I think about all the prayers this morning for so many who need them - I am thankful that my heart and my life is open to them. As I pray and pour my heart out for them those prayers change us ...they change me.

Our life stories have to have something other than US in it..... Our lives should be lived with beauty in them and that begins by letting others in and welcoming them as they are. You are loved dear ones and the Gospel in my life needs to be shared because their is hope and beauty in it.

I will be at Lowes this evening getting a new Welcome mat and you are invited to help me rub out those letters.
Love you all,

Monday, November 29, 2010

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and enjoyed the break and change of routine. I am glad to be back in routine but thankful for the change of pace. Odd for me these past few days - I actually had my phone off, checked facebook only a few times and mostly deleted my email through my phone so that it would be less to look at when I did plug back in. I think often times when we have a few days off we come back and are overwhelmed with things. I can tell when I am overwhelmed because I have trouble focusing on my thoughts and this is where it usually shows up.

On Saturday I had my Bible open and God placed something on my heart and so for the next few days I have been thinking about that. Do you ever wonder why the first 4 chapter of the New Testament is refereed to as the Gospels? It sounds odd to refer to the Book of John instead of the Gospel of John. So lets dig a little deeper into that word and maybe it will come to life in a new way today.

Gospel as per Dictionary.com -
1. Teaching of Jesus and the apostles; Christian revelation.
2 The story of Christ's life and teachings, especially as contained in the first 4 books in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
3. Something regarded as true and implicitly believed
4. Also called Gospel Truth - an unquestionable truth.

There is without a doubt that the stories written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are truth. Just using the word Gospel makes it that much more concrete. Without question .... it is the truth. That is being bold enough to stand on, to place your heart and life on. If life change has truly happened and you are following Christ, it will not only just affect some of the things you do - it will affect your heart, your words, your actions, your motives, your thoughts, your life and everything in it. It will be asking God for opportunities to talk with people, its listening for those life directional whispers, its being different for the right reasons. You will stand out and you will experience pain like you never have before. Its good pain though because its not about you, but your entire being will be broke for those around you.
As I look around and see the people that I have influence with - I can't be just instructing them. I cannot lead if they are not wanting or even willing to follow. People need to be reminded instead of instructed.
Our friendships have to have some Gospel in them. They have to be honest and pure and open - open in the mind, the heart and in that place where well being of the other person will trump over your own. The Gospels are that truth and that level and so a few of our friendships should be that way too.
I am so not that surface person. You know that level one of communication where we are just scratching the surface.... what I do for a living, the weather ...blah blah blah ... I just dont have much time for that mess. I am personal and am eager for those deeper conversations - especially when it comes to the those I have influence with but it can't be me just doing all the talking and leading all the time. I think in order to get to that place with people there has to be a level of acceptance of knowing WHO you are and WHERE you currently are. You cant let people in if you dont know where you are at right? There has to be some level of vulnerability otherwise you will never get past the surface. You will never get past the weather, what you do for a living, the Panthers..... stuck.
The only way to push to the next level is being vulnerable and that is a scary place for some because it may allow pain into your life. Its emotionally being wounded but see that is where the WHO comes into play. By knowing WHO you are and who you are following and who you are leading - you can be vulnerable because before anything else in this life - hopefully you are following Christ and you are HIS first before you are a husband/wife/parent or friend.
Show the Gospel - the truth - in your life and doing so sometimes you need to get naked. NOT clothes related silly dirty mind person, I know what you're thinking, I am talking about your guard and letting some people see the real you. Always preach the Gospel and on occasion, use words.
Being who you are isn't always easy. It's much easier to hide behind the masks we get so good at holding up to cover the real you. When you put the mask down and become transparent with who you are, you'll deepen your relationships...... one of which is the most important and that is with Christ.
He is the Gospel - the truth - the unquestionable truth!

Loved ones, in spite of our fears, we have a deep, inner craving to tell someone who we really are and what we really are like - without the masks. I see this all the time in student ministry and in other areas of my life as well. But this isnt easy to do but let me say that the old me, was a quiet self centered all about me person. I didn't have many friends, didn't care much for people unless they affected me or did something for me. I didn't let many people into my inner circle. Just when be begin to be real, our fears creep in and we quickly raise our shields of protection where we think its safe and comfortable ...... and LONELY.
One thing I have learned in leading and being in front of so many people is that you have to be transparent. You have to let your guard down and let people see, let the know, let them feel that you are just as jacked up as they are. Yes there are struggles and difficulties and fears but by letting other in to see that - you become real to them. You become honest and genuine and the word that our youth is looking and seeking today from people is AUTHENTIC.

Loved ones, let the Gospel come from everything in you. Let it infect your spirit, your heart and in your soul. God can lead you to so many incredible places and give you so many incredible friendships and people in your life that you would never even know without Him.

I will end in Galations 6:9-10 - I pray something spurs your heart.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Friends, praying for the corn without knowing what we are planting leads to bad choices and decisions. Good voices lead to good choices. Pray for those seeds you are planting every single day. I believe a sprout will come from the ground when its in season and in the proper timing.

What is your Gospel in life showing others?


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful as per dictionary.com - Feeling or expressing gratitude; Appreciative.

Gratitude as per dictionary.com - The quality or feeling of being thankful.

Do you know that it is possible to be thankful but not grateful? See being thankful usually comes from someone doing something FOR you. If someone does something for you and its a positive experience than we are usually thankful. If its not a good experience we are usually not. Being grateful happens regardless if we or someone does something for us. We are grateful for that friendship even though that person may not have done anything for us.

So as I sit down with millions of others tomorrow for Thanksgiving - I will be thinking about Gratefulgiving. I am not only going to be thankful this thanksgiving for all the blessings in my life, all the things I have done to serve others, thankful for all the things that others have done for my family and I but I will be grateful as well. Grateful because I dont deserve any of it. I did not earn any of it and its not because of my works and what God is doing in my life. I did not earn my friendships that mean so much to me -

Mark 12:41-44 - Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in 2 very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything - all she had to live on."

Being grateful leaves a mark on our lives because its in us and regardless of what is happening, what we are going through, what people have done for us - its our heart that shows. Being grateful is showing your heart and that person shines their sunbeams through the clouds. The poor woman Jesus speaks of above in Mark 12 clearly shows us that she gave ALL she had and trusted God with ALL she had to give.
God has called us to be 100% following Him - to be SOULED out for Him. I will be thinking about the children and the families that my heart will get to personally touch this summer when I am in Jamaica. It changes everything when gratitude comes before being thankful. Being thankful is usually on the receiving end and gratitude is on the giving end.
It changes my priorities - It doesnt take a busy season for our priorities to get out of whack. Its easy to fall into the trap of self when our priorities are not aligned with Gods heart. A grateful heart is more open and aware of Gods work in our lives. It helps us understand whats REALLY important. It challenges us in our thinking about our "wants" and our "needs".
Being content in all situations shows us where our spiritual maturity is. Us being thankful trumps our I WANTS. The poor lady who gave all she had was thankful for her spiritual gifts that she has in Christ. We can't help but to have a greater compassion for others when we give Christ everything.
Gratitude builds our faith because we recognize what Christ is doing in our lives. When we think of Gods faithfulness, we position our hearts to trust him more. He has given us everything "we need".
So starting for some of us today and for the next few days - Are you going to be "Thankful" or "Grateful" ? Thanksgiving or Gratefulgiving?

Most people when they read this story they focus on the amount given that the poor woman gave. Its not the 2 coins that matter the most - Its the the 2 coins that represent her heart, her soul, her mind. She totally trusted God in her present and in her future.

"Thankful" to be giving and "Grateful" to do it. Thankfulness is being poured into but Gratefulness is pouring out. I pray that really sinks deep into your hearts and changes some perspectives for you. It has stretched me the last few weeks.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. There is so much to be Grateful for.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I just got a call a little while ago that a good friend of mine at a normal kinda routine doc appointment has been rushed to the ER for surgery. My family and I will be extending some help for them and their children. Please be in prayer for Gina and her family.

I woke in a pretty tough place this morning as I did not get any sleep last night. I hate that part of ministry and ministering to others. They keep me up at night and nothing but Gods grace on me will settle my heart down from the pain and give me peace and rest. I can try and talk myself into it, take an extra PM pill and still the hurt heart will keep you awake, the mind continues to run in all different directions and then suddenly, you realize that all this IS worth it. The people in my life are worth fighting FOR and if that means a season of hard tough things, I will do my part and more than my share of carrying the load, the hurt and doing without to fight for them. But to be honest and this is me showing my heart on my sleeve once again but I don't really care about it all that much because being humble is not such a bad place to be. Pride keeps us from our faith and being humbled gives us new eyes.

Man this is hard. You know what? It is HARD! Maybe this is why Paul encourages us in doing the "Work" of ministry. It is WORK and hard work at that. You put your heart out there. You offer Grace and acceptance and love to people. You sow seed. You make phone calls. You send text messages. You send FaceBook posts full of encouragement. You extend the hand of friendship and leadership. You pick up the phone in the middle of the night. You drop everything to meet the cries and you shoulder the tears. You get involved in family and personal matters. You extend yourself far from the comfort zone. And at the end of the day, you just feel like you've been ripped to shreds. But somehow you hang in there, determined to keep sowing seed. Sure, I may be a fool, but I'm a special kind of fool. I'm the fool who still believes that a tiny green sprout will rise up from the dirt.

Proverbs 15:22 - Plans fail for a lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed. We have to have older people investing their wisdom into our lives. Submit yourself to older people of faith.
Everyone needs a Paul in their life to be poured into. Right voices lead to right choices.

A worn Bible is a beautiful thing.


Monday, November 22, 2010

"He who aims with enthusiasm gets there every time." Enthusiasm is a powerful motivator.

I spend a good amount of time in front of people. Leading a small group of families, leading in the student ministry at church, working at work in an environment that folks come to me when they need things, I have students who work for me, I have students who call/email/txt at all hours of the day. I am in front of people a lot. I have never been much of this type of person in my life until God opened the doors for me to do this and in faith - I stepped through and stepped up. I am thankful in SO many ways that I did.
I just wish sometimes that people had a sign - a big neon sign that shared with the world what mood they are in, what place their hearts are in - it sure would make it easier. Teenagers often have signs that glow - "I'm bored, I'm tired, this sucks, I am in no mood to talk with ANYONE, leave me alone, I don't care, I hate my life, another Monday, I hate school and all my teachers HATE me." These teenagers are tough to be around at times.

Sadly though, far too many of us are hiding behind the masks, they are too focused on themselves, drama surrounds them and with standing in front of people - it is written on their faces.

But every once in a while you come across someone who is just enthusiastic about stuff. Enthusiastic about life and their sign may be flashing, " I love life, its a great day to be alive, YES!, thank you for being in my life, I want to make a difference!" That is fun to be around. That is contagious! These folks just simply stand out in a crowd because no matter their situation - their sunshine shines through the clouds. Their bubbles in life attract other people's bubbles.
So if I asked you today, "Where is your enthusiasm meter at right now?" What would you say?

There are positive people and energy drainers ~ Who are you going to become? Who around you is that enthusiastic bubble or that never ending energy drainer? No matter what you face, your face shows your heart. A positive optimistic attitude shows and will make you more attractive and someone others want to be around.
As I think about those enthusiastic bubble people in my life, a few really stand out. Its easy to be really excited for someone who is fired up about their new found faith in Christ or that "A" on the exam or some big decision in life.
Yesterday was just this point as I sat with a handful of students and a few thanked me for being interested in their life and cared about their walk with Christ. It was good to see that genuine smile and that "bubble" that is around them.
Take a second look and think about this - do people walk away from time with you refreshed and excited, or drained and exhausted?

Psalm 118:24- This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejouce and be glad in it.

You and only you can choose to smile. Infomercials sell dont they? Have you ever seen a infomercial where the sales person was not enthusiastic about the product they are selling? I have a sham wow, a nail polisher and P90X - which Kyle calls P457X! Ripped in 457 days instead of 90 but I got caught up in the enthusiasm!!
As a follower of Christ - do I really reflect the gift of salvation and all that God has done in my life by frowning, always down and depressed, sucking the energy out of everyone around you, never happy about anything - I think we can do better loved ones. I think the focus of so many is on themselves and themselves only. One of the big changes I made in my life that really keeps me up is my act of worship through music. I don't much listen to the stuff the kids play today, not that there is anything really wrong with it, we are in the world but not of the world, so knowing about the music is good enough for me and small doses is ok as long as those lyrics and those words are not sinking into our hearts. I usually listen to upbeat music that has a good message to them, shares Christ through it, or is generally happy.
If I woke every morning expecting a bad, horrible and sucky day - chances are that is what I will get. I think far too often we aim too low and it becomes easier to hit the mark. Enthusiasm drops and after awhile, its just another Monday.
I would love to hear someone try and make an argument against being enthusiastic ... I mean waking most mornings excited about what God is going to do in my life will raise your enthusiasm - He created it! We should be excited as anything!
I do know that one major draining factor in our lives that suck the enthusiasm out is being tired. I see if far too often day in and day out with teenagers. They are tired. Afraid to miss something, they stay up late texting, on Facebook - they stay plugged in because they are afraid to miss out on anything. Students have school loads, sports practices, some of them work, - their lives are stressed. In order for life to have enthusiasm again, you may need to rearrange it some. I have had to do that over the past few weeks and I can tell my enthusiasm in general has increased. As I am the last few weeks taken a small role and have increased my study time, reading time, writing time, spending and investing my time in the handful of close people and experiencing different churches to hear Gods word - it really has me fired up again. I think some of that reason is because I am connected with God. Not that I wasn't before but because He is teaching me some new things. He is showing me new things. I am seeing things a little differently. He is placing outreach on my heart and that is where Jamaica has come into vision, the Center of Hope is happening, the Salvation Army Christmas Center is coming up - there are some great things to show my heart to others for Christ.
Enthusiasm by definition - Greek word meaning "In God."

Over this Thanksgiving week as we look for ways to be thankful - pray that God will move your heart to be a more enthusiastic person. As Pastor Furtick said Saturday night - if you find yourself inbetween and not knowing what to do - "Just keep showing up." God will mold you into the person He wants you to become.
Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Seek your enthusiasm through Christ since he is the sourse of our energy and passion. Enthusiasm has the power to change your life and the lives of the people around you. As a few students left church yesterday, you can tell which ones are the bubbles, they smiled, hugged and said "Thanks" - I am thankful that they trust in me and let me be enthisiastic for them in their daily journey in life and their walk with Christ.

Right voices lead to right choices.

Thank you for your bubbles

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday afternoon and its quiet for a change. I ate way too much for lunch and that has me thinking about a few things. After an all morning meeting, I was hungry and was ready to eat napkins by the time I got to the place where I met an old student worker of mine for lunch. As we all sat and talked without even realizing it, I ate way too much. Not aware of what was taking place and now too late to do anything about it.

I sat this afternoon looking through some pictures of Thirst Camp this past year and reflecting back to the missions work we all shared in while serving some families during that week. It was a lot of work but work that is so gratifying in the sense of being in a place to help someone who could really use a hand. I never look at those hands as being a handout but a hand UP. We are raising people from the place where they are - upward. For some last year, they really got the message of helping others and plugged in and took charge and really opened their eyes and hearts to the power of Christ serving others. Some though, were shut down before they even go there. They never gave God a chance to work in their hearts to serve these families. For whatever reason, they were cold hearted, minds already positioned to stay in that place where they were and they walked away from that week of Camp - not moved in anyway other than a week away from home. They had their expectations as to what they thought it was going to be like or maybe in years past were already aware of what was coming and really had it in their mind that it would just happen and when things just didn't FEEL the way it should - just stood on the sidelines and watched.
Those are the moments that slip by us. Its kind of like sharing Christ with someone and we have all done this by missing the moment we had in sharing Christ with someone. We missed the moment to step forward in faith and afterwards are really upset by it. I hate missing out on those opportunities even if I am not comfortable at times in doing so. I pray for boldness and courage to step in faith to do whatever God is presenting me - a person to share the message with, an opportunity to serve a meal, an opportunity to help someone in need, a phone call that would make the difference in someone's life, a stop at the hospital - whatever it is.
As my walk with Christ is growing deeper these past few weeks. I know that my faith is tried each and every day and He gently continues to show me that I have to put myself behind Him. One way in doing that is by serving others and stepping out of my comfort zone and trust him in my weakness. My greatest victories in my faith journey have been when I stepped forward in faith and allowed God to lead and show me the way. Though it may be hard at the time it becomes clear when you reach the other side.
Romans 10:14 - But how can people call for help if they dont know who to trust? And how can they know who to trust if they haven't heard of the one who can be trusted? And how can they hear if nobody tells them? And how is anyone going to tell them, unless someone is sent to do it? Thats why scripture exclaims, A sight to take your breath away! Grand processions of people telling all the good things of God! But not everybody is ready for this, ready to see and hear and act. Isaiah asked what we all ask at one time or another: "Does anyone care, GOd? Is anyone listening and believing a word of it?" The point is" Before you trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ's word is preached, there is nothing to listen to.

Serving in student ministry is much like the passage above. In their comfort zones, its almost impossible to move a student. Unless of course they are in a season of time and God is on the move in their hearts already. Adults are much the same way. We have to get out of our comfort zones and open our hearts to hear Gods word. Not everyone is ready for this and we are all in different places. Thats why faith is something you own. Its personal and its yours.
As I look back at camp and think about those who really had an experience this past year and where their faith is today. I am excited for them because God has done some great things in their lives because they got out of their comfort zones and they let themselves be open to something new.
God has to be an adventure. We must it in our hearts that we can pursue God and reach higher than we could ever reach with him. An adventure is exciting and at every turn we are expecting something awesome and something flippin incredible. I love the verse above - A sight to take your breath away! - When was the last time God took your breath away? - When was the last time something took your breath away? Far too many of us are so wrapped up in our own little selfish world that we have lost our smiles, lost the joy, lost the reason and purpose in life - when we get there and in those places, we lose our direction.
Jamaica is going to be one of those trips where I will be out of my comfort zone. Not knowing what is happening next, not knowing how that next child is going to affect my heart, not knowing that seeing those tears running down that childs face will rip my heart out, not knowing that Christ is at work in the heart of his people there regardless of what I see with my eyes and what things look like with poverty and living conditions. Not knowing if we are going to be safe or not as Kingston is one of the murder capitals of the world and drugs and kingpins run major operations there. Safety is an issue not only for me but also for my family, the friends that will be along but also "mykids". This will be a new understanding of relying on God for those things I cannot control. I wont have anything or anyone else to rely on.
The thing that has me thinking today loved ones, that these people who we will meet on this out of my comfort zone trip - are just like me and you. They are created, they are honest, they are funny, they too have smiles, they too hurt in the same ways I do, they too love their families, they can do the same things I do - things I take for granted every single day - but they dont have that chance. They dont have those opportunities. Chances are they wont own a tv, and Ipod, a computer, own a car or hold a well paying job that will provide for their families.
The greatest thing about this trip will be - being available to let God use us in anyway He will need us. Every day will be different. I would consider my faith and trust in Christ is pretty strong - but I am sure that will be challenged as I meet these folks that they are on a different level than I am with trust and faith in Christ. With so much less, they have so much more. I know my weaknesses will be exposed. But through those weaknesses - God will use them for his glory.
What more could I ask for? Faith with new eyes, a growing heart and a journey that just keeps getting deeper. All because I am choosing to get out of my comfort zone, open up and let Christ do something glorious in me. Our common ground together - Christ.

Have a great weekend everyone. Praying you let Christ do something in your hearts.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I found myself this morning just running a little behind. Not only in my start to the day but also in my mind, my thoughts and in my spirit. I just felt a little out of sync. Do you ever have those days? Maybe you are in a season of just being out of sync and nothing seems to be real and concrete right now. I have to say that when this happens to me, I lean in and ask God - Lord what is it you are trying to show me or teach me because I am not getting it. I am trying but I need another voice or avenue to show me what it is you are pressing into my heart.
This morning as I rushed around I ran out without making lunch once again, I spilled my coffee on my shirt, I typed everything one character off while praying/texting with one of my kids and all I had when I looked down at it was a bunch of garble. Starting over seemed to be a good idea as I really wanted to get a few more hours of sleep and begin the day over again.
I pressed through, didn't say any bad words as I wiped my shirt off from the coffee, I resent the text message with my shared morning prayer and God blessed that. I got a text soon after from a student who I have not heard from in a few months. One who I prayed with a few times a week before school and she said that she was thankful to have her spiritual family back again and she has got through a tough place the last few months in her life. I am pumped about that.
I went to get lunch today and a band is playing from C4Charlotte - which is a church that is meeting here on campus and as the nice lady was making my sandwich, all I could think about was hurry up - I am missing the music! I ventured out into the atrium and dozens of people are watching. Sons praising Jesus was being played on a public university in this huge place with students listening as they walk by, some stopping, some meeting the volunteers there, some sitting and enjoying, some with arms raised and praising Christ.
I couldnt help but smile knowing that I needed this and God put it together. I could have sat in my office or took my 2 miles and missed all of this. The band took a break and I walked back to the office to eat and I grabbed one of my students who work for me and I said - break time from homework, hurry follow me. I am pretty jacked up now after a morning that was not going well and then being infused with Gods word through some worship music at lunch. Thats a great lunch if I may say so! I for sure will plan on attending some of their services on Sunday nights now.
The last few days have me really searching my heart and where God is leading me on this mission trip. I am really getting excited about it after talking with the missions pastor yesterday. The doors are opening right now for God to send my family and I, along with a few others to Jamaica this July. I can't help but to think about upcoming mission work in my own back yard through the Center of Hope, Christmas Center and my buddy Chad contacted me this morning and serving the folks through Operation Christmas Child on December 18th. This mission service work is just flying and pieces are coming together faster than I can keep up with. For a year now I have felt the heart pull to take a mission trip outside of the US - to really see how life is for folks in other parts of the world. To really experience what Jesus is to folks who are hurting and don't have much of anything but who are thankful and praising God for everything in their lives. Basics, loved ones, people who don't have the basics who love Christ and need some help.
Most people think of Jamaica as one of those fancy places to see beautiful beaches, eat too much and party too much at the all inclusive resorts but there is a side of Jamaica who is hurting and people there who don't have the basics in life. 60% of Jamaica's love Christ. They lives on less than $4000 a year. Homes made from huts, grass materials, mud whatever can be used as a shelter. Through this outreach mission, we will be grouped with 30-50 other folks who will go and serve a community with their basic needs. Prayers, support, building projects, VBS children's programs, shut ins who can't get out of their homes, visiting shelters, visiting orphanages.... the list is long.
Our ministry begins with each of us. Its personal. I dont want to go on a mission trip, stay in a 5 star hotel, hand out bibles for an hour while hoping that time goes by fast because I want to get back to the pool and conveniences.... You know what I am talking about with that kind of mission trip. I want to be used..... I want to be involved and I want to make a difference in the lives of people. I know with all my heart that God will put in front of me people and children who need to hear about Christ and as I begin to pray for them - I bet they will be praying for me first. I bet they will be meeting my needs through encouraging my heart and my spirit before I get to serve them in that way. I will be the one changed. I will be the one with eyes wide open. I will have the changed heart and renewed vision. My family and I will be impacted for Christ. Our mission to share the love of Christ will have new energy and a passion to do that because our hearts will be exposed to the compassion that Christ has for people.
I can't wait to play with the children of Jamaica on their own land, in their own place and share the smiles while we pray together, hug together, carry them on my shoulders. Imagine Kyle, Morgan and other 13 year old being part of this? Their lives changed in that moment for the rest of their lives. A turning point as to say - a week ago I was complaining about my cell phone, my clothes are not the right style now, my hair is not right or I am out of eye liner or the food stinks at school.
Having a bed, clean sheets, a warm place at night, a mom and dad who love me, healthy .... so much taken for granted. So much we overlook and lose the joy in our smiles.

God make the way for us to experience a new side of you and your love that you have for people. Help us see with your eyes Lord - move our hearts and change us from the inside. May our lives be worship to you in all we do. Pave the way Lord to opening doors so that we can go where you are calling us and where you want us. We are here Lord.... I am ready. Who is with me? Amen

Ephesians 3:7 - This is my life work: helping people understand and respind to this message. It came as a sheer gift to me, a real surprise, God handling all the details. When it came to presenting the message to people who had no background in Gods way, I was the least qualified of any of the available christians. God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities. And so here I am, preaching and writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves gathers in churches, this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels. When we trust in him, we're free to say whatever needs to be said, bold to go wherever we need to go.

Lord its time to do something glorious, something wonderful and let us show others who is behind it all. I don't want to keep my faith to myself .... neither should you. Its too awesome to hold inside. Share it loved ones.....
God is on the move.... I am holding on for the ride.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I wanted to upload a picture of an actual firefly but I thought this picture was much better and cooler for some reason. We all know what a firefly is. Its actually a beetle and has a glow to it that reminds us all about growing up and summer nights. My little brother and I used to collect them and put them in a jar. Our thinking was if we caught enough of them we would have almost a lantern to light the way on those warm summer nights. Today, we find smaller and smaller amounts of lightening bugs because of cutting of trees and environment changes. Their tails have a chemical in them that make them glow as it produces such a soft warm light to help them locate each other. With large amounts of firefly's in one particular area they have been known to glow at the same sync as other firefly's thus causing a large glow in the area.
I think about that little glow in the firefly as it relates to our faith in Christ. What starts off small and barely visible can grow to such a passion in our hearts and in our lives that our light truly is a bright light or glow in this case. As we shine our light to others, others in turn come and walk the journey in faith together, also shining and glowing. It is such a dark world out there and people so desperate in the need of hope and the love that Christ gives us. There are times in our lives when things are pretty dark and our struggles take all the energy from us, they diminish our light and keep us really from following Jesus the way we once did or even layered in our hearts from really breaking living the life that Christ is calling us to live.
There are times when God knows we need a little extra. Maybe our personal walk and ministry has been rough around the edges. Our doubts and questions rise and our passion for Christ and others just seem more of a chore than anything else really.
Then comes a firefly to light the way. Though not that bright but bright enough to spark something in us. Bright enough to say, Hey, you can do this... lean on me a little while and let me ease your yoke and the things that are troubling you. You get your feet back. You get your joy back. You get your heart back. Your passion for Christ again comes full circle. Other firefly's come and join in on what God is doing. There is new energy and things look differently.
The tough season has come to pass - thanks to the firefly who provided the way, the little glow that brought others to you. I am thankful for this season in my life and for the firefly's that God has put in my life and in my family.
Loved ones, never lose sight of hope, love and faith. Its a life worth living for as we reach for Christ in all we do. Last night as I got into bed I was thankful for clean sheets, a bed to sleep in, a tv that was playing as I watched the news and a family around me who loves me and who is safe. I am thankful for the encouragement that God has placed in my life because of the glow that reminds me of those warm summer nights of long ago when things were simple, things were at peace and life just flowed by without a care or concern. Our faith is that simple loved ones. Look around your life today and spot those firefly's. They are providing so much more than you can image.
I have had it on my heart the past few weeks especially but actually for over a year now - with praying through a mission trip. Kenya being a huge part of that and it will probably be next years trip...but for now God is opening doors to something closer to home. It has me so excited and pumped for next summer. Its the prayers until then about the children who have no home, no clean sheets, no bed, no warm home, a roof over their heads and conditions that I have no idea about. Lord what have we become if we cannot reach out and help those in need? The people that walked with Christ when he walked the earth in skin 2000 years ago broke his heart. I think the people today break his heart as we turn our cheeks and walk right on by.
Mark 8:34-35 - Calling the crowd to join his disciples, he said, "Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the drivers seat; I am. Dont run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I'll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to saving yourself, your true self. What good would it do to get everything you want and lose you, the real you? What could you ever trade your soul for?
Its time to light our hearts loved ones and have God show us the way and helping us find the real you. The REAL you! The you that God has created you to be. I fully believe that through this mission - it will be a life changing, soul finding journey. Firefly .... light the way and I look forward to seeing you next summer when we get down to basics of our faith.
Being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

H&H - lets see if we can't finish up the last of the core family values with a couple important and valued principles.

What on earth is H&H?

Honesty and Honor.

There comes a time in any relationship where there will be some testing. Things wont work out perfectly, someone does something or says something that is over the line or hurts the other person or some differences creep in and threatens the relationship in its entirety. Dealing with middle school students, I get to see a lot of this relational drama taking place and it even happens in our adult relationship as well. Its all according to how real people are and how much focus is on "self" that determines the level of drama in someones life.

A few weeks ago, I was up visiting my family for our family reunion and I just love being there and seeing everyone because I don't get much chance to do that very often. After visiting and eating I usually always make it over to where my mom is buried. Its such a pretty place with the outline of the mountain there looking down on the valley - even though its in the mountains this is part of the mountain that is not a cliff but looking up at that mountain as a kid ... I know in my mind then just how big that mountain was. I mean it looked huge as a kid. Like nobody would ever be able to climb it, no road could wind through it, nobody would ever live on it. But today, that little country road rides ride up that mountain, connects to other roads and at night what once was dark and quiet now has lights sprinkled all over it as families have built homes and now live there. That little quiet community centered white church is no longer that place to meet God as I remembered when I was a kid, its just one of many spread out through that growing community. I can remember walking out my grandmothers porch and headed down to my great grandmothers house and feeling it was a long walk but today its just a block away. Things as we get older seem to take on a new perspective and what was huge in our lives then seem to be small today. Maybe its because life changes our views, we see things differently, maybe we are more wise today than when we were young and immature.

I think a pause in life is necessary at times for us to focus on the real big honest issues that are affecting us. We need time to reflect not only where we have been but also where we are going. As I again reference Paul and Timothy's relationship - I becomes so clear to me even more today, that we need someone to help us with honest answers. Honest friendship that is God centered and with His intentions. We all need that person in our life to share with is that truth that often times we need in life to keep it on track and course. I am blessed to have a few of those people in my life and I am sad that some of those Pauls in my life are no longer with me today. My mom was such an influence, my father n law was such and influence, my mother n law was such an influence. These were folks in my life that told the truth, shot from the hip, said it the way it was and were honest with you no matter what because they valued the friend over the friendship. If it meant a season of time that we didn't speak because of something that needed to be said - hey it was worth it. Time passed and you got over it and moved on.
As I look at the core family value of Honesty - it has to be in the root system of any family relationship that is healthy otherwise you just may find yourself on the outside of it looking in. Every family has one that is the crazy nut burger family member and if you don't have one, you may be that one!
Being honest is like looking at the mountain and putting things into their proper perspective. As a student or young person, the things you are facing may seem huge and complicated but to an older wiser person they may seem smaller because of their seasons of life in gaining wisdom. Wisdom is just knowledge that is applied otherwise its just stuff. I find that one of the hardest things in ministry work with students. You know the way they should go for the most part but they are hard hearted or hard headed in some cases and want to do things their way even if it means their choices bring pain to themselves and everyone around them. Adults do this as well as one friends choices affect all those around them even when trusted friends are telling the honest truth.
Respect is something that is earned but Honor is something that is given.

I fully believe that by respecting someone that relationship will honor each other and honor God. Respect leads to honor and in doing so I think it brings the relationship up a few notches from the norm. I respect my mom and dad and in doing so I honor them in all I do. I want to make them proud and in doing so it affects my decisions and choices in life.
I respect my family and in doing so I honor them by giving them priority and access to speak to my heart. I respect the friends and family I am doing life with and in doing so - I honor them by putting them first and being there for them when they need me.
Last night I had one of my close kids call me and want to talk through some things. That respect leads to honor and I am honored that she called and leaned on me to talk through some things.

It is said in Matthew 15:6 - Honor your father and mother.
Respect them and it will bring honor. I pray that someday that when he is a grown man that I have instilled values and self worth into his life where he would want to in his manhood like his old man. I pray that in some small way that the daughters I have adopted as my own will seek a quality that they find in me that they would want in a husband. Strive to be like Jesus and I truly believe that will honor our heavenly father.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday and on a a few hours of sleep make for a long week and tough start. But honestly, its not that way at all. I am excited about this week ahead and excited about coming off such a great weekend. A weekend meeting new folks and hanging with old friends at the bonfire on the land Friday night. Got a call from one of my kids after working in the yard all day to just take a ride to Walmart with me. Its those kind of calls that really make my heart good because its not exciting, its not fun going to Walmart but she still wanted to hang with me and go along for the ride. Talk about a ministry opportunity! Try it sometimes when you have some errands to run - grab a friend, a close student and just take them along for the ride. God works in those unplanned, what seems to be nothing moments. Yesterday was spent at church, serving a meal at the Center of Hope in Charlotte with a handful of students and then a good stroll uptown for lunch and some exploring. Rock group was great last night and I fully enjoyed the light ministry message I had and had more time for food and talk time. I miss that sometimes, that hang out time because if the message is hard - it is hard on me to get the message across in a loving, caring and passionate way.
To continue on with this family core value that I have been praying and writing about - I want to talk a little about ~Passion.

Passion as by definition - Any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling;

On my list that my family gave me, passion was listed as the 8th family core value. For me its something that can be easily overlooked. Kyle is wrestling this year for his school team and last Friday he came home angry. He came home upset and I had to follow him into his room and sit him down and share with him that losing a match is not the end of the world. It may just be the beginning. Learn from it and never underestimate anything in your life. What might look easy may be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life. I would say -following Jesus has got to be the hardest thing I have ever done. My wrestling years are fond memories for the most part and though because of Judo - there were not many losses. But thats because I was prepared before hand because of Judo. Kyle has passion about his wrestling. He was angry because he had passion to succeed and to be a part of the team. His heart is in it..... that is where passion is born. If its not in your heart than you wont have any passion to do what ever it is that you are wanting to do.
I am passionate about showing Gods love, ministering to families around me, my family, "mykids" as well as just being Gods hands and feet to all those around me. Its tough and often times there are those feelings that rise up and say - Lon, your not making a difference. This is a waste of time. Why am I bothering with driving students from point A to point B.
I will tell you - I love what God has called me to do and that is to not turn my face when he is holding it in his hands. I have experienced my selfish life the way I wanted to do things and God in His great love and mercy for me, pulled me up from the bottom and has put me on a path that is far better than anything I could have ever planned by myself.
If you have passion for something it will move you to a place that the normal does not operate in. God has called ordinary people to do extraordinary things because He knows that they will have passion about this great work because their hearts are in it! 110%

I want to share Galations 5 today - its a long message but one worth reading. Hope it speaks to you so hang in there....
Galations 5 13-
It is absolutely clear that God has called you to a free life. Just make sure that you dont use this freedom as an excuse to do whatever you want to do and destroy your freedom. Rather, use your freedom to serve one another in love; thats how freedom grows. For everything we know about Gods word is summed up in a single sentence: Love others as you love yourself. Thats an act of true freedom. If you bit and ravage each other, watch out - in no time at all you will be annihilating each other and where will your precious freedom be there? My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by Gods spirit. Then you wont feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness.You cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on any given day. Why dont you choose to be led by the spirit and so escape the erratic compulsions. What happens when we live Gods way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard-things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. Each of us is an original.

As we watched a few video clips from I AM SECOND last night - some great thought comments started to be shared as far as the folks sharing their life, their walk and how they all had it going on by themselves and then something in life put things back in the correct places. Their transformation from them being first and then putting God first and thus, them second really speaks volumes in how God turns lives around.
"Live to Worship" - meaning let everything you do be an act of worship to our heavenly Father. For some, it has been a really hard road to walk right now because maybe you have had a few tough seasons in life and you find your heart a little hard to the people around you. You may be feeling like everyone is heavenly sandpaper and the joy and passion for people is no where but a memory in the past because of that.

~Life may feel like a chore right now than a life of calling. Its difficult to get excited about things and just showing up might be about all you can do. You're doubting your opportunity to make an impact.
~You are being drained by people. When your passion shrinks your patience will soon follow.
~Maybe you are at a place where bitterness and resentment look more like the glazed over ham with layers and layers and the outside is a hard crust.
~You are not only tired but you are SPENT TIRED. Exhaustion is mixed with feelings of insignificance and that leads to disaster. There is that place where being that tired leads to thoughts of - Does what I do even matter?
~You are distracted more than usual. I am not talking about a conversation taking place and then suddenly you notice the butterfly and it grabs your attention. I am talking staying power to stick with the plan and to finish what you started out to do. Focus is on things other than what God wants you to focus on.
~Lacking passion leads to lack of fulfillment. This often brings those emotions and feeling of entitlement. I deserve that car, I deserve to be treated better, I deserve that new house or whatever. No matter what we are doing it just never seems to be enough. A few days after the excitement of something new we are moving onto something else, hoping that will be our fix.
~Burnout - when we have passion loved ones, we see past the disappointments. Without passion we care less and less. Quitting is soon to follow.

Loved ones, be committed to self discovery as you begin to get your passion back. Ask questions and listen well. As my time goes by in student ministry - that is key and something that is not really taught- listening .... I mean really listening. I want to share that relational relationship with Paul and Timothy - you too need a few Pauls in your life to really speak to your heart. Be careful in those people as they will have access to you in ways that very few people should. Those Timothys in your life are those that you pour into, you influence and who you provide a very important example. Listen to those Pauls in your life. Focus on being faithful as apposed to be successful. Rarely to we learn something the first time we hear something and 90% of what we hear we dont even remember 72 hours afterwards. So repeating is ok and often times necessary.
I also want to share that God knows everything about you. He knows the struggles and the flame temperatures your life is in right now. As Jesus sat and spoke with the Samaritan woman he already knew everything about her and he loved her anyway. He had compassion for her and his passion for the lost, the hurting, the people who needed hope.
Never lose sight of hope loved ones. Open your heart to those conversations with Christ and the Pauls in your life.
The corner is right around the corner ... don't give up.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

It was a tough LOL (student ministry) meeting last night due to the topic of suicide. One of the high school students that most of the student know took his life a week ago and its such a tragedy. Its hard to comprehend all that was behind that decision. What most kids described as a kid who was liked, grounded in Christ, friendly and outgoing and then something like this just sends a jolt out to all those around. Its like a giant shock wave and nothing is hidden from its affects. Ministering to students during this time if often difficult. There are tough questions, feelings and tears. It really is a mess and as I sat and listened to Travis teach a great message from his heart last night I couldn't help but to think about the family. There is a loss in their hearts today. Minds probably thinking, what if I did this or what if I did that. What if I could have noticed, if someone would have noticed.
For a few long days - I too lost a daughter when Kate decided to run away. She wanted to end the disappointment that she thought was causing everyone. She was at her ends so she thought and running away to get away from it all was her answer. If only I could go away - I could end everybody trouble if I just disappeared. What if I could have done something, say something, noticed something - I wouldn't have lost my daughter for that long week either.
My heart is heavy when it comes to kids, families and people who are suffering. I lead a team of student every month to go to the Center of Hope in Charlotte which is the womens and children homeless shelter through the Salvation Army. We serve a meal to these moms and their children and my heart just breaks for them. I wonder how did get here. Thankful that they are here with warmth and a roof over their heads. But really, how did they get here? A few bad decisions, a dad walking out on them, a drug habit, over spending and living one less paycheck ... I mean who really knows. For some its all they know. Mental illness or a family who has given up on them.
For me, I have not given up on them and the hurt I have in my heart for them drives me to make a difference, to share with them that someone cares, someone is willing to give a little, and step out of the comfort zone to help. If its someone elses job to minister to these people, then nothing will be done. Together we can make a difference and for many reasons, its why Jesus said sell everything you have, give it to the poor and follow him.

Romans 8:26 - In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

So often my heart is so heavy for people that I don't even know where to start to pray. I take in my troubled niece who breaks my heart when I think about her story in life. God is not done with her story yet just the same as the folks I will meet and serve a meal to on Sunday. Its the same for the students in my life and they are struggling with things. He is not done in my own life.
This brings me to my next family core value - Compassion.

Compassion by definition - "co-suffering", one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy for the suffering of others are regarded as apart of love itself.

That really just blows me away to be honest. As I look at the hurting people in my life, I have such compassion for them. I too suffer when they are hurting. I have one of my close kids in my life who is struggling with things and I too am struggling along side her. Its my shoulders that want to carry some of the weight. It is that inner heart that wants to reach out, make things better, to help in some way. I see my son Kyle wanting to wrestle so bad that it hurts me when he is hurting. When his grandma and grandpa passed, it hurt me to see him crying but I rejoice in knowing his faith in Christ took the lead in his life.
There are websites for compassion kids. These are lost children who have nothing, poor, some with no parents, horrid living conditions, no food or medicine and nobody to love on them and care for them. Most people when they see that on TV quickly turn the channel because it disturbs them. If they just stayed a few more minutes watching, maybe their hearts would be moved and they would get off the couch to do something.
Often times when people are at a place where compassion is a tough thing or maybe a season or 2 has really put them somewhere were just feeling something for someone else is hard - they find themselves in a really tough place.

When your heart gets layered over by protectiveness because of a tough season or a few years of ministry hits on the heart, you become less sensitive to the hearts of others.

If you find yourself there at this place today - you really need to have an honest reflection. I am doing that in this season of time.....

Compassion in the family means to me to stick together. To keep our eyes and focus on the others in our families before ourselves. Compassion is doing something as it cannot be idle, how can we have compassion over someone and not do something about it? Meet the needs of others because we are all member of one body. That body is of Christ.
Jesus had compassion on people. That is why he healed them, walked with them, touched them - he had such great compassion on them.
Matthew 15:32 Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way."

Loved ones, Jesus cares about where your heart is today. There is no small detail that God himself does not know about nor want to hear about from you. Speak out your needs no matter how big or small. Serve someone with a compassionate heart knowing you are serving as if you have Christs hands and feet. Reaching out and making a difference not only changes the person who you are serving and have compassion for, it also changes you.

For about a year now, I have been hearing, reading, listening and experiencing in a small way what NewSpring church has been doing in their Compassion Outreach to Kenya. I have wanted to go and experience this with them, share with them, to help share Jesus with the people of Kenya - God is doing amazing things through this mission field and the vision that God has given the people of this church. I am at a place where the time has come to go. I had a student who worked for me last semester and every summer he went to a different country to share the gospel, to minister to the people there - Mexico, China, where ever - he comes back changed every single time. I love to hear the stories, the hearts that he touched, hearing the conditions of others and how they live and the desperate hope they need - it touches me every time I think about it. One of my other students, she and her husband went to Haiti for a week to help the people there.
It is time to be part of that great mission work. It is time to let the compassion overflow out of my heart.
Compassion for others is meeting them where they are and looking at them eye to eye and saying - I am there for you.

Success - You don't own success. You wouldn't have success if it wasn't for Jesus. He owns it but the difference between him and us is he wants to share it. We want to keep it for ourselves. Its all about me ...... its all about you .... with Jesus its all about what He has done and all the things we do through him. ~ D. Waltrip

Step up and step out ~


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The last few nights I have changed up my routine and find my mornings way better than compared to the last few months. I have been turning in, hitting the hay, reading and getting some extra sleep. Again this morning, I woke up before the alarm, got my coffee and hit my quiet time with Christ. I am enjoying this refreshing and change of pace. I am also learning a few things along the way. Last night after sleeping for a few hours, I woke with this on my heart.

"Its hard to show someone Jesus when they only see themselves."

I am not sure why God woke me and whispered me this one sentence but it for sure has rocked my morning as I begin to unpack it, examine myself with it and those around me. I am thankful that I went right back to sleep. Usually when this happens I am up the rest of the night wrestling with it. Serving students is sometimes a hard place to be at - especially when you are older like I am. I think allot about my high school and middle school experiences, some of which I want to forget but some I smile and enjoy remembering those much simpler times. It is often difficult walking with a student who trusts you and opens up and so many times I just want to have the words to tell them what to do but I know at this age that is the last thing they want - to be told to do something. Usually they have a parent already telling them that so another voice telling them the same things is twice as frustrating to them. So along with knowing a little wisdom, some prayer sometimes during the conversation, listening to them even if the details are hurting you and then really wanting to lead and guide the student in the right direction. Most importantly, guide them along side what mom and dad are saying, is to bring them to a place where they are thinking along those same lines. Not told what to do, not tricked into doing it, not leaving them there - but just gently guiding them for their own light bulb to go off. Drama is a premium at times and once you wade through it all, you get down to the root cause and there you can begin to build back up.
Why do I do all this I often times wonder?
Its because I am committed to walking with those who God has trusted me with. I am committed to walking this journey with them and to show them Jesus along the way.
Its my next core value.


See without being committed you have no staying power, we give up too easy when things get hard and we waffle back and forth on our views and the things we say. Being committed means you stay the course and finish what you started. Kyle is wrestling now and he has yet to be in a match. He has a match today that there is a pretty good chance his name will be called and Carol and I are extremely excited - win or lose. But going to practice day in and day out and not getting a chance to be on the mat - its easy to get discouraged, to walk away, to quit. Our relationships are just that way. I see if far too often where a dad doesn't know what to do with a daughter or a son who has lost their way. 15 years old and a dad who doesn't have a close relationship with his daughter or son, he is pretty much at a loss as to where to begin, where to start over, what to say and what to do!! Somewhere in the process he lost commitment.

I am committed to seeing my family through the good times and the tough times. I am committed to seeing and being there for the kids in my life who I love like my own. Its who I am and along the way, I am going to learn, strive and do my part to the best I can to make a difference in their life and show them Jesus. I had a coffee a few weeks ago with a student who has given up on Christ. He told me after summer camp he was all fired up but soon lost that excitement. I told him that following Christ was not about following him only during those special events, those highs we get when Christ is doing something in our lives but its the in between as well. Its during the tough times, those quiet times when God doesn't seem like he is there or is answering any of our prayers. Be committed to following Christ and seeking his heart. Only you can decide how close you want to be to Christ. You won't know someone if you don't spend time with them right? That works for your friends, your son or daughter, your husband or wife and it for sure works that way with God.
I will end todays post with this:
Proverbs 11:14 - Without good direction people lose their way; The more wise counsel you follow the better your chances and the better your choices.

Loved ones, if you are struggling with your path today following Christ or just feeling at a lost point - shake things up. Change the routine, get into a small group, reach out to someone who is willing to talk spiritual stuff, study Gods word together, work from another office location if you work from home - meaning go to Starbucks and work for 2 hours instead of being at home, set your alarm earlier and spend an extra 15 min with Christ in the morning. Do whatever it takes to strengthen your walk. Without vision and good direction - you will lose your way.

Hope this was helpful today. Imagine your relationship with God, your family and your close peeps - 100% radical commitment. Its not normal today but with focus, determination and a heart overflowing with compassion - you can do it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I was up ready for the day this morning. I'm still catching up from a busy day here at work, I am thankful for that. I got a good nights sleep last night after hitting the hay at 8:15 or so. Thats really early for me but after giving a double at the Red Cross here on campus - I was pretty much exhausted and not feeling well. Maybe a little dehydrated to some degree. I always sign up for doing the double, regardless if I have time or not and knowing I usually don't feel too good afterwards. I do it because it helps a cancer patient somewhere and if my uneasy and not feeling so great will help them feel better or give them more time in this life - then I am doing it. I always think of my mom when those opportunities come and its such a pleasing joyous heart that moves me to doing so.
Yesterday I spoke a little about Respect and Love as 2 very important core values in our families. Today I want to speak a little further with Time and Meal Time.
I find it a little funny that my son who is almost a teenager thought mealtime was worth a core value. He eats like nonstop and is not wrestling tonight on his team because he didnt make weight. If you saw him, he is pretty much built like I was when I was his age. I have to say though I was more ripped than he is. Hey its my blog I can say that if I want to. But Kyle is pretty skinny and him being overweight is odd for sure. But he does eat and eat and then eat some more.
I want to start with Time - as it is our most important commodity today. I can remember back my dad wanting to stop and get a Pepsi at a local convenience store and him walking in and saying $1.50 for that! I am not paying that..... and me saying, Dad, who cares I don't have time to waste, just get it and lets go. The generation before mine was more concerned with money and my generation is more concerned about time. There just doesn't seem to be enough time in our days to get everything done sometimes. We can always make more money but we can't make more time. As I look into the family, I can see where time is such an important issue or obstacle. With families running everywhere, soccer, baseball, wrestling, parents with 2nd jobs or 3rd jobs, traveling softball on Saturday and Sundays -the family as well as church seems to fall way down on our list. Many folks work 50-60 hours at the office each week and we get home and put something down to fill our tummies and who has enough energy or time to spend with the family? Who has time to sit with your daughter or son to find out what is going on in life. Who has time to take out your wife on a date when you are exhausted when you get home? Just sitting in front of the tube is about all some of us can muster. Time is such an important part of our relationships. It speaks volumes to others when they have your time and attention. I know that for some of my close kids, I ask them to turn their cell phones off unless its family calling because its rude to be taking time out of my day to invest in them and them texting the entire time talking to their friends. You either have me or you don't.
I am a firm believer that if you keep people waiting - you really speak volumes to how important you think they are to you. I got that from my mom and I am hardly ever late for things regardless of how busy I am. You are a priority! Nobody really know how much you know until they know how much you care. Time is very much a part of that and no texting, emailing or facebook can replace that time ingredient in our relationships.
Mealtime - what a wonderful concept that has been lost today. With families running and parents working different shifts - meal times are mostly left for the weekends. Fast food and pizza and microwaves have killed off many of our family meal times. I can remember when I was dating Carol, her family ate together every single night. I got to see the purpose and power of family during this time. It was a time to share, talk and really stay connected with each other. How else do you do that if you are not sharing a meal? I'm just asking? My parents worked separate shifts so as one came home, the other was walking out to work. Our family meal times were weekends and holidays.
Carol and I have made our family meal times a priority. They are such a priority that we often have others with us during this time. It brings value to their families as well as many of them don't have this as a core value in their family.
Often times our small group gets together to just eat, to just hang out, to celebrate a birthday, to watch a movie together. Time invested in each other is the only way to do life together, to know and love on each other as well as sharing God together. We make each other a priority.
I have to say that probably the normal household with teenagers have multiple tv's in the home. Parents watch what they are watching probably in the living rooms and the kids are watching their stuff in the bedrooms. This just brings isolation and if you want to stay connected to your son or daughter - either remove the tv or have a rule where they can't watch tv in their room until a certain time. I enjoy the family time all of us together. Sad knowing that some families facebook and text each other when they are sitting in the room right next to theirs.

Time and Mealtime - invest in these things and make them a priority. It makes me tear up seeing a movie today where a family holds hands and prays before they eat together. This past week at a local favorite place to eat - I did something I had never done before. As the Waiter was standing there giving us our food - I said to him that I was about to bless the food and if he would stay with us. He did and I blessed the food and thanked him for his services and for a great meal we were about to have. I patted him on the arm and thanked him afterwards. He had a big smile on his face and maybe... just maybe a new perspective on things. We just never know how we may touch a heart when we do bold things like that.
Core values ..... more tomorrow and may these things I am sharing be a blessing to you and your family.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Had a great day yesterday at my family reunion. Its always a long day but a day that leaves me being very thankful. Thankful for a large family that loves each other, we may not be perfect in any way at all but God has for sure blessed us all with each other. As my Uncle Homer addressed the family, I couldn't help but to think how amazing it is that under good leadership, great things come from it. Uncle Homer is that leader and I hang on every word when he speaks. Being a blind retired preacher, he has to hold on to you and you have to say a few words before he can tell who you are. I love the parable that Jesus shares about his flock of sheep and even though you may have 99 out of 100 - that 1 that has wondered off, you will search high and low for that 1 until its brought home. Each of us are worth that much to God. His sheep know His voice and like Uncle Homer, he knows the voices of his sheep.
I was blown away that Morgan, Taylor, Madison and Zach wanted to go with us. As much time as I spend with them, it was an honor for them to want to come and meet everyone, see where I am from and where I spent a lot of my childhood. I have some great kids for sure and blessed to be doing life with them.
This brings me to my first couple points from last week on - family core values. I had a lot of questions yesterday asking how my family was. Its a 2 part question really, one that only scratches the surface and the other being on a genuine level. I know for some that scratch the surface, its -"Family is great~They are all wonderful~Everyong is doing really well" but for some it might bring up fear and anxiety or maybe even anger. I think I had both yesterday in the people I spoke with. There are a few things that the devil wants more than anything else - one being your faith and the other being your family.
I want nothing more than to have a family that is dedicated to each other and dedicated to God. Our success of each other must be a priority and in order to do that it will take a team effort. Part of that success is serving God and I believe those are 2 very important parts of a healthy, strong, secure, thriving and loving family.
You are probably thinking ... today? Who has that? Thats impossible today! There is one thing that you can do to have as the foundation and will radically change the atmosphere of your home. Ephesians 5 - shares with us "Husbands, love your wives; wives, respect your husbands".

Love and Respect ~ Husbands need to be reminded to give there wives the love they crave and God knew that wives can build a home if they show their husbands the respect they are seeking.
I am learning this and reminded every so often too ...I am not immuned to this and marriage takes work. Right Carol? But as I dig a little deeper into these family core values that my family addressed - it really has me thinking deeper and clearer than ever before. With marriages on the brink 50% of the time today and most of "mykids" coming from broken homes or homes that are right on the edge - what can I do or say or live out that will make a difference in those around me. Divorse is that generational curse that gets passed down to our children. Once the children see mom and dad going seperate ways, their entire vision and trust in marriage is shattered. It changes so many things and how they see marriage when they are older.

Love unconditionally and show each other respect sounds easier than it is. Family should be one of the greatest joys in life! Put these 2 core values in your family and watch and see if it doesnt turn a corner.

Lord I pray for the families out there who are just barely hanging on. Help them see the bigger things and to see with your eyes and not the struggles or the sin that is there. Remind each of them about putting others ahead of self and seek the things of your heart for their relationships. No matter if its husband and wife, son or daughter - build those relationships piece by piece starting with the love and respect for each other. Society and the devil are after our families. May we stand strong and build them back again with you being at the center of them. I pray in Christ name, Amen.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday - thank you for arriving. Its been a busy week but a more relaxing week for me. Last night Carol and I got to go to Kyle's wrestling match. Sad he was not participating because he lost his match the day before so he didn't get to wrestle but it was a good learning experience just to be watching and knowing what to do and how things work. It was hard for me to sit in the stands knowing the moves, seeing them happen and then the kids not doing them. I was almost out of my seat a few times ... I know crazy huh?
YCI was good this morning and just this week I was reminded as to WHY I take time off of work and pick up a van full of students and take them to school on Friday mornings. Often times they are sleepy, not much talk, grumpy or some other kind of issue they are having at the moment and then drop them off at YCI Praying God will speak to them and set their day straight. That wont happen if I don't do all this shuffling of folks around. Todays message was about trusting God. Even as Peter cut the ear off one of the soldiers, Jesus stopped it, picked up the mans ear and healed him. I bet as the other soldiers carried him away to be eventually killed on the cross, the man with the new ear probably was changed for life. We may not understand everything that is going on around us but our trust in Christ will keep us focused during those times we don't understand. I got some high fives and even a few hugs on my way out. An hour spent investing in just putting a van full of students in a place for Christ to do what only He can do. I can do that and isn't that all that Christ asks of us? Just do the simple things so that He can do the big things? What seems mundane at times, a waste of time at other times ... is so much bigger than what we can see.
A few weeks ago I wanted to ask the question to some of my close students. After LOL at McDonalds I got a bunch of them together and asked them to team together and give me a list of the 5 top shows they watch on tv. They wrote them down and then gave me the list. I want to watch what these students are watching. Note take the main message, if I liked it or not and reasons why and also the type of commercials and what and who they are targeting. I will have those results soon as I get this together and hopefully not offend anyone with my results.

The other night as we ate at Red Lobster - I shared a little vision with Carol, Kyle and Zach. I told them that I was feeling tired, in need of some spiritual rest and that I needed to spiritually lead my family for the next season. So I told them I was taking a good month or so off from leadership at church with the students and would still be plugged in and doing things but just not leading so much in front of everyone. I would still be walking and talking "mywalk" and using this time to grow and really search my heart, have a little fun, dream, and invest into my family. I then unloaded my question which I will share.

So, If you have to define a family core value, what would that be and what would it look like? A couple blank faces too shape. A couple UM ... Well.... repeat the question! Core value? What is a core value and what would it look like? Think about it in your own family.
Core Value - the basics, the foundation of the family, its lean back values that give direction and longevity to the family as a whole. Things that the family will stand on always.
Here is the list that Carol, Kyle and Zach came up with. I think its pretty neat and I am excited to be praying about them. I look forward to implementing them into our family core values.

~Meals together

All of these pointing towards honoring God with them. My plan is over the next few days is to break these down and share what God is teaching me, showing me and living through me. Hope you stick with me ... on "thewalk"

Happy Friday everyone,
Peace and love,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I want to take a break from my regular "thewalk" posts and just share a little bit about my evening last night. Me, Carol, Kyle, Kayla, Morgan, Christa and miss Carol went to see Addison Road and 10th Ave North in south Charlotte. I have to say there are a few songs that 10th Ave North played last night that I will never be able to hear the same again. I never really felt that much worship in their music until last night and see them up close and personal. I have seen them before and since it was their show - they took the time to come on stage and talk to the fans. They shared their hearts and vision for why they do what they do and its not all about the music, the songs and being on stage - its about doing something through what they do. They partner with a rescue mission for children and people caught into the worlds slave trade. They partner with an organization that adopts children and provides life changing basics to them. It was just really awesome hearing their hearts as if they were sitting right next to you over lunch and how their vision is contagious.
Their music was very much a prayer written and played to music. What an act of worship to be part of. I couldn't even sit in my seat and during this song "Times" pretty much had my heart, along with others near me, in a very moving place where God got a chance to speak. Sad how some focus on their cell phones or carry the days struggles along with them when they should be focused on connecting to God in a way that doesn't happen every day. I mean when is the next chance to experience something like this and being so powerful. Sad how the vision of some folks is focused on themselves and not focused on more of what God wants you to focus on.
There is so much more to live for and pour into than just the mundane everyday life we mostly live.
Times ~ 10th Ave North
I know I need you
I need to love you
I love to see you, but its been so long
I long to feel you
I feel this need for you
And I need to hear you, is that so wrong?
Oh,Oh. Oh,oh. Oh. Oh.
Now you pull me near you
When we're close, I fear you
Still Im afraid to tell you, all that I've done
Are you done forgiving?
Oh can you look past my pretending?
Lord, Im so tired of defending, what I've become
What have I become?
Oh, Oh. Oh, Oh. Oh, Oh.
I hear you say,
My love is over. Its underneath
Its inside. Its in between.
The times you doubt me, when you can't feel.
The times that you question, Is this for real?
The times you're broken.
The times that you mend.
The times that you hate me, and the times that you bend.
Well, my love is over, its underneath.
Its inside, its in between.
These times you're healing, and when your heart breaks.
The times that you feel like you're falling from grace.
The times you're hurting.
The times that you heal.
The times you go hungry, and are tempted to steal.
The times of confusion, in chaos and pain.
I'm there in your sorrow, under the weight of your shame.
I'm there through your heartache.
I'm there in the storm.
My love I will keep you, by my Powr alone.
I dont care where you call, where you have been.
I'll never forsake you, My love never ends.
It never ends..........
Those are words to take comfort by today. No matter your struggle or pain... God is there with you along your journey.
James 1:2-4 When tests and challenges come at you from all sides - consider it a sheer gift.
You know that under pressure, your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. That train wreck in your life may be steps to grow and smile as a seasoned follower of Christ.
Read the words again loved ones..... the prayer is in the song.
Thanks Addison Road and 10th Ave North for a great evening or worship. May God continue to speak through your music, your song lyrics and deepen your prayers. Amen
Lord thank you for the night light you put out in front of my life each and every day. Amen.