Friday, August 17, 2007

Baptism ..... begins with CHANGE

Ephesians 5
Living by the Spirit’s Power
15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This coming Sunday we will be having a baptism at church. Its our last service at our place of worship before we move to the next place, setting the stage for the next big step - Building on our land. God has been preparing our church for these moves. He is preparing us for the building and teaching us to be patient and to wait on Him. Its all in His timing and not ours that we will begin construction and be able to reach out to the community in a large way. Our church building will not only be a place to worship but also a place to have community - a place for teenagers to come and hang out - in a safe and encouraging place. God is preparing us for this move. It will be sad in some ways as we walk out the doors of a school where many of our members have been coming for 7 years. To many of our children its a church first and a school second. Our next stop is going to be huge - with a grand reopening - new sound gear - new kids stuff - new banners and posters - new volunteers and hopefully a new crowd to come and have a church home. Many of us have been busting our behinds each and every week and there is nothing we won't do for each other and to serve to make a place for folks to come and experience God. Families who are all in and there is no question on Sunday mornings - "Are we going to church today? - Can't we sleep in?" - For me - its a place to worship our Lord and to be around other folks who feel honored like me to come before God and hand Him our problems, our struggles and our hurts. It's more than just an hour on Sunday - it has reflected into every aspect of my families life. Everything comes and revolves around Jesus.
These past few weeks are proving that to me. So many prayers, hugs and emails, phone calls, invites to eat and folks dropping off meals. The Lord is taking care of His children and I am just besides myself with awe at the wonderful feeling of Gods love for my family.
So yes- if you know me from years ago - I am not that person anymore. I have CHANGED - I have moved past the person I was to be a better person - a loving person - a giving person. My family reflects every aspect that I just said ... I am proud of my family and to be part of Gods family - who reaches our friends, our church family and Rock Group family - the folks who we are just getting to know and now are coming to church with us. Life has so many directions with so many things that can go wrong - our plans dont always work out and we are living in Gods plans today... there are many in my life today that I am close to that are still choosing their own paths. God is something that is not real - He may be there may not be. He is something that we can't see and feel. When asked who God is - we flounder at the answers and we have nothing to grab hold of. I think many times men have these issues more than women. I think as leaders of our families we are choosing to take the safe route and not let anyone know our slacking leadership skills and to put our trust into something we can't see and feel. Thinking maybe our families and our wives will think we have lost our minds or have a soft side to us we dont want anyone to see. I tell you - there is nothing like shedding a tear in front of your family and in front of your wife. I bawled my eyes out in front of 200+ people when Pastor Jimmy called me up front and the congregation laid hands on me for healing for my mom. There is nothing shameful in it at all.
But there is something that we are overlooking - we can put a face on God- we can grasp who He is and what He looks like. Walt who is in the hospital KNOWS there is something out there but refuses to believe because God seems so far off - so many questions and what if someone thinks that I am leaning towards God after all these years?
Friends we do have something to wrap our hands and hearts around - we do have a face to put on God and we do have something to grasp on who God is - His name is Jesus.
Study and learn who Jesus is - and You will find who God is. Let Jesus sink into your heart and into your being and He will CHANGE you.
Baptism Sunday - A new beginning for many folks who will be babies in the family of God. Tears will be shed - hearts will be moved and people will be CHANGED.
This was a great day - My son Kyle being baptised. A life CHANGED and a family CHANGED on that day ... down with the old and UP with the new.
I can't wait.........
See ya Sunday!!!

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