Friday, July 23, 2010

This is my last day of work in the month of July. I find myself today pumped for next week and spending time with God, serving along side 56+ students and watching God do amazing things in the hearts of those students and leaders. I am especially pumped for the first timers as well as the ones who have been before and seeing them step up and leading. I am sad that a few students have chosen to not come and clamped down on what God will do in them next week. I will be praying extra hard for them all next week.

Today I want to step aside from my daily walk and share something that speaks so much volume to me. I wish I wrote it but it is so me ... I might as well have because it is so much in tune with who I am and where my heart is. Pastor Craig from shares this as if I spoke it to him. I am almost finished with his book IT and have enjoyed it big time and have learned a lot from it.

Your passion for Christ is contagious. Ask God to increase your heart for those without Christ. He WILL. God will send someone - he may even send you a bunch of someones. Whom you will care about. Yoru love for them will increase. When that happens, you get it, and its almost impossible to turn off. Your prayer life increases. You're looking for opportunities to shift conversations toward spiritual things. You're ever aware that you're representing Christ. When you have IT, people tend to want IT. Your passion for Christ is contagious.

Being a leader in my church, my ministry reflects who I am and I am so flippin pumped for next week and seeing hearts change, people give their lives to Christ, worshipping God with people I love so much and pour everything I have into..... My rock group kids- Kyle, Zach and Morgan ... I am so blessed to be part of your lives as well as many other close students that I get to walk with. Ya'll break my heart, keep me up at night and next week - I get to watch and be a part of God doing something that only He can do. I will be there to share, experience, pray with you and lead in the best of my abilities but more importantly - I get a front row seat. Come home changed loved ones...... just let it happen.

When you believe that God has called you to do something, you have to feel the fear in it and then do it anyway. I'm afraid a lot of the times - afraid of messing everything up, afraid to fail, afraid to say the wrong things, afraid to hurt someone - but I do it anyways because with all my heart - I know God has called me where I am today.

Be contagious ........ spread the love that God has put in your heart and share it with your world.

Thirst Camp 2010 ---- a week of change.



Thursday, July 22, 2010

Every lonely heart fnids their one true love - and there's no more goodbye and no more not enough.

These are words from Steven Curtis Chapman. They are on my heart this morning as I lean in and seek Gods heart. Its as if Christ is saying - "This is my heart. This is what I get excited about, to see families trust me this much, to tryst me with the unknowns."

Today marks another week that has passed in Kate's therapy. She has 3-4 more weeks left and once again. No Letter. Carol and I are at that place where we are shut out and the past year was a waste of time, money, effort, passion, full of tears and heart break. BUT - there has been much that has been learned. God has shown us so much in this past year - even if things didnt turn out the way we had hoped and prayed for. God has had his hands all this. So what have we gained? We have gained that understanding that God is in control. The past year in our walk with him has brought us closer because we have had to trust him more. We have had to seek Him for answers and He has put people in our lives that have STUCK with us throug it all. Tough times and the good times. This past year has shown me that love is hard sometimes but worth loving through the tough times. It has shown me forgiveness each and every day no matter what.
Just last night, I prayed with one of my closest kids, I forgive and I don't even know what its about - I dont care - I love you that much. Its loving people with Gods heart and not my own.
Yeah, stinks not hearing from Kate with everything that we have been through but its ok. She needs to focus on some things and Carol and I may not be part of that equation right now.
This brings me to Philippians 3:7-11 today:
But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.
The past year was not a failure. It was such a tough year on me, Carol, Kyle, my rock group family, church family and friends. But through it all, it is not a loss. For we have gained so much more through Christ. When we find ourselves in a desperate place where we respond to God in a different way than our normal way - then our lives become an act of worship. Our hearts become one and we see life with Christ's eyes.
Looking ahead because of the experiences and changed hearts, there will be others to pour into. Because learning how to trust God with the unknown is exactly where he wants us to be.
Out of the ashes
Beauty will rise
and we will dance among the ruins
We will see it with our own eyes
Out of these ashes
Beauty will rise
For we know joy is
coming in the morning

Tough things happen and through love we will get through them.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I have been struggling with today's passage for some reason. I have been thinking about it since early morning. I will share it and maybe it will speak to you in a powerful way.
Acts 4:24-31
When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. "Sovereign Lord,"they said, "you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. You spoke by the Holy Spirit the mouth of your servant, our father David: "WHy do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? The Kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord and against his Anointed one. Indeed Herod and Pontius Polate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire again your holy servant Jesus, who you anointed. They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus." After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Today there is a shortage of men in the church. It is almost impossible to be godly and lead your family. It is almost impossible to be godly and lead your children. Satan has a strangle hold on our families but he also has taken out the leaders of our families - the men. I read in a magazine the other day that world wide there are 11-13 million more women than men that claim to be Christians. Men spend an average of 37 more minutes a day doing leisure stuff than women. At age 42, women start to outnumber men in America... and that is just in society. Imagine that ratio in the church today. I am saddened that most men give up their walk or pursuit of God because they feel they cant relate to anything about Jesus. Jesus was no frilly, weak and over emotional Opra kind of guy. He was powerful, a king, strong and full of fire and passion when he walked the earth. He challenged the way of life in all people he came across. He challenged government and the rulers of his day. He had 12 that he poured into and lived with for the 3 years of his ministry. He was a tough dude and by no means a weak individual. He spoke when he wasnt supposed to and healed when he wasnt supposed to. He crossed paths with people every day who wanted to kill him and he went anyway. How many of us would do that today?He challenged everyone he came into contact with. I would say that took some courage. I think that is what is missing from today's men. Courage to lead their families, lead and get involved in our children, to rise up at work, and to follow Jesus. For sure for me, following Jesus is the hardest thing I have ever done. Ministry does not have a day off or a moment of rest. There is always a challenge taking place and something pulling for attention. Leading is something I am learning and I still have a lot to learn.
I miss those late evening discussions over dinner with some of my close guy friends. I remember once sitting at our local Mexican place with one of my then close buddies and a 10 year old girl came over to the table and said hello. She introduced me to her dad as her Childrens pastor. It was such an honor and very early on in my ministry walk. I could have been sitting there with a bunch of guys cutting up, pounding beers, and acting foolish like some men do when they get together. It for sure was a wake up call and a calling on my heart to always live out my faith. I miss having some guy friends in my life. Godly men to lean on, to ask questions and to have access to speak truth with. We need each other as men, leaders in our families and in our friends.
Imagine praying and the place where you are meeting shaking afterwards... that would be something. We are not meant to walk this life alone. We are meant to have other brothers and sisters who we are doing life with. Community ..... with the missing of front porches in our homes these days - they help create islands of neighbors instead of invites to neighbors. Our garage doors open and close only as we pull in and out. Trapped in our very own homes - alone.
I will close with this today as this has been on my heart for 2 days now -
The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more in life there is to celebrate. Those with IT celebrate IT together. It being Christ. It being the love and passion in life that takes over all meaning to what it really means to live. Christ is worth living for and giving everything to.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today I am in Jeremiah 1:4-8.

The Call of Jeremiah

The word of the Lord came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Ah. Sovereign Lord," I said, "I do not know how to speak; I am only a child". But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. DO not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the Lord.
Never forget that the Lord has a purpose for your life. He wants you to live with meaning and passion in all you do, grasping each and every moment to the fullest. There is a rock at Lake Adger called Frog rock and its one that sticks out of the water and when you see it from the side - looks like a giant frog. When the water level is down in the lake, the rock sticks out pretty high. Its a rock that we dive off the boat and swim to and then climb the back side of it and jump off into the water. For those who are doing so for the very first time it takes a little courage to do that. Last Friday night, me, Kyle, Zach and Emilee took our nerves into the Intimidator's front row seat and rode that coaster in the dark. It was amazing.... but it took courage to do it.

We all have it in us, this courage. Its just hard sometimes to let it out or to trust in it. So often people press this courage down in order to keep from being afraid. Most often they end up stuck where they are. They didn't stand up and lead, they didn't shout into the crowd that what was going on was wrong, they didn't get on the coaster, they didn't come to camp. There is no reason to be afraid, though healthy at times, we can put our fears into the hands of Christ because no matter what we are going through- Christ has gone ahead of us.

No reason to fear loved ones. Lord give each of us the courage to stand for you. Help us in our inability to shine your name in front of others. Help us in our actions, the words we use, our facebook posts to the world - help us honor you in all we do. Courage - give us the courage to stand for what is right and for the things of you. Amen

Monday, July 19, 2010

Busy day today so just now taking a moment to share. I was going to skip this post but I will try and get it done and off my chest because I feel its important for someone.
Carol is home safely and I am looking forward to getting off work and heading home. Its been since Thursday since she left with her girl peeps to go to the beach. (miss them too!) I have to say though, its been a good handful of days with the boys with some added fun mixed into things. Car wash on Saturday, Carowinds Friday night and church yesterday - we also watched a bunch of movies in between. Book of Eli was really good and had such an amazing turn at the end that I didnt see coming. For sure our next Rock Group movie.....
Today brings me to John 14:12-15
12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.

I am thankful for this passage today due to the fact that Pastor Travis spoke on this topic yesterday in our student ministry. Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. Our greatest example to others for Christ is not in what we say - its how we act. Its how we treat others. Its in our attitudes and how we handle things when crap hits the fan. People are always watching and yes even judging because if we claim to have Christ it should show in our lives. We should stand out and be different than the rest of the world. Just because these folks are talking this way, doing this or that, dating at 12, disrespecting their parents, on the sides smoking drinking and who knows what else.... doesn't mean you have to. Society has a strong message and a strong lure to pull us all into its trap. Sin in most cases is fun and what the song and movies and the lives of our hollywood folks dont tell us is all the hurt, shame and guilt that goes on behind the scene. If we are following Christ with our hearts and doing our best to live each moment for Christ then we will be doing what Christ has called each of us to do.
That may mean you lose some friends. That may mean you wont be so popular. That may mean that people make fun of you. Living a life of Christ is living for others, caring and loving others - regardless of what is going on around us. Our governtment cannot fix what is broke in this country. God can ... and all through time - the church will stand and heal broken lives.
So many people give up on God because they want to know more about him, give him their plans and or in their minds make a deal with God ... then God doesnt do what we want to do. They walk away ...... Hey I'm not following a God who doesnt do what I want to do. That is pretty sad ... We are here for Him. He loved us first and thus we should love him back. He deserves our lives because of our sin and dont deserve another breath of air.
I am just at a place in mywalk that I desire more of the things of God. To be more of Him and less of me. Show me Lord how to reach people, not in my words but in my hands.
I got to share a little yesterday in front of the students about Thirst Camp coming up next week. We got to meet a family in need in our community and how we are going to share with this family an amazing blessing next week. A shared blessing because up front she said - This is so hard for me. I totally get that and by stepping out in faith - taking a leap in trust - God is going to show up big time in this families life. Our students, our leaders and this family will be changed. So many are not coming to camp because its hard, they dont want to, or another excuse given.... this family doesnt have many options. They need this blessing and by not coming - you are not experiencing what God is wanting to do.

God move us to a place where we see in all your power and glory. Help us put aside our plans for your plans. Help us give you our hands Lord and step in courage to move ahead and be part of what you are wanting to do through us. May you receive all the glory and praise Lord.
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
15"If you love me, you will obey what I command.

Help us do what you have called each of us to do. Love one another in all the ways you love us. You are our example Lord and may our hearts be open to the things of you. Change us and move us to a faith that has action. May our hands be yours and our feet guide us on your paths. May our hearts beat for the things of you. I pray all this in Your sons mighty name in Jesus.,

Can we be holy without being weird? comments welcome~

Friday, July 16, 2010

Odd - I woke this morning with the house empty. Not that we got robbed and everything was gone but it might as well have been.... I was the only one there. Kyle stayed at Zachs and miss Carol is at the beach with the Lymans. Dang, I am not good at this... alone stuff. I guess its been a long time since I have been at this place. Carol used to travel like every week and almost all week, almost every week, I was alone but since God has placed so many close peeps in my life - alone time is just not happening. I'm cool with it I guess.
Had our weekly interview this morning with Kate's counselor's and she is doing well. She is taking more of a leadership role in her group and is adjusting more to her surroundings. I have to write another letter by Sunday evening. Thats always a hard on my heart for sure. Got to get prayed up for that.
Today I find myself in Hebrews 12:1-3
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

For the last week now Kate has been saying she needs her glasses. Odd thing is, I don't remember her wearing glasses this past year at all. I do know that if I did not have my contacts or my glasses - life all around me would be just a big blurrrrr. I am talking giant blur. I can't see anything unless its so close to my face, it might as well hit me. That has me thinking today. this vision and the scripture above about growing weary. I posted yesterday on facebook that the real treasure in student ministry is when a student comes and says "Thank you". I have a few !thank you~ kids in my life. They say it often and it shows how much they appreciate what I am doing, the investment I make into their lives and all that. Some though, you might have to say it first or mom/dad pops in and says - what do you say? or they thank me. Its not about those words though because regardless I am making an impact for God in their lives and His praise and his glory is what I am after. I think about what it would be like trying to do that with impaired vision. Not being able to see God clearly, I think some of my selfish ways would get in between and possibly put me in harms way.
I had a conversation with a parent this morning and after some encouraging words that I shared about their child that following Christ, your personal ministry, never has time off. It never has a break - you can go on vacation, you can spend time away, you can shut the TV off, you can even send your kids away for the weekend - some send their wives away for the weekend - JK Carol - but you can never shut off ministry. You can't shut off your walk with Christ if He is the focal point of your life. I look around me at some of the students, on facebook they are making sometimes rude comments, they talk with their friends about topics that present themselves differently than when they are around mom or dad or an adult. Students using foul language and posting pictures of themselves hoping to take the internet down with comments. There are so many distractions like texting, internet and tv - that it keeps us out of focus and gives us no time to focus in on God. He wants a little of your full attention. When was the last time something or someone had your full attention for more than 5 minutes?
Our daily vision might look a little like this. Our time is spent in the details of our day. Deadlines, to do lists, errands etc... they take a lot of time and focus. We get so caught up in the todolist that we lose our directin and sense of the God who loves us. We make detours in our day. We set out to do something or these 3 things and low and behold the day comes to a close and we didn't get to them. We get held up at Lowes Foods because we ran into someone we havent seen in awhile. Out to eat and the next table over is someone we know and lunch takes longer. Cell phone rings and there is another thing we need to get done today. We get off plan, off road and off schedule. How did I get all the way over here? We often lose our way and can no longer see God in our lives. Duties each day - make the coffee, breakfast, get the kids to school, work, dinner, homework, play time with the kids, bedtime and then sleep. Living life in the motions. Its what we do every day and we get to a point where each day is the same ol same ol. Hump day was invented to remind us we live for the weekends! We should live each day as if it was our last. Live in the moments... and treasure them no matter what. Impaired vision of God when we live that way. Look at your life right now. Struggling with something? Circumstances got you down? Discouraged or maybe someone is just taking all the energy out of you? Those things seem big and God is small. Vision impaired when our God is small and our things in life are big.

My prayer today is to always have someone around me to help me magnify the Lord. As I type this, there are text messages coming in from a close student and we are discussing and reading this scripture. Awesome..... glorifying God together. Its not that we see God bigger but that we see Him for His true size. May it move your soul and quicken your pulse today focusing on God. Stay in the race loved ones, focus on the prize and do not grow weary and lose heart. Focus on what will matter 100 years from now, endure what you are going through, learn from it and grow through it. These things wont matter 100 years from now.... Look up while on your knees ... it keeps you from looking down on people just as Christ lowered himself to serve and put others before himself.
Kate will have her glasses tomorrow and everything around her will be in focus. Will her heart see what her eyes see. If so, then you are seeing with your heart.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Work the new four letter word

Had a great time at LOL last night hanging with all the students as their mom and dad got to hear the vision and heartbeat of Christ through our student ministry from Pastor Travis. This kind of thing really pumps me up but I am a little down in the fact that not that many parents came, some students came without their parent(s) but I am happy that they came. Some just don't bother coming or give some excuse as to why they can't - or won't. Its that part that I struggle with. I am pouring all I have into this ministry and seeking God in terms of my own personal walk and for him to teach me how to lead these students. It is everything about who I am today. We plan, study, work hard to get the word out and answer 1000 questions and then some don't show... I guess I should focus on the ones that are plugged in and who come no matter what. I have a few students around me who are like that. They are not missing anything and God is speaking into their lives ... you can see their faith. If people don't come and keep the door shut on what God wants to do ... it sure makes it hard to follow Christ that way from the sidelines. Faith is a verb ... and it requires some action to be active and alive.

Thirst Camp is coming up and we are in high gear with plans and working out details. Pastor Travis, Kyle and I have an appointment to meet with a family who is in need and through a friends testimony who we served last year at camp - has humbly agreed to let us come this year and bless them with serving whatever it is they need us to do. I am really excited about showing this family the practical love of Jesus and I am really excited to have our students involved and getting their hands dirty for their faith. Its something that is life changing for everyone.

My study brings me to II Timothy 2:1-4 today and I will use the Message translation because it it worded so well. Hope it speaks to you ... moves you out of your seat... and puts your faith into action.
Doing Your Best for God
1-7So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!— to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It's the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.

This so speaks to me today because of those who are chosing to not plug in. Those who don't feel like going to Thirst Camp, Sundays or whatever else. Those who just seem to be going through the motions in their faith or just using it when its convenient. Decisions are not just a one time event.... they don't change your life - they change your direction.
Jesus didn't die on the cross for us to just sit on our faith, come to church once a month maybe, not live out the vision of our local church, to sit on the sidelines, to not lead our families and children.... I must stay the course and continue moving forward. Those that stick... will be poured into. Its hard at times... harder than I ever imagined.
Thats another post though for a later time....
Stay the course Lon and "don't look back". How awesome that advise to a student earlier in the week has had such an impact on the one who gave it. (me) Hope the one who heard it is really living it like I am this week. That will be a great conversation don't you think?

"Don't look back" I have to live my faith. Who is with me?
More of Christ; less of me.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its been a pretty busy day thus far but today I find myself really excited for tonight. Last night was fun hanging out with Madison, Morgan, Taylor, Kyle and Zach at the movies after Carol made our families an awesome bunch of chow. She really does love to cook and thats a good thing - Kyle would starve if it was not for his momma's cooking. The kid never stops eating.... and is a green bean. :)
Anyways, tonight we have our first ever Parent LOL Bible Study where Pastor Travis will be preaching some and sharing his heart and Gods heart/vision for our student ministry and what we are teaching their teens. After opening announcements and welcomes - I will be leading the students down to the pool for some fun while mom and dads hang with Travis. I have been so pumped for this time as we really focus in and share how important they are in terms of their childs walk with Christ. See parents, its a partnership and as pastors and youth leaders - we can't do this without you. You are the pastors of your homes...we are just the support staff. No greater gains or losses in our childrens walk with Christ, is more important than what happens at home. As a ministry team leading your children on Sundays - we have less than 52 hours a year with your teen and thats if they make it church EVERY SUNDAY!
This is so much a partnership together and one without the other so much harder in reaching those students. I am excited for tonight......
I am sharing todays bible post from Phillipians 4:6-7. The odd thing in this is that I just had a buddy of mine leave my office and was sharing with me about his dad's passing and at the funeral he had to read a passage of scripture that spoke about his dad. It came from this passage. Awesome .....
Philippians 4:6-7
6Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
I have my days where I am bothered with things and just feel uneasy or just not at peace in my heart. Then there are days where I feel like all the weight is lifted off of me and my shoulders are light. I have to reflect all that into the perspective that God is in the details. There is no other feeling than knowing that God is in the details, is the solution, is in full control of the situation and with full trust - promises a good result. The answer may be "NO" but it is what is best for us at the time. There will be a better answer, solution or timing that God will have a "Yes". Even if things dont make sense right now and there seems to be no possible way out - God wants us to trust in all our hearts and in our understanding that Peace is possible in our hearts no matter what is going on.
My heart is peaceful today..... thankful for this place today.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Doubting Suntan

Tuesday morning. Good morning! As I stated on my Facebook status this morning - the sun may not be shining today but it sure is a bright morning! So thankful for that... my heart is back where it needs to be, wants to be and loves to be.
The last few days for me personally were some of the toughest days I have ever experienced. I wont go into details but I am just so thankful to be past them and moving forward. I had a conversation a few days ago with one of my close students and she was explaining to me how God was such a big part of her life a year ago, God was doing some amazing things in her life and somehow over the last year she has slipt back to that person she was before. My wisdom that I shared with her was to not look back. Start today, this morning, fresh and put it all into God hands. Make the beginning right now and thats the wisdom that I need to take as well. I doubted a few very close people in my life whom I love with all my heart and I should have never of doubted what I knew so deeply in my heart to be true. I wont let that happen again !!!!
Doubting is one of those spiritual barriers that keep us moving closing to God. When we doubt God will show up in a big way or answer a prayer we have ... we basically tie his hands because of our lack of faith. My faith and trust has grown because of the paths the last few days and I am thankful for that..... with all the tears in me...I am thankful for that!
This past week I have spent a lot of time outside and yeah - maybe a little too much sun. A few years ago when I was sick - I lost my ability to stand bright light and so I never go outside without my sunglasses. So yes, I have the racoon marks on my face because of them but I am supporting a good tan. As I think about this tan, I remember back when my mom was sick and its had been a long grueling few days and was coming back from being at home and all the way up the road, 2 hr drive, I was in the zone with worship music blasting, me singing my heart out, prayer time with God and just filling up my heart with the things of Him before I walked back in to be with mom. I remember walking into my moms bedroom and my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster was there, my grandma and my dad all around the bed talking with mom. She was laying there and I came across the foot side of the bed and said - Hi mom. She looked at me and said "Randy, look at you - you are glowing". I will never forget those words. EVER. Those words are only because of that special time with Christ on the way there. It was all about God filling up my life during that time with the things of Him that it showed outwardly. See walking for Christ is not about doing good things, being at church every Sunday, saying all the right things, spending time only with other Christian friends - What if people noticed you being "radiant" because of the time you are spending with God? More time in the sun you spend the more tan you get. The more time you spend with God - the more Radiant you become and people notice! They notice by your actions, attitude and through the heart that God transforms.
Lots of times you can tell how the relationship is with Christ in someone by their actions, decisions and attitude. Your reflect where your heart is and when it is not in tune with Christ - it shows just like when you heart is right with Christ- it radiates that heart full of Jesus.
My study brings me to James 1:2-8 this morning.
2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
The last few days have brought me to a stronger place with a few loved ones as well as my relationship with Christ. Trials give us a chance to grow, stretch and trust. MORE.
I believe and will not doubt again because of the love you have shown me, the hearts that where hurt, the trust that was questioned - have calmed the storms. The sun may not be shining this morning but it sure is bright because of you. Our relationship "Radiates". :)
Im NOT looking back ...... <3


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Got up early this morning with a few things that God has placed on my heart. Not exactly sure why the last few days I feel so connected and God is speaking but I am eager to listen. I have not wrote on "thewalk" in a while so I guess my heart and fingers are just excited. Morgan, Kyle and I had a great day yesterday. Hiking up the Ostin Creek Trail was just amazing. With funny water shoes on we walked a good mile or so up creek, climbing over logs, rocks and through some deep water spots. All the while stopping for a few pictures, a chance to talk about what we were seeing. The 2nd water fall is the spot though as we walked to it and stuck our body into the COLD water underneath and let the bubbles and water rush over us. Smiles, laughs and the look on our faces ... wish I could have got a picture there. It was such an amazing experience and it has me thinking on a few things this morning. I have not seen these smiles and heard this laughter in some time. I am excited about that and it is doing my heart good and it reminds me that far too often we are too serious about things. Sometimes, especially our kids, need to have some time to just be themselves. To laugh, to crack up, to be silly, to put lifes pressures aside and just be themselves. Both Morgan and Kyle slept till after 11:00 yesterday.... they need this time to do this. I pray this can happen more often because it is so needed and in a few short years - they will be off in their lives and these moments nothing but a memory.
So the impact and investment made today - is it worth it? Will it last? I think if its done with a heart that is in the right place. See, I love them both as I do a lot of my close kids but I love Jesus first and that puts things into the correct order. I continue to pray that God shines through me and people will see Him and not so much me. Less of me and more of Him.
My Bible study comes from 2 Corinthians 5:14-17
14For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. 15And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
16So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Being a Christian is more about a lifestyle than it is a one time decision. With our student ministry camp coming up in a few weeks through our church - I will again see God move in amazing ways in the lives of our students and our leaders. I will see life change take place as God grabs a hold of some hearts. In many ways, it is not the students that find God - God is never lost and has always been right. We are the ones lost and just like a lost person - they sometimes are found. So as these students are found and experience God in a new powerful way - He is already speaking to me and teaching me. As the scripture says above, I used to view Christ in a wordly way but its a new way, a personal way, a way that tells my heart - He loved me first. Even before I even knew Him - He was in love with me. This is true for you as well.
I remember back when I first met Christ, I became a different person. Forgiven. Changed. New. Experiencing God through church was similar to my moment of salvation in those days. But today its like another turning point. Experiencing God in a new and deeper way. My desire for Him isn't about what He can do for me. Its a desire for just Him, nothing else. God is somehow no longer just someone who does something for me... I am overwhelmed with an awareness that it is about me loving Him. Its about His will for my life and in my decisions. Its about His desire to reach people.... through me.
Am I doing that? I pray I am ...... praying I am making an impact in their lives because I know ..... with tears on my face and all the love I have for them... they are making an impact in mine.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Friday already... wow vacation is flying by and I have never been at a place on vacation that I feel this rested, at peace and not looking forward to going back to work. There has been a LOT that has taken place since I last posted. It has been good to take a break from writing and sharing my heart. Its like talking all the time and sometimes we all need to slow down, even stop sometimes and just listen. Listen to what God is saying, others are showing us, let others love on us and reach out and while at the cabin, let nature sing you to sleep at night. I will press forward from here and not catch everyone up to speed on things from the past few weeks. That would be one long post for sure. LOL - This week we had the Beaver family up here at the cabin with us. It was a great short week, with some smiles and lots of laughs. Drama was on the menu each day and with the AC not working then boat not working - we all headed home Wed afternoon.
Yesterday Kyle, Morgan and I headed back to the cabin and I am writing this with a cup of coffee in my hand, a breeze blowing, critters running through the woods, God feeling close to me this morning and just feeling blessed. Morgan and Kyle are still sleeping and that does my heart good because they needed some deep sleepful rest I am sure with all these kids have to do, worry about, live up to and worry about everyone else. In many ways they share the same qualitites in their hearts and I am just blessed and so very thankful to be spending time like this with them. I miss Morgan and the last few weeks she and I have had some good talks, a visit at my work and I am glad to be walking with Morgan in her life - she is such a great young lady and I look forward with such a great excitement in my heart. Kyle is such a bright light for all to see and anytime there is friendship like this taking place... he steps big to the plate. Love him for it and excited to be watching God doing such awesome things in his life. He has been through a lot but has always shined above those tough seasons.
I look forward to next few days - a full day here at the cabin today and tomorrow - church on Sunday and some driving lessons with Taylor and a meal served to the homeless after church! Monday Carowinds with a few of my close kids .....
Carol is enjoying some much needed girlfriend time. Donna and Barbara have always stood with her - good times and in the darkest of days. Thankful she has friends like that in her life!
Today I am in Psalm 37:3-4 as I pick up once again my Bible study.
3 Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Lord I am delighted in you. I am delighted to shine your love to others as I learn every day to give my life and heart to you. Help me be more like you in my daily walk. My desires of my heart is to know you better Lord. Help me do that and as I look around to the things in my life, help me find joy in all things. Help me find peace and love in the hearts that are all around me. My way Lord, I give to you and as the kids are resting peacefully still in the back bedrooms, I pray for both of them Lord... a better relationship with you and on fire to know more about you. They both have such loving and caring hearts willing to please and be accepted. I pray you personally touch each of them today in a new exciting way. I pray for miss Carol who needs to feel you close to her during this time with Kate. I pray you bring her peace and understanding in her heart. I pray for Kate as she struggles with who she is and her direction in life. Maybe wanting to blame it on others, her dad, me for the past year - Lord help her lift these hurts and struggles off her heart. Give her focus and understanding that only YOU Lord can give us. I pray all these things in Your sons mighty name in Jesus. Amen