Saturday, August 25, 2007

The last few days.....

Have been kickin! Since Carol and Walt have arrived in Charlotte - we havent had time to even catch our breath! Walt has already started his therapy and has a great team of 3 doctors over his care. He is cracking jokes and he will be working HARD to get his body back working again. Only God knows the outcome of that but I know Walt will put everything he has into it - I will make sure of that - PROMISE.
Carol and I will be double teaming and taking turns going to see Walt. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come. Visiting hours are 4:00 till 8:00 during the week because they have him working during the day. This past Thursday was Kyles open house to meet his teacher at school. Carol and I are VERY happy with who he has as his teacher. His friend Madison B is with him and she is sitting next to him. Answered prayers there because both our families were praying we were all in the same class together. Yes it sounds like the parents are in class together too - and we are!! Reason being is - we have double team on the class moms and I have been voted in as class dad.... so we will all make a great team together. I look forward to my first lunch next Friday!
Today - our church staff, team leaders and all our volunteers met at our new location. We are meeting at Pitt school elementary which is right down the street from our land and our church office. Let me just tell you - IT WAS AWESOME! The stage, lighting, drapes all around the outside, kids area, Project 252 area.... welcome area. DUDE - it blew us all away. We had almost all our volunteers there serving today and the excitement just grew all day. Tomorrow is going to be awesome so if you are in the Charlotte NC area - looking for a church- want to try a new church- or have never been to church much in your life but want something a little different with coffee, something to eat and some rocking worship music that is LOUD - like concert level here...... than come see us. God has our church on the move and He is taking us places.... we are all blessed to be on the ground breaking of something that is going to be so huge for God - the people of our community and for the lost people all around us. God will be reaching out in new ways - to new areas and its going to be awesome.

Lots of things happening ... and thankful for everything. Just waiting for summer to return in Charlotte- you know normal temps...? not this 97 everyday!!!!
I will post some pictures tomorrow..... I just can't wait.

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