Thursday, June 30, 2011

Last Saturday while in Jamaica, our team went to the festival where 4 local churches got together at the local school grounds and enjoyed fellowship together by celebrating all that God has done the last year, eating, music, races by all ages in 100 yard dash and egg races and all kinds of games and fun stuff for the little ones. It was a fun day full of smiles, enjoying kids by creating smiles and investing in them. I can recall that morning being torn between 2 things. I was really seeking direction that morning because being with students all the time, on a mission trip to serve people with Gods love and really preaching to everyone on my team to be out of our comfort zones so that it gives God a great avenue to show us something, to learn something new and in our normal comfortable places - we never really get to experience things that way. So torn between going to serve the kids or work on a house for a family really had me in a tough place. Once opening festivities got going and we found ourselves mid way through the festival - Kyle ran one of the age group races, then proceeded to get sick had me concerned for him but he recovered nicely after getting some water and cooling off from the heat. I found myself in between things, not really having a place to fit in and be used - UNTIL
an elderly man approached me. I turned and he was right there. Its as if God placed this man right in my path. Honest! He looked to be in his late 70's maybe but its really hard to tell because people who have lived a hard life, those struggles age people and then they never look their proper age. This man had clothes on that he had worn for some time. He had grayish hair and his hands as he shook mine, were tough and full of stories of manual hard labor in his life. This man said very clearly to me - GOD BLESS YOU.
I said in return - God Bless You kind Sir. He then proceeded to tell me something in his native language. I wish I could have understood him. I tried really hard to do that, to catch a word or 2 to make sense even of the topic he was trying to tell me. He said the words over and over again really straining for me to understand. I looked around for someone to help me but I didn't see anyone. He had me by the arm and with each word he gripped my arm with his hands - he was passionate for me to understand what he wanted to tell me.
He then let go of me and walked away - I didnt see him for the rest of the day even when I took the time to keep my eyes open to look for him. I really want to know what he was trying to say. As I think about him this morning - I cant help but to think that there was a "Thank You" in there somewhere. "Whities" coming to his country, enjoying a church celebration - I just imagine the words he was trying to tell me had gratitude and thankfulness in them.
There is a story that Matthew recorded in 5:13-16. I want to share that this morning.
Matthew 5:13-16 - You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. You are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Dont hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

I am very thankful for that God moment through that elderly man. It set the tone for the rest of the day and being with the kids that afternoon is not something I will soon forget. I shot a great few minutes of video sitting with a 7 or 8 little ones and at the end of my little video message I asked the kids - Do you love Jesus? - all of them together screaming - YES.
It was a powerful moment.
There is nothing better than when you are serving for a greater purpose than our own. We are the salt of the earth brothers and sisters and when we are serving others, when we are seeking Gods heart we are that light shining for all to see. You will stick out, people will notice something different about you and they will want what you possess. It shows in everything you do - it reflects on your face - it shows up in your hands and in the words you say. That is faith on the move. That is faith hitting the road of life. That is showing others the glory of God living in you.
I am excited for that, for you, for our God receiving the praise that He so deserves. Keep pressing forward everyone, not growing weary, not giving up, striving to strain ahead, building others up and praying with all your heart.
That elderly man may not have told me what he wanted to tell me but it showed in his face, it showed in his hands as he held my arm, it showed when he got up and walked across the fields where ever he came from to come to my side and it showed in his smile.
His light was shining and I really believe it was for me to see. So thankful for that encounter that morning because it gave me the next moments to experience what God already had planned for me.
Very blessed today.
Peace out,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I am not exactly sure where to even start this morning. There is just so much I want to share, so many experiences, smells, tingles, emotions, sights, sounds that its impossible to explain it all - even just touching the highlights and not digging deep into those awesome moments. I am posting only the group photos here because there are way too many individual pictures captured that posting only a few would not do it justice. I will share that these group photos capture the hearts of those who went to serve the kingdom of God and share Gods love with the joyful people of Jamaica. Our 21 member team united as one and served with such enthusiasm, such gentleness and with care and love and grace - we came as 2 teams but we left as one. I can honestly say with confidence that our Jamaica team united together and I know we each left a part of our hearts and our tears in Jamaica when we boarded our planes Monday to head back to our lives. We left changed in so many ways - the lives we got to touch, the songs we got to sing, the Gospel we each shared in teaching not by so much as what we said last week but by our actions and through the things we did. We left imprints on the hearts of those we touched. The poverty and struggles there in the real Jamaica that we got to see is overwhelming at times. There were many moments standing on a path between 2 shacks, standing in the middle of 10 little kids all wanting just a little smile, a gentle touch through a hug or wanting to share smile, that its hard to hold back the emotions. Many times last week, I just had to pause to soak it in. To take a moment and let God just push deep into my heart what was really taking place. There were times last week that I found myself just wanting to say - is this real? Am I really seeing this? Lord, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for planting the seed to go and do something so amazing - to see people the way you see people.

I never thought I would experience God work in so many hearts, in so many ways, and reveal himself in such a perfect vision in all that took place last week.

The conversation with Lloyd Cole, Mr. Livingston, Ms Kennedy, the boy in the hospital with a broken leg who I gave a Bible to, Terry who took a head shot while playing football and at 34 is paralyzed waist down and has been in that hospital bed for 4 years. Never would I have believed Zach and Kate shine like they did and just blossom into the flower that God has created in them. Each of the sharing very personal testimonies in front of strangers at the beginning of the week but family by the end of the week. People now who I care deeply for and want to share my walk and journey with Christ. To keep them encouraged in all they do, to continue to show them Christ in their everyday life even if that means its through my blog, a text message or on facebook. God will provide that avenue however it looks like. I wont forget the girl who sang so beautifully at church Sunday who came to me after preaching and thanked me for my message and gave me a hug, wanting to ask a question from the book of John and me praying with her and he looking up at me asking when I would be back and me telling her I would be back as tears came to her eyes, I gave her my Bible that I used last week - a hug shared that seemed to last for eternity. I think about that eternity - I can smile at that because God smiles at that knowing we do have eternity together no matter that "Other side" is the other side of the world or the "other side" of this life.

We came to make a difference - we left making a difference but we took with us a vision and a heart that everything is different now. We left changed taking with us a clear vision of the hearts and joy that the people of Jamaica have even while life is hard, hope looks bleak and a future that has very little light.

Proverbs 27:19 - As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.

As we go about plugging back into our lives, may our faces reflect our hearts, the joy we experienced through those awesome faces in Jamaica that we each got to share and experience. May our hearts reflect the heart of Jesus who we seek to be more and more like his. Lord help us reflect You in all we do, in all that we show people and with all the eagerness and tender mercy that you show us. May we continue to shine for your greater purpose for our lives and may we continue to pray for those hearts we touched last week. May we continue to support them in some way as we continue to strive for bigger things, heavenly things and keep our perspective on you and seeing people the way you do. Lord I pray for poppa JIm and momma Penie who have risked so much, who have sold their lives for the lives of others and for showing others Jesus to people in Jamaica- one heart at a time. We can't fix what is there and where the people are today but we can change the hearts of one or two and build a generation of change for your kingdom. 15 years building in Petersville - look at where that hard work has taken that community. Look at the fruit we get to share in and witness - Praise God for people like Jim and Penie who have answered the call to serve no matter what, no matter how, no matter when.

Team Jamaica - I love each of you - thank you for sharing your hearts, your lives, your walk and journey in Christ - what an honor it was to serve along side amazing people - who as one cant make much of a dent but together - made a huge impact for God to further His kingdom.

They say if you want to make a big impression, speak to a crowd; but if you want to make a big impact, speak to a person.

Last week we had many moments of team impression but in those small moments - we made such a huge impact together. Amazing what a group of folks can do sharing one vision, one purpose and as Bob Marley sang about - ONE LOVE.

For your Glory and honor Lord thank you for changing us - let us never forget those faces, those little heart moments, the tears shed, the words spoken and the unity we have in your family.

Love you all~


Thursday, June 9, 2011

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the good news. Be ready at all times, and tell people what they need to do. Tell them when they are wrong. Encourage them with great patience and careful teaching.

11 days until we leave for Jamaica. Team NC has 10 folks and our team in Michigan has 10. So 20 people traveling to the island of Jamaica to partner with a long time missionary family in Jim and Penie Koch who live in Westmoreland Jamaica.

Team members:
Lonnie, Carol, Kyle, Emilee, Donna, Morgan, Taylor, Kayla, Kate and Zach.

What do I see in this group? I see many things, from fear of flying, fear of being in a remote place, fear of knowing what to expect, fear of safety, fear of preaching the gospel to people they dont know, fear of the unknown. What do I see in this group if I look a little deeper than the surface?
A hunger for God. Questions about direction for their lives. A hope to experience God throughout this trip in many ways. Defining who they are and what they stand for. Life change?
probably. Its bound to happen.
The term life change gets thrown around a lot when you send people on a mission trip, a summer camp or some other kind of get out of my comfort zone activity. Its bound to happen. I've seen it happen over the years. I have experienced it myself. I have had students sit with me during worship service and cry and I dont mean just tears here. I am talking bawling - shirt soaked with tears and snot bawling. I have had students grab me during worship and hug me like I was saving them from some terrible disaster. NOT letting go ... no way. I have seen students serve shoveling horse crap out of horrible conditions for the entire day and loving it. I have seen students but weeds down that were 8 feet tall, getting dirty, sweating and smiling all at the same time. I have spoke with students in depth until all hours of the morning about life, their home situations, their past mistakes and I have sat with many of them praying while holding hands over a sick parent or grandparent who just passed away.
I have been out of my comfort zone so many times during these times, that its almost addicting. I mean you come to that place and you know you are there because its that special place when everything seems to be right, and you know God is doing something in those next moments. You let go of the weight you have shouldered for so long, you feel like you could float in the air with the weight being lifted off of you. You see something very clearly that you have been struggling to see for a long time. A student you have been praying for - makes that good decision or has that big impactful breakthrough.
Mission trips are all about these wonderful moments. Right before your eyes you have the chance to see and feel and be part of a kind of revelation. You may or may not see it coming. It might happen with the smallest things, a kind word, a deep conversation or in the dark of the night. It may happen in ways you'll never see or know about - but you will be a part of it just the same. Thats why in 2 Timothy is says to be ready at all time to preach the Good News. Be ready to share your story. Be ready to listen. Be ready to act. Be ready to do. Be ready to work. Be ready ..... ready is all you need to do.
Are you willing?
We all need a chance to get out of the bubble we are in to experience something new. Same ol'same 'ol is not what God has called us to be. Mundane boring walk in life. Transformation takes place when we are at the end of our ropes.
For many this Jamaica trip will be a first for mission work. Being at Thirst camp the last years has me kinda ready expect some things. For one, things will not ever be the same as they were last time. Every situation, every person, every job site, every person we meet - God has a unique experience for us for experience and share. To learn and grow. EVERY trip is different. All we can do is be ready for it. No matter if its a flat tire on the side of the road or sitting in the hospital holding a 2 day old baby girl who dies in your arms because of some infection that can be cured with medicine but no one has money or the means to get them. Are you willing to let God do something in your heart and in your life? Will you be bold enough, loud enough and have the courage to stand up when you know God is calling you to pray with the elderly sick woman, or the man sitting in the corner afraid of everything. Are you willing to hand out Bibles on the street corner and tell people you have never met, that Jesus loves them? When they stop and ask a question you honestly and tearfully pull them in and really share what Christ has done in your life? Are you ready?
Are you willing to deliver heavy cans of 5 gallons of water to people who have no plumbing, families who have no toilets, babies who are dirty and 5 gallons is all they have for the day - for 4 of them, cooking, cleaning, bathing, drinking.... are you ready?
Are you ready for something to happen?

One of the things I am going to have to work on is relaxing. My first mission summer camp was all about going! GOING GOING GONE when I got home. I mean like, I slept for 2 days. Exhausted. I didnt know how to play zone defense. I thought I had to be there for everyone, all the time, at any moment and over the years I have learned to play zone defense. Let them experience for themselves. Im here if you need me. Take some down time and get alone during the trip. Be the example - its great hanging with teenagers times I too act like a teenager but I am not one. I have to remember to roll with them, play with them, laugh with them but also lead them. LEAD at all times while having fun, while being goofy and while sharing Jesus. They are goofy because they are teenagers. I am goofy because I am 45 years old - that makes for some goofy moments right? The one thing that leaders have over the younger folks is life experiences. Share yours within context, tactfully and in the proper context. Great teachable moments.
One of the big things I have been praying throughout this process leading up to actually going is attitudes. Its really the only thing in this life you have control over. 100% of the time - you have control over your attitude.
Last year at summer camp I had 2 close students come to camp for a week. They never got anything from it. They never allowed God to work in them. They never plugged in. Attitude.
Its either when something is going wrong its a problem when you have a bad attitude. With a good attitude and things go wrong, which they will on a mission trip, you will see that as an opportunity.
Pack a positive attitude in your suitcase and your mission trip will be amazing. Experiences will be opened. I hope to take some personal time each day to reflect on the day ahead or behind. Check my attitude and make sure its good and positive and willing to experience what is next.
I know this week with so many folks around me, hot, tired, little sleep, on the go for a week - its going to be tough. People will get on each others nerves. Its going to happen. When you are at the end of your rope - that is where God says hang on. Dont quit - you wont experience this that I have planned for you if you quit here. There is something very cool thats coming up next.
So dont give up ...give in. Accept the things or the situations and give it to God. Ready and willing to move to the next thing that He has for you to do.
What if?
We trusted God with a ridiculous amount of faith, love students and the folks you come in contact with while on this mission trip like you're the only person they have and serve them without any restictions?
Thats what I see happening...... I see some fun, I see some sun, I see some smiles but I also see life change. Moments you dont want to miss because you were too caught up in yourself and doing everything just right and being all things to all people. Relax, focus and be grateful for this wonderful opportunity that God has placed before you.
Life change.... its going to happen.
Are you ready? Willing? Put your heart right and God will do his part right.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hey everyone! A lot of flying these days! God is up to some amazing things and I want to take a moment to share a few things that He is doing. Students are winding down their school year with fun, pool parties and yes exams. I have had the chance to reassure, encourage and pray with many of my students. What a privilege and honor that is to do that and speak encouragement into their lives and give them a little boost of YES I CAN do this to finish out their school year. This past Wed night at our student ministry the Flood on Wed - I have had the chance to reassure an amazing handful of students who have found their lives not where they want it to. They reached out to me and have prayed with them, encouraged them and showed them Jesus in their situations and places they are at in life. They are at a crossroad now in their lives, a change of school next year, moving up to high school or something awful has happened and they are struggling to get past these things and to know God is there with them in the solution, in the much needed comfort and direction. What an honor to do this for them and be a small part in their faith journey. Last night I was invited to a championship softball game to see one of my 6th grade students. A double in the first at bat with a run scored and a great put out at third to first was really cool to see. I couldnt stay the entire game but enjoyed supporting her and her family. There is nothing like a smile a student gets when someone important to them shows up to support them. I think I relate so much to this and it is contagious for me to see these kids smile when I walk in to support their games, cheer, or matches or even in their awards at school. Gosh, that never gets old.
So often all these folks need is someone to really believe in them - to cheer them on no matter what - to invest a little time in them - to be there to listen to a 15 min talk when in 5 words was all you really needed ...because lets face it... we all are our worst critics.
Tomorrow night we have a guest speaker leading in our student ministry - gosh this is going to be an amazing night! I cant wait for God to speak through Angela and rock some hearts - I am really excited too for our opening video announcements that Morgan and I made at Carowinds Sunday. Didnt knot it was illegal so this is one time showing :)

Its 13 days till Jamaica. I am especially getting pumped and scared at the same time. Satan is attacking with folks on the team in tough places the last few days, end of school nerves, tension at home is high trying to finish up projects and our kids that sometimes seem to have lost their hearing and the process to think through the simplest of instructions.
As I try and put a message together for the message I want to preach at LightHouse church in Westmoreland Jamaica - I cant help but to keep something open for God to speak. I know that after almost a week there, my message and the things God has put on my heart and through those experiences, the message will clearly be one from God. It will be so different than something that is on my heart today. So for a big chunk of it - Its open ...and as it should be. Each message preached and taught should be from the word of God and not so much from the person who is delivering it. That is just my thoughts and understanding on things and maybe thats right maybe not..... all I know is I am praying hard for my team. For them to have an experience that God really moves in their lives. Maybe even a change of direction and a different purpose and outlook in their lives.
For some who are going, I can really honestly say their experiences with God have not been all that great. Losing a parents, struggling with tough things, influences in friends and school and social media keep them from really digging into the truth and letting those influences shape their minds and thoughts. Some have shaped their walk with Christ only through experiences and without that big rush, without that big experience - their faith loses out. It shimmers to a dark spot and again they continue down that path losing not only the vision in life God has for them but also the hope that comes with it. Self-centerness comes back into play and life takes the shape that revolved all around "ME". Feeling lead their lives, feeling decide their lives and truth is lost.
Psalms if full of cries, groans, struggles, pleading, begging - if they would just take a moment and dig in they would know that what they are feeling is normal. God does care where they are at and what they are struggling with.
We are raising a generation of young people who really dont have a foundation of Christ but just experiences of Christ. They experience, they stick around a little longer, they dont - they walk away. Its really just that simple. Sad.......
We have scripture to share with us the true character of God. We need to know His character so that we can experience His character. I fully believe with a strong conviction that if we aren't being exposed to knowing the character of God without experiencing God, we are not doing good.
They both go together. So as far as the folks on this mission trip to Jamaica - I fully believe the 2 will come together. They will get to know the character of God through serving, through praying over sick children and the sick people in the hospitals and serving the love of Christ through delivering life saving water and sharing Jesus in all we do we will experience God. There is powerful influence right there when we meet the two together.
We will get to know Gods character by experiencing Gods character.

At the end of the day you will we be able to look in the mirror and smile at the person looking at you because of these experiences? I think so.... I think you will focus on the dirt on your face, the fact that you are tired, exhausted in many ways, convicted in some, the overwhelming feeling of being blessed and privileged for what we do have and a vision to never take anything for granted. Joy will fill that mirror because of the experience of character.
Its a perfect match for God to shape ours.

Taste, touch, smell and feel life are some of the ingredients to growing our faith. Its the gospel first hand and what if we came back and started to live it out?

13 days and counting,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Holy cactus batman. Its hot outside. I just came in from a 2 miles walk over lunch. On days that I am preaching and on stage - I am a little on edge most times and I tend to think too much. So a little physical activity to clear my mind, to pause and just be still long enough to thank God for all he is given me and all he is doing in and through me.
Last night I got a call from a student that wanted to talk through some things. I love when "mykids" give me a heads up, want to get a coffee - and hey I had to run some errands to get some things for tonight - so why not? Come along for the ride, lets talk through some things, I promise to listen and put my heart behind whatever advise or instruction I have.
Most times, after the big conversation - we both feel better, there is light on the situation, we are reminded of Gods grace through the situation and we are more than likely - moving forward.
I love those ministry moments.
I have been working with Student ministry now for 2 1/2 years now and the last 6 months with me being the lead person. I think in many ways with my age, the passion I have for these students, the love I have for them to know Jesus, my place and walk in life with life experiences and knowing what God has done for me in my life... I think it has set me up pretty well to have some kind of impact on these students, their families and our friendship in such a way as I like to think about it, a life coach. For some, a step dad but for most - a life coach.
If you think about all good coaches, they train, they direct, they encourage and keep the vision on the big picture. No matter if its a game of football or baseball, wresting or cheerleading - or even following Jesus.
There is coaching in there somewhere.
Jesus spent his life not behind a desk, not in a classroom, not standing behind a podium teaching and waving his arms with powerpoint slides. His classroom and his audience was everywhere. Where ever he went he took his classroom with him. His life was his teaching, his actions were displayed as examples, his words encouraged and his life represented lessons to live by.
Gosh that good somebody better be saying AMEN!
I think about the trip coming up to Jamaica - I think about that trip as our missionary classroom. Our faith being excersized so we can come back and teach, preach, be examples and encourage others in our faith journeys.
I think about the new student tonight who has been coming to Flood on Wed even though mom and dad have to make sacrifices to take her. They have to up the level of trust of dropping her off and leaving her with their new churhc family and trust she will be okay. I think about her professing her faith in Jesus and taking a picture of her holding her cross necklace and telling everyone she has given her heart to Jesus and with a thank you note underneath. I cannot continue to stand in front of her speaking - I have to show her those next important steps. We cant do them alone. We will fall and our old ways will creep back in. For some, that has happened and maybe because and through this mission trip to Jamaica - it has already got me thinking beyond the hearts I will touch there. I will be thinking of the heart that has changed in me.
We need to pull this student in, love them the way Christ loves them and show them how to read the Bible. Let me pour out the things I have learned. Let me show you how to serve people by serving a meal, by forgiving those who have hurt you, lets talk through some difficult situations, lets point and hold each other accountable in Christ. You are the classroom .... life is the classroom.... situations are the classroom. Pray for patience and God will send you something to be patient over. Pray for guidance and God will put a curveball in your life so you seek his guidance. Pray for playing it safe in your walk with him and you may fall away. We have to continue to spead our wings, stretch our faith and excersize what we are living for.
Far too often we just want to tell people what to do. Using words to point people, direct people, guide people - far too often we dont take the time, and I have learned this in Student ministry over the years, people dont need another person telling them what do to ...they need people to show them.
Teens are screaming - SHOW ME. Show them how to read the bible, how to serve people, how to love God and follow God with all your heart.
I may not have the 4 year seminary degree, I may have only been following Christ with all I have being 100% committed since 2005 but I am doing and living what God has called me and made me to be. That is more important than anything else.
We need teachers, football coaches, librarians, police officers, doctors and yes even lawyers honoring Gods word in their professions. We also need students living out their faith in their families, in their schools, in their churches as sports teams and even while cruising the malls with their friends.
Collosians 3:23-24 - Whatever you do, work at it with all yoru heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. SInce you know that you will receive ani nheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

Every person has a mission. Imagine it, Paul blinded from heaven by a light. Men falling to the ground all around him. The voice of God speaks and calls him to a mission that will change the world forever. So this may not happen in your life this way but Paul didnt expect this radical change either. Just on a road trip to oppose the Christian movement and he returns the biggest spokesman for it. Though dramatic - your calling may not be as such but it is just as powerful. Its life changing.

What are the opportunities you are ignoring today? Serving God or serving people what would people say about you?
Realize your mission and call from God doesnt mean you need to be a pastor or undertake a full time missionary job or other Christian profession, it just means you understand what your calling means by following God's will in your daily life and in your world in which you live in.
