Saturday, April 7, 2007

The day in between.....

Over 2000 years ago today - the Disciples and all those who believed in Jesus, were heart broken. Society, the Jewish elders and the rulers of Rome - killed Jesus. They thought they had killed the movement that Christ had started. They were scared that their life would change is Jesus lived - they would lose control of the people and their high ranking officials would no longer be leaders - what if Rome came and took them over? They can feel good now, go back to their daily walk and leading others while enjoying their high stature. The disciples hid from others thinking at any moment, the Roman guards would be coming for them and they would be facing the same things that Jesus just went through. Imagine the fear - imagine the pain of losing their best friend and teacher - they have all lived together for 3 year, learning everything that Jesus had to teach them about why He was here and what He was leaving them. Imagine the pain we all go through when losing a loved one or best friend..... imagine their pain as the visions of Jesus being beaten almost to death, spit in the face and mocked - imagine the horrible unjust death He endured -

I think about the hope they had probably lost - just like today - we don't understand everything. Jesus taught them the best He could using everything and anything to get His points across and in a language and style that was easy for them to understand. What were they going to do now.... some time needed to pass so they could grieve..... if they could stay alive long enough.
So far..... everything Jesus told them was true - He raised people from the dead, He healed people with many diseases, He taught thousands of people about God and about who He was and what He came to do.

Tomorrow loved ones - imagine with me what we know now compared to the pain and suffering the disciples knew then. I think about mom and how devastated we were when she died - gone forever - never to see again..... or would we? What do you believe? We all are feeling what the disciples felt 2000 plus years ago today - for those who don't believe and have their hearts with Jesus. No wonder we cling onto so much in this life.... just hanging by a thread.......

Today is the day in between - death and life.


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