Monday, April 16, 2007

The world is a dark place....

Just another example today at Virginia Tech - 31 people killed by a mad man - many more hurt and wounded - WHY? We may never know. This kind of stuff just breaks my heart and really upsets me, especially when people or children are involved that have their entire lives ahead of them. Pray for these families, for the school's administrators, faculty and students - pray for the lost ones there and the hope that they knew Jesus. Crying shame this world is this dark and things happen like this. I wonder how many will be affected now and never go back to college? Dreams taken down because of a crazy person who only cared about himself and a moment of glory and self centerdness. I just dont understand.......


Sharon Davis said...

Yes the world is a dark place and yet another example of why it is so important for every person in this world to be ready to meet God, who know when or even why it happens but it does happen. Were those 31, as a matter of fact the news last night said 33 including the gunman who took his own life, were they ready?????? I don't mean were they ready and willing to die at a young age, I mean did they have their hearts right with God to assure them that they would be in Heaven today??? Something to think about, I am sure those that are wounded but not dead are thinking about that right now.

amberWIRE said...

Hi Lonnie!
Thanks for your comment on my blog! It's great to know that you're on this Journey with Jesus too! I'll be reading!