Sunday, March 11, 2007

Never a ho-hum day -

Today was a double duty at church today. Missing an hour of sleep and having a hard time falling asleep left us running a little behind this morning but we were on time - just a little rushed. Carol did an awesome job with Sunday school and teaching the kids. I did want to share something with you today because my wife and I did something we have not done before. Before we started - I had everyone come to the front and gather around. Its always cool when you have the attention of children and its in a way that they know they are loved and belong. As I told the children they are at church today because someone from their family brought them, I told them they as we are together now and we all know Jesus - that makes us a family too. We are a team when you are in church. I had all the kids put their hands in and I prayed for them. One girl prayed for her teacher - she broke her ankle - another girl prayed for her mom and another told us her dad past away 1 year ago today. So as I sit now and reflect on the lives of those children - they too are in a grown up world. We have struggles and deal with the loss of my mom in my family so to do other people have to deal with that. This little girl is missing her dad now and life just doesn't seem fair at times. It reminds me that just like those kids in Sunday school today - we are a family and we have to stick together. Reach out to someone today - just maybe with that prayer and that time together for that girl in Sunday school - made today a little easier for her.

1 John 3:
Love one another
11This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 19This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence 20whenever our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.
21Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God 22and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him. 23And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. 24Those who obey his commands live in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.

I pray you have a giving spirit - because no matter what you're walking through today - someone has walked in those shoes already. Help each other along loved ones and let Gods spirit guide you in doing what is right.

Father, I pray today for the person who needs a smile - who needs to know they are not alone and someone has walked in their shoes before them. Lord help us focus on Your spirit in our hearts so that we may do what is right and reach out to others. Lord give us the strength and courage to open ourselves up and let people in - so that we may all begin the healing process and for You to take over our hearts and soul. Grab us Lord and lead us where You want us to go.
I pray in Jesus name,


Anonymous said...

No - it was not a ho-hum day at all, and it seemed we were all running a million miles a minute - but all for God's work. 1 less hour sleep, rushing around this morning, but we found our balance today. I totally felt like today was the best I've done with the kids in Sunday School....I just felt totally connected today. We had so much fun, and the kids were totally getting it....!!! It's an amazing feeling ~~ one I never thought I was capable of teach God's word to 3-5 graders. Who would have thought? But, I love these kids, each and every one of them, and I think if they feel LOVE, they know they belong there, and they will learn God's word. Lonnie ~~ you are great with the kids too, and I loved what you did with the prayer today ~~ pulled them all together and let them know that each of them mean something, that WE are a family. I think we make a great team with Sunday School. Thanks for sticking it out with me. I really think these kids need male role models in their lives, and you are such a GREAT example for these children. You are touching lives everywhere, and that is so awesome.

Love ya --- Momma

Sharon Davis said...

Children are just like us, only smaller, the more they talk to God the more comfortable they will be with it. I wish I had of had someone when I was a child to lead me along this path and life wouldn't have been as hard for me as it was. I have heard children pray for their pets, their friends, and even about their grades their ballgames etc. it's all soooooooooooo good!! God wants us to talk to him and ask for His help. The sooner they realize that God is there to help them the better off they are. God does care about all that we do, He just wants us to give HIM the glory when he answers these prayers. We don't do anything alone, if we have Jesus in our hearts, everything we do is with HIm, where ever we go He is with us, whatever we see He sees, whatever we say He knows it, Whatever we think, He knows, He knows all, why not let him in on all our lives, He is our constant companion. My thinking is don't go anywhere you wouldn't want God to go with you, and don't do or say anything that you wouldn't want God to know or to hear, because He is right there with you. Life can be a joy with that thought in mind. We are never alone He is always with us IF we don't shut HIM out.