Sunday, April 8, 2007

Its Sunday..........

HAPPY EASTER!! This morning I had to go to church early and was on the road by 7AM. As I drove in, the sun was coming up and what a wonderful vision of Jesus in the sky. The sky was bright - shining red and orange - it was a reminder what Jesus did for us and the sacrifices made for us. Today Jesus us alive, just as He was 2000+ years ago. My mom is alive just as Jesus is right now. 2000+ years ago today the sun came up and the grave was empty - the stone was rolled away and the grave clothes was folded neatly - as in saying Job Finished.
The movement is still going on, the Jewish leaders at the time - dumbfounded because there was no ending, no body, no understanding in what had happened.
Isn't it great that even the disciples had doubts - even after the last 3 years of their lives studying and learning with Jesus himself? They too have doubts and their faith and trust was questioned - was put to the test. Just like us today - all of us at times have doubts and have questions. I continue to pray for those doubts - for full trust in Jesus in my life. Isn't it awesome that this is not just a cookie cutter story here and yes the disciples themselves had doubts - But once Jesus appeared to them - they touched Him, placed their fingers on the scars and the wounds - they believed. They lived the rest of their lives preaching and spreading the Good News.
Today friends and loved ones, where are you? Where is your walk today with Jesus? Being Easter - use this day as a day to live - to reset your life and live for Jesus. To drop the baggage and start new. Jesus died on that cross so that we may live.
Lord I thank You for this day - a day of total sacrifice Lord because You put us on the priority list and You put us before Yourself. Lord I pray for those who are on the fence or are choosing not to believe. Lord they may have small faith, questions and doubts, but even the disciples had them - and for that I am thankful because it means we are all human and imperfect. Lord I thank You for Easter and all that today means. You died so that we may live. Thank You for this awesome sacrifice Lord and for loving us that much.
I pray in Your most awesome son in Jesus,


Sharon Davis said...

Easter has never meant to me what it does today! Oh, I know what it means, but what I am trying to say is that Heaven is more real to me than it has ever been, Jesus is more real to me than He has ever been. Never in my life have I ever felt so close to my Savior, He is everything to me, I am living for the day that I see HIM face to face and fall on my knees and thank him for what HE has done for me, for bleeding and dying so I can be with him, so my sister could go to HIM and live a life she never really got to live down here! How awesome a time that will be to see the lights of that city, to see the one that shines holiness. Oh some people reading this will say, yeah, everyone wants to go to Heaven but no one wants to die. So true, but it will be worth it all to see the one that gave, yes gave, HIS life so we can live. This morning in Sunday School the teacher spoke of how when Jesus died on the cross there was an earthquake and several dead bodies arose and walked into the city before acending into Heaven. How awesome our human minds cannot even comprehend that. He spoke of the saved, how to be "absent from the body is to be present with the Lord" I remember you Randy telling your momma that the minute her big toe touched Heaven that she would see Jesus, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain" Phillipians 1:21 But if we don't go by death and the grave, we have the wonderful promise of "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord." I Thess 4:16-17 Either way my friends, we have the promise of being in Heaven with our Saviour, how much sweeter can life be than that, and how awesome with death that crossing over will be to know when we open our eyes again it will be to see Jesus and all the ones that are there waiting for us. I see Lois' beautiful big brown eyes in my mind and know in my heart she is beholding things I can't even imagine, if she could speak to me right now she would be saying "Sis, it's unbelievable don't be afraid it is so wonderful here with the Lord" and it is all because of Easter. It's not about the bunny or the easter eggs, oh no, it's about an old rugged cross and a man of flesh that bore my sins and yours so that we may have eternal life. Praise God forevermore.

If you don't know Jesus, or maybe He is not as real to you as He could be, ask him into your heart, ask Him to reveal Himself to you then look out at a sunrise like Randy is talking about and know that only He could make that, let God show you His holiness in everything you see. It is yours for the asking. He loves you just as much as He does me, He died for you just as He did for me.

May God Bless You All

Anonymous said...

AMEN...Today was Awesome. Probably the most aweseome Easter celebration ever, since we have walked closer with the Lord more so then we ever have this past year. I was brought to tears several times today - knowing how Jesus suffered and died, like our Charlotte Police heroes - Jeff Shelton and Sean Clark...!! Seeing our awesome son, Kyle, singing today - closing his eyes and singing to God...thinking --- Wow -- this kid really gets it. How awesome for him to really get it at 9 years old, but he does. I have no doubt about his faith. He is a true follower, and he displays it in the way he acts and in the things he says.

We spent an awesome day with people from our church family --- Dennis, Julie, Lexie and Grant Lucas. The Lucas family is from NY and they have no family here in NC --- so we all decided to go out to eat today. Then Julie had a great idea to see a movie, which we did before dinner. It was such a GREAT day, and Kyle is sleeping over with Grant tonite. I am SO happy to be surrounded with other God-loving families. We LOVE the Lucas family. We Love all of our church family.

Thank you God for loving us so much that you gave us your Son, and he paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Thank you for this wonderful Day...!!