Friday, October 29, 2010

This week has been a tough week and I for one am glad its Friday. I look forward to going with my family to campus tonight, we are seeing a movie and then tour the Student Union as its all decorated Halloween style. 2 of my students are dressed up and Kenny Chesney is in my office today. I miss my boots, I think I will wear them more often than I do.
This past week they had sign ups for the flu shot which I took bravely into my right shoulder. A few years ago, I was the one voted to get the nurse that gives a bad needle. It was true - as she poked me with it, blood shot out of my arm and onto the ground. She made a little scream noise and I sat amazed that something like that shot that far out of my arm. Last year, I was asking for $5 donations to scream loudly in pain as I got me shot but nobody came through for me. I was hoping to use that for coffee money. This year was just normal, no takers on the scream, no donations and no blood splatter. It has me thinking about the flu a little since I have a good friend who was out of work for over a week with the flu. She is still not up to full speed yet and I know being around college students all day and being around people all day ... getting the flu will surely take me down and my risk is big time increased with all the people around me.
I want to talk about hope today. Hope that is contagious.

Colossians 1:27 - "... to them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles, the glorious riches of this mystery which is Christ in you, the hope of glory".

Everything in creation has been a given a calling by God. A purpose to fulfill his purposes. Even our solar system speaks of Gods specific design. As God created the sun and the planets in such a way as to provide life on this earth. We know that if the sun had been placed closer or further away from our planet earth, life would not be here. If our planet was tilted just a few degrees more, life would be uninhabitable. The ecological system we have here on earth has an important place, a purpose to fulfill - a calling.
You and I have even a greater certainty that we are created with a purpose to fulfill. We each have a Divine calling. As we become Christ followers, His spirit comes to dwell in us. He reveals and empowers the calling that God has placed on our lives - not just a basic or general calling, but a personal one. God created you to make His presence known!

God has hope to make his presence known through us. As we fulfill this calling, His life-giving hope becomes contagious. Finding hope in Jesus, is life changing.
My prayer for you today is that you give your life to Christ and let him be contagious to all those around you.
Romans 15:13 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Have a great Friday everyone and a safe "BOO" day Sunday.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

This has been a spiritual leading day for sure. I am not complaining at all and actually this is the kind of day that I pray for each morning.
Lord use me in however you need to, help me not miss a whisper that you give me so that I can step forward in faith to be used by you. Thank you Lord for the people you put in my path and teach me all that I need to know so that I may grow closer to you today. Amen

Almost every morning in my quiet time I have a prayer that goes something like that. Today I am in 1 Corinthians 15:58 and was reflecting on a life verse that would speak to about and to my life.
1 Corinthians 15:58- With all this going for us, my dear, dear friends, stand your ground. And don't hold back. Throw yourselves into the work of the Master, confident that nothing you do for him is a waste of time or effort.

There are days where you often feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The weight sometimes is so heavy that its easy to get discouraged - even for me and having the gift of encouragement. The condition of the hearts of most people are hurting today. I got news that my brother is in the hospital and is having bypass today. No call from my dad yet as to how things went. LOL our student ministry Bible study was heavy last night with questions as we did a question and answer type of hour and the students challenged our student pastor. Questions kept coming at McDonalds afterwards and then again on the way home. I love moments like this where students get a chance to be real. They come with the heavy questions and open up.
This morning I was stopped on my way into work with a conversation of something that happened in the office yesterday. My door is always open and in walked a marraige that is hurting and on the brink of disaster. Another phone call this afternoon with a marriage that is hurting and if something is not done - a beautiful family will be no more. Children lost in the shuffle, mom and dad not the team and marriage example any more for their children.
Its hard out here on the battle field.
There are many times, as a Youth worker, a father, a husband, a friend, a leader, a son and so many other hats that its just really hard. Somedays, you just feel like giving in and saying, Ok Lord. Please take all this from me. I didn't know it was going to be this hard.

Then something happens - last night I gave $2 to a hungry homeless man on the street - I said hey man, God loves you, God bless and here is a few bucks to get a cup of coffee and something warm to eat. I put my pants on this morning and I find in my right pocket $2. You may think thats funny or odd - I look at that as God gave that back to me to give to the next person.
I got some special Carol time Tuesday night and had such a great night. Rejuvinated because of it.
Last night while sitting at the table at McDonalds, Morgan leans over and says "I need some Lonnie time, I miss you". That breaks my heart.
I see other students leaning in and wanting so eagerly to live for Christ but are feeling beaten down and heavy. Maybe home is not the best grounds to sprout spiritual wings. School is a tough battle ground with all that is going on there. "Mr Lonnie, how do I continue to stand for Christ where I am at? How do I know this is where I am supposed to be?"
These are some tough questions and are ones that need prayer for sure.

With so many things being so hard ... it would be easy to just toss it in and give up. Let the marriage fall because its too hard to go and get help, its too hard to have that conversation with my daughter, its too hard to lead my family......

If you are leading - no matter if its in church, at work, or leading girl scouts .... Holdup~Buildup~Fireup.

~Holdup -Pray for those in your life. Pray for your students by name. Hold them accountable and hold their hands when they need it. Pray for your marriage, your daughter - for your relationships.
~Buildup - Invest time in them, have a coffee, send them a good morning text message wishing them a great day. The only way to get to know someone is to spend time with them. Let them know in a personal way that you care and are there for them. Put on the listening ears and let them talk ... often times folks just need an ear.
~Fireup - fire them up and encourage them. Everyone needs someone to cheer them on. Nothing speaks louder than an encouraging word.

Lead by example. Spiritual growth is a choice. You have to want to grow. Its not automatic loved ones. You can grow old without growing up. You are as close to God as you choose to be. He doesn't move. It takes action and comitment. We grow through our comitments.

Nothing is wasted by God. People only get well while in community with others.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 - Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions, give it all you've got, be resolute and love without stopping.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

There are a lot of things that I struggle with. Just because I am on this side of the cross does not mean I am not jacked up in some way. We all are and if you are thinking that you have it all together and things in life are just perfect - email me and I will send you a mirror. We all have to take a look at ourselves from time to time. As I sat with a friend yesterday morning and listened to her share her valley that she is in - it became apparent to me that all through life we are told to listen but very few of us really know how to listen. As I sat and shared what little I had in my heart to encourage and offer godly wisdom - it was so clear that my friend just needed an ear. She needed a few kind words to let her know that she was not alone, that God was not done with her story and that life is meant to live forward and not looking back over our mistakes and choices and regrets. We all have them but are we to continue walking with them and letting life just make us drag our feet all the time?
Last night I took the time, because I admit I don't nearly take enough time, to take miss Carol out on a date. We dropped Kyle off out a dear friends house and headed to uptown Charlotte where we shared a great meal, had great conversation, had an incredible Waiter who waited on us like we were the only ones in the place and I left an appropriate tip for that service! We then headed to a young startup church that has been meeting on Tuesday evenings uptown in an old beautiful church. As Carol and I walked up, the place was packed with young people - like 18-35 maybe. The stage was awesome and had 3 video screens that under each of them was a lit up skyline of Charlotte and as the music began to play the people all stood and sang with arms up, hearts open, some crying .... 400+ young folks - in church - Tuesday evening - Uptown Charlotte. WOW. As the message was delivered from a visiting pastor from Chicago I really dug into the message series - Relationships - Complicated.
As I look into those relationships in my life and the people around me ... they are complicated. Some more than others but the defining factor lays just underneath all the mess and complications. Are they godly relationships?
90% of Americans say they believe in God but a very small % really know God and walk with Him closely. Very few really let God have the say and control in their lives. Very few really walk with God in every moment of every day. Very few really lean in and have joy when life is in the valley and is really hard. Very few wake in the morning and put their feet down on the floor and say - Satan, Im up and I have victory over you in my life through Christ Jesus. Very few make decisions and choices in life that reflect Gods heart and will over our own selfish ways. Very few share the love of Christ with others because they think that is someone elses job and that they just don't feel called to do that. Very few spend a lifetime helping others in practical ways that would honor Christ as his hands and feet. Very few lay awake at night hurting and tossing over a loved one who is walking away from their faith or in the process of making a bad choice in their life.
God wants a relationship with each of us. Its that love and acceptance that is our model for all our relationship in this life. Its burned into our DNA to have relationships and folks to do life with because God has given us a relationship with us if we chose to have one. He won't force it on us just like we can't be forced to be friends with someone we don't like or get along with. It just wont work out. But in that relationship, in order for it to be a good friendship, a growing friendship - there must be forgiveness and humility. We have to put the needs of others before our own. We have to serve our friends and loved ones otherwise it becomes a one way street and that leads to bitterness and control over others. Forgiveness is something that will come no matter how hard or how close you are to a person. It will happen, lets face it, we are all different. If that relationship is worth saving, worth fighting for, worth going beyond the surface level of checking in and saying - How was your day? Weather is good and sunny.. blah blah blah ..there will be times of giving forgiveness. Saying sorry is just part of life and people doing life together. God is part of all these things. He has to be the underlining in our friendships and in our relationships.
Colossians 3:16 - Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the word of Christ - the message - have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives - words, actions, whatever - be done in the name of Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.

The other translation says to let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. I just love that. Dwell means to be at home in us. God desires his word to be so AT home in us, that his whispers in scripture are like pieces of conversation with him throughout our day. Shame that most folks don't even listen. I do my best each day to listen every moment I can - to listen for Gods whisper. To notice when someone comes across my path because God put that Divine meeting in place. I smile when I notice God poking my heart to reach out to someone or to do something for someone even if it doesn't make sense.
It was awesome last night seeing the hands raised and singing praise to our heavenly father. God thank you for every step of the way and for the people in our lives.
Loved ones, my prayer today for you is to dwell in God word and that you have a hunger to be saturated within it so that when we're caught off guard by lifes circumstances, we reflect and hear Gods wisdom and his nudges so much so that those whispers live in us in our day, at school, at work, in that conversation with a friend, at the lunch table, while talking with the lady at Lowes Foods - where ever life takes you. May it dwell in our hearts.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Back in 1999 I almost lost my life here on this earth as well as my life in heaven. I had not come to a place in my life where Jesus was that important to me and was basically living like most people - myself. Doing what I wanted to do and using people along the way is the norm and often times I catch myself saying, "Hey it would be easier to live my life that way than the way I am called to live by following Christ". But I can't do that so I have to press through and as I think about where life is today and that important turning point in my life - I can't help but to be fired up to share my life with others who have either yet to go through a season in their life that is really hard or are going through it right now. Pain is an attention getter and God often uses pain in our lives to speak to us, to break us, to teach us, to move us to understanding his ways over our own and even speak to others during our season of pain.
I am reminded of Romans 8:28 today. It is a well known piece of scripture and one that has been placed on many of hearts so I hope its a well received reminder for you as well.
Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Notice the beginning words - And we know - that does not mean, let me think about it or sometimes. It means - AND WE KNOW. You know without a doubt that its in our DNA as a follower of Christ that ALL things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose.
That season in time was for a purpose that I almost died back in 1999. I speak of this season every so often as life goes on. It is a reminder that all could have been lost but God had a bigger plan and was not done with my story yet. Even as Carol watched by my bedside my condition getting worse, my parents where called to come and say their goodbye's, even as Kyle was almost left without a dad, God had more to do in me. Not only did this sickness change me, it changed Carol, the nurses, the doctor, my parents - it affected everyone around us. The pastor at my church then came to visit and though hard to minister to a family in the valleys of life - he was changed.
I know without a doubt that I see people differently today because of this season. It was months before I was functional again and was able to go back to work, drive a car, energy to do the things I wanted to do and to be a husband and father again. It was during this breaking period I realized, I needed God. My life consists me pouring into others as Christ continues to fill me. I am blessed beyond my comprehension and those who have not went through a tough season in life or have experienced God that up close and personal like I have - sometimes don't get me.
At times, I may appear I have lost the joy in life but look a little deeper loved ones. I am eager for you, my heart breaks for you and want nothing more than to pour out all God has done in my life to you. Walk with me, stick with me are words I often say.
Dare to live this life insignificant but with significance.

Some people have money. Lots of it. Power and compassion don't exist together. Folks either have one or the other but not both. Jesus is the only one who has power but cares about our needs. He is the definition of compassion. In Matthew 15:29 - Jesus left the place along the sea of Galilee and went up on a mountainside and sat down. Great crowds came to him, bringing the lame, sick, crippled and laid them at his feet and he healed them. The people were amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled made well, the lame walking and the blind seeing. Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me for 3 days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way."

This is the God that could do anything at any moment. He cared about them being hungry. He didnt want to send them away. He had compassion on them. He cared for them. He loved them. He gave them the basics of their needs in time of need. He will do that today for you. Every single person mattered as he met the basic needs of the people.
Loved ones, I want to share that no need you have is too small for our God. He cares about the lunch you have or don't have. He cares about the test you are having done today on your knee. He cares that there may not be enough money to pay for the tests but he will provide. The needs of the people around me today are heavy on me. The needs of even those who willingly chose to stick with the drama, not come to church, not lead their families, are heavy on me because there is a better way. My heart knows that many of them have yet to experience the pain in their life at a level that changes them. That makes me sad but it presses me onward knowing that God can and will at any given moment free them from where they are. His power is mighty and in his compassion, He can change a life when we least expect it. I am blessed to have a few folks in my life who God has put in my life that are a breath of mercy air. They have not needed a bunch of energy, a lot of investment, all that heart felt tough places to go through - they have come to encourage me amongst the other things God has them on for his purposes. I am only a part of their journey but I am grateful to be on this journey with them.

In my quiet time this morning 2 Timothy 2:22-26 really spoke to me.
Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lords servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Only through Gods power and compassion for us can we even attempt to live our lives this way as the scripture shares with us. A pure heart - a place that we have to constantly examine and make sure its in check. God are my motives your motives? Are my intentions your intentions? Help us not have stupid arguments over things that just dont matter because they build walls and have lasting affects. The Lords servant must keep in focus to be kind to everyone, able to teach not only through words but in our actions as well, not become resentful, be gently with instructing others and being hopeful that they come to their senses and live a life worthy of living for.
Sometimes we have to put the needs of others in front of our own to truly understand the compassion that Christ wants us to have. We just live a life having another Monday after Monday after Monday - there has to be purpose and meaning in those Mondays. If we don't we begin to lost the story of our life and the beauty that is in it.
Loved ones, God can create our washed out meaningless lifeless life into a life of meaning and beauty. The story our life is telling others matters! Our story in this life has to have something other than just us - in it.

Give your life to dreaming of making others dreams a reality. Pointing them to Jesus is a life with meaning. Thats the true meaning of compassion when the needs of others are more than your own. Praying for your story .....


Friday, October 22, 2010

I fully enjoyed the message at YCI this morning at Kyles school. Nothing better than sharing a morning message with 140+ students and getting high fives from so many on their way to start there school day.
I am reminded today, how can we serve Christ when we are so wrapped up in our own little worlds? I have been listening to what I call next to the edge music from a band I had never heard of until this week but this is normal for our kids today. They listen to all kinds of music from bands that never make the radio. Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
Revive Blink has a great song - Blink. Here are some of the words from that song.

It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash
It happens in the time it took to look back
I try to hold on tight, but there not stopping time
What is it I've done with my life

It happens in a blink
It happens in a blink

Slow down
Slow down
Before today becomes
our yesterday

I am headed to the cabin this evening and I am so looking forward to my walk tonight under the stars as I talk with mom. After this past week I am really in need of some mom time. Oh, how I wish I could just sit and have a coffee with her.
A few weeks ago while during a conversation I was called "Intense". That really made me think and examine myself. I even asked a close peep today - "Am I intense?" - I wonder if I am too intense at times for even the students in my life? Am I mixing it up enough to be the fun Mr.Lonnie and then the intense fired up for Jesus Mr. Lonnie? I don't know what that looks like ... all I know is I am passionate for Christ in my life and I am passionate about those in my life to know Christ as well. So if that makes me intense... I can live with that. This morning at YCI the student pastor charged the students to not just come .... to YCI - BUT GO and be YCI in their school, at the lunch table, with the person sitting alone that no one will talk to, at the dinner table, on the football field. This passionate love we have for Christ can't be a part time following. Hear only what you want to hear and filter the rest out. God touched my heart in a big way this past week about giving him my worship .... all of my worship!

Galations 6: 16-26
My counsel is this: Live freely, animated and motivated by Gods spirit. Then you wont feed the compulsions of selfishness. For there is a root of sinful self interest in us that is at odds with a free spirit, just as the free spirit is incompatible with selfishness. These two ways of life are antithetical, so that you cannot live at times one way and at times another way according to how you feel on a given day. Why dont you choose to be led by the spirit?
But what happens when we live Gods way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard - things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.

Following Christ should be contagious. I get a little fired up. I usually can't eat before rock group. I am excited on Sunday mornings. I am eager to learn something new from God. I smile when I know God just sent me someone who needed some guidance or a person to talk to or pray with them. My heart is heavy when I am at the Center of Hope serving a meal to the homeless women and children. My heart is exploding when one of the students has a moment with God and on fire, is contagious and stands of for Christ in the lunchroom. I am excited when a dad steps up to lead his family and have realtionship with his son, daughter and wife after many years of pouring his life into his work and just providing a roof over their heads. I cry when I get to experience God do something huge in a persons life. I cry when I get a note from a student (they are all over my walls at work, in my Bible, on my phone and ipod) sharing with me how thankful they are that they have me to go to and for always being there for them and showing them the love of Christ. I cry when they cry. I hurt when they hurt. I smile when they smile and share victory when they win or lose because I was there cheering them on.
Galations 5: 25-26
Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications in every detail of our lives. That means we will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more intersting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original.

Lets finish up the lyrics to the song -Blink
It happens in a blink
It happens in a blink

When its all said and done
No one remembers
How far we have run
The only things that matters
is how we have loved

I dont want to miss
Even just a second
More of this

I dont want to miss more of this. I missed far too much already in my life. Far too many of us think about tomorrow but your faith is meant to be lived out today. No matter how old or young you may be right now ... your faith is worth living out today before it become your yesterday. Make it matter... It might just change your life.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Too much is never enough

Lord, show me something beautiful, something glorious, because I know YOU are behind it all.

I am really feeling those words today. I am thankful and feeling so blessed this morning. Last night at LOL (middle/high school bible study) I handed out bandannas to all the students and the leaders to use as a blindfold. I wanted the students to take a moment and remove the distractions from their life and that included passing their cell phones and removing their sight for a few minutes as Pastor Travis preached his heart. I wanted the word of God to really hit their hearts and in order for us to hear God sometimes, we need to remove something that gets in the way. It went well and got some good feedback from that experience. As I led into that experience, I shared a little bit of my experience after watching the movie Sunday night - The Passion of the Christ. It was a little tough for me to not go to deep and make it about me but I wanted to frame in on the part that Jesus was on the cross for me and for everyone. But today I want to focus just a little on the creator of that movie - Mel Gibson.

Here is a man, like so many other folks, who seem to have had it all. Its a life many of us dream about. Living for the world I can see very easily why so many fall into its grasp. Fame, fortune, lifestyle, homes, travel, money, sex, power and influence, popularity - he has it all. Rarely does one man get all this in a lifetime. After this Australian actor got started with MadMax - he has been in many great movies. Lethal weapon series, Randsom - OMG Braveheart ... voted sexiest man a live by people magazine... he has it going on. You would think he would be the happiest man alive. He had the power to do anything in the world he wanted to do. 25 million a movie is the going rate. Nothing out of reach~
Yet something was missing. During an interview with Diane Sawyer - he admits that he was addicted to everything. Drugs, booze, coffee, cigs ...didnt matter. He sought treatment for his addictions but after getting clean and sober he winded up back where he started. Emptiness. He admits that he just didnt want to go on. At the height of spiritual bankruptcy, there is nothing left. So many folks who have had it all feel this emptiness inside them. Kurt Cobain comes to mind because he too was at this place. This place today finds many of us there as well - even with much less power, influence, and stuff but still equal being spiritually bankrupt.
If getting everything life has to offer doesn't bring happiness or peace or joy, what the point in living? Stick with me, I'm going somewhere with this..... Mel, Kurt and so many others got to a place where most of us NEVER will. Our fantasies make up their reality. Nothing in their lives satisfied them.
King Solomon 3000 years ago was the richest man on the face of the planet. He was very much like Mel and Kurt. He too had it all but inside he was empty. He desperately wanted to find something that brought satisfaction. Maybe you are on that journey in your life too. One thing in common here no matter how old or young you are ... "if" is the common ground.
I would be happy if...
I could be satisfied if....
I could get past this emptiness and loneliness if....
so in order to do that we fill our lives with wild varied kind of things... like...
I would be happy if....
I had a boyfriend or a girlfriend
I could have sex
I was free from my parents
I could have a close and loving family
I could get married and have children
I could GET my parents to love me
I could GET my parents to love each other
I could have enough money
I could go to the college I want to go to
I could be more popular
I could be happier with the people I love
I could relax and party all the time

Loved ones, how many people fall into these places searching for something real? Who do we know who are convinced that money, sex, grades, a boyfriend or girlfriend, popularity will make their lives complete?
How many people do you know who are looking for something worth living for?
I will admit that I have some empty space in my heart too. You dont have to be Mel or the king of Israel to be aware of it. Question is.... What are you going to do about it?

What is the one thing you need to ask God for today that would make a huge change in your life?

You can keep searching outside of yourself or you can look inward. You can just give up. Kurt Cobain gave up. Headlines that day on April 1994 read - Meaningless, meaningless all is meaningless and it echoed around the world. Kurt and King Solomon were in agreement with something - Nothing in this life will ever take away your emptiness, so you might as well stop looking.
The other thing you can do is look outside of this life. Mel came close to having the same ending as Kurt as he told shared during his interview with Diane Sawyer. The only thing that kept him from jumping out of that window had nothing to do with money, power or even something that was hiding in his heart ... He spoke about making the movie Passion of the Christ and how life was about faith, hope, love, forgiveness and Jesus Christ. That was the new reality for him and after seeing his life through different eyes - He can now live his life.

Ecclesiates 12:1 - Remember your creator in the days of your youth.

Mel is not a great role model or teacher for our youth, he is just a man we all can learn something from. As Mel looked out at his audience in his first interview after making that movie - he noticed the young people there and softly said - "I wish I had been more like you. I wish I had spent more time honoring God when I was younger."

I can so relate to those words because I too was chasing the dream most of my life. Its only been the last few years that I gave up searching to fill that emptiness. I feel as if today I am living larger than life now and its not because I have more stuff, more money, more close loved ones - its all because of Jesus.
Let me challenge you today. Before you continue your search for something to fill that nagging emptiness of life - and before you decide you're already a Christian so why bother, why not find out for yourself who Jesus really is? Let your life be lead from your heart and not by what you see?
It could change everything about the way you live the rest of your life.

Lord, show me something beautiful, something glorious, because I know YOU are behind it all.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Today I am going to write in 2 parts. But first let me begin by setting things up and giving some clarity as to why I am writing today. The past 3-4 days have been pretty hard even though as of yesterday afternoon I was beginning to get my legs back under me until last night. We got a call from Bob, Kates dad, that the other girl in the car wreck with Kate passed last night after they took her off life support. Bob made Kates wish real when they drove 4 hours to Salt Lake City Utah to let Kate say her goodbyes to her friend. I think that is really admiral to be able to do that for someone and I am sure it was a hard thing to do. I remember just like yesterday holding Kates moms hand, Denise, and saying my goodbyes knowing the life support system would be unplugged in the next few hours. I prayed for her salvation and for the folks who would be getting organs from her through my tears. It was a hard place for sure. One of the donors was receiving Denises eyes and I remember how brown they were and how awesome it was going to be for this person to be able to see again. It really makes me think how fast like goes by us - in a blink. So much of how we live our life is by sight and what we see around us. 10% of things happen to us in life and 90% is how we react to those things.
Last night Carol, Kyle and I sat and watched a movie that we will be playing for Rock Group sunday and it again spoke about vision and eyesight. I wont give the details away of the story but the movie is ~Upside~ and had a wonderful message!! See it if you get the chance.
This morning I came into the office and I have in my inbox a movie clip from Godtube about, you guessed it - Eyesight. Click the link if you want to watch it... its pretty amazing and about 7 min long.

Pretty amazing how life can still go on as normal and in some cases even more so even without our eyes. See so much of our faith rests on the fact that we have to believe in our hearts. When its all said and done, when life is at its hard moments, we have to know deep down that our faith is secure in Jesus and we trust in Him alone. We cant look around us and wobble on our faith or let our situations dictate how much faith we have. Our faith needs to be solid as a rock so that we CAN endure the hard times this life gives us. So without sight we have no other choice but to live life out of our hearts. What would that do in your life if you let what people look like, color of skin, places we live, big homes or small ones, people in need or not ...what if we lived our lives WIDE OPEN out of our hearts?
Would that homeless man on the corner with a sign look different to you? Would that friend at school that you dont like because they have bright red hair and a nose ring.... would they look different to you? What else in your life look different if you lived your life through your heart and not by what you see?
Colossians 3:12-15 Therefore, as Gods chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindess and humility and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.

Regardless of what we look like, where we come from, where we live, how much earthly materials we have ... God loves us because of the inside - our hearts is what is most important. Lets live our lives with our hearts and seek after Gods heart in all we do. When we become in tune with his ... our lives suddenly take on new shape and new meaning.

Walk by faith, not by site ~ great song from Jeremy Camp.
Tonights LOL bible study should be one to remember.

See what I'm saying? (Im a dork :)) LOL

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I am really bumbed after the news yesterday that Jeremy Camp cancelled his show for this Thursday. I have been so excited to see him live and worship with him. I will have to wait yet again to see him when he comes around again. But believe me when I say I will see him when the time is right unless God calls me home before that time! You better have your A game Mr. Camp ..... cause I am coming 110%
Last night I didn't sleep well and as I layed in bed thinking and praying and getting upset I was up yet again for another night - the words to this song kept playing over and over again in my head. There have been a handful of musician who have recorded this song. It really spoke to me this morning in the early hours before sunrise.

Strength with rise as we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

Our God, You reign forever
Our hope, our strong deliverer
You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won't grow weary

You're the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

So much in life is just trying to endure the hard places we often times find ourselves in. Some of those times are due to our own decisions and choices but sometimes they are not. I can't help but to be heartbroken for Kate. Her dad is there with her and they have allowed her to go off campus and spend a few days with him as they share and bond. I can't image being away from my daughter or son for that amount of time. Even when my mom was sick, during those hard 5 months I made sure I was talking with Carol and Kyle every chance I could get. I have some close kids in my life that this applies to also and I love that closeness we share during this season of life. For Kate to go through so much to be in a place to offer her help and guidance into a transition into the real world, a tragedy happens such a classmate is killed and another one in a coma who may or may not make it. 25 girls in the school its not like you can hide and only know this person through word of mouth or through another friendship. This is personal and upfront and close for sure. If you would be praying for Kate, this school family and the family of the student who was killed - that would be great.
So often we find ourselves idle in life. Just waiting out the week to get to the weekend. You read those posts all the time from folks on FaceBook from adults who are just going through the week. Students who are not plugged into school and doing their best - they are living for Friday night football games and parties on Saturday. The rest is the inbetween .... in between what they really want to do. They are just comfortable with where they are and if they are not liking where they are - they accept it and are just going through the motions. Auto Pilot in life. Take it as it comes. Whatever. Talk to the hand, I'm not listening. You can't tell me what to do, cause I am doing it my way.
Those are some hard places.
I see it on the faces of so many of the students in my life. Many are having problems, unsure about who they are, dating someone they know is not right for them or knowing they should be waiting because they don't even know who THEY are themselves ... some have life at home pretty tough and choices they have made in the past continue to rise up and peak that ugly head up when they least expect it. Often times we just want to rush in and get our hands dirty. As a youth leader, I too fall into that trap. I want to help and be involved to help make that change in a persons life. Sometimes it may be a big change but often times its a the small one that makes the most impact. It may mean a simple text or a facebook post to let them know I care, they matter, and I am with them.
What more of an impact could a leader have on a student who really needs a voice in their life of something they can lean back on and really have it hit home?

It says in the song above that our strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord. Its not about us, our timing or our way. Its about Christ leading when its time, its about Him, and its about His ways over our own. Our everlasting God - who has always been and always will be there for us, our loving and caring father, and is willing to do so much in our lives if we would just let him. This faith journey is a journey. Its a long road and often times we fall short before we finish it. We grow weary and our faith fades with all the struggles we have and the load we have to carry. But he lifts us up on wings of eagles and we get to soar with him when that time comes. The promise here is God wont let us stay down. He wont leave us where we are. During trying and hard times, in God time and in do season - He will again lift us up and encourage us, show us, teach us and deliver us to once again walk to the calling on your life.

Strength will rise when we wait on the Lord... waiting is hard but necessary for good to come through all things according to Gods perfect will and plan.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
That is where I am today...... no half hearted following of Christ loved ones. All in ......

Monday, October 18, 2010

A monday morning like no other...

2 Corininthians 12:9 - But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 10That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

This past weekend was sort of an odd couple of days. Friday night we got to go see our dear friends Brandon and April in concert with their church. It was a night of worship and it really was. Nothing like raising hands and singing your heart out to our most awesome God ... and along with hundreds of people sure makes for a great evening. God is really using Brandon and April, in their music and gifts they have been given. Love those 2. Saturday I spent the day working in the yard as the weather was perfect to be outside. Carol and Kyle went to his old school for fall festival and thats something I usually go to but I was just needing some space. Some quiet time, some me time which I know and admit I don't take enough of. So after yard work, I got Payton, my girl Siberian husky, and we hit the road. I had to stop and work and get some boxes for a family that is moving so we went in the office. Payton got to meet some folks and she seemed to really enjoy that. We dropped off the boxes and had a chance to catch up with the dad, talk about the upcoming move and see 2 of the kids I lead at church. It was good to see them and be able to sit and talk for a few moments and catch up. Life is stressful during a move and life is so much on change ... most people people don't do well with change. They took me over to see their new home which is pretty amazing and then Payton and I hit the park. Got a few miles walked and then headed home. Scarowinds Saturday was a ton of fun. Me, Kyle, Ethan, Morgan, Taylor and Kayla enjoyed the park, the scary stuff was just over the top as they don't hold back to get the scare out of you. Intimidator at night as always is pretty cool but the park had a different feel to it with all the smoke and different color lights. We didn't get home until very late and that makes for a tough morning to get up and get setup done at church. As always Pastor Jimmy, Pastor Travis brought a great message. The band was awesome and Kayla did a great job on that last song, so much so that I brought in the Student Ministry to hear it.
Kyle and I spent an hour or so after church with my coworker and his family at the hospital. Things are going ok there and hopefully they will be home today. We got news that Kate was in an accident Sunday morning with her school trip. They were headed to a state park for a day outside. The suburban lost control and flipped a few times. One student was killed and another in serious condition. Thankfully Kate is only banged up and was released from the hospital. Here a teen girl, in a school to help her troubles in life, is killed... life taken so quickly. Sunday night Donna and the girls brought over dinner and the girls wanted to watch a movie. I had just got in the mail, the passion of the Christ. It was time to let them watch it. Pastor Travis spoke on our faith being lazy these days and how we have to be motivated and uncomfortable where our faith is. So it was time to let them see it. What started off as a movie, turned into a real life experience. But for me ... I had seen this movie a long time before but I was at a much different place in my faith then compared to now. I was asking questions and telling Morgan and Kyle who folks were and how history and events took place and why. By the time we got to the end... the suffering was just too much for me. My heart was hurting, tears on my face, I just couldnt watch it anymore. I walked out the back door. An hour later still sobbing, heart breaking, in the most incredible God moving moments... my family came to get me. I have not had a moment like last night where I was dealing with God in such a powerful way since the news of my mom being sick. I checked into the hotel across the street that night and tore that place apart. I asked God every question I could as to why He had to take my mom. I begged for Him to heal her. I sobbed like I had never sobbed before in my life. It all just came out - much like last night. These are very personal moments so I wont give all the details. Ask and I will share them in person because a whisper from God is not to be taken lightly. As that evening in that hotel room came to a close, after I exhausted all that was in me - it was then that God told me to trust Him. That He would heal my mom but not in the way I wanted Him to. He had much bigger work for me to do here, to lead my family, to show others Him through taking care of my mom and to be His hands and feet during this season. My mom passed and God held true to his promises then as he continues to do today. Last night I unloaded a lot that I have been carrying around. My family was there and by my side I got to share the burdens and pain and stress and heart that I am carrying. Like Paul who had a thorn in his side - 3 times he asked God to take it away and God responded that through Pauls weakness, He would be strong. I so feel that today. Those words are like lifting me off the ground today. Its a tough day for sure as I am exhausted from the experience last night but I am so thankful. I don't know what I am going to say to Kyle, Morgan, Taylor and Donna when I see them next. I just have to pray that their hearts are changed as well. They see the suffering of what God has called me to do. I am in the boat and for sure I can't turn back. I have to press on because there is victory in what God has called me to do. Those wounds and seeing Christ hanging on the cross last night in that movie really put things into perspective and reminded me all that Christ has done for me. I am reminded all that He is doing through me. Most people dont get what I have poured so much into with this student ministry. Most people get their kids to a certain age and then dont like them anymore. They love them, they just either need a break, frustrated, don't know what to do and in some cases are at the point where they just need some flippin help. God has given me a heart for these kids. Hey I didn't even like kids except for Kyle until I started in Kyles 3rd grade class helping out and having lunch with him and his classmates. I began to blossom into this journey. God allowed me to live back in 1999 so that He can do something through me. I am thankful He is still teaching me and bringing me to a place where I am broke down, on my face, heart open, around the people who are closest to me and then whisper to not give up. God never calls us to do something easy. Often times when He calls us to do something we don't even understand it... nevertheless be able to do it without him.
God really pressed on me last night to stay the course. To not lose hope. To not back down. To press on even when people don't understand. My heart is moved to a place to trust Him more.
God moved me to a place where I felt as if God was saying, "If you cannot worship me with all you have, do not worship me at all. I dont want your halfway heart."
Loved ones there is no more critical goal in life than to keep a pliable heart before God. If we show up to worship and have our cells out texting, talking, not paying attention, attending church only because this guy or gal is there... then we have it all wrong. If we are to live our lives on fire for God on Monday and spent and burnt out by Tuesday we need to make some changes. If our Bibles have dust on them but let people believe we are digging into Gods word we are only fooling ourselves.
Fully committed and truly devoted, are you willing to let your faith affect things in your life like morals, relationships, money management and even in some cases your career paths......? If not, then maybe you dont know Christ as well as you should. What is holding you back? Remove the distractions, let yourself go in worship, follow and do what the Word says. Cut the cord on that relationship if needed so that you can follow Christ with all your heart and let Him affect everything about you.
I got to know Christ a little more last night... I am broken but I am blessed because God is still shaping me. I pray you let God get to know you better today.

Through my weakness.... God is strong.
Thank you Jesus,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

LOL - Bible study was different last night. Not the fact I picked up students to take them there, spend time with them there, McDonalds afterwards, good deep conversations and shared laughs time with many, Txt messages for parents to pick up, then drop off students at home. Its a whirlwind of an evening - hopefully all focused and centered around Christ. Last night I didn't get to hear the message but did get pulled in on a family situation. I am totally cool with that and I am thankful to be there for this family. It really has me thinking this morning about that leadership role in Youth.....

Our youth are on the fast and furious of learning and imitating their parents. They are watching, listening and doing what we as parents are doing. When we are not lining up our words with our actions - mixed signals are being received thus causing confusion and even frustration at times. When those 2 things happen, our children make poor choices, start hanging with the wrong crowd, have image problems, slip in their faith, and usually start walking down a harder road alone because they dont see us as leaders by example. They dont see value in following when what they see isn't lining up. I see it every day and its even in my own life and as a parent. Being a leader to youth and family, a role model for many, a friend and life coach - really will humble you and the meaning of Grace really comes alive.

I am in Ephesians 5 and then in Galations 6 today.
Ephesians 5: Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and game himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Galations 6: Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each others burdens and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

If you think you are too important to help someone, loved ones, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important. Our teens need us to be leaders, not only in our families, MEN I am talking to you! - but also to those around you who you have influence with. I love the kids in my life, yes they drive me crazy, let me down at times, and all those things but I love them regardless. Many times I am enjoying them smile and being there for them when they need a lift, an encouraging word, or an ear to talk to. They need guidance, not another friend - they have plenty of those, but a spiritual leader who has their back, who will gently realign them and cheer for them in life. Nothing is more important than a kind word or a "You Can Do It" from someone they respect and listen to. Especially when its not their parents!

~Youth ministry is relational. Without relationship you can only be surface level. How are you? The weather is great! How is school? - nothing of importance in those conversations. When you are flexing flexibility, sensitivity and some wisdom ...then you are getting somewhere.

~Youth leader, you teach and model Gods ways in all you do and all you say so walk the walk and talk the talk. You have to have genuine faith and to be effective you must spend time with God, pray and model for your students. They will give us plenty of grace for their ups and down of walking with Christ but in the end we have to model to them that we are growing and walking with Christ. For your students, if you are hungry and thirsty for Christ, chances are they will be as well.

~Youth leader, we must have healthy relationships outside of the students. We all need someone in our lives who we can connect with that are other God loving adults who sharpen us. A leader who goes without being renewed will burn out or fizz out spiritually. We cannot always be in the lead role.

~Youth leader, you need accountability. If there is something in your life you are struggling with. Confess it and make it public to those trusted peeps in your life. They will hold you accountable and will make sure your walk is on the straight and arrow. Without it, you will surely fall back to those same habits. Your faith is not meant to be alone ... we all need someone to walk with us. Your students may look to you for this role in their life ... embrace it and hold it to the highest standards that you can. Get help if needed by more experienced and wise counsel if the situation is too much.

~Youth leader, you need to worship! Worship should flow out of your heart because it shows the love you have in your heart for Christ. I often use worship music to fill my heart up so that I can pour out the extra I have into them. I am especially pumped for Jeremy Camp next week and then Nov 3rd 10th Ave North... Brandon is leading worship tomorrow night and a bunch of us are going! This is getting your worship on! Yes music our students listen to is pretty well, out there and probably not the best example of honoring God many times. But, provide them an example without putting them down. Our parents didn't like our music either!

I have been leading in the church now for a few years in a few different roles. Working with youth and leading has got to be the toughest role in the church. Little did I know entering this ministry I would become a pastor to dozens of teenagers. Be preparing lessons each week not only for student ministry but also for my small group both adults and students. Little did I know that I would spend so much of my own money on McDonalds after LOL, Chikfila when a student wants to talk, Starbucks when a walk and talk is in order, and gas money driving around picking students up to get them places. Never did I imagine there wouldn't be much time for the gym and thus my Crestor expense has went up because of not working out and all the meals I am eating at McDonalds, Chikfila and Bojangles. :) - Never did I thought I would be texting but in order to communicate with students... my thumbs are worn down from the daily text messages hitting my phone all day and even in the night. Never would I have thought I would be in the middle of family issues that were not my own family. I have always been a good listener but this takes it to the next level! I never would have thought this ministry would take up so much time. Especially away from my own family.

I am often times wanting to pinch myself - I get overwhelmed at times with emotion knowing that God has allowed me to be this much of an influence in the lives of others. I cannot believe how much my heart is connected to these students and their families that they really feel like family to me. They are so much a part of who I am. I hope when I am dead and gone, folks will remember me for that. Living a life serving others and a friend to many. A real friend. A friend that will pray for you every day, ask for your forgiveness, grant you the same and be a friend always. Thats grace. That kind of grace can only be experienced through Jesus.
I am living life larger than life itself. I am grateful in so many ways.
I will end this long heart felt post today with this:

Galations 6: 10 - Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.
Loved ones, we are all the same on the inside and God loves each of us. Extend grace where grace is needed. Let us encourage one another with kind and loving words. Reach out to those who need a hand and smile. It reflects your heart.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Grace Card movie - A- will be my stand review on this movie. It was pretty cool being at my first movie screening. There were lots of goodies handed out, a tshirt and a fella spoke afterwards from the movie producer and answered questions that we all had. There were about 140 or folks there of almost every age group. I do think the movie had its slow parts but half way through it made up for it. It took some time to really set the stage of where the dad was at in his life before the movie kicked up a few notches. Carol cried mostly towards the end and I admit shedding a tear or two was easy to do. Powerful movie that extends the real definition of Grace.
Grace is a gift we dont deserve. Its like the passing over while waiting trial ... Grace is not something you earn as Grace is harder to give than to receive.

As I broke out a pen and note paper during the movie to jot down a few notes ... these are just a few of the nuggets I got to write down. There are plenty more and I will dig into this Grace over the next few days.

~Sometimes when we need a life lesson, God sends us a teacher. - WOW, that really blows me away. It shows me that a teacher in life that Gods sends us doesnt have to be a person to lead us so much but to show us things. To point out where our hearts are and what we are thinking. A teacher can be a person that we get along with most times but what about the ones that we dont get along with? A boss that is just a pain in the you know what? Did God put him or her in your life or did God put you in THERE life? That will make you think for sure.... Life lessons don't always have to be about situations or results of our decisions - they can be often times people that God puts in our life to teach us, show us and guide us.

~Monday to Saturday .... is the game. Think of it as football in the game of life. We as followers of Christ actually play the game we learn about on Sundays! Sunday is the "Locker room" where we learn the plays, learn the timing, form bonds with our teams .... dude that is good stuff right there!

~ A kind word can go a long way. - I cant' tell you how many times I have been part of the end result in parents and teens going at it because of getting the last word in. I am guilty of that in my own life ...and not with just my parents. Our nature is to get our own way and in doing so - getting the last word in is an attempt to do that...and when that last word gets in its that persons last stance because they know they are losing. THose are usually the tough words that should have stayed quiet. Christ shares with us to use our words to build people up and not tear them down. Our words can be building blocks to someone - they can change a persons entire outlook in their day or even in their week with one kind word. We don't know that persons story behind the counter, or that young lady serving you the sweet tea.
I have really been making this a point in my life the last few weeks. There is nothing like speaking the persons name and having that conversation while you get your meal, while she rings up the milk and bread ... Nothing like a kind word.
Son, awesome job on the report card. I love you honey and dad is proud of you. You can do this!
So often all we need is a little whisper telling us we can do it.... to lift our spirits and succeed.

One thing I walked away with last night from the movie as I look into my leadership role in Student ministry is the fact that the students are listening to my faith and watching my life. they are counting on me having a genuine but not perfect walk with Jesus. I always have to know that my faith, YOUR faith, is lived out loud by our actions and not just our words. Even when we slip up, show spiritual leadership in the way you humbly and correctly deal with mistakes and strive for Gods best.
Think that would work in your family? Think that would work with the relationships at work? How about your kids?

More tomorrow loved ones.... Bible Study tonight - I am pumped to be with this family God has placed in my life.

Lord bring Your word tonight - help them have the confidence to walk and shine for you. Move their hearts Lord no matter where they may be today. Give us a kind word as we spent and invest time together this evening. May the talks afterwards be focused and centered around you. May you be happy and glorified in all that takes place this evening. We love and praise you Lord.... thank You for giving me the chance to walk with these students, their families and the leaders around me. I pray in Your sons mightly and holy name in Jesus. Amen

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I am pretty encouraged today thinking about a few things. I am enjoying probably a short season, even if it shouldnt be, where folks have been saying thank you for all that is going on. I spend a lot of time, energy, money and family time investing in those around me and its nice when someone stops and goes out of their way to say "Thank You".

Those are words that really humble me but also pumps me up. Its nice to have encouragement sometimes especially when one of my spiritual gifts is encouragment - its awesome to be on the receiving side sometimes. I do have a few people in my life that say those words without hesitation and it has become a part of our communication. I love that.

Tonight, I am taking a ministry break - well not really. Carol and I are headed to the movies to see a movie that is not out yet.
If you want to see the trailer - - this will get you there. It looks like a great movie with a great message of grace all through it. If this is worth seeing and showing to our Student Ministry the Flood - we will have this movie on the books for Feb of next year. I am excited to be spending some much needed time with my wife. Carol gives so much to others and her heart is open to always being there for others... especially the loved ones we are doing life with. I am looking forward to tonight and just relaxing, enjoying, laughing and probably some tears as this movie will probably bring them. Thats ok ....

Tomorrow I will have a movie review for sure.... and some thoughts on grace.
Love you all - thankful for a safe trip to NJ for my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster. Great news on test results that came this afternoon, our church building project will be proceeding as of this Thursday with all permits signed and delivered! Thankful for Kyle and his laugh and example in following Christ and thankful for "MyKids" ... a few of which are walking close these past few months and love that place God has us now. Shine on..... :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sometimes we need to lean on someone elses faith until we can stand on our own.

Those words have wrecked me for the past few weeks. I got to hear them live from Pastor Furtick at a leadership conference and after he said those words... I sat down in my chair and wept. Thats just being real. Thats just being honest and I don't care if you think that crying is for wimps or not being a man. Being a man is leading your family, listening to God and all He has to say, letting God lead your life, being humble to serve others, saying your sorry when its called for, having a heart that breaks for people in your life and even people you dont even know, and being thankful each day for what God has given you - regardless if where you are today is where you want to be.
Last night for Rock Group it was short on people but for those who came - I think it went really well. It was pointed out that being luke warm for Christ is not the best place to be. God either wants us hot or cold - either moving toward him or away from him. This non decided, gray zone of faith is a place that does nobody any good. Its like making a decision on something - sure you need to have some time and pray and seek Gods will but eventually a decision has to be made. If none is made then the situation becomes too big for us and then takes on its own direction. That pretty much leaves us helpless and no place to turn.
There are things in our lives that storm all around us. People in our lives are sick, debt is mounting, friends are walking away and saying hurtful things behind your back, you are not fitting in with the crowd you so want to be associated with that you change your appearance, talk differently, and walk away from many things, sometimes including God - to be part of that circle. You comprimise who you really are and soon forget what God has brought you through. Loss of a job and a lifestyle in an instant haunts many of us today. Children with bonus never ending energy undermine the authority of their parents. Life is hard sometimes..... and you have said the prayers, had your face in the bible, increased your alone time with Christ, have great friends to help you, - you dont know what else to do. There is no relief in sight. Paycheck is not matching the bills this month. You lost your smile and your eyes are set on the ground.

Mark 4:35-
That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, "Let us go over to the other side". Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Techer, dont you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still." Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" They were terified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"

I just love that story. I can so see the panic on the 12 faces and their hearts racing as they thought and felt their ship was going down. Carol, Kyle, Morgan, Donna and I were out on Lake Adger this past Saturday. There was little wind and the weather was perfect. I can remember smiling knowing I was going to be talking about this and really taking in the scenery and being on the lake. The lake was perfectly calm and everything reflected as if there were 2 of everything as object reflected off the water. It was so peaceful - I imagine it looking like that after Jesus tells the wind and waves to be still - it was perfect just like Saturday.
How is that in life when things are so out of control we turn and start bailing like the disciples did that day during the squall? Often times we want to get out of the boat and swim back to where we came from. What if you cant go back? What if life has you in a place that you cant turn and head back to shore ... to that ex wife, to that son or daughter... to that job? We cant go back but we are also not there yet. See this life is a journey - and we are not there yet. We havent reached the other side. Its the inbetween that messes us up. Is the storms that rage all around us and often times we either lose our faith or it becomes stronger. One thing for certain - I am not getting out of the boat. I may feel like quitting, I may say I am quitting but my faith and my heart and the trust I have in Christ tells me to stay on course. There is much to learn in the squall of life.
One thing I have learned over the past few years is the importance of a spiritual family. They hold me accountable, they do life with me, they hurt when I hurt, they share smiles when there is victory, they are there no matter what is going on. I told those there last night that I was not letting them out of the boat. There was no jumping ship - no matter what is crashing around them. I am not letting them give up. We need to do that for each other. Satan doesnt care about your job, your heart, the sex you are having without being married, the lies you tell others - he cares only about your faith. Take that away and the rest will come - those things will happen loved ones. If your heart is not in alignment with Christ - those things you are seeking are yours. One day you will own that stuff .... and the stuff is not what God is after. When we are alone - we do the most damage to our lives. I dont mean alone as in not having a wife or a husband or a boyfriend or girlfriend ..I am talking spiritually alone.
Together, we can stand firm, arms wrapped around each other, in tune with each others world and stay the course. Often times we give up right when we are about to turn the corner. Our prayers and belief that God can do imaginable things in us and through us ...we give up right before they happen. Stay the course loved ones, we are not there yet.... and I am not letting you out of the boat. I know you would do the same for me.

Often times, we have to lean on someone elses faith before we can stand on our own.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our faith is like a muscle. We each have this muscle and over time it either becomes stronger or weaker. I continue to press on with trying to keep my faith muscle as strong and as in shape as I can be. I listen to preachers teach the word of God, I attend church as much as I possible can, I visit other churches and learn through their systems and leaders and how refreshing to get anothers heart for God, as well as reading as much as I can get my hands on - but more importantly - I am in the mess of peoples lives and doing life with them and not just standing on the corner yelling at them. I also take time and I admit I need more time to do this - of down time. One on one time alone with Christ. You may be thinking dang dude, you are busy how to you do all this? Yes I am busy but I cant afford not to make time for Christ. I can't look at my family and properly lead them, I cant look my son and wife in the eyes and know they have my whole heart, I cant lead the students in my life, I cant be that fatherly figure to "mykids" the way God has called me - IF I DONT LOVE GOD FIRST ABOVE All THINGS.
Matthew 22: Shares with us the greatest commandment as the Pharisees question Jesus and try to trick him into saying something that would swerve their agenda over his. Jesus handles it perfectly when he says:
Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, "Love your neighbor as yourself".

As I do life with so many people it becomes increasingly difficult to have enough faith at times for all to lean on. I heard Pastor Furtick say a few weeks ago, Sometimes we need someone elses faith until we can stand on our own. - That still rings in my ears and pressures my heart today. This past weekend as I reflect back on my walks on the beach and my time spent with Kyle - we left foot prints in the sand. They are only temporary and in time the wind and the waves will wash the evidence away as if we were not even there. I think about all the seeds I am sowing and the lasting impressions of Christ I am leaving behind for others. I am no more spiritual than anyone around me - I think in some ways I am just a little more hungry than they are. I seek wisdom from God and not myself. I don't want to go somewhere where God is not and it takes work to be able to do that. It takes time spent in Gods word, Speaking God word not only in what you say but in what you do - thus Doing Gods word.
Those 3 things make it Faith ~ ALIVE.
Hearing Gods word initiates our faith. Speaking Gods word activates our faith. Doing Gods word demonstrates our faith.
A lot of people get the information in Gods word but no real transformation happens because we don't do anything with it.
I am guilty of this as well but I see it every single day where students for example claim to shining for Christ but are no different than the people around them in their classes and in their school. They don't stand out in any way what so ever other than the fact they go to church on Sundays, sometimes, and maybe attend a Wed night service with their friends. Jesus hung out with sinners, bad people, worst of the worst - not so that he can boast about them but to transform them to preach the Good News through their transformed lives. We cannot surround ourselves with people like us, who looks like us, who we are comfortable with, who believe like us, who live in the same social scene as we do - sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone and be in a place in our hearts that hurt for people. No matter their background or where they are in life.
I think for many reasons, that is why I love going to the Center of Hope at the Salvation Army in Charlotte. It gives us a chance to extend grace to these hurting folks. Christ would have been there and so should we. We need to rise up loved ones and work to Hear Gods word, Speak Gods word and DO Gods word in our lives. God has to do something in us before He can do something through us. That change begins by filling our hearts with the things of Him and letting go those material worldly things that keep our faith where it rests today.
Are you planting seeds in the lives of the people around you for Christ? Are you just going through the motions, going to school, doing enough to get by, doing 8-5 in your job or sitting on the couch in the evenings instead of leading and engaging in your family?
There is SO much more going on that what we see. Sad that far too many of us are feared to step up and step out.
If you will commit to a life of consistently hearing, speaking and doing Gods word, your faith will start to swell and your spirit will gain size incrementally but also substantially.
Mature your faith ... and as Peter did in Matthew 14 - get out of the boat because of your faith.


Monday, October 4, 2010

I am gaining steam this morning and thats a good thing for Monday morning and a busy week ahead. This past weekend Carol, Kyle and I were invited the beach and I very much enjoy being at the beach. There is nothing better than getting alone for a little while and just taking in all that God has created and all that God is doing.
This past Saturday I really found myself in a worship mode that I have not been in in a long time. It was so refreshing to really feel God being close and feeling His loving hands touching my heart. It was really awesome and Kyle and I spent a lot of time together Saturday, walking on the beach, hitting the inlet and looking through the tide pools at low tide, a view from the 18th floor at the hotel up the street as well as talking with all the fisherman. One fisherman we stopped to talk with spoke of my cross on my neck and he was telling us in broken English that Christ saved him a few months ago when a stingray stung him and the stinger went all the way through 2 fingers and into his hand. He said the pain was unreal and the doctors told him and his family he would lose both fingers. He had all of them Saturday and a scar to prove the story. Kyle and I also got to hang for a wedding that was taken place on the beach and as the pictures started and the celebration got under way - Dolphins jumped in the water not far from where we were. The topping was the sunset that evening and I couldnt help but to think about my mom. She loved the beach and I spent extra time picking up shells and just taking in all that was unfolding around us.
I am reminded this morning that no matter where you are in life. No matter how hard things are or you're feeling in the dumps because of your job, your marriage or that boyfriend or girl friend is just not working out. No matter if you are struggling with an illness or 12 years old or 45+.
Psalm 62:11-12 puts everything into focus.
One thing God has spoken;
Two things I have heard:
That you Oh God are strong;
and that you, Oh Lord, are loving.
Surely You will reward each person
according to what they have done.

God tells us 2 things in this passage and its a reminder for us all- that He is great and that he is good. Those are the 2 basic child like faith foundation pieces that we all have to grab hold of and hang on to no matter what we are dealing with, how bad things are, or even how awesome life is today.
Mom, I miss waking in the morning and smelling the coffee brewing, the bacon cooking and the warmth from the kitchen. I rejoice in the mornings because you were a morning person and it delighted you SO much to have your son home and sleeping in the back room. I smile when I remember you getting up at 5 to make your biscuits and I would come walking down the hallway and sit at the table, half asleep and you would smile at me and walk over with a cup of coffee and place it in front of me. I remember the "Good Mornings" and then talk through the day ahead. We would talk until it was all worked out and our hearts were in the right place and everything was ok. I miss you mom and the beach this weekend reminded me that all is ok. Bad things happen in this broken world but ignoring all the things this life hands us - I can rest in the fact that God is great and that He is good. My prayers this weekend had some extra zeal to them - not only for me but also for my family and for a few of the kids that are in my life who are like my own. God knew before I did that I would have many children - I smile thinking about that.
God for sure has given me a life so much bigger than I ever imagined living on my own. I couldn't live with my heart wide open like this without Him being the center of it.
It changes everything.........You mom were a big part in that. You raised my expectations in my life. Something that I get to try to do for the youth in my life and who's heart I get to touch. Christ calls us to rise up and raise the bar high in life - aim high and you will hit high-
While many of today's teens are lining up to see the movie Twilight - some are feeding thousands, some are raising awareness, some are leading youth groups in their schools, some are shining bright for Christ, some are clearing lunch rooms, some are leading their families.....
For me mom, it began with a those early morning talks over a cup of coffee with bacon cooking on the stove and your biscuits rising to the occasion.

Life is smaller than we make it out to be ... but then - sometimes we get it backwards and then our life IS bigger than we make it out to be and thats because ... some live insignificantly so we can do something significant.
Only God could vision that plan for our lives.
SO grateful this morning.....