Thursday, April 19, 2007

Heart dump on Thursday.......

All the blogs I read every day seem to be filled with the news concerning Virginia Tech and the events that has scarred our nation a few days ago. The news is being reported as if its the only news in the world going on - the paper is completely full - not that I even open the paper anymore but right now if you don't WANT to hear anything about that horrible day and the events afterwards - where can you go?
I think about all the people in this tragedy that were killed - including the killer himself. I think about the people in my life right now fighting cancer - a professor here at work that just got news of his heart attack a few months ago and now his heart is in really bad shape because of the damage that it has done to the heart muscle itself - I think about my mom and my grandfather Joe. Knowing mom and Grandpa are both in heaven and both got there because they took responsibility to make sure they were going to heaven is just sweet music in my ears. I think about how grandpa Joe thought and struggled with his decision to come to Jesus for probably 20 years - read everything he could on Jesus, books, tv shows, the bible, anything you could think of. How he waited till 2 weeks before he passed on to talk with Pastor Lonnie from my grandmother's church and accepted Jesus. Some of us wont get that chance!
I think about many right now like my father n law who is battling cancer and the the value that is placed on doctors and the medicine that he has to take from time to time to support good health. People flocking to the next miracle pill or the next diet pill or the next procedure to prolong life and vitality. We put so much emphasis on living that we forget the most important part of our existence. Our SOULS. See loved ones, there is nothing more important than our souls because if we lose that - we have lost everything.

We gain nothing at all from this life if we don't take our souls with us when we die. We die twice when we do that ..... if we are born twice - we only die once.

I pray those that were murdered this week knew Jesus - how important that decision is when we don't have the chance to make it anymore. Putting it off another moment or another day or until next Sunday can backfire. I am not here to scream the world is going to end or someone is going to kill you or you'll be hit by a taxi - I am just saying that we need to be ready because our eternity can come at anytime!
Our souls are worth fighting for - many things in my views have changed over the last few years with accepting Jesus into my heart. My family is on a new and very exciting direction as Jesus leads us and spread us and teaches us and puts just awesome people in our lives. I look for opportunities to share Jesus with people -notes at the gas station pumps around town about our church. Frisbees flying into driveways with our church information on it - business cards from our Pastor Jimmy tacked up onto bulletin boards in local stores and places to eat - inviting friends we know each and every week and smiling as they most of the time squirm looking for excuses not to come~ but I keep inviting anyways - all of this matters because as a Christian - our main priority is saving the lost people around us. It takes courage and effort - we will fail at it more times than we are victorious but its those victories loved ones that keep our eyes on Jesus - our focus on what we are here to do and then watching as this new creation in Jesus blossoms and gets involved in so many new ways. We spend so much energy, money, emphasis in all the wrong places.
Imagine your marriage when Jesus is in the middle - imagine your friends with Jesus in the middle of those friendships - imagine the family that has Jesus in the middle of it....... we have so much to do and so far to go. We have to take the steps and begin our walk each day with Jesus because nothing in this world lasts....only the word of God will carry us through and deliver us from our sinful ways and death itself.
This is a sinful world - filled with darkness - filled with pain and grief - so much going wrong and I am afraid that now the details and (instructions) is out on this murderer in Virginia - many will copy him to have their moment of glory and publicity. I am afraid but it will not keep me from reaching out, serving others and helping those who need to here what Jesus has to tell them.
Changed lives, new hope, a changed attitude, love for others LIFE and forgiveness is offered... why not take the opportunity? God gives you that choice......... set your priorities.

Pray for those in your life right now who don't know Gods mercy, grace and love he has for each of them.

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