Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Cousin - Angie Williams

This is from my cousin Angie - she is the daughter of my dads sister - Micky and her husband Keith- She is married to Richie and has 2 beautiful daughters. We only see each other during family get together events but I think now after only a few emails, that will change. :)
God is good.... and all in His plans. Enjoy the awesome testimony! Love you!!

Hi again! After reading your e-mail, I thought Iwould share my testimony with you. Growing up, my momand dad didn't go to church, so I went with myNannie(my dad's mom) to her church, which is a Churchof Christ denomination. They didn't have Sundayschool or bible school, so as a young child I didn'tget much out of the service except that there was aGod and that people go to church and talk about Him.I had my children's Bible and I would read that so Ibelieved that Jesus existed, I just didn't knowanything about the need for salvation and what Jesushad done for me when he went to Calvary. I keptgoing,until as a teenager, I realized that I didn'tagree with some of the things that church believed, soI stopped going. I did go to church and bible schoolwith a friend on occasion, but really I was stilltotally lost. When Richie and I had been married afew years, we talked about wanting to go to church,but again, didn't know where to go. A co-worker ofhis invited us to her church and we toyed with goingfor awhile. Finally after Sept. 11 we decided that weneeded to go, so we did. OH MY GOSH, this was thefirst time in my life that I had ever truly heard theWord spoken and boy was I miserable...because the Lordhad convicted me. I finally knew what I needed to do. One Sunday it was so bad that I could hardly breathand my heart was racing. I knew I needed to go up andI nudged my husband to move but he thought I wasnudging him to go up and he wouldn't get out of myway, so I didn't get up there that morning, but theLord knew. Later that week a member, Rodney Boyd,paid us a visit and Richie and I got saved in ourliving room!!!! The next time I went to church, I hadpeace!! After getting saved, I wanted my mom and dadto get saved to, so I kept after them to go with us tochurch. Mama said she didn't want to go to thatchurch and to be honest, I didn't feel comfortablethere either. I was really upset about this because,after all, they helped lead me to my salvation. Iguess I felt obligated to stay there but the Lord hadother plans. One day mama told me she would go withme if I went to this other church. I didn't know whatto do except pray, so that is what I did. I said"Lord where do you want me to go?" This was the firsttime I experienced an answered prayer because he toldme which church to go to. Mama, Daddy and I startedgoing to Unity Missionary Baptist church. After a fewservices, mama went up and got saved. I know now thatmy not feeling comfortable at the other church was inGod's plan. Maybe mama would have went to the otherchurch without me and gotten saved anyway but for somereason I don't think so. God knew that if we went tothe other church mama would get saved, so that is whyhe led us there!!! Eventually, Mama and I both gotbaptized and became members at Unity MissionaryBaptist Church. Amazing, isn't it? I wish I couldsay the same thing happened with my dad, but itdidn't. I know daddy believes in Jesus, he just hasto ask for forgiveness. Unfortunately, daddy won't goto church with us anymore, I pray for him, and I haveto leave it with the Lord. My husband also doesn't goto church anymore. He has backslid in a big way butat least I know that he can never lose hissalvation...because of what Jesus did for us all. Iknow this was long but thanks for reading it. I amashamed to say that I have never shared thistestimony. I have wanted to in church but I don'tthink I could get through it because of the tears. Iknow it is O.K. to cry...I just really don't think Icould talk...I would be crying that hard. You saidthat you thought you didn't have many people in yourfamily to pray with but now you know that you have meAND my mom. Keep working on your dad and I will mineas well. Hopefully, they will get the picture beforeit is too late. Hope to hear from you again soon andGod Bless.

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...

AWESOME!! I remember meeting you Angie while my sister Lois was sick. You seemed so young and sweet with the babies and I love your mom Mickey. I loved your testimony. God is so good to us, I think of how Lois got saved and it was just in time. Of course, we all get saved "just in time", in God's time. There is a bond between those of us that are saved and we know who we belong to, and we know where we're going, and we know we'll all be together in Heaven one day. And another thing, we want all our loved ones to be able to go too, I know I will see Lois again, one day, God gave that to us when He gave His life for us. We will live eternally, after this life we have another life waiting for us that will be "unbelieable" as Lois used to say. I Just wanted to say to you, we are in the same family, the family of God.

We have a lot of work to do, to lead everyone that we can to the Lord. That is our calling, that is all Jesus asks of us, to serve Him and tell others about Him. That is how He puts all of that love in us. I too, along with Randy, will be praying for your husband and your dad. Help us pray for our lost loved ones as well.

May God Bless you,
Love in Christ,
Randy's Aunt Sharon