Monday, August 6, 2007


Man its hot here in the Piedmont of NC. They weather folks are calling for 98 today - 100 tomorrow and just down right boiling the rest of the week. We usually have one of these weeks every year and it is unbearable at times during those weeks... It is August folks!!!

I got my 2 miles in today at the track during lunch even with the hot blazing sun frying the top of my head - I thought to myself - How fired up am I about God? How fired up am I about church, my small group, my "kids" and the awesome people in my life? God is really using me for something! God is using my family for something big.... something with meaning and purpose and the longer we walk with Him - the more He is blessing us and the more we reach out to folks around us. Dude - I am talking on fire here..... As I sat yesterday through 2 services - the LifeTalks that Pastor JImmy is teaching us really hits home. I think to myself that YES Preacherman - I get it.... I am getting this message here. Me, a sinner, a man who has done some things in life that I am not proud of, who used to run with a tough crowd and thought he was bigger than everyone else - how humble I am now seeing myself as this small and feeble person - a nobody really - but I am important to God. I can look forward and see a bright future because "I get it". Yes I am a serving maniac - my thing here at work is - once I get my mind on something to happen - just stand back and watch.... because I am bringing the train with me. Folks know at work that I get things done that need to get done. I have never been a long term project man. I am fast and give it 110% - even if it sometimes means its harder and longer this way. When I took over the ministries at church that I lead - I said, "Lord, I know you are putting these wonderful opportunities in front of me, but surely someone else could do a better job - I can't do this." Yes I can is my prayer answer..... When I say Can't - God says CAN. When we give up on ourselves and our way - God provides in His way. Yes I am afraid of failure - of hurting someone around me with putting my foot in my mouth with saying something stupid. Its a fear I carry with me but God does not let it consume me. He knows my heart and He is providing for me during my times of doubt and during my times of "Can't." He is walking with me as I step learning foot after another. I am still amazed at what God is doing!
I think about the movies - Harry Potter came out a few weeks ago - there are parties and people lined up all over the place - midnight shows - book signings.... imagine how awesome it would be if we treated church like that! How life changing it would be for folks - we act like that with a movie but not church? Priorities...... what is important to you?
I think about Carols niece - Kaity - Kyle was dumbfounded when he asked her what church she went to - and she said she didn't go to church. He couldn't understand why! She said because her parents don't go. I just feel so bad about that that I don't even know where to start. Yes I know I can't bring everyone to church or lead them to experience God but it still hurts the same.

Many of ya'll know, my family and I sit in the front row at church. I would sit on stage if they let me because we are fired up and we don't want to miss anything. Many times I dont know who is there or who sits where because its all behind us. All I can do is look to my right and see part of the congregation - and I must confess there are times when I do look around and look at folks. Some are yawning, coming in late after the music starts, some are writing or talking with the person next to them or quieting a child or teenager.... and some are getting it! I myself sometimes find it hard not to just breakdown and cry because God is moving my heart or giving me a new understanding in His word. This is being on fire for our Lord. Its about not serving enough - Its about getting the privilege of taking part in the most important hour of the week -our small group. Its that important!!! Regardless who is there and who is on vacation - there are others in my group - I need my group and if they are getting half of what I am getting out of it - then they to are just fired up also! I love these folks and there are times where I will pray for them by name - 2 or 3 times a day. I confessed a few months ago to a dear friend at church - that I had been praying for her and her family for months. Not because I wanted her to know that but because God placed it on my heart to tell her there are people around you who care and love you. People care about her family and church is where these relationships flourish and grow. I am not a preacher and I have no teaching abilities - heck I still get nervous when I am leading small group and these people know me and hopefully feel the same about me as I do them.

There is a family that my family and I know who after months of asking them to come to church with us -finally came. They seemed to enjoy the service, the shorts and flip flop attire, the message was good but they have not come back. Other things keep them from coming. Maybe they are not telling us the truth - maybe, like Jimmy said yesterday, they aint telling the entire truth but its in the part they aint telling that makes everything just STINK BAD. They have other priorities that always seem to take place on Sunday mornings that keep them from church. Maybe they are still searching - a shopping deal at the mall - the car is dirty. I can't help but to think - one day they are going to be faced with something huge in their lives and then they will be asking for God. They will need Him then but while things are good and everything is ok - they choose differently. Now is the time to learn and to grow - to know Jesus and what He is all about and experience Him - to surround yourself with a loving church family and a small group who will help you through those hard times. Those times will be hard but they will be easier and with a softer landing and understanding if personally you know Jesus and have His support system around you.
If you know Jesus and are not attending church or sharing your faith with someone else helping them grow as you grow in your faith. Well, you are missing out. Its not about the music or the choir or your money.... Its about Jesus. I am fired up because God has brought me through some tough things in my life and He is growing me in the areas He needs me to grow. My faith and trust in Him continues to be tested and it continues to flourish. My small group family means the world to me - my church means the world to me - my family means the world to me but Jesus is bigger than all that because I know everything starts with Him.
Yes its hot outside...but my heart is burning up.
Ok - got to find the A/C....

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