Friday, March 2, 2007

Gripped by the awesomeness of God...

Gripped by the awesomeness of God. When was the last time God moved in your life with a thundering jolt? Have you never experienced Gods awesomeness? If not, you are truly missing out. Miracles do happen - your faith allows them to open up in your life. If you have not accepted Jesus into your heart and your faith is no where to be found - living for yourself and taking care of #1 - why would God do anything for you? Why would He do something for you when you are doing nothing for Him? Seems simple - unless of course you just ain't getting it.

John 11 still - because this passage is just amazing. I awoke at 12:10 this morning thinking about this passage. How it has gripped me this week and I am feeling the awesomeness of God through this passage. I couldn't get back to sleep - I was fired up knowing thinking about this - that Jesus had to prove to the people that He could raise the dead if they only believed in Him. Jewish custom tells us that the person who dies hovers over their body for 3 days. The 4th day - its too late. Jesus specifically waited for the 4th day to raise Lazarus so that there would be NO question that he was dead. Faith raised Lazarus - but still all the people did not believe.
Now I know if we were there - or if Jesus was here walking the earth in the flesh and performed a miracle like this right in front of our eyes - we all would be saying - I believe - I will never question or doubt you again!!! But in reality - there will be those who do. There are 3 types of people who just like the bible tells us in this passage - Some were amazed and believed right then. They decided to put their hearts into Jesus! Some sat back and used it as gossip. Kind of like us showing up to church and sitting there. CHECK - got this done for Sunday, now what? See ya next week. Jesus has not gripped you and you have not accepted the message because you do not believe with your heart - otherwise you would have the PASSION! Typical water cooler talk at the office..... the lastly - some decided to kill Him. How the plans move forward because Jesus was a risk to their way of life. The Romans could come and check into this and take away everything that WE have and change the way we are living and doing things. We will lose control of the people. Kill him before word gets out and people start believing.

Jesus knows how you feel and what you are going through.

As He came to the city where Lazarus was buried - Mary and Martha whom he loved like family - He felt their pain and felt their grief - Jesus knowing that things are not supposed to be this way - He cried and felt what they were feeling! When someone dies - they are not dead but alive more so now than when their body was alive! Jesus broke down and wept loved ones! He gave God His thanks - raised Lazarus - because of the faith the people have in Him.
What kind of person are you? The believer who "Gets it" or the talker who wants to discuss all this and kind of ride the fence? - or the person who doesn't want risk a change in your life? Maybe you are putting down everyone else who does follow Jesus. You make harsh comments and poke fun at them. I have experienced this recently in my life, to be honest - it does break my heart because so many people are caught up in themselves - they think so small and little. How that breaks my heart. Jesus has better plans for you. Your life is not over till Jesus - says its over. Your situation and struggles are not over until Jesus says they are over! Its not too late to accept Jesus and His free gift of salvation no matter how old you are or what you have done or been through. Nothing is free and you have been purchased by the blood Jesus shed for you. How can you walk away from that? Loved ones, I pray God grips you and changes you! My heart breaks for those who I know who continue to reject God's love for them. I have shed many tears - many heartfelt prayers lifted on your behalf. Your eternity is at stake here - and all it seems is that your selfishness keeps you in the place you are. Jesus offers us HOPE or you can continue to stand at the water cooler..... Its not over till Jesus says - its over. He is looking to change you - not your problems or your struggles or relationships.... He wants just YOU. Come as you are ..... You can't fix the things that Jesus will fix in you.... come as you are so that Jesus can perform His first miracle in your life - You will be His - eternal life and a place in heaven for all eternity - forgiveness of your sins and let God grip your life! Faith .... its the building blocks to God. What do you really believe.....?
Continuing to pray for all the lost ones.....
Lord, open our eyes to those who are ripe for your message today.

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

I too have been made fun of for sharing my faith, and it does break our hearts, when people say "lighten up" they really mean "live in the world" 'Live like I do" but God said to "be seperate, set apart" from the world. We are assigned to live in this world but not to be "of the world" so I just turn my cheek and go on hoping and praying one day they will know my Jesus. It is worth it to just know that God is pleased with me. There is an old hymn that you don't hear much anymore "Will the Lord be satisfied with me?" That's probably not the name of it, and that don't matter, but what does matter is that HE is satisfied with me. That is my prayer, that is my goal, not the goal of pleasing people.

The Bible says "When a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be a peace with him." Proverbs 16:7 I pray for those that don't understand how I feel, am I too dramatic?? I think not, when "you get it" you'll want the whole world to know Jesus and that will be something that is hard not to talk about, something you just can't hide inside and you certainly don't want to hide it! It will be something that you want all your friends and loved ones to feel, and even the stranger you meet on the street.

It's not what you start out with it's what you end up with. It's like that email, The Dash, it's what is in between the year you were born and the year you die, it's the dash in the middle that is important.

Do everything you can to lead people to the Lord and to love everyone, only what you do here in this life will matter, nothing you acquire will mean anything to you when you reach the end of your life. Only what's done for Christ will last.

Love your blog Randy & you
Aunt Sharon