Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Nothing but the blood...

As Easter is fast approaching - My wife and I sat stuffing Easter eggs last night and talked about all the thousands of children that will be attending our church's Easter Egg hunt this year at a local park. Will they understand what Easter means, have their parents explained what Easter is about and why they are there at the park and getting all the eggs filled with candy? I think about the lives that our church will be touching this day and those who be moved in such a way that only God can move them. Moved so much they wander in to our church over the following weeks. I look forward to God moving these peoples lives so that they may experience Him like they have never experienced Him before. Especially for their children!
God has made each of us important and each of us with value to serve Him, honor Him and praise Him. Each of us in the eyes of God are equal and we have no more value to Him than the next person. My prayers are just as important as yours are. God has made a wonderful and complex system that we have - our bodies. With Easter we think about the blood that Jesus spilled for our sins. How science has done so much over the last century with curing disease and transplants and so many other things. My dad is proof to that with his story!
I am on the call list for the Red Cross, so every time they are in my area to donate. I have a donors card that gives me the priority to call in and make an appointment because my blood has value to it. With all the advances of science today, the blood is not something that science can make - they can't replicate it or make anything like it that would serve the body like our blood does. I remember back when I was filling out my last stage of paperwork to donate and the head lady asked me if I would be willing to give a special part of my blood instead of just giving blood this time. The process takes longer and they only take out the part that they need and saline is put back into the body - this process was specifically for Cancer patients. My mom was just diagnosed with cancer and it was awesome to be able to do this for someone with cancer. My blood is valuable - especially to someone who needs it in such a way to live! My blood is not different than yours when it comes to giving it to someone who needs it. I shared my story about my mom - how for years I have given blood and never heard or took part in this procedure until then - I had everyone on the bus that day in tears. God loves us all equally and when we lift prayers to Him - He listens and even though sometimes in life, loved ones, we don't get what WE want - God loves us the same and we belong to Him. Its not our place to say who gets sick and dies or who gets sick and lives - it's God's place to do that. We belong to Him before we belong to each other. If today finds you with bitterness and you are angry with God for something in your life- your struggles or circumstances - Remember we are Gods children before we are anyone Else's. Gods will - over our own - Give God the praise in everything and be glad He is walking with you during those times we don't understand - WHY.

Psalm 139:13-16
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—and how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Lord I thank You today for the life You have given us, the blood that Jesus shed for us so that we may be washed clean and made white as newly fallen snow. Lord I pray for those today who are angry with You - who cannot get past the struggles they have because they feel You did not answer their prayers. I ask that You give them comfort and understanding Lord that Your will is above our own and if its in Your will Lord, that we accept that because we are Your children before anything else. Help us look ahead and not behind in this life - help us be thankful for all that You have done for us and that You love us all the same and listen to all our prayers. May Your will be done in each of our lives as we follow You and honor You until our time comes when You call for us.

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