Thursday, April 19, 2007


What is the smartest thing your parents ever did?

For me -

A) My mom showing me how important her faith was to her over the years growing up even though she never was able to completely fulfill it until months before she died.

B) Even though my parents went through some tough times, had fights and didn't see everything eye to eye - they stuck it out and stuck together. Thus breaking that generational curse of being raised in a divorced home. My brother and I have something to reflect back on when it comes to our marriages today because of that sacrifice.

3) There is nothing more precious than a parents love for their child. I know there is nothing I would not do for my son and I know how small that is compared to the love our Heavenly Father has for His children.

Comment or email me your thoughts on the smartest things your parents ever did. or use the comment link below.



Anonymous said...

Wow - that is a BIG question. I guess the smartest thing that both my parents did was to work hard at setting good values and examples for their children. My Mom taught me about being compassionate, a trait I definitely took from her, and one that Kyle carries with him. She taught me to never judge anyone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes and to treat others as you want to be treated. And, I see those traits in Kyle just today, as he made friends with the new Kid in his class today and made him feel welcome, along with his 2 other buddies, Kyle and Austin - who are also great kids. My Dad definitely taught me to give 110% to everything you do. Even though we did not grow up with Jesus as the center of our family and our lives, I know now that I’ve lived up to many expectations and do give 110% to everything in my life – my husband, my son, my family, my friends, my church, my job, the PTA and all the children that I have contact with in Kyle’s school and in Sunday School. So I’m thankful for all the SMART things my parents did to make me who I am today.

Sharon Davis said...

My childhood was very much less than a perfect picture, it was actually a picture that is very vague and disturbing to me as my sister Lois said I've shut out all the things I don't want to remember. I am what I am today from my struggles from that childhood and from what God has made of me. Even before I knew God there was always something "pulling" at me and after I gave my life fully to HIM on August 23, 1992 He has guided me and since that time, for the first time in my life, I knew who my "real" Father was,and HE is sitting at the right hand of God waiting for me in Heaven with my sister Lois who also helped to make me what I am today. My old life is gone, I look forward to my new life there.