Monday, January 31, 2011

Hope this post finds you in a good place and in good spirits today. It was such a nice weekend this past Saturday and Sunday - much needed time to get away and just sit and be still. Sunny and warm weather does a heart good sometimes. I am reflecting on the stars Saturday night as Carol and I took the dogs for a walk in the late evening. Its always a special time for me as I look up into the heavens and see so many stars, with so many questions, so much longing for a talk with my mom and imagining what she is experiencing and seeing right in those moments. In my heart I know my mom is with me but to be honest here, I do miss that relationship of having a mom. I think about some of the people in my life who although young, they too are missing out on that mom relationship. Maybe that is why for some, I step up in big ways in my role as a dad or step dad. I know there are relationships all around me that need that outside voice.
Last night during Rock Group - the conversation was just awesome after a great lesson on being that outside voice into the people around you. Our kids need their parents but also a voice to speak into their lives. So often we dont have that because of being afraid and really not knowing what to do or to say when a teenager comes to you in tears or having an issue they need guidance on. Often times just being there is all you need to do.
Presence - is powerful!
Yesterday when I got home from the cabin I got to take one of my daughters :) - out for a coffee. We talked and shared some things and yesterday at this point in time, I dont have the answers, I want to take away the hurt, I want to have something to pull from the Bible ... but I didnt have any of it. All I had was me. Turned out, that is all she needed. After coffee we went and picked up a pizza and while waiting we headed over to Harris Teeter to pick up a few things for her breakfast this week before school. She wants to make a cake, her first one so we got those things to make one. Promising that I would get a piece - its during those times, nothing fancy, nothing really fun but radio off, cells off, connection is made and its so cool to be there in those times when a teenager just needs some guidance. Sometimes they dont need a sermon to listen to or someone telling them what to do - its just about relationship.
Youth ministry is all about that relationship. I see it forming in our rock group with the new families that are with us. I see the importance of someone investing in my son Kyle other than me and who is speaking truth into their life. I dont care if its over coffee, going skiing or just talking and walking through Bass Pro Shops. Relationships....
I can remember back about a year ago and our youth pastor was in the middle of his sermon and a student stopped and raised her hand. With a greeting, she said - You dont even know my name! - and she was hurt. I stepped up and said her name and she smiled and asked her question. I had not had that right to speak into her life yet. I only knew her from afar and a few conversations. Because I knew her name and didnt leave her hanging in front of 50 other students, which probably would have meant her not ever coming back, she and I bonded and still today, though not as often as I would like - we catch up and we share what is happening in our lives. She asks about church and work and more importantly I get to ask about school, home and how her walk is with Christ. Sure not everyone can pour into these teenagers like that nor can you do that to everyone but relationships matter. They need to know that you care and love them - even when its awkward. Yes parents, there are awkward moments but press through them. How is your daughter going to know how to be treated by a guy she is dating if you dad, dont show her? How is your son going to know how to treat a girl he has the hots for if you dont show them with how you treat their mom?
Relationships - sometimes just taking a student, your daughter, your son, the person you have influence with, to Walmart .... radio off, cell off and just listen. Sure teenagers are drama filled, full of themselves at times, ramble on and talk and talk - but listening is what they need sometimes. You may not ever need the answers or even sometimes say a word. Your presence is all they may need and in a few years, those moments of you being there may have eternal benefits as well.
Having a presence in a students life, your son or daughters, is like Christ having a presence in your life. He is always there and its up to you to model that for them. They need to see you have a relationship with Christ so they have something to model in their own life.
Presence is showing others they matter and you are showing them by doing what you are saying. People often times dont want to hear what we have to say - they want you to show them what you have to say.
Tomorrow, I am headed to the middle school girls basketball game - there will be a lot of familiar faces for sure. I only know that because one of my students texted me last night to tell me she is starting on the team. I wouldn't miss this for anything because that relationship matters. I dont really care if they win or lose - I do care that she will know there is someone in the stands that cares and puts a priority on being there. Relationship. Along with doing this, I get to see others, cheerleaders that I know, other students, parents - its all about relationships.
Your relationship with Christ will spread into the relationships around you. If God is speaking truth into your heart - you will do the same into the people around you.
Its the heart of ministry. Your ministry, rock group ministry, student ministry - Christs ministry in your life.

Thank you Lord for being a presence in my life so that I may have a presence in someone Else's life. Help us just focus on you and be ok in those awkward moments when its silent and we dont know what to say. Help us just focus in ministry Lord because its about relationships. We thank you for your relationship with us and for making it that important to save us. Help us build relationships in our lives centered and focused on the things of you. Thank you for coffee and conversations Lord.... heaven will be full of both I'm sure. Amen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hope yall are having a great day thus far. Raining and dreary here in the Carolina's but after speaking to my neice a few days ago in Tupper Lake NY and it being -38 degrees - hey I'll take this weather any day. That cold is just insane and maybe ok for a day or 2 if you go to it and be there ...key word being THERE. But you can have it. I do like some snow and some extreme things at times dont get me wrong but there is just something about living in a place that is that cold. Not for me, Carol freezes me out of the house, the car, where ever we are together!
Last night Carol and I had date night which has been on the plans now for a few weeks. We headed into south Charlotte - fancy side of town- and got something to eat. Gift card - free meal. After we went and seen the new movie premier - Soul Surfer - free tickets. So Free movie. I like that kind of date - Carol only cost me $6 and I would have got out of that if she just didn't HAVE to have the popcorn.
Anyways, I wanted to talk a little about the movie. Give you some of my thoughts on it. I love being on the Youth Pastor list to be invited and give feedback to these types of movies that seem to be gaining steam in Hollywood. The long arm of Sony has put this movie out - You can see the trailer here - or the real life story at

This movie is about the life of Bethany Hamilton. She if you don't know, was the young up and rising surfing star from Hawaii who had her arm bitten off by a shark. Her faith being a solid foundation in her journey during her life, kept her moving and pressing forward during these hard and difficult times. With her surfing career over, so she thought, she searched for Gods purpose in her life. 13 years old and a surfing contract and money and fame ahead of her - The shark took that from her. Her question was to why does God let bad things happen?
With Dennis Quad, Helen Hunt, Carrie Underwood in the movie - Hollywood put some effort into making this movie prime time -much like Blind Side - even though I think this will be even a bigger movie. I am excited that more movies are coming out like this. Not so much as pushing church down non church faces during a movie but just a kind and gentle faith based and lean back on feel good type of movie. If you are part of a church background and walking with Jesus is a major part of your life -you can feel the faith and trust in the movie. Bethany and her family stuck together no matter what and even during those first days... they took things one day at a time and trusted God in each of those moments. The one part that really shook me was when the dad had made Bethany a modified surfboard after she had tried but given up on her dreams, Bethany finally came to her dad and said, "Dad, I need your help". Dad smiled and showed up big time in her situation, in her problem, in the solution and in her life.
I can so relate to that. Just today I had a close student, my daughter in many ways, call me and say. "Lonnie, I need your help with something, do you have time?" - That so does my heart good. YES I have TIME!! You make time for what is important and in doing so, you not only show that person you mean what you say... You do it.
Compassion can make us do amazing things.

All through the movie - Jeremiah 29:11 was mentioned. Even as her dreams were gone, life as she knew it in those moments were over. There was another stage and platform that God was setting Bethany up for. She didnt know it, couldn't see it just yet but even through a loss of an arm, even through the loss of what seemed SO important with surfing - God moved her to another place. Another experience. Another stepping stone to experience His love and compassion so that she can do that same thing for others. She inspired millions of others who have lost a limb to continue to live life and live life though a little different - to do life with passion and love. Christ is her message through her suffering and setbacks. The family never shook from their faith and God provided for them in all their needs.

Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Verse 12 is amazing as well and follows up verse 11 perfectly. That is for another time though but my perspective in Jeremiah not only in the movie but also in my own life - gives me courage and strength to follow and listen for Gods calling. Even though we may be down, things may be hard, things seem totally impossible from where we are. God may just be setting us up for greatness. The job you just lost may indeed be a point in your life that you have been set free and now can start a business, go back to school, venture into another line of work. That boyfriend that just broke up with you has given you freedom now to hang back out with your friends that you ditched because of his controling personality. Friends, We never know what might be over the next wave in life. I love that quote from the movie. We just never know what GOOD may be just beyond what we can see. Keep the faith, keep the vision and let God continue to pour into your heart. Dont lose heart loved ones, God is near.

A+ on the movie Sony - great job taking a good solid message to the public and a great movie to strengthen the family as a whole.

Bethany - You are inspiring and a hero to many. Keep shining .... and keep that compassionate heart blazing on fire for Gods people.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I just want to talk from the hip today. I hope thats ok - you can turn back now or forever keep your comments. :)

This past Sunday at Rock Group - Our evening family small group that meets for Bible study on Sunday evenings, we broke a rule that we have in place concerning food. Yes food is ok at times and during special things like celebrating birthdays or having a cook out or even getting together for movie night. Sunday was special since it has been awhile since we were all together and having some new families in the house - we wanted it to be a good kick off to another season together as family. Not only did we do a message that evening but I got to speak and lead in front of both adults and their kids together. Its always special to do that and it really is nice having everyone around.
Well see there in the food pile, which there was a LOT of food, was all these bags of chips. Tortilla chips, BBQ potato chips, regular chips and the dreaded Frito's Corn chips which is a story on its own for another time. But also these Doritos that I had never seen before. Excited to bring them into work and share with the guys here, we had a sample taste earlier this morning right before lunch. What seemed like a great idea to make Doritos that are cheeseburger flavor, everyone loves cheeseburgers right? - turned into a not so good idea after only a few chips. Yes I agree totally they taste like cheeseburgers but why really? Why not have them taste like regular doritos? Why the change in taste as to perceive you were eating a cheeseburger? Its just not real. Its just not right to have something taste like something else.
It has me thinking about student ministry today and I am flushing out my thoughts on this. You are probably thinking doritos and students ministry - what?
Well most teens are at that place where life is just confusing. They change like underwear - often right? Hope so .... they get an idea in mind and by lunch its totally forgotten. They have different circles of friends, all confusing and full of drama. Socially they are all over the place trying to be a grown up in one moment and a child in the next. Decisions are often times lead by - WHat on earth were you thinking? - only to come to realize thats the part they didnt do. THINK.
Their development is all over the place and all of that comes from their home life, school setting and even the TV shows they watch. Spiritually - I see them from being concrete in their faith and souled out for Christ and then floundering in the ways of the world all in the same day or even before lunch time. Its hard sometimes to pick out the Christian and the non believer because of their choice of words or actions are basically the same.
They are trying to find the real true taste of who they are. Those who are not grounded in the faith of Christ and really know the foundation of who they are change with the seasons and come and go like the wind. All these fake flavors according to what life has placed them in really does a person some long term damage in defining their character.
Being fake and something you are not will eventually hurt you in the long run. It will eventually be exposed and the real fragile you behind the mask will be exposed. Thats the hurt place and often times those who are in this place have a hard time to break free of this deceived place they have built around them.

Be who you are and be real. Quit trying to be something you are not. The one thing about this coming generation is the fact that they know a faker when they see one. I dont know how or why but I honestly believe they have a 7th sense in smelling a fake person. They know when someone is spending time with them and loves them for who they are or just having to babysit them and who dont even like them. You want to have real meaningful relationships in your life its time to quit tasting like something you are not. Its time to quit smelling like something you are not. Its time to stop appearing something you are not.

From our move on Sundays to only middle school students it has allowed me to see a little closer into their lives. The past I have been with both middle and high school students and they are far different from each other. Those beginning teen years comes with body odor smells that would knock a bear out if attacking, zits that appear out of nowhere over lunch time, feet are size 11 and they are only 5 foot 1 (you would think that would be good for balance) and hair that starts growing in places never seen before. Middle school years are tough - I personally hated this time frame in my own life - but they can also be the best years if you are true to who you really are and have been grounded in the foundation of being real and knowing who Christ says you are and not what others say you are.

Being real comes when you define who you are and then pick your friends. Not picking your friends and then letting them define you. Its about making a list of the qualities of the opposite sex (wow how did that happen?) that you find good and something you wont settle for less when that person sends you a text to ask you out. "Whatever that means in middle school." - Its about standing firm in your beliefs and knowing the bounderies set forth by mom and dad and respecting them. Its about learning how to tell people "NO" when they pressure you to do something that you know is wrong and outside of your personal bounderies.

Stand up and be real...... dont be something you are not.

Inspite of all this craziness, laziness, sometimes poor decisions and a faith that shines bright in one moment and not at all in the next - there is hope.
I see so much potential in this next generation. I see so much compassion for missions and serving the people in the big world even as technology and advances in social aspects make the world smaller. Haiti one year ago had one of the worlds worst earthquakes and people poured in to help, to donate money, to send missionaries and doctors to help the sick and hurting. This is a mission minded generation. I have seen a small glimpse of this during our service weeks in our student ministry and during thirst camps and on Sunday when we serve a meal to homeless shelter families. These pimple faced, emotionally scattered students have a heart that gives this world HOPE.
I am praying and seeing Hope as these students rise up to challenge others in their faith to help the poor and to feed the hungry. To have hope in their schools with YCI programs and attending church and youth groups. I see these 13 and 14 year old student who in a few years will be leading worship and preaching the message of Christ in their own way by leading a student youth group in their schools and in their churches and in their friends. I see them making a huge impact in changing lives years and years down the road because they didnt bail out on their faith before they learned to drive. I see the hope as they get out of the drivethrough of life and be honest with themselves, demand that REAL flavor of life from others.

Be real loved ones and never short change what God is doing in your life for something that is of the now and what feels and tastes good but is really something totally different and deceiving.

When we have given them all we have, spoke until we dont have anything else to say - then its time to SHOW THEM. You will know when that moment comes and its then, we have to do what we are saying for them to do and lead the way.

There are great things in you that you havent even discovered yet. Keep the faith loved ones and pressing towards the goal.

If you are reading this .... I BELIEVE IN YOU.
Cheering you on from the balcony of life...... never losing HOPE.


Monday, January 24, 2011

I am sitting here looking at a blank screen with a 1,000 thoughts in my mind and 100 things I could be doing instead of sitting here with a blank screen.
Yesterday was a long day. Ministry wise a very draining day. You will have those days and it really seems like a season of time that I am in right now. There are needs all around me, comments, issues, not so good decisions, people leaning and needing - the list is about as long as it has ever been. My heart is heavy as the water seems pretty muddy but I know the waters will clear and God will make a way in the lives of those around me and he will sustain me through. Sometimes we have to lean on anothers faith until we can stand on our own. The question remains personally though - do you want to?
See we perceive that we have it all together. We perceive that our walk with Christ is closer than it truly is. We perceive that your family is in a good place and finances are in order, kids are doing good in school and your son is dating the wonderful Christian cheerleader in school. From the outside everything looks fine and dandy. Inside, you are a mess. Life is crumbling and the months continue to be longer than the paychecks. Your children are not doing well in school, in fact they have made some other not so good decisions lately and you are just at the ends of your rope. You and the spouse are not seeing eye to eye and the couch for one of you is your bedrooom.
When we perceive to have it all together what we really are is deceiving those around us. We are giving them false hope, false trust and a false image of what is really taking place.
Deception can in some cases, lead to a lot of pain. People get the misunderstandings or take things out of context when they get a little closer and scratch a little deeper than the surface.
I think in many cases, the heart is the one that tells the person to push back, show people everything is ok or bigger than it really is. We give folks an image that is far different than reality and what is really going on.

If you told me after hearing the homeless man sensation, star radio voice Ted Williams was a drug addict, homeless man and not in a radio gig somewhere making good money I would have thought you were crazy. His voice perceives a person that is totally opposite of who he really is.
When we percieve ourselves as something that we truly are not - we deceive everyone around us. Some of them might even be family and our closest friends.

I often think about that in church or standing and leading in front of students - when asked for prayer requests ... they give you the blank look, they have nothing to write down, they dont have any. This is usually the farthest from the truth. If we would just take notice loved ones, and reach out a little past the surface - we will find often times a very hurting person. For whatever reasons, the person cannot come to grips to seek help, advise, wise counsel or a dear friend to show them the way. Having a Paul in your life will help keep you from being that person of deception.
When we deceive those around us - we change 3 things about us. These are 3 things as I look back in my life that my parents not so much as TOLD ME - but SHOWED ME these things.

1. Honesty
2. Character
3. Integrity

Being honest about things brings things into the light as lies and hidden secrets cant stay in the dark for long. Those things may be some hurtful struggling places in your life. It may be that you secretly take pills, eat and then purge, abuse alcohol or smoke - the list is endless and I think you get my point. Honesty is making yourself complete - removing the lies and holding yourself accountable by taking a hard look in the mirror. We often times put things under the rug and run from our secrets. We protect those secrets at all costs. Honesty opens your heart and life up for someone to help. Someone to look into and invest in you. Honesty is a starting place for that healing place to begin. Someone who is not honest - you cannot help.
Let me say that again - Someone who is not honest - You CANNOT help.

In not being honest you change your character. Your character is who you really are. Are you a follower of Christ? Well without being honest, you may be just while at church on Sunday mornings. When you make it and not sleep in or hang on to that hangover. Your character is who makes you, well you. What are you passionate about? What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Is your attitude that someone owes you something or your life is tough so I am going to make the lives of others tough as well? Maybe you deceive by perceiving all is ok and deep down your character is hurt. You have been hurt in the past and all you can do to keep going is putting that fake smile on, happy only when certain people are around - inside you are crushing your own spirit.
In your fake character you challenge your integrity. Integrity to me is an action word of your character. Its doing what you will say you will do regardless of what is going on around you. When in positions that would be harmfull or would drag you or someone else down a bad road - your integrity is the only thing that sometimes keeps you standing up. Its when faced with a challenging and difficult decision - you do the right thing regardless if its hard or difficult. You do the right thing even if it brings out in the open a friends, character and that persons honesty. You challenge what everyone else is walking away from and not saying anything.
Its stepping in when others are stepping away. The road less traveled....... Integrity defines what you are about and it shows people your character.

What you have in your heart is what eventually comes out. People will eventually see your heart by your words, your actions, your decisions and even in your deceptions. You can only hide for so long before the hurts and the pain and the struggles come out. When asking for prayer requests we all should be at a place where we raise both hands and shout if need be - because we are being honest with ourselves. If life is good right now, praise God - don't forget God. Praise him because chances are, it wont stay that way.
We should be living proof of who and what we stand for. If you are a follower of Christ, then people should know that by the words you use, your demeaner around others, your actions, the love that pours out of your heart and even that smile and energy that you have all around you in everything you do.
2 Corinthians -3:2-3 - You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

Loved ones, what are you showing others with your life? What story are they perceiving it to be about? Does it line up with who and what you say you are?
If not, it may be time to take a long hard look in the mirror - to invite a Paul into your life who can mentor you, challenge you, hold you accountable, to question the lies and dig into the secrets that bind you and hold you back from living a life full in Christ. Its letting go of those things holding you back and stepping forward into something incredible and full of power to do what God is wanting in your life to do.
I look at the emerging generation and I see so much potential, so much in the terms of making a difference in this world, I see small thinking and not giant huge God can do thinking. I see that in you as well.
Need a miracle in your life, in your marriage, in your finances, in your children and maybe even in your church - Ask God for it and then tell someone. Open a little and let that heart that God is holding in his hands show others.
Its time to stop the deception and get real, get true and bring the things in your life out of the darkness.
You are Gods letters in your story and he has the ink pen ....What is your story telling?
Fill in the words.......... ___________________.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sitting here this morning with a heart full. Kids have Saturday school as they are having to make up for last weeks 6inches of snowapocolyps. Yes I made up that word but its fitting. Having a cup of java and just wrestling with a few things as I think about the day ahead. Yesterday was a good day with YCI and catching up with so many great students. I love taking a little extra time to smile with them and catch up on the events in their life. It really at times lift ones spirit when you are around some great students who are aiming high in life. Though there may be bumps along the way, they are chosing the path that many dont. Often times its the harder path but one that leads to a good destination.
Last night as I sat with one of my close kids. I wanted to ask a few questions about having a person in your life that you share deep things with. Most people have a close friend in that sense that they share things with that not everyone has the privledge of knowing those deep heart felt things. As we began to talk her eyes filled with tears and the tears spoke as they unraveled what was the matter. As we stepped through this I really wanted to give her some things to hold on to. A Bible verse offering her some wisdom or comfort. I wanted something smart to say but didnt have anything. The only thing I could do was to let that pain she was sharing fill my heart and let compassion take over me. Sometimes as leaders and as parents - all we can do is be there for them. Let them experience somethings and work those things out for themselves. If they ask for advice, give it to them in a gentle and meaningful way.

Stay close, take notice and be there for hug is sometimes all you can do.

A little while later I got a text thanking me for listening and being there. As a parent, nobody wants to see their child hurting. I think back to when Kyle was little and him getting a shot at the doctors office. I wanted more than anything to take that shot for him because as the doctor gave the needle, the tears and pain that follows rips a parents heart out. That pain is real that our children have and it hurts a parents heart.
Far too often in that pain, parents swoop in and rescue their children. When they make bad choices, they come in and make things all better. They tell them its not their fault or make blame on someone else. The child then never really feels the sting of their choices. They never pay the price of those decisions and in turn - they will continue to make those same choices.

Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it.

This verse is key to understanding the process of knowing how to raise our children. Often times parents are just winging it and have no idea what they are doing. I admit to that at times but there has to be a foundation of principle there that doesn't change. Some of the other surface level things can be adjusted according to the situation but the bottom line is that the foundation must never change. Those foundation things are the families core values. Its the values of the family that do not change no matter the situation or even the child. Raising one child has its problems but more than one ... well lets just say that God has created us all different and what works for one often times does not work for the other. Some may be creative, quiet, outgoing, intelligent, or average. Whatever the case, they're all individuals. God does not create people on the assembly line.
They key here I am trying to make it that first part of the verse above. Train a child in the way they should go .... the key word is "WAY". This is a great word in this Proverb because it also means "road" or "path". So if we are all created differently, our path and our road will not be like anyone elses. Our job as parents is to know our childrens way, their characteristics and adjust to what is best for them to "Train them in the way they should go, so when they are old they will not turn from it."
Last week Carol and I were watching the show Nanny 911. It was a great show as this family had lost control of their 6 kids and the parents were at a loss as to what to do. After walking with this family for a day or so, the Nanny went into action. Starting with the parents and then the kids. as the Nanny explained, fix the parent and the kids will follow. As parents we have to teach, lead and make the way for our children. It doesnt work in the other direction. Our children don't need another friend, they have plenty of them at school. What they need is a leader to show them the way. They need a voice to share with them the vision ahead and a heart that follows. I have heard it said that "change a fathers heart and the first to benefit is the family."

Parents its our job to understand the differences in our children, to not compare them to each other and lump them all into a one size fits all. really focusing on those different characteristics in each of them and using them to really stand out in how we teach them, challenge them, lead them is key to our success as parents. Adapt your training according to these different characteristics all the while standing on the core values of the family. Then and only then will a child in the way they should go and when they are old they will not turn from it.

Stay close, take notice and be there for a hug is sometimes all you can do.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

When we hit a hurting place in life, maybe a decision that was not wise or by accident. Its a tough season to carry ourselves through. Its during those time when life is caving in all around us and all we see is our problems and our struggles that we often times dont need a lecture or advise - you dont need reasons... we need comfort. You dont need some answers in those moments, hopefully later down the road they will come. What we really need is someone.

Jesus does not come to us with an explanation; he comes to us with his presence.

We are always seeking answers and the reasons. We all want to know why. We want for God to finally tell us what is going on ... we cry out and we beg for something to change. Living with ourselves is tough enough and picking ourselves up off the ground where we stand today is an unimaginable task for right now. Life's weight is unbearable.

God does not reveal to us his plan then; He reveals himself. He comes to us in a warmth, when we are cold. He comes to us in a soft whisper when the noise all around us is so loud. He comes to us when we need a friend when everyone seems to have pulled away. He comes to us fellowship when we are weak, down, and alone. He comes with courage, strength and full of worship songs when we are sad. He comes in our tears that roll down our face. He comes in that broken heart for a child. He comes when we are thirsty and hungry.
He comes with us on our journey ahead. He comes when we need a hand up and not a hand out.

He comes because he is with us. He comes because we know Him and not the idea of him.
If needed he comes again and again and again and again ... no matter how many times we may fall. The only earthly scars that has ever entered heaven reach out and grab ours because of his love.
Time and time again.

Because we know him and not the idea of him. Very thankful for knowing our Lord and savior today - The secret to life is to have something bigger in it than our problems. Do not lose heart. God is near.
Once again I'm awake with some things on my heart and on my mind. Maybe this will help but then maybe it wont. I do know that God knows what is on my heart and how heavy at times it gets. That heaviness takes on a new role when it gets to be at this place because it affects my thoughts and the things I think about and it also affects my actions to a certain degree. It also hits harder when things around you are closer than arms length. There is nothing like family pain - no greater hurt.

I fully enjoyed our Wed night Bible study this evening as the students got to write down questions and not put a name on those questions. Both our pastors at church were asked as many questions we could get through - there were MANY! I think I did a good job leading and kinda running the show and the next steps as we moved from eating pizza, leading game, announcements and then into the meat of the evening with answering the students questions. The thing that troubles me this evening, or this morning now as I look at the clock - work is going to hurt in a few hours but what can ya do.... the thing that troubles me is the fact that God is an idea for most people. Yes most folks believe in God or a god but one that is only an idea. I mean that by saying that God is there unless it makes me change what I am doing, what I am wanting to do or making me stop and change direction. For most if I asked the question if God was boring, I bet most would say yes.
Think about it with some student growing up in church they have heard the stories, been to the pizza parties, had their fair share of VBS and Sunday morning small group time. They know the basics of most of the big parables and stories of Christ but there life is lacking something important and that is the willingness to step a little further in faith to dig a little deeper in those stories and parables and apply them to their life. They are just stories, often times heard many times since 2nd grade. The real life application of life change and understanding from Christ is just under the surface of those stories, parables and experiences if they would just dig a little deeper.

We cannot expect our students, our friends or family member - to follow a God they do not know. I am talking a personal relationship with them. Not a facebook friend who we only know occasionally and use to build up our importance stance on bragging how many friends we have. I am talking about the handful of friends who would have your back when you need them. A friend that stick closer than family and when the world pulls away over a mistake you made, this friend steps forward and leans in to help, to listen and to love on you. We cannot stay on the surface of our friendship with Christ. He wants to know you better - well he knows everything about you but it also has to work in the other direction.
Meaning that when you are faced with a decision say, cutting, making out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, going to a friend house when you told mom you were going to the mall, when you cheat on a test, all those sly and sneaky things that we decide to do -if we have to do something that we know we shouldnt do but do so anyways - God becomes just an idea. It may be thinking that takes us to - the God idea is for someone else - I am doing this regardless of the outcome or the pain that it will bring.
Knowing God is moving our hearts and our thinking and our true meaning of making a good sound decision from just knowing him to really having a relationship with him. Trusting in him.
Far too many are stail with this idea of God in our lives maybe because we have not experienced him since summer youth camp. Maybe you see the fun your friends are having at school and you think why am I not? Maybe you feel that life begins later and when you are older, like an adult, you will then put your life in order and follow Christ. You may also be at a place where - hey mom and dad dont really put a priority on this God thing so why should I?
This God idea, I can pull that out when I need it, like a free get out of jail card. I can use it when I want to appear better than someone else. I can use it when my boyfriend wants to go to this place but I dont want to go "That Far" just yet. Maybe you just dont feel God as all working in your life.

As a student leader and as a dad, these things really break my heart. Maybe they should really to a certain degree. I think that is healthy because it will keep me searching to fill that gap of brokenness for them and patch it with the scriptures, the love God has for me and for them and through that I can share that. When I am broken, God is remolding and reshaping. He is filling in the gaps to make my heart complete.
I often think that we dont challenge our kids enough. Sure they have all kinds of pressures on them today. Much more than I did when I was there age but to the core challenges and pressures are the same from one generation to the next. Things are amplified and shine bright today and influences and media are so much more stronger today. What I struggled with at 16 they are struggling with at 14 or 13. Even with all these amplified things in their lives, the basics of knowing Christ is the same.
We cannot expect our children to know and follow God if they do not know him. We also can't expect them to follow him if they have not been taught.
We have to preach Gods word to them, through our church, through our student ministries, through our parenting - and that is not just on Sunday mornings but all the time. We have to look for those teachable moments and then step forward and do those hard things.

Following Christ is an everyday decision. A battle on some days with selfishness and instant on generation who want the drive through instead of the sit down and talk God. My prayer is that we, myself included, that we dont lose focus on helping people around us know Christ and move him from our personal shelves of ideas and instant satisfaction to really knowing God is with us in all things. He is at the center of our lives, in our decisions, in our choices, in our relationships - God is who he says he is in your life. Life change happens when God steps in and he takes over.

I am excited about one student who I know through a few other students. I have not had much conversation with him other that a few short words and surface level stuff. His comment on facebook was asking about change. Can a person change their life on their own?
My comment was no - no you cant because willpower is all we have and over time that becomes weak and most times we fail and really changing. I invited him to YCI on friday which is a bible study in the school system here that meets before school. He asked what that was and said he had never been. I told him I would be there and to come - I would let him know how real life change works. Not through his power or through anything he will do. Christ alone will have the power to change him, if he is willing.
I look forward to that conversation. Lord, you do what only you can do with that. Just use me to share your love for him and speak your words that you want me to say.

Idea god - to real God .... a God that changes everything.

thanks for being here this morning and praying that your heart, mind and soul fills with new idea's who God is to you.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

It has been a few busy days to say the least. School is finally back on track and exams are taking place right now and makeup days are being scheduled. It has everyone still a little out of sync and I bet even some had a tough time sleeping last night with the getting up earlier than in the past. Its good to get back into the groove as I am sure lots of folks would agree.

I want to take a pause today from John and speak about something that is hitting very close to home these days. With Rock Group getting together Sunday and us having time together as we watched the Jets game and pushed back a message that is just in perfect season to share with everyone - it reminds me that sometimes we need to just take a pause from life and smile. Love on each other and just share some laughs, a football game, talk a little about whats going on in life and really connect heart to heart with the people in our lives. As I look to these friends for guidance, comfort, prayer - I know without a doubt that these folks have my back. I know that many of them would call me out if my paths were leading me to a place that was no good. I know they would support me if I had a big decision to make or was going to take a different journey in life. I know they would walk side by side with me.
A true friend is someone who gets hurt at times and instead of doing what the world would do by stepping out, they step in closer than before. We all need friends like that in our lives. Not just friends who never get past the Bears and Packers game coming up. Not just friends who talk about the 6 inches of snow and ice in Charlotte NC and it shutting down the area for a week. I am talking about a friend who comforts, who corrects, who deeply loves, who cries with you, who smiles with you, who rejoices in your life when you rejoice. I am talking about someone who has the right to speak into your life because of the paths you have walked together. I am talking about a friend who has the right to go to the hard places and conversations because they have earned that right to speak. Trusted and loved like family.
Proverbs 18:24 - Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.

A true friend gets hurt sometimes because they are willing to be hurt. Most times friends part ways because of one person getting hurt. Maybe over something that was said, maybe a misunderstanding and the value of the situation has move value than the friendship. Do you value the friendship more than the friend if you look around in your inner circle? A true blessing and treasure in life is being understood by your inner circle. Think about it - most people dont get you, your ways of thinking at times, your feelings on certain things, feeling with other people - but a true treasure if being understood by those special people. They are hard to find and hard to keep. Often times in life we put up walls to keep people out and its a protection reflex because we have all been hurt in the past by someone - by that at the time you thought was a good friend.
Proverbs 16:28- Troublemakers start fights; gossip break up friendships.

More often than not a real friend leads you. They take you along on a journey of life together sharing like family. The cool thing about these friends is there is nothing that stand in between them. One does not take and the other gives. Its an equal partnership and who don't stoop the level to the place where gossip becomes an issue. If a friend gossips in front of you about someone - then rest assured they will probably gossip about you to someone else. I have had to learn this from time to time working with students. Student have not the discipline to tame their tongues and sometimes they never outgrow that and continue those same habits into adulthood. The BFF is so over rated today as friends try to leverage themselves against popularity and appearance. Its a shame that friends can't just be friends knowing that both have different circles that they roll in. Its that integrity and character that Christ is looking for.

Are you a true friend? Do you have people in your life that you could call a true friend? You will always have a true friend in Jesus. No matter what people do around you and to you in your life - you can always rest assured that you will always have one true friend who is our example of a friend to aspire and look up to. I hope you know him today ... and like a real friend, place his friendship into the lives of you inner circle friends. He is not a facebook friend but someone who is on your trusted list to call in case of emergency.
We could all use a friend like that.


Friday, January 14, 2011

It has been a few days since I last posted here on "thewalk". It has not been short on events taking place thats for sure. 6 inches of snow and 2 inches of ice has crippled the Charlotte NC area here all week. With schools closed and makeup days are announced, parents are frustrated, kids have cabin fever and things are just a mess with everyones routine out of whack. Hoping for a fresh start next week as things get back in groove and normal - what ever that is - comes back into our lives.
I had a chance this week to sit down and share a coffee with a friend and leader and brother. He and his family are moving and even though thats hard, its only miles inbetween a relationship and with the internet, email, texting and facebook - those miles wont seem so far away. I am praying hard for them and their next destination in serving God. I am praying for big things for them and using all that they have learned over the last few years to further their walk and service for God and his family. I know great things are yet to be done there and looking forward already to camp or outreach somewhere in the middle - I am thinking NYC and spending a few days teaming, planning and outreach when God gets us to that place.
As one friend parts another comes in.... Thats how life works most times as I look at things not so much as a mountain to climb but railroad tracks running parallel to each other. Sometimes the train takes a person but another train comes and along those tracks, life has its good and has its tough spots but they both go together and without one of those rails - our lives are crashing. I walked away after a great coffee and conversation - I love those 2 things going together - God sure had a plan to make those 2 and conversation! - for 2 hours talking, dreaming, catching up on families, and just sharing our heart for God and all that is going on in our lives. I am especially pumped for that friendship and his leadership in my life. I am so needing it..... and God has perfect timing and a perfect plan. His ways or bigger than mine.

God will do amazing things in your life when you humble yourself to serving him, his teachings and ways of doing things. Your relationships with others take on a new deeper walk when we serve them by being humble. When we come to that place loved ones, we begin to see things differently and in a new way that we may have never seen before. I think about that as I dig into God word and what I read last year or a few months ago, when reading today sometimes has a new meaning to the words. Sometimes we see them in a different way or have experienced something in life that makes the words and the parables and the teachings come to life. I love when that happens and there is such blessing that comes through that process of God shaping and molding us to be more like him.
John 16: Now I am going to him who sent me, yet none of you asks me, 'Where are you going?' Because I have said these things, you are filled with grief. BUt I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. UNless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgement; in regard to sin, because me do not believe in mel in regard to rightouesness, because I am going to the Father, wher eyou see me no longer; and ion regard to judgement, because the prince of this world now stands condemned. I have much more to say to you, more than you can bear. But when he, the spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you. All that belings to the Father is mine. That is why I said the spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. IN a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.

As Jesus prepared his disciples for his earthly departure - it was clear to him that the world would mostly be rejoicing and celebrating but his closest people who knew who he was and called him friend would be filled with grief. By sending the holy spirit it is God who lives in us and in the proper season as our understanding grows and our walk deepens, the holy spirit will open our eyes in new ways and understanding. So as we strive forward reaching to understand more and living a life of significance - God reveals things to us as we mature. Its like when we are teenagers - we think and act like teenagers but as adults we mostly act like adults and mostly think like adults. As our spirit deepens so does our understanding and our thoughts and our actions.
We all have one sentance in life. A life lived on this earth is mostly recorded on the tombstones of where our earthly bodies are placed. Its a reflection of a life lived here - What would be your sentance that you would leave to others? What is your life about? What is important enough to you that you would leave as a standing legacy? Most people I would say want to live a life with significance. As a man, I know this to be true because I want to stand knowing that I am making a difference in the lives and of the people in my life. Leading students to know Christ and walking with them as they learn to not only trust God for their salvation but also in their lives - the good times and the bad times. I know there wont be much in the terms of "Thank You" or seeing their fruit take but someone else will see those things. Thats upsetting but its also the way it is. I plant the seed that God has trusted me in doing to them and down the road, at some point in their lives, they will lean back and know I was there - cheering them on from the balcony of life planting Gods seeds for their future. Some stick, some walk away, some float and some take charge - its up to them but I have done my part and what God has called me to do.

So as I think about my buddy Travis and his family today. Thank you my friend for your wisdom, guidance and challenging me to be the person that God has called me to be. I am not worthy to study God word, to teach it at times and live my life as an example for others. I surely cant beleive that at this place in my life the students and their families mean that much to me that they break my heart, keep me up at night for days on end and praying for them with tears in my eyes and a heart that is unreal in being so heavy at times. I know Travis you have inspired me and given me leadership to shape me and you have also given me a foudation of trusting God and doing what he says. You have shown me that example time and time again. Thirst camp being so hard, emotional and life changing and calling me to lead when you didnt hardly know me but my heart shown. Thank you my friend, my brother. We will hook up down the road and serve God together again. Keep in touch ....... the best is yet to come.

Authentic, lasting significance is hid with Christ. That means to say a man cannot find significance in any lasting way apart from Christ. So if a man in Christ, and submitted to Gods plan and purpose, then he can satisfy his greatest need in a way that endures.


Monday, January 10, 2011

I am really thankful for the snow today. It is beautiful and the part I love about it is the whiteness of it all and the fact that it softens the sounds around us. I remember working at Princeton early in the mornings during winter and walking across campus, it was so quiet after a snowfall, the sounds muffled out by the snow and the peaceful white flakes floating down. Last night I got in really late from WinterJam which was totally awesome and I will say more about that in a minute but the alarm went off this morning at 6:30 for work and I grunted... Carol said - turn it off you dont have to go to work. I rolled over and woke up 3 hours later. Hey I am getting old you know? I fully enjoy hanging with 23 students and other leaders at a concert but hey - I am there to have my worship game face on and thats what I did. I don't think I sat down hardly at all and seeing 16000+ folks, I wouldn't call them fans, but people with their arms raised, singing, and seeing that just blows my mind and warms my heart. I love those moments when I know God is doing something amazing.

Last night during the opening acts, they called for student ministry leaders to come forth and go to the back room. I grabbed 2 of my students who I fully believe with all my heart that one day - they will be involved in ministry in some capacity. Maybe not student ministry but personal outright, souled out ministry !! We grabbed hands and walked to the back room. There we met NewsBoys and David Crowder who them and a few members of their band thanked us for serving God in our students. They shared with us that our work is the hard in the ditches work as they travel the world singing and praising and helping us do our ministry - long after they leave and go on ahead to the next city impacting that 16000. They both prayed over all of us and we got some neat free stuff on the way out but the thing I remember most is seeing their faces shine knowing they were in a special place. A place much bigger than they were and for those brief moments - I really felt like they were seeing and feeling a vision for their life much bigger than anything they may have planned. Middle school students are all over the place as they try to sort things out and figure out things but a HUGE GOD seed was planted last night and I am praying hard that those seeds produce so much fruit for Gods kingdom in the coming years. One of the parents sent me a facebook message thanking me for taking her daughter back stage. When she came to pick her up - she was talking 100 mph and was all pumped up about meeting the band members, getting a CD and having it signed, to be prayed for and just having a chance to be a part of something to huge and impactful.

You can say that you believe in Christ - you may have all the correct human answers to questions - you can go to a big concert but something happens to a person who has that seed planted and it begins to grow. It changes that person and they begin to believe in bigger things, they see things differently and they have a heart that shows others who they are and what they stand for and believe in.

NewBoys played a song last night that I have forgotten how much I truly love. They were awesome as they finished out the show. The band members were on their individual stages that moved out over the crowd and way up in the air - even the drummer was elevated and tilted and then in a drum solo - the stage he was on spun as he played..... I have never seen anything like that before and it was really totally amazing!

If we are doing something for God - It should just be plain BETTER!!!

Excited to sit this afternoon, rest a little next to the fire today and recharge some of my batteries.

Talk tomorrow ......


Thursday, January 6, 2011

I have been really digging deep the last few days with this communication thing as I step back out in front of the students and rock group kicking back up again in a few weeks. I know I wont be the main person speaking in our student ministry and that is ok but I am grateful for the chance to be in front of them in some capacity - even if its just walking with the students in their faith building those relationships. After such a heart blow with our student leader stepping away - its hard for many, including myself at times, to think past him not being there and being a little worried of who might stay and who might leave. So effective communication is something that I am going to work on and pressing in on my words and actions because teenagers are like no other group of people. They have their own way about themselves and without a good connection to them and speaking in terms that means something, they understand and coming from someone they trust and who they know cares about them - we are only talking AT them.

So like I said the other day, those first few minutes are so important to make that connection. You gain their attention the rest of the time you are speaking or you completely lose them for the rest of the evening - RIGHT THEN AND THERE.

So building those bridges - I love bridges because it connects 2 separate places and it usually is taking those 2 places over something. When I think about being that speaker, its me on one side of the bridge and them on the other. Gods word is in that middle but so is so many other things like: relationships, mom and dad, school work, the cute boy or smokin girl, and even sometimes that exam in the morning and for some it may even be them wondering if anyone notices that they came to this place on drugs or is battling some other form of addiction. There are so many things!
For me today - my focus is making sure that my heart is in the right place. When our hearts are in the right place and full of what God wants to pour into us - there is no other way but to let those things out. Often times those things reflect on our face. Its easy to see someone who is struggling, the hard life that has been lived by that worry look that they always seem to have, the wrinkles that appear as we age, the red eyes from not sleeping and the frowns that life seems to drag down our smiles. Life has a way of reflecting our hearts on our faces!
Imagine the drama in teen years and how they can go in an instant from happy to sad to happy - angry to laughing and then back again. Life is a pressure bubble for them and life can burst at any second and often time does.
So making that connection for me today - is making sure my face reflects my heart. A warm kind heart will bring a warm gentle smile and people notice that. Especially students pick up on that. There is nothing worse for me to experience a student who I have good relationship with come in and completely diss me and walk right past me. Not knowing what is wrong or if there was something I did (I often times do that) but its not about me at all - its about a fight that just took place with a brother or sister or even a parent. Its hard not to carry that to others and our faces and THAT TEENAGE LOOK shows it big time like a giant neon sign.

Time has shown me who is listening and who cares nothing about being there. The looks down and the lack of eye contact is profound. The head down and in the palm of hands often times reflects the position of hurry up and get me out of here. There is nothing more engaging though when the eyes in the room are staring and you can feel the light bulbs going off. That bridge is being connected and the material is not just being said but being understood. Effective communication is taking place. Its during these times that a heart is challenged and the mind opens up to new possibilities and new thinking. That is the contagious part!!

Bridging the gaps of the 2 sides of the bridge and making it possible for a student to understand the message of Christ and how Christ fits into their lives and all those distractions that keep their bridge to Christ from bridging their gap and connecting their 2 sides. Our bridge between us and God has been build through what Christ Jesus has done. He has made a way for us to connect both sides.

So what else do I need to learn about communication, making that important connection to the students and bringing home a message? - It starts for me with reflecting my heart on my face and making people feel welcome in my life and not just being glad they are there but also being needed. Our walk with Christ is not meant to be a lonely walk along a windy and dark path but one of fellowship and accountability. A path that has others along the way to pick us up and share in life those hurtful seasons as well as the wonderful seasons. Ministry is relationships - relationships with Christ but also with each other.

Next time you open your Bible - let God words come to life and know as His child, loved ones, that you have the full rights to intimately interact with Jesus on every single page.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I am pretty encouraged today after last nights student ministry meeting. A good conversation and some help from another leader in our student ministry has that student from yesterday plugged back in and seeing the bigger picture. Its so easy to lose focus on the big picture when we are distracted by the little things all around us. I am glad at least for now, his steps are moving forward again.
Last night we got a great vision for our student ministry at church, though it may be different right now than what was, it is steps in the right direction and I am grateful for the opportunities ahead to serve Christ and live out this passion in my heart for the students placed in my life to know more about Christ. Honored to be serving them and their families in their walk discovering Christ in their lives.
As I got the prompt from Pastor Jimmy last night to close out the meeting with a few announcements and a few moments to share my heart with the students, something occured to me that really has me thinking. It has been a month or so since being out in the front of people in this type of situation and most of my life it has been one I have done my best to completely avoid - but since answering the call that God placed on my heart, I can't shy away from it..... It was revealed to me that those first few moments, that long 1 minute standing in front of a crowd of people are simply the most quiet experience you alone might ever face. As they look at you and you prepare to open your mouth and hopefully words come out clear and not in some raspy bird like call - the first few moments you have the crowds attention. In those first 2 minutes of speaking, you are either going to lose them or you are going to keep them. You will probably lose a few because of distractions and todays kids being ADD because they live their entire lives with a remote control in their hands and if something doesn't grab them right out of the gate - they turn the channel. They will do that to you as well if you don't grab them right out.
So, that is something I am going to focus on in the coming weeks.... attention to keep their attention and then gaining retention - why speak in front of people if they are not going to remember any of it right?
I shared last Sunday with a handful of my close kids that if they don't write things down, in 72 3 short days - 97% of what you just heard you will never remember. Those are pretty poor odds of remembering anything and if your goal is to learn and apply. You better have a pen and paper to reflect back on.
Today I am in John 4:43-54
After the 2 days He (Jesus) left for Galilee. When he arrived in Galilee, the Galileans welcomed him. They had seen all that he had done in Jerusalem at the Passover feast, for they also had been there. Once more he visited Cana in Galilee, where he had turned the water into wine. And there was a certain royal official whose son lay sick at Capernaum. When this man heard that Jesus had arrived in Galilee from Judea, he went to him and begged him to come and heal his son, who was close to death. "Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders." Jesus told him, "you will never believe." The royal official said. "Sir, come down before my child dies." Jesus replied, "You may go. Your son will live." The man took Jesus at his word and departed. While he was still on the way, his servants met him with the news that his boy was living. When he inquired as to the time when his son got better, they said to him, "The fever left him yesterday at the 7th hour". Then the father realized that this was the exact time at which Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." So he and all his house hold believed. This was the 2nd miraculous sign that Jesus performed, having come from Judea to Galilee.

As a dad, I can so relate to this royal official in his panic with his son near death. Not that my son or any of my close kids have been near death before but because as a dad, you know you would do anything, give up anything for the life of your children. I have walked pretty close to parents who have sons and daughters who have had surgeries and emergencies and I know the panic and heart felt pain that comes with those moments. As this man and his servants rode for days on horseback, one can imagine that this man had wealth. Not many folks had horses and servants so I can imagine this was a wealthy man but still a desperate man. The ride must have been long, hard, tiring as they rode their horses hard to get to Jesus. Imagine the faith that it took as to beg Jesus to come and make his son well and Jesus tells him, You may go, your son will live. Imagine that thought process right then as to the man believing Jesus on his word and immediately left to head right back home, another days travel by horse.
Now knowing me and probably knowing you, I don't think I would have had the faith of Christ word right there. I can just picture myself begging Jesus to come, to possibly grabbing Jesus and pulling him to come and to hurry! I can just see the panic measures taking place. But this father, takes the words to Jesus, trusts them and believes him.
What incredible faith as a father to do something like that. He didn't have time to think it through, to weigh in on the pro's and con's of waiting a while, leaving right then, making Jesus come with him or just take his word at heart - knowing his sons life is on the line.

I can't even imagine the feeling this dad had and the thoughts going through his mind as he raced a days travel by horse back home, only to be met by his servants meeting him part of the way and telling him -His son will live. Figuring the time that the fever left was the exact moment that Jesus said his powerful healing words and promise - Your son will live.

What an amazing story that shows what power we have in our lives when we believe and trust in Gods word.
As you seek your life and heart today - What are you not trusting God with that you need to trust him for? What is that struggle that you just cant seem to shake that God can take and free you from? What is that big decision that you keep going back and forth on that you need to trust God and take Him for his words that you already know but afraid to do?

As a parent and father - I am trusting God for my son and mykids. I trust that his plans a far better than my plans for them. I am taking his word on that.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I was ready to walk on in the Gospel of John today reading on ahead in chapter 4 and 5 but I find myself since last night stuck in chapter 2. If I had known what was going to happen last night I would have acted and reacted much differently. See, last night I lost control with one of my close students. After years of seeing this child grow in his faith, follow the teachings of Christ through our student ministry, leaders, and other students - who once was a shy child with no friends and the example of every joke possible - turn into a vibrant voice, a witty character, funny as anything at times, alive in coming out of his shell, on fire for God during peak moments in youth ministry..... to see him turn and walk from his faith is a hard thing to swallow. Especially with as much time so many, including myself that have invested in him. Its never easy but life is hard and when life is hard often times we walk and just give up. So much of growing in our faith comes from not getting out of the boat when the waves of life are pounding us from every direction. The waves of desires and personal issues seem to overwhelming to comprehend and gain control over. The waves of not understanding things and not wanting to ask questions or reach out for help from a trusted friend, parent or leader.
The last few months I have stepped up in my direct questions on where his heart was at and where he was deciding to go. Being lazy and not caring about much in life including school work, going to church, what others think - is a tough pit to be swallowed in. So again asking if he was joining us at church or coming to small group or even visiting another church and the answer was "NO" before I even finished the question.... sent me over the edge as I have not been that upset or angry in a very long time and NEVER over a student and their faith.

As I reflect back to John 2: 12-22 - I am reminded the even Jesus lost his cool when it came to the passion in his heart for his father and his church. Lets read that now.....
John 2:12-22- After this he went down to Capernaum wit his mother and brothers and his disciples. There they stayed for a few days. When it was almost time for the Jewish passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"
His disciples remembered that it is written "Zeal for your house will consume me" (Psalms 69:9) Then the Jews demanded of him, "What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?" Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." The Jews replied, "It has taken us 46 years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in 3 days?" But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

Jesus was indignant over what he saw and in his rage he cleared out the area in this huge outburst. I can honestly say that my actions where not Christ like, especially in my words, but I have to admit that it shows my heart. I fully know this student understands where I am, the passion for students to know Jesus and to follow him with their lives to the best that they can. I pour myself into them and make so much available in my actions, my words, (except this time) and to see a close student just chose to walk away is hard! He would not give up on wrestling even after a season of losing every single match. He stuck it out - even when losing a match this year and what seemed to be a loss by points, in the last seconds turned his opponent over and pinned him with 4 seconds left in the match for the win - is not giving up. SO why on earth would you just give up and walk away from your faith, the people who are pouring into you with everything they have and the friends that are there willing to walk with you in your faith.
Walking away is sometimes good and I have to admit that I too have done that in my life. But looking back I have always had something to go to. I leave a job, I have had another job to go to. I walk out of situation, I had something better to walk into. When walking away from your faith, you are walking into nothing and with nothing comes the fact that its all up to you.
So often our anger issues build up and its those underlining things that lead us to just quit and walk away. Jesus didnt suppress his anger any more than he exploded with rage that day in the temple. His anger was upfront, out in the open. He responded quickly, positively, and appropriately and then he went on with his business. I see far too many men today with hidden anger built up inside of them. Often leading to drug abuse, addictions with drinking and disengaging from the family. These stored up anger issues lead so many today into prescriptions to control our anxiety and depression.
No matter if its our students, close friends, parents or even ourselves - if we don't deal with our anger issues and bring them to the surface, it will someday, somewhere, somehow come out and express itself in an out of bounds manner.
I pray last night was not a hurtful moment but a moment that reflects the passion in my heart for Christ and for others to know him. Like Jesus clearing the temple because of his passion for his father - mine came out and I cleared the house.
Youth ministry is a calling of extremes. There are days that are never the same. There are students and situations that are never ever the same. I have made mistakes, I have made good choices and have been on the ends of both extremes. Students taking huge leaps of faith fo the things of God as well as students making the worst possible mistakes and choices possible. There is extreme pressure sometimes and that sometimes comes not from others but also from yourself. Extreme hours, emotions, work that never seems to end. Why on earth would anyone want to do this?
Extreme fulfillment. Seeing a student sell their lives out for Christ and living like no other, living with purpose and meaning and others being attracted to that wonderful difference is the most rewarding thing imaginable. Just as Christ walked this earth in skin and flesh - those then didnt understand and follow him them - some will not today. They chose to walk away ....
My point is today - chose to walk away from your old self, clear out YOUR temple and chose to walk with Christ.

Passionate about what I have been called to do. Sometimes I have to let that out. Sorry, but time to move forward and carry on with what I have been called to do. Some stick and some wont. I cant help that...plant the seed and let God set the stage for growth.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year~

Want to wish everyone a very happy and healthy new years. With Carol still up in PA with Kate and Bob, I got to spend a quiet new years with some of our rock group families. It was a nice surprise invite and enjoyed the time together. The kids and I stayed up all night and I am thankful for the smiles and invested time with Kyle, Morgan, Maddi and Brody. It was fun seeing the sun rise and the lazy day of new years spent mostly in our jamms.
I am praying that as the new year gets under way that the past year issues become full circle in your life. As you look at looking back and plan forward - I pray that God is a huge part of your life. If he has not been or if you are feeling as though God didnt get the respect and honor in your life last year that not only do you put Him ahead of some things this year - You make Him a part of everything you do. We all don't have to pastors or preachers from the stage on Sunday mornings. God has specific plans for your life to be the pastors in your workplace and in our schools or whatever it is that you do. Be that person that God has called you to be in that place and in your world. God wants to use you as a pastor while you coach that basketball team, while teaching in the classrooms, while helping that lady in 325 in the hospital and minister to that family. God wants to use you today in amazing ways and I pray that this year not only is He a focus and priority in your life -You make him a part in everything you do. Shine that light He has given you so that others in your world will be able to see his glory through you.

This year I am challenging myself to begin to dig to a deeper level in my walk with Christ. I am jumping into the Gospel of John and there are already a few things that stand out to me. First let me say that as this new year begins and my leading role in the student ministry is in flux as to what I will be doing at this point I do not know - I want to remain focused on a few things during this season of time. I want to remain focused on God as to his plans are bigger than mine and during this time, He may have something bigger in store for me than I have planned. I also want to reinvest my time and energy into the people that are closest to me. I want to reach a few others that have been heavy on my heart but I want to remain committed to those who I am doing life with. My rock group families - I am dedicating a deeper impact in our relationship as we walk with Christ together. I am also going to refocus a big part of my energy and attention to my schedule and pouring more into my wife and family. As a husband and father, I don't do everything right and fall short on so many things. I want to refocus so that my heart is aligned and in the direction we all need to go in as family.
So today I want to begin the Gospel of John in 3:19
Light has come into the world, but people loved the darkness instead of light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

Most people today want to be a good person. They want to do well and succeed in life. Most people want to take credit and receive recognition for the things they do. All of us have a past and all of us have that sinful nature that is the dark part of our selves. Once accepting Christ and walking in Christ light - he is the recognition that we serve and for all we do - he is the one that receives the glory. Our light shines for Christ so that others may to see the light. We are not of this world loved ones and our words and actions should align with those of Gods and that alone should make us stand out to others as being different. Not different in some weird odd way but a way that brings peace, comfort and something so different that people want to know more.

John 3:27- John replied, " A person can receive only what is given them from heaven. You yourselves can testify that I said, I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him. The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegrooms voice. That is mine, and it is now complete. He must become greater; I must become less."

I love how John puts the correct perspective into him becoming less and Christ being greater. So often we get caught up in our own worlds and we push aside God. Remaining focused and in correct perspective keeps us from doing that - even when things are great - we honor God in all we do by giving him the glory for our season of fruit. When things are bad and there seems to be no way out - honoring God in those trials brings our faith into a new level and deeper understanding that otherwise could not have been. Our situations may or may not change but our relationship with God will. As John was baptising and leading the way for Christ - John stepped back knowing his time and service was setting up Christ for bigger and more wonderful things. He knew his place and set the stage for Christ and for others who were following him.
Today, as I look around me and the people I have influence with - I ask the question, Am I setting up Christ for greater things in their lives because of what I am doing? I pray I am. I pray I am serving Christ and them well as I pour myself out and put the needs of them ahead of my own.
There is a song by Chris Rice - Life Means so Much that I want to share a few lines of lyrics with that I hope will be a setting place for you to begin a new more meaningful walk with Christ. As you connect with these words - Who in your life this year do you need to reach out to for Christ? Who's stage are you setting up in their life? Your own or the one who has a bigger more meaningful stage? I bet that person needs someone on their stage for all the world to see.

Chris Rice - Life Means So Much
Every Day is a journal page
Every man holds a quill and ink
And theres plenty of room for writing in
All we do is believe and think
So will you compose a curse
Or will today bring the blessing
Fill the page with rhyming verse
or some random sketching

Teach us to count the days
Teach us to make the days count
Lead us in better ways
That somehow our souls forgot
Life means so much
Life means so much

Every day is a gift you've been given
Make the most of the time every minute you're living

May this year be a banner year loved ones as you walk closer to God than ever before, you reach those around you for a bigger stage and life brings colors you have never seen before. Make the days count.......... Happy New Year.