Monday, August 13, 2007

Blessings - FULL Circle

There are many ways to tell a lot about folks with out even really knowing them. You can tell certain things by the type of cell phone they carry - the kind of car they drive - their hairstyle and the type of folks they hang out with. The people and things that are around us tells so much about what kind of person we are or who we are trying to be. No matter how much you fool others and even sometimes fool yourself - God sees right through it all. He sees not only the things you are doing in life but also He knows WHY. Why do you bless those around you, Why do you pray for the people around you and for the things in your life. What are you focused on or even what are you running from? God knows the truth.....
Over the last year, I have looked and prayed for opportunities to serve others. In any capacity that God has lead me on, I am willing to serve. I am not looking to run 110% and do none of them just mediocre but I am focused on the projects God has me on - serving and leading in my church - serving my rock group family and my church family - helping those around me by passing on Gods blessings. These are my priorities and this is a choice I am making in serving others. There is nothing more exciting than doing something for the right reasons - to see folks smile and know you just made life a little easier for them is priceless and it gives me the buzz I keep talking about. The old me would be looking for a much different buzz! As the days are hot here and rain doesn't seem to be coming for months on end - the grass tends to not grow as much. I don't get to cut the grass as often and I do miss that every week. Its not about the grass but about asking God to focus me on others - even through sweat and through effort - it makes it all that much sweeter. God sees WHY I am serving. What examples am I showing to others - not even in my own family but theirs as well - maybe even the neighbors. God sees WHY and He will use that for His glory and His purpose. Sometimes these blessings come back around and I am finding this out over the last week or so with Carol out of town ministering to her dad in Vermont. I can't say when she will be back and I will be the first to say that I miss her and love her. I miss having her around to talk with and Kyle misses his momma bit time. It would be easier to know when she will be coming back. So instead of focusing on the tasks at hand and all the things that 2 of of us use to do and the not knowing when she will return - I am experiencing the "Receiving" end of those blessings. They may not be nothing more than prayers but what more could anyone ask for? God has placed great people around us to encourage us and to stand with us during this season and in times of struggle and uncertainty. Our Rock Group continued to meet last night and with all that is going on - I could have cancelled it very easy - but I have to admit - I need these folks. I need these people in my families life and in my life! So many of us have people in our lives who are dragging us down. Or we have relationships that we are letting the wrong people into our lives and giving them control. We should be lifting these folks to God before we let these folks in and to give them a say over what we are doing. God should be our primary focus and pleasing Him should come first. God will put the people in your life that you need. Be specific and look for those opportunities ... You have control over those choices. Make wise decisions and give them to God. He will let you know if they are worthy of your heart and if they can have access to it. Sometimes it means protecting your family and doing what is best to protect them. My family comes first right behind God. Its that example I want to pass along to Kyle. Leading by example, having a heart of compassion, helping others and serving our church and our God. Later in life - this will be even more important because serving God gives us a life of significance and meaning. I don't want to be sitting around waiting for the next what ever game show comes on or Judge Ralph at 4:00. Sitting alone watching the grass grow - doing nothing in life that is a blessing to others. Some of us, need to get our rear in gear and get moving. Focusing on others and off of self. I am excited in life because God is a major factor in everything I do. He is with me as I parent, He is with me in being a husband to my wife, He is with me in serving in church and trying to set a good example for others, He is with me in all of my relationships and friends, He is with me here at work and He is with me when I bend down on my knees and talk with all my "Kids". He is even with me when I am helpless and need Him as my heavenly Father - My comfort and shield when I am hurting.

Kyle got up early Sunday morning and went to church with me to serve in Setup and with breakdown. I could tell at 11:00 when I was in helping with Sunday school that he was tired since we got up so early, but he never said anything - never once complained. When we were all done and driving home - he looked at me and smiled and I look over at him and I said "What?" He said daddy, "We need to do this more often together - that was fun!" He gets it..... and God will use him for good things and he will have good friends who will care for him and pray for him. I am praying for those friends already- just like all his soon to be girlfriends and someday his wife and family. Its never too early to put them on the prayer list before God.
We are "Receiving" - right now and it is pretty cool!! Focus on the good in life and the things around you. The world wants you to see everything wrong and bad and what you DONT have.
Decisions are made every day .... are you making good decisions - Godly decisions or has life put you in a rut and on a path that leads to a "Dead" end? Are you surrounding yourself with good God loving people? Decide today, to let the Lord lead you. Time is wasting and life is short enough. Live and love for the moment - or live and love for eternity. Still a decision.....with big time different results.
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