Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
To My Rock Group Family
My Rock Group Family
I did not grow up in church - sure I went from time to time on those important days but never put much into church (it was always for someone else) Then that all changed when God moved my family and I from another church here in the Charlotte area and to where we are now.
Rocky River Community Church - http://www.rockyriverchurch.com/
Over the past 2 years now, Rocky River Church - the family there - the teaching there- the music there - all of it.... has changed my life forever. All during the time my mom was sick and so many other times - I had an entire family of followers of Jesus praying for me and my family. Nothing compares to that. During that time we were politely invited to a small group each and every week. We could not go because of the family obligations at the time but after that season passed - We went. Yes it was a little scary not ever have been to a bible study before and I did not want everyone to know how little I knew about the bible - but I had a love for Jesus - I had a love for the folks who invited us and the family that was there. Soon after getting to know these folks and praying with them and having some fun together - our church expanded the Small Group program - Thus it became known as Rock Groups. God led me to lead one. It was something I had been praying for - for months - and when the opportunity came, it was so clear what God wanted me and my family to do. It has been awesome since...... I am so blessed to have these folks in my life and in the lives of my family.
You all may never know how much I love you guys - all of you - your children and your friendships until we get to Heaven. Here on earth - I just dont think its possible for me to explain how deep that love is for you all.
We have had a good summer having some fun - attending ball games, concerts, swimming and cook outs... we have done many fun things the last few months. The time has come once again to expand..... once again to move from where we are in our Walk With Jesus - Don't get scared now I am not going anywhere... :)
But I have something planned to kick off our new Rock Group. Everyone will take part - I will provide details at our first meeting when we are together. That wont be for a few weeks but I wanted to plant a seed in everyone that its time for growth and our understanding and trust in not only in each other but for Jesus.
Get ready gang........ God has placed something on my heart.
Love you all..... and I know you know I mean that!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Tonight Show: Miss South Carolina
Ok - this is something new for me. Adding a YouTube video - but it may be useful. I have seen this video a few times and I can't help but to feel sorry for Miss South Carolina. I mean she REALLY messed up this question. I don't really understand beauty contests either!!!
I think about how bad she floundered the answer and she still finished 4th! When our time comes to answer to God for all of what we have done - will you flounder on your answers? Do you know you WILL be going to heaven or just thinking maybe - I am not sure?! Friends, you have to know. You have to have it in your heart that you know heaven will be your next journey. Don't founder like miss S.C. at the questions God asks you. Make things right - put the past in your past and move forward with what God wants you to do and how to live.
PS: I don't know who won the contest - but I am sure in life they are all winners. The bigger question is - who amongst the Miss Teen USA - knows and gives God the credit for even being there......!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
In the Moment...
As I look down the road into the crystal ball of life - I see myself still investing in people - still seeking Gods will on my life - still serving at church -God has a purpose for me here. He has a purpose for my family - and not matter where you are friends, He has a purpose for you.
There is a man in the hospital in the bed next to Walt. I enjoyed so much talking with him yesterday - I just feel bad that I am only now getting to know him. He was going to work early one morning back in June. He was at a traffic light on his motorcycle waiting for the light to turn so he can make a left. He was then his from behind by 3 kids racing their cars. The one car wrecked and all that kid thought about was how wrecked his car was. He was arrested and thus brought the other 2 kids in as well. SO he lost his car - Reggie - lost much more. He was run over with a car doing 100Mph. He had both legs broke in 4 places, all his ribs broke, punctured lung, spine broke in 2 places and a life changed in an instant.
He was so excited Monday - it was the first day he was able to move his left toe. It has taken him months to get to this point - lots of pain and lots of work trying to teach his body to work again with his spine broke in 2 places.
As he was telling me his story - he was at peace with things. He has a loving family and he knows - that someone was looking out for him. He is alive for a reason. He goes home tomorrow and he is scared. He goes home to a house that he has not been in - in months. I told him that God has a plan for him. God has a purpose to have kept him here. It is up to him to make the most of this chance. He may never walk again - he may never be the Reggie of old - but Reggie is a new person and he smiles over his pain and his hurts. God does this to people!!!!
We never know where life will take us. Our plans are just that ... our plans. God may have different plans. Plans to teach you and prosper you.... plans to enrich your life with folks all around you..... I will continue to pray for Reggie - I only wish I had met him sooner. I still have more to tell him and maybe - God will honor that request and maybe not. Maybe I have already planted the seed he needed to hear in life. Maybe that seed was already there.... I may never know but deep in my heart....
I know Reggie is in good hands. Live each day in the moment.... moment by moment and never take any of them for granted.
Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
6I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.
I will be honest today, not that I am not honest on other days but I want to share with you today that I have a heavy heart with all that is happening around me. My family and I are running in all kinds of directions - we are burning the candle on both ends so to speak. But I know God is putting the things we are taking care of in our lives because He is at work in those things. With Walt being at the hospital now here in Charlotte - we are using that time to show him we love him. To go out of the way to help him and sit and talk with him. Last night I know he was uncomfortable with me helping him eat - putting his lip balm on and adjusting his hands and arms. It is a tough thing for him to humble himself to let someone help him - especially his son in law. But I know he loves me and I am taking care of his daughter and I am doing so in the best way I know how and with Gods guidance. I think he is becoming more open about "Religion" but I think he is afraid to open his heart and open his mind to something that he has put away with for so long in his life. He has never needed God - never found any value in it. When he sees us on Sundays when he stays with us - he watches us go out the door and with Kyle asking his grandpa to come. Its heart breaking knowing that a loved one is on the path to Hell and there is only so much we can do for him. I have had it on my heart since my mom left to care for my dad - I promised my mom that she would see dad again. It was the ONLY thing that held her here on this earth as long as she did. It was her will against everything else.... maybe even her talking to the Lord to let her hang for a little while longer hoping that she would know that she would see my dad again and that next time would be in heaven. I can't honestly say if I know that will happen today. People come to know Jesus in all kinds of ways - in all kinds of heartaches and in all walks of life. Its the reason why on Sundays my family and I are leading, serving, singing and praising the Lord for all the good He shows us and provides us. Bad things happen but God is with us during those seasons. We learn and we heal from them - we move on and God walks with us to better pastures. Walt does not know the people praying for him- the folks lifting his name to Jesus - he does not know they love him like family. But he will soon and I think that is the part of the connection he is missing. Its the part I needed to feel and experience first hand when my mom was sick and my church family surrounded me - prayed for me- sent meals to the house and gave me gas money to go back and forth. They loved on me like Jesus loved on me. That is how I came to really know Jesus. Once we ask God into our hearts He will grow and flourish if we let Him. Let that fire burn in your heart loved ones, let GOd take you places you never dreamed you could do... I never dreamed I would be where I am today and that is only because I have given God permission and I am seeking Him for more! I want to know more and learn more - I want to love on folks around me -invite them to church to come to know Jesus like I have!!! AND WHY NOT? Its life changing stuff taking place.
Only time will tell if Walt and my dad and so many others around us - in our families and in our neighborhoods and the folks we even life with will come to know Jesus. I can't imagine having to lose a momma without knowing Jesus and where she is. Life would be so not worth living that why even bother with it anymore? Never going to find happiness and meaning and purpose in this life without God.
If you had 30 days to live - what would be important to you? What would you have to say folks around you? In your family?? That is the way we should live - love and care for others. Like we are in our last 30 days.....and if you think about it....we just may be in that 30 day time frame.
Are you ready?????? Got something on your mind - scared? Don't put it off.... get on with living the way God intended you to live.
So as my families life right now is leading in many directions and we are wearing many hats - I know its all for God glory and we are doing all this for a reason. The reason is clear as Crystal to me.
Someone needs to know the Lord today - Is it you?
email me.... lrbatema@gmail.com
Love you all,
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Sunday @thePitt
The band had it going on yesterday - Jimmy preached a message about who we are as a church. He reminded us that we are a church for anyone but not for everyone. We are here to welcome those who have given up on church - traditional church- have never been to church or who are coming for other reasons other than their own. Maybe its wife making the husband go or a child who wants to go to church because of their friends. Maybe its a family who is struggling and needs answers in life. Whatever the reason - we are glad they are there.
I need an army of volunteers to make all this happen! I am not in panic mode - the old me yes - I would have folded up like a bad tent. BUT I know God will stand with us on this journey. He will handle the details. Pray more - Panic less. God works under those conditions and we have to do our best to stay focused during this time. Growth pains are a great thing to have!
Hope to see ya'll @R2C2 some day soon. God knows if and when that will take place.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
The last few days.....
Carol and I will be double teaming and taking turns going to see Walt. Anyone and everyone is welcome to come. Visiting hours are 4:00 till 8:00 during the week because they have him working during the day. This past Thursday was Kyles open house to meet his teacher at school. Carol and I are VERY happy with who he has as his teacher. His friend Madison B is with him and she is sitting next to him. Answered prayers there because both our families were praying we were all in the same class together. Yes it sounds like the parents are in class together too - and we are!! Reason being is - we have double team on the class moms and I have been voted in as class dad.... so we will all make a great team together. I look forward to my first lunch next Friday!
Today - our church staff, team leaders and all our volunteers met at our new location. We are meeting at Pitt school elementary which is right down the street from our land and our church office. Let me just tell you - IT WAS AWESOME! The stage, lighting, drapes all around the outside, kids area, Project 252 area.... welcome area. DUDE - it blew us all away. We had almost all our volunteers there serving today and the excitement just grew all day. Tomorrow is going to be awesome so if you are in the Charlotte NC area - looking for a church- want to try a new church- or have never been to church much in your life but want something a little different with coffee, something to eat and some rocking worship music that is LOUD - like concert level here...... than come see us. God has our church on the move and He is taking us places.... we are all blessed to be on the ground breaking of something that is going to be so huge for God - the people of our community and for the lost people all around us. God will be reaching out in new ways - to new areas and its going to be awesome.
Lots of things happening ... and thankful for everything. Just waiting for summer to return in Charlotte- you know normal temps...? not this 97 everyday!!!!
I will post some pictures tomorrow..... I just can't wait.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sharing the Love of Jesus...
1 Peter 3:15-16
15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, 16keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.
Over the last few years I have grown in my faith to the point where I am ok with talking with folks, inviting people to church, continuing to ask them and listening to the excuses and false promises of coming but I am steadfast. I continue to ask and do so as lovingly and as accepting as possible. I have been on both sides of this fence!!! I know they will run out of excuses and one day - maybe even this Sunday - it may be that family down the street that shows up to church after a year of inviting them. It will be Gods place and His way to pull them near Him. I have done my part in inviting and I have done my part in serving to make a place for them to come and experience God.
But there have been tough times. There have been hard conversations with family members and friends. There is nothing I can do to change their minds about things and that is something the God gives us - free will. We can help each other change - change our diets, exercise and growing spiritually or in our education but accepting Jesus is a personal decision. Each of us has to make our own decision. We are not sharing God love to get anyone to agree with us - we are just facilitating the big decision that each person must make. Accepting Jesus or not.
We are called to love one another regardless and accepting Jesus has made me even more aware of this than ever before. I want to share what God has done with me - how He has changed my life. How He has changed my family and has surrounded us with just awesome folks. Folks I would do anything for because I know they would do anything for us. Its relationships all surrounding the love of Jesus.
Only you can make your own decisions concerning God - This is Gods business between you and Him. Only He can turn on the light - Open eyes and open hearts.
We are to love and pray for one another - always hanging onto the hope that God gives us that we wont leave anyone behind. If you ever become part of Gods family - you will understand how each of us feels about the lost folks and family in our lives. There is nothing more important than our salvation - your salvation.
Press on loved ones.... leave nobody behind.
With love,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My Cousin - Angie Williams
God is good.... and all in His plans. Enjoy the awesome testimony! Love you!!
Hi again! After reading your e-mail, I thought Iwould share my testimony with you. Growing up, my momand dad didn't go to church, so I went with myNannie(my dad's mom) to her church, which is a Churchof Christ denomination. They didn't have Sundayschool or bible school, so as a young child I didn'tget much out of the service except that there was aGod and that people go to church and talk about Him.I had my children's Bible and I would read that so Ibelieved that Jesus existed, I just didn't knowanything about the need for salvation and what Jesushad done for me when he went to Calvary. I keptgoing,until as a teenager, I realized that I didn'tagree with some of the things that church believed, soI stopped going. I did go to church and bible schoolwith a friend on occasion, but really I was stilltotally lost. When Richie and I had been married afew years, we talked about wanting to go to church,but again, didn't know where to go. A co-worker ofhis invited us to her church and we toyed with goingfor awhile. Finally after Sept. 11 we decided that weneeded to go, so we did. OH MY GOSH, this was thefirst time in my life that I had ever truly heard theWord spoken and boy was I miserable...because the Lordhad convicted me. I finally knew what I needed to do. One Sunday it was so bad that I could hardly breathand my heart was racing. I knew I needed to go up andI nudged my husband to move but he thought I wasnudging him to go up and he wouldn't get out of myway, so I didn't get up there that morning, but theLord knew. Later that week a member, Rodney Boyd,paid us a visit and Richie and I got saved in ourliving room!!!! The next time I went to church, I hadpeace!! After getting saved, I wanted my mom and dadto get saved to, so I kept after them to go with us tochurch. Mama said she didn't want to go to thatchurch and to be honest, I didn't feel comfortablethere either. I was really upset about this because,after all, they helped lead me to my salvation. Iguess I felt obligated to stay there but the Lord hadother plans. One day mama told me she would go withme if I went to this other church. I didn't know whatto do except pray, so that is what I did. I said"Lord where do you want me to go?" This was the firsttime I experienced an answered prayer because he toldme which church to go to. Mama, Daddy and I startedgoing to Unity Missionary Baptist church. After a fewservices, mama went up and got saved. I know now thatmy not feeling comfortable at the other church was inGod's plan. Maybe mama would have went to the otherchurch without me and gotten saved anyway but for somereason I don't think so. God knew that if we went tothe other church mama would get saved, so that is whyhe led us there!!! Eventually, Mama and I both gotbaptized and became members at Unity MissionaryBaptist Church. Amazing, isn't it? I wish I couldsay the same thing happened with my dad, but itdidn't. I know daddy believes in Jesus, he just hasto ask for forgiveness. Unfortunately, daddy won't goto church with us anymore, I pray for him, and I haveto leave it with the Lord. My husband also doesn't goto church anymore. He has backslid in a big way butat least I know that he can never lose hissalvation...because of what Jesus did for us all. Iknow this was long but thanks for reading it. I amashamed to say that I have never shared thistestimony. I have wanted to in church but I don'tthink I could get through it because of the tears. Iknow it is O.K. to cry...I just really don't think Icould talk...I would be crying that hard. You saidthat you thought you didn't have many people in yourfamily to pray with but now you know that you have meAND my mom. Keep working on your dad and I will mineas well. Hopefully, they will get the picture beforeit is too late. Hope to hear from you again soon andGod Bless.
The old saying goes.....
Carol and her dad, Walter, will be leaving Burlington VT tomorrow morning around 9:00 and flying out to Charlotte, NC. Should be in around 11:00 or so - a few hours to get Walt transported to CMC and then checked in the hospital and into his room. It will be a long and tiring day for them I am sure - but glad to have them home. A door closing but a new door opens. A door that will require surgery, prayers, physical therapy, prayers and long days and night - and more prayers.
Many times in our own lives - we are struggling with life and bills, sick children and summer coming to an end. Doors opening as school starts back with new friends for our kids - new assignments and routines - things don't seem to slow down any - especially the older we get and with the digital age right in our face all the time.
The digital age makes this blog possible and for me to share my heart and soul about Jesus, my family and friends and all the things that are important to me in this life. BUT - I know there is more.
I will reveal to you that I am working on my next project - it will be finished soon and I will be sharing that when the time is right. Stay tuned.....
I have to say today that I am encouraged by a family member. She knows Jesus, and so does her mom and that just makes me so happy. I have thought that for the past few years, there were only a few in my family that I could actually pray with and share the love of Jesus with. That has been upgraded!!! That is awesome....and I am extremely happy to hear this awesome news. The past 24 hours, an email has come my way and a testimony has been shared. Let me say, that any testimony is awesome and special in more ways than we even know. Your story is special - and it matters!!!
1 Thessalonians 1:8
“Your lives are echoing the Master’s Word .... The news of your faith in God is out. We don’t even have to say anything anymore – you’re the message!”
So, loved ones, no matter if you share your story and testimony out loud - shouting for all to hear and praising God with everything you have, its still an awesome story - Your story about a relationship that is between you and God. The most important thing anyone can do - is to live your testimony! Live like you love God - treat others like you love God - walk with others like you love God - You are Gods messenger! Let His light shine through you so others may see Jesus in you.
Stay encouraged loved ones..... there is much to be excited about! Lots to thank God for!
Love you all and looking forward to seeing Walt and Carol tomorrow - thanks to everyone for the emails, phone calls, meals, tears shed, and just walking along side us during this hard time. God has placed some awesome people in our lives, - thankful for each of you. Ya'll are shining the love of Jesus. Proud of each of you.
Humbled yet again,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Thinking out LOUD here......
This got me to thinking about something. With most lines of communication gone - Kyle and I bacheloring?( is that a word?) it for going on 3 weeks ... it was only fitting to hit it - GUY Style.... no power - rough and tough and manly. I was ready - got the lantern out - got my book I am reading. Then it happened.... my mind runs off into 10 directions.
So - here is the deal - God has placed this blog with a purpose in mind. Lots of folks are reading it - why? Its not about me..... it must be the thirst and hunger for God. Nothing would thrill me more than to allow folks to email me so that I can post what you want to say.
How about it? Up for the challenge? Don't be afraid ..... say what is on your heart. Email me .....
lrbatema@gmail.com - I will look it over and if its G rated - appropriate for all reading eyes and doesnt harm anyone or point out something that shouldnt - I will post it here.
Speak - the world is waiting......
The worlds your stage
Staying in the light.....
Last night I stopped in to say good night to my son Kyle and he was already asleep. Our routine for bed on most nights includes a prayer. There is nothing in this world more important than to pray with your children. It tells them there is a God we love and we are His - and we cannot live this life without a heavenly Father. So as I stood and listened to him breathe, I thought about what a great day he had being with his buddy today. Tomorrow being with his friend from school and her family - playing and having fun - building lasting relationships. It is humbling knowing that my prayer last night when he is asleep -somehow he knew there were prayers for him. That he knows his daddy is praying for him and his momma is praying for him, loving him regardless. We are a team and in many respects - God is the same way. He comes and checks on us when we are sleeping. Ever wonder on those nights where you are restless and you cant sleep - your mind is running wild and it doesnt matter if you have to get up in 3 hours for work - God is speaking to you. Are you listening? Tune in loved ones and find out what God is showing you. I know that as I stand over my son in prayer - I am thankful for him and I am proud to say that I know he is Gods before he is mine. If God loves me and if God loves him in any amount like I love my son - than I am just blown away at how much God loves me. Let that sink in and know - that God loves you. He sent His son to the cross for you. He made a way for you to be with Him one day when that appointment time comes. I hope and pray you are ready. If you are still reading this - you must be thinking about it. Don't let your friends or family who don't know Jesus steer you away. Follow your heart...... your eternity is your responsibility and when that time comes- God wont care what your buddy had to say about it or your neighbor - He will care about You and what You have said about Him.
Isaiah 30:21
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
On a side note: - We have a radio talk show lady here in Charlotte that is on the morning Christian Radio. She has taken a leave of absence for the summer and now we know why. She will be on the next episode of Survivor! What a great testimony and what a great way for our Lord to be reaching millions - to be reaching in China - and the tv crews and all the folks associated with the program and networks. I know Leslie Nease will do all she can to proclaim Jesus and honor Him in a great way. I am thinking of having some Survivor parties on Thursday night to cheer her on... hope you join us!!!!! Go Leslie!!!!
We will be watching Sept 20th, CBS at 8:00 for Survivor.
A special "thank you" to my cousin Angie for her comment on "The Walk" the other day. How cool is that - you reading this? Never would have thought it but its pretty cool. Miss you ~ email me sometime so we can catch up.
Love you all,
Monday, August 20, 2007
Join me......
To Enter God's Kingdom
13-15One day children were brought to Jesus in the hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: "Let the children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is made up of people like these." After laying hands on them, he left.
16Another day, a man stopped Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"
17Jesus said, "Why do you question me about what's good? God is the One who is good. If you want to enter the life of God, just do what he tells you."
18-19The man asked, "What in particular?"
Jesus said, "Don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't steal, don't lie, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as you do yourself."
20The young man said, "I've done all that. What's left?"
21"If you want to give it all you've got," Jesus replied, "go sell your possessions; give everything to the poor. All your wealth will then be in heaven. Then come follow me."
22That was the last thing the young man expected to hear. And so, crest-fallen, he walked away. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and he couldn't bear to let go.
23-24As he watched him go, Jesus told his disciples, "Do you have any idea how difficult it is for the rich to enter God's kingdom? Let me tell you, it's easier to gallop a camel through a needle's eye than for the rich to enter God's kingdom."
25The disciples were staggered. "Then who has any chance at all?"
26Jesus looked hard at them and said, "No chance at all if you think you can pull it off yourself. Every chance in the world if you trust God to do it."
So - why do I share this with you this morning? A few weeks back I had someone call me from church and tell me they are just tired of serving. They have been doing the same thing for 6-7 years now and giving up their time and doing their part in making a place for others to find God through our church. He was just burned out and I can totally understand - sometimes we need to take a break and step back to re-evaluate what we are doing in life. Trim the fat so to speak and get rid of some of the things that are dragging us down and keeping us too busy from the things we want and need to do. That conversation took place a few months ago and I ended that conversation with nothing but encouragement and speaking to him with the love of the Lord for him. This past Sunday - this fella came to me and thanked me - asked me to put him back into serving - He said- "this not serving thing just aint working for me!" BLAM - right back in ... nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to look back on - looking forward and God dealt with this person in his own way. See this fella was just blinded a little for a short time in the importance in serving. He has been reminded that we need to serve one another and to serve the Lord and put our priorities in the right order. We cannot save our selves - there is more to life than working, raising a family, going through life - 20- 30- 40 -etc... and then find yourself at a cross road when we have missed out on the best part in life! Living Gods plan instead of ours. I have walked these shoes and I am just blessed to be where I am today. A child of the most high God - why wouldn't I want to share this with everyone I know? As I look around and see so many folks crumbling under lifes pressures and demands ... I can't help but to feel compassion for them. I have Good News! God loves you! He is waiting on You - He wants to hear from you and have a relationship with you. Why does it always take us to the point in our lives that our backs are against the wall, we have fallen miserably in life or have had some tradgic event take place for us to come to God?
I have done that and I have been there. It took my mom for me to open my eyes and open my heart to understand. EVEN, though God had the plan in motion already - He was preparing me before my mom was even sick. So why should't I tell you about How God Has Changed my life - Changed my family? Why do people not listen and want to know more? Look at the great folks He has surrounded my family and I with!
Your plans - are your plans. God has better plans for you - no matter how old you are, how young you are - what you have done, had done to you or where you have been. There is NOTHING that You and God cannot walk through together. God has something for you to do - He will give you purpose and meaning to your everyday life - your everyday job and everything you do.
Life began for me at 38 years old - July 10, 2005. The day I made my confession to Jesus and in front of our church. A day our church family still talks about~ A day that I still talk about because its the day - eveything CHANGED.
Yesterday we had a baptism at church. Our last service at the school we had been holding services at the past 7 years. My son Kyle was baptized there, we have cried and laughed together. We have become closer together - grown together and shared so much together. Its unreal looking back over the last few years! God has us on the move and preparing us for what is ahead. Everyone is excited and looking forward. Not forgetting where we have been but thankful and blessed to be looking forward.
Does this sound like your life? Do you look forward or are you always looking in your rear mirror at what could have been and focused on missed opportunitities?
Jesus can change all that.... I think about all the new baby Christians yesterday that were baptised. 15 God's kingdom is made up of people like these.
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Poem...
For Grandma - Written by Kyle Bateman - December 2005
I wish you had not gone away from me so early.
I wish that you could have felt better.
You were a good grandma, and I really love you.
I hope that you have fun in Heaven. I know that you will be my Angel.
I bet that our Pastor, Jimmy, will be sad.
We will miss your biscuits.
Give Meeko a dog treat for us.
Say Hello to Angel Grandma Hagglund for me.
I am crying right now.
Love Kyle -
That pretty much puts things into perspective doesn't it? The world through the eyes of a child. I think we need to look through their eyes more - we would see so many things differently.
Gods blessings,
Baptism ..... begins with CHANGE
Living by the Spirit’s Power
15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. 18 Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, 19 singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts. 20 And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This coming Sunday we will be having a baptism at church. Its our last service at our place of worship before we move to the next place, setting the stage for the next big step - Building on our land. God has been preparing our church for these moves. He is preparing us for the building and teaching us to be patient and to wait on Him. Its all in His timing and not ours that we will begin construction and be able to reach out to the community in a large way. Our church building will not only be a place to worship but also a place to have community - a place for teenagers to come and hang out - in a safe and encouraging place. God is preparing us for this move. It will be sad in some ways as we walk out the doors of a school where many of our members have been coming for 7 years. To many of our children its a church first and a school second. Our next stop is going to be huge - with a grand reopening - new sound gear - new kids stuff - new banners and posters - new volunteers and hopefully a new crowd to come and have a church home. Many of us have been busting our behinds each and every week and there is nothing we won't do for each other and to serve to make a place for folks to come and experience God. Families who are all in and there is no question on Sunday mornings - "Are we going to church today? - Can't we sleep in?" - For me - its a place to worship our Lord and to be around other folks who feel honored like me to come before God and hand Him our problems, our struggles and our hurts. It's more than just an hour on Sunday - it has reflected into every aspect of my families life. Everything comes and revolves around Jesus.
These past few weeks are proving that to me. So many prayers, hugs and emails, phone calls, invites to eat and folks dropping off meals. The Lord is taking care of His children and I am just besides myself with awe at the wonderful feeling of Gods love for my family.
So yes- if you know me from years ago - I am not that person anymore. I have CHANGED - I have moved past the person I was to be a better person - a loving person - a giving person. My family reflects every aspect that I just said ... I am proud of my family and to be part of Gods family - who reaches our friends, our church family and Rock Group family - the folks who we are just getting to know and now are coming to church with us. Life has so many directions with so many things that can go wrong - our plans dont always work out and we are living in Gods plans today... there are many in my life today that I am close to that are still choosing their own paths. God is something that is not real - He may be there may not be. He is something that we can't see and feel. When asked who God is - we flounder at the answers and we have nothing to grab hold of. I think many times men have these issues more than women. I think as leaders of our families we are choosing to take the safe route and not let anyone know our slacking leadership skills and to put our trust into something we can't see and feel. Thinking maybe our families and our wives will think we have lost our minds or have a soft side to us we dont want anyone to see. I tell you - there is nothing like shedding a tear in front of your family and in front of your wife. I bawled my eyes out in front of 200+ people when Pastor Jimmy called me up front and the congregation laid hands on me for healing for my mom. There is nothing shameful in it at all.
But there is something that we are overlooking - we can put a face on God- we can grasp who He is and what He looks like. Walt who is in the hospital KNOWS there is something out there but refuses to believe because God seems so far off - so many questions and what if someone thinks that I am leaning towards God after all these years?
Friends we do have something to wrap our hands and hearts around - we do have a face to put on God and we do have something to grasp on who God is - His name is Jesus.
Study and learn who Jesus is - and You will find who God is. Let Jesus sink into your heart and into your being and He will CHANGE you.
Baptism Sunday - A new beginning for many folks who will be babies in the family of God. Tears will be shed - hearts will be moved and people will be CHANGED.
I can't wait.........
See ya Sunday!!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Change.....
See being a Christian is about "Change". God does not only want to save you - He wants to change you. He wants you to turn from you old self and begin a NEW self with Him. His ways over your ways. Maybe that means changing your friends, your job, your location and even your dreams. The old you has left - hit the high road and the new you must take a foot hold in your life in order for it to grow and prosper the way God wants you to. You are his now ~ try and focus on that. Its an awesome thing to be part of Gods family but its not easy and the struggles to leave your old habits and way is very real. See people "Change" things around them when they don't want to change. Their job is not going well - you change jobs. Church is not doing it for you anymore - you change churches or just quit going all together. Your marriage is struggling - you quit your marriage. Friends - sometimes WE are the ones that need to change and not the things around us and the relationships around us - hang in there..... see the good in those things and stick it out. Hang tough and find God in those areas where you are struggling. God wants to change YOU and not always your circumstances.
There is nothing in your past that you and God cannot overcome. NOTHING~ God wants to change your life but you must be willing to CHANGE and you must see a need to CHANGE. Change your thinking and include Gods word everyday. Change your attitude and look for God in everything you do each day. A check mark on Sunday for 1 hour is not long enough to find God - to learn Gods ways and to experience God like never before in your life. Every day you must renew your mind and place yourself in His hands. In Christ you are new - so change the things in your life to include God in everything you do. Change your friends, your decision making, your leadership in your families, the love you have for those around you - there is so much you can be doing!!! Don't sit around and sulk, continue to make bad decisions based on your sinful flesh - don't continue to put your families at risk and letting people control your lives who have no interest in Gods ways for your life! Put the addictions down and get out of the bars loved ones - God wants to change you but first you must be willing to change. I am not saying to walk away from everything but limit them - limit your dragging down friends and the places of entertainment you seek. Limit them and ask God to circle you with people who will help you, love you and pray for you. Spend time with them as much as you can. We are all sinners and we all have been in tough struggling places. Jesus has been in every ones shoes and He understands exactly how you feel. Start feeling you spirit with Gods word and with Gods love and make the CHANGE in your life today. It all starts with YOU - God will handle the rest of it. Its a big change ... a new way - a new you. God sees you as a new creation. I bet others will too.
Love you all,
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Gods plan ... will stand
21 There are many plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's plan that will stand.
Have you ever wondered how you got to where you are today? I have ... and I also wonder how far I am from where God wants me. Think about that for a second - what parent does not want their childen happy? What person does not want to be happy? But what is happiness? How does one obtain happiness? Ever person is different and each of us have a different happy place.
We may work 35 years for a company striving and slaving, reaching to owning a home - getting recognized by the presidents and owners of our companies - being the top salesman or woman in our region - working harder than anyone else - being known as the "Go To Person" - drive the fancy car - but we think these things make us happy. But in reality we are struggling with debt - failing marriages and children who are raising themselves and are disrespectable and hard to get along with - relationships with parents and friends that just are not working the way they should. We work 35 years and then come to the point in our lives where life is even harder than it was when we were younger and not as wise in the world. It was a bad plan - a plan that really had no chance of working out to = happiness.
I think God does not put Happiness in the main equation for our lives - He is more interested in our character and in following Him. He is interested in saving us and giving us Salvation but He is more interested in USING US for His kingdom. There are countless ways God can use you if you would just open your heart and listen. There are people in your life that God wants to place next to you - folks who will walk with you and raise you up in prayer and stand with you like a brother. With this circle of God loving folks and the support system that God has put around you - we can together go out into the world and fight hunger and the lost, the suffering and the homeless - we can help the person down the road with a job and getting him off of drugs and addictions - we can help those family members who are trying so hard but are lost more now than ever because of bad decisions and on the verge of making more horrible decisions not only for themselves....but their families as well.
God wants us up and moving - serving and not being lazy. Church attendance is down in this country and churches are bickering with each other and that just should not be - we are on the same team!!
This past week with Carol out of town - it has been a humbling experience. Mainly because I am not having to do all this alone. I am so thankful that we have a support system in place. Its part of Gods plan. We have folks praying for us during this time for Carol and her dad Walt and for so many things concerning his health and the upcoming trip to move him to Charlotte. Support in everything from our friends, rock group family, our church family and friends. Kyle and I enjoyed a great meal tonight because a friend of Kyles from his class last year in school - she and her mom made us supper and dropped it off. It was awesome and thank you could never be said with enough heartfelt feelings. This is awesome stuff happening even amongst a season that is tough. God has His hands all around us and maybe - God will use this time to bring Carol's dad and her family closer to Him. Regardless - I cannot imagine having to do this all myself, struggling with these decisions and details with God and without our support system.
Do you find yourself in those shoes today? Stop where you are and examine what you are doing, the decisions in front of you, the things you are stuggling with and ask God for what He wants to do in your life. What direction would He like you to go - what decision with His guidance would change? Our plans are only temporary and our plans sometimes don't work out as planned. Do you find yourself happy? - If not there is another way......
God is looking to change you...... more tomorrow on that. Hang with me....... till tomorrow.
Thank you all for everything!!! God is awesome!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Growing up is optional......
1-3In light of all this, here's what I want you to do. I want you to get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel. I don't want any of you sitting around on your hands. I don't want anyone strolling off, down some path that goes nowhere. And mark that you do this with humility and discipline—not in fits and starts, but steadily, pouring yourselves out for each other in acts of love, alert at noticing differences and quick at mending fences.
15God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. He keeps us in step with each other. His very breath and blood flow through us, nourishing us so that we will grow up healthy in God, robust in love.
Let me share a story with you before I ask that you re-read that chapter again. This past Sunday at church my friend came with her daughter and she is at the age where she can attend Sunday school with the little kids. She has not been going and her mom lets her stay in the service with her and we had a talk a few weeks back about that. How does she get her daughter to go to Sunday School when she doesn't want to? So this past Sunday, I had my chance to make something happen. I didn't plan this but I had prayed about it and God unfolded the plan right before my eyes. Then I knew what I was to do because when we are looking for God - He shows up in all kinds of areas in our lives. So in front of me was one of my Small Group kids. She was standing in the front row dancing and moving to the music along with her brother and Kyle. It was really cute watching them together. I leaned down and asked her to come over to me and I whispered in her ear to take my friends daughter to Sunday school with her when she went because she didn't have a friend and she is a little scared. Being the trooper she is and shining all over the place the love she has for Jesus. She said, "Sure Mr. Lonnie" and smiled. So when Brandon dismissed the kids she turned, grabbed my friends daughters hand and away they went. No muss - no fuss. Connection made and all in the plans that Jesus had set up. See my rock group kid is all in. She understands and there is no fear really sharing the love she has for Jesus. I just love her and she has an amazing smile, an amazing attitude and she is just SO funny in everything she does. I am blessed to have this family in our Rock Group and I look forward to watching her grow and mature into a great lady!!
This is what God wants us to do. If you are guilted by the sermon into serving, inviting your neighbors to church and your co workers - than you have it all mixed up. You have things just a little backwards. Let me explain - re-read the verse above and then come back here.
God wants you to be serving @ church because you love Him. Plain and simple and for no other reason! It's part of your personal walk with Jesus and your personal ministry. You cannot grow as a Christian unless you are in a church that teaches God's Word and if you are not serving.
While leading a team of folks at church serving Setup/Breakdown - I know who shows up and who doesn't. Who comes week after week - who does double services and who is on fire for God. Serve for no other reason but for your love of Jesus. Then you will benefit from the experience and feel the satisfaction knowing the God is pleased and is delighted knowing you are serving Him and those around you. You are making a place for others to come and know Him. Life changing taking place in folks who need rescue and the Good News of being loved and forgiven no matter what and where they have been. Find your place that suits your talents - try all the ministries until you find your sweet spot - than serve like there is no tomorrow. Let that fire burn hot for God inside of you!!
Doing anything in this life out of guilt - never leaves us to prosper in anything. Serve because of the Love God has given you. Its time to get moving.......
Monday, August 13, 2007
Blessings - FULL Circle
Over the last year, I have looked and prayed for opportunities to serve others. In any capacity that God has lead me on, I am willing to serve. I am not looking to run 110% and do none of them just mediocre but I am focused on the projects God has me on - serving and leading in my church - serving my rock group family and my church family - helping those around me by passing on Gods blessings. These are my priorities and this is a choice I am making in serving others. There is nothing more exciting than doing something for the right reasons - to see folks smile and know you just made life a little easier for them is priceless and it gives me the buzz I keep talking about. The old me would be looking for a much different buzz! As the days are hot here and rain doesn't seem to be coming for months on end - the grass tends to not grow as much. I don't get to cut the grass as often and I do miss that every week. Its not about the grass but about asking God to focus me on others - even through sweat and through effort - it makes it all that much sweeter. God sees WHY I am serving. What examples am I showing to others - not even in my own family but theirs as well - maybe even the neighbors. God sees WHY and He will use that for His glory and His purpose. Sometimes these blessings come back around and I am finding this out over the last week or so with Carol out of town ministering to her dad in Vermont. I can't say when she will be back and I will be the first to say that I miss her and love her. I miss having her around to talk with and Kyle misses his momma bit time. It would be easier to know when she will be coming back. So instead of focusing on the tasks at hand and all the things that 2 of of us use to do and the not knowing when she will return - I am experiencing the "Receiving" end of those blessings. They may not be nothing more than prayers but what more could anyone ask for? God has placed great people around us to encourage us and to stand with us during this season and in times of struggle and uncertainty. Our Rock Group continued to meet last night and with all that is going on - I could have cancelled it very easy - but I have to admit - I need these folks. I need these people in my families life and in my life! So many of us have people in our lives who are dragging us down. Or we have relationships that we are letting the wrong people into our lives and giving them control. We should be lifting these folks to God before we let these folks in and to give them a say over what we are doing. God should be our primary focus and pleasing Him should come first. God will put the people in your life that you need. Be specific and look for those opportunities ... You have control over those choices. Make wise decisions and give them to God. He will let you know if they are worthy of your heart and if they can have access to it. Sometimes it means protecting your family and doing what is best to protect them. My family comes first right behind God. Its that example I want to pass along to Kyle. Leading by example, having a heart of compassion, helping others and serving our church and our God. Later in life - this will be even more important because serving God gives us a life of significance and meaning. I don't want to be sitting around waiting for the next what ever game show comes on or Judge Ralph at 4:00. Sitting alone watching the grass grow - doing nothing in life that is a blessing to others. Some of us, need to get our rear in gear and get moving. Focusing on others and off of self. I am excited in life because God is a major factor in everything I do. He is with me as I parent, He is with me in being a husband to my wife, He is with me in serving in church and trying to set a good example for others, He is with me in all of my relationships and friends, He is with me here at work and He is with me when I bend down on my knees and talk with all my "Kids". He is even with me when I am helpless and need Him as my heavenly Father - My comfort and shield when I am hurting.
Kyle got up early Sunday morning and went to church with me to serve in Setup and with breakdown. I could tell at 11:00 when I was in helping with Sunday school that he was tired since we got up so early, but he never said anything - never once complained. When we were all done and driving home - he looked at me and smiled and I look over at him and I said "What?" He said daddy, "We need to do this more often together - that was fun!" He gets it..... and God will use him for good things and he will have good friends who will care for him and pray for him. I am praying for those friends already- just like all his soon to be girlfriends and someday his wife and family. Its never too early to put them on the prayer list before God.
We are "Receiving" - right now and it is pretty cool!! Focus on the good in life and the things around you. The world wants you to see everything wrong and bad and what you DONT have.
Decisions are made every day .... are you making good decisions - Godly decisions or has life put you in a rut and on a path that leads to a "Dead" end? Are you surrounding yourself with good God loving people? Decide today, to let the Lord lead you. Time is wasting and life is short enough. Live and love for the moment - or live and love for eternity. Still a decision.....with big time different results.
Email me... lrbatema@gmail.com
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Saturday cool down - only 95 today!
Today Kyle and I went and cut some lawns, shared some smiles together and just praised the Lord doing this awesome ministry work blessing those around us. I took Kyle after lunch to see a movie - it was not that great of a movie but Kyle enjoyed it an that is all that matters. We then went to Harris Teeter and went food shopping. HAHAHHAAH Man talk about a fish out of water. Man we had so many things in our cart (buggie) for only going in for a few things - the little girl behind the register kept ringing and ringing up stuff? I said, Kyle what did you do??? $81 bucks later - we were walking out and all I kept thinking was - Mr. Bateman You saved $12 by using your VIC Card!!!!!
How did that happen? I was not even hungry going in...... I told Kyle that until momma comes home - we are going to be cutting back - on eating. HAHAHHAHAHAH
It was a blessing tonight that our neighbor invited us up for chili and salad - I hadnt planned that far in advance - I am a guy so food planning is impossible!!! - I have had many calls and emails this week and I am feeling blessed, cared for and loved by so many folks. God is taking care of everything and the best part is - I know it..... Kyle knows it and Carol knows it. Ya'll rock and we thank all of you for your continued prayers!
Well got to get an early start - missing the Panthers to write this - and 2 church services tomorrow.... I just can't wait to get there! Our dear friends Dawn and Donna are at the cabin with their families and have touched base a few times the last few days. Nothing makes us more happy than sharing what God has blessed us with. We are tickled ya'll are there and enjoying yourselves.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Anyways - I am sitting watching the Mets game, they are losing and they all have coats on. Its 59 there and Carol has told me its been cold in Tupper Lake as well. Hey 50 degrees is only 20 away from SNOW. OK - I am trying here... thinking anything about being cool. :)
Kyle and I are off tomorrow morning to make our rounds cutting grass. Yes it will be hot - but we are hot for the Lord and this is what these grass cutting missions are all about. Taking Kyle with me is teaching him about others - about serving others and just making someone else's life a little easier - time for them instead of taking care of lawn work - to go with their kids and get icecream. Its about blessing those around us with the blessings that the Lord is giving us. I am thankful the Lord gives us the ability to even cut the grass, share time with these families and do this life together - as more than friends - but like family.
Carol is doing ok these last few days. Staying strong and shining for our Lord. She is taking this time to talk with her brother, her sister n law and niece about God. She is reminding them that prayers - are what has brought Walt to this point. God is hearing them and He is answering them. This may be the only chance to talk with her family about God - to show them how God is working and how He is taking care of things. I know Carol has been getting ready for this assignment for some time now. Just like with my mom - she will look back and know - God has prepared her for this season of time. She may know it already and those blessings alone will keep her focused on Jesus - all that His grace is providing and all the encouragement to stand true and stand strong. I am so proud of her!! Shine Carol - this is your time for your family... to break the Good News to them and show them what God is doing in your life.
Sunday - I look forward to serving - getting my mind off the things I am praying hard for - not worried about because worry has no place - and Kyle is with me doing and seeing what I am doing - serving our Lord. The Lord blesses those who do - and He gives us the command to serve Him and to work. I look forward to this time - leading by example and lessons learned.
There is lots to learn about all the latest events.... more to follow about that.
Until then - stay cool but only on your skin - stay HOT on the inside for Jesus!!!! .....
Gods Best,
Lord you are the everlasting God and You don't grow weary. Defender of the weak and comforter to those who need comfort. Help us wait upon You Lord and put our trust and complete faithfulness in You.
How do people think they can do all they have to do in this life by themselves? I just don't know...
Thursday, August 9, 2007
The Hard Road....
Thanks to everyone for the calls, the emails, the step up in serving at church and leading by example - for our rock group and our awesome church family.
We love you all - and thanks to God for giving us our salvation and freedom.
Lonnie Carol and Kyle
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The Appointment...
See if you live your life doing your best to please others - you are in for one heck of a ride. How can we please people? We all have different demands - different expectations and personal agenda's - people change direction, feelings, attitudes at the drop of hat. If we listen to everyone and try to please everyone - our heads would spin off. You would be the master juggler! How do we know that all these folks are even speaking for God as we try to please them? Many times we become paralyzed where we are because we are trying to please everyone - afraid to say this and afraid to do that - afraid to step out of yourself and do something because it may hurt someone. I know so many people right now in my life that I know that are trapped in this bondage. They can never please the person who holds them in those chains. Once they mess up or obtain that goal and get the carrot hanging over them - the rules change, the bar goes higher - or the blame and guilt come because we let that person down. Many of us have bosses that are that way and NEVER is our job and duties enough to please them no matter how hard we work! People who base a relationship on performance will never be happy. People pleasing is destructive in the worst way.
Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters.
Focus yourself on pleasing God above all else. Its good to please people, especially those around you who you love and are family, but its wrong to live your life to please others.
Are you the one holding someone in bondage and chains? Do you even realize the mess its creating in that persons life around you - could it be your employee? Free them- if this is you..... and you will free yourself along with it. Do the things in this life that are pleasing to Jesus - our time here is short no matter how long we are here.... eternity is long and there is only one place where you want to be. HEAVEN
Prayers are needed for Carol's dad Walter - he is in ICU in Burlington Vt after a fall. He does not know Jesus and I pray his Divine appointment is not on the radar... I need more time to talk Truth and take the bold step in my faith to share Jesus - so his appointment will not be one of fear but of Hope and a chance to see all those who have went before - like my mom. Make that your prayer today too.
I love you all,
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Right then and there I swearI changed when I found the Lord
Monday, August 6, 2007
I got my 2 miles in today at the track during lunch even with the hot blazing sun frying the top of my head - I thought to myself - How fired up am I about God? How fired up am I about church, my small group, my "kids" and the awesome people in my life? God is really using me for something! God is using my family for something big.... something with meaning and purpose and the longer we walk with Him - the more He is blessing us and the more we reach out to folks around us. Dude - I am talking on fire here..... As I sat yesterday through 2 services - the LifeTalks that Pastor JImmy is teaching us really hits home. I think to myself that YES Preacherman - I get it.... I am getting this message here. Me, a sinner, a man who has done some things in life that I am not proud of, who used to run with a tough crowd and thought he was bigger than everyone else - how humble I am now seeing myself as this small and feeble person - a nobody really - but I am important to God. I can look forward and see a bright future because "I get it". Yes I am a serving maniac - my thing here at work is - once I get my mind on something to happen - just stand back and watch.... because I am bringing the train with me. Folks know at work that I get things done that need to get done. I have never been a long term project man. I am fast and give it 110% - even if it sometimes means its harder and longer this way. When I took over the ministries at church that I lead - I said, "Lord, I know you are putting these wonderful opportunities in front of me, but surely someone else could do a better job - I can't do this." Yes I can is my prayer answer..... When I say Can't - God says CAN. When we give up on ourselves and our way - God provides in His way. Yes I am afraid of failure - of hurting someone around me with putting my foot in my mouth with saying something stupid. Its a fear I carry with me but God does not let it consume me. He knows my heart and He is providing for me during my times of doubt and during my times of "Can't." He is walking with me as I step forward....one learning foot after another. I am still amazed at what God is doing!
I think about the movies - Harry Potter came out a few weeks ago - there are parties and people lined up all over the place - midnight shows - book signings.... imagine how awesome it would be if we treated church like that! How life changing it would be for folks - we act like that with a movie but not church? Priorities...... what is important to you?
I think about Carols niece - Kaity - Kyle was dumbfounded when he asked her what church she went to - and she said she didn't go to church. He couldn't understand why! She said because her parents don't go. I just feel so bad about that that I don't even know where to start. Yes I know I can't bring everyone to church or lead them to experience God but it still hurts the same.
Many of ya'll know, my family and I sit in the front row at church. I would sit on stage if they let me because we are fired up and we don't want to miss anything. Many times I dont know who is there or who sits where because its all behind us. All I can do is look to my right and see part of the congregation - and I must confess there are times when I do look around and look at folks. Some are yawning, coming in late after the music starts, some are writing or talking with the person next to them or quieting a child or teenager.... and some are getting it! I myself sometimes find it hard not to just breakdown and cry because God is moving my heart or giving me a new understanding in His word. This is being on fire for our Lord. Its about not serving enough - Its about getting the privilege of taking part in the most important hour of the week -our small group. Its that important!!! Regardless who is there and who is on vacation - there are others in my group - I need my group and if they are getting half of what I am getting out of it - then they to are just fired up also! I love these folks and there are times where I will pray for them by name - 2 or 3 times a day. I confessed a few months ago to a dear friend at church - that I had been praying for her and her family for months. Not because I wanted her to know that but because God placed it on my heart to tell her there are people around you who care and love you. People care about her family and church is where these relationships flourish and grow. I am not a preacher and I have no teaching abilities - heck I still get nervous when I am leading small group and these people know me and hopefully feel the same about me as I do them.
There is a family that my family and I know who after months of asking them to come to church with us -finally came. They seemed to enjoy the service, the shorts and flip flop attire, the message was good but they have not come back. Other things keep them from coming. Maybe they are not telling us the truth - maybe, like Jimmy said yesterday, they aint telling the entire truth but its in the part they aint telling that makes everything just STINK BAD. They have other priorities that always seem to take place on Sunday mornings that keep them from church. Maybe they are still searching - a shopping deal at the mall - the car is dirty. I can't help but to think - one day they are going to be faced with something huge in their lives and then they will be asking for God. They will need Him then but while things are good and everything is ok - they choose differently. Now is the time to learn and to grow - to know Jesus and what He is all about and experience Him - to surround yourself with a loving church family and a small group who will help you through those hard times. Those times will be hard but they will be easier and with a softer landing and understanding if personally you know Jesus and have His support system around you.
If you know Jesus and are not attending church or sharing your faith with someone else helping them grow as you grow in your faith. Well, you are missing out. Its not about the music or the choir or your money.... Its about Jesus. I am fired up because God has brought me through some tough things in my life and He is growing me in the areas He needs me to grow. My faith and trust in Him continues to be tested and it continues to flourish. My small group family means the world to me - my church means the world to me - my family means the world to me but Jesus is bigger than all that because I know everything starts with Him.
Yes its hot outside...but my heart is burning up.
Ok - got to find the A/C....
Looking backwards.....
Sunday, August 5, 2007
20 - Things to remember....
1. Faith is the ability to not panic. 2. If you worry, you didn't pray. If you prayed, don't worry. 3. As a child of God, prayer is kinda like calling home every day. 4. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape.5. When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot. 6. Do the math. Count your blessings. 7. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts. 8. Dear God: I have a problem. It's me. 9. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted. 10. Laugh every day -- it's like inner jogging. 11. The most important things in your home are the people. 12. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. 13. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open ...Come onin. 14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry. 15. He who dies with the most toys is still dead. 16. We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments.. 17. Nothing is real to you until you experience it; otherwise it's just hearsay. 18. Its all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done. 19. Surviving and living your life successfully requires courage. The goals and dreams you're seeking require courage andrisk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when itsticks out it's neck. 20. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while yourreputation is merely what others think you are.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Looking at this past week while I am sitting here in the office with my brain half functioning - half a sleep and trying to keep my head from hitting the keyboard LOL - I am so encouraged and thankful for the people in my life. All this week, Carol - Kyle and I have been surrounded by folks from church, our small group, Donna and her family, Kyles friends from school last year and getting to spend time with them.... it has been such a great week. We are investing in lasting relationships and with folks who are just awesome! Sure we are tired but honestly - I can't wait to see everyone again! I look forward to church - to our small group this Sunday - family tomorrow and seeing some folks I have not seen in a few months - Kyles friends coming to swim next Tuesday afternoon and spending a few hours with my kids and their families. These are not burdens in anyway shape or form! I look forward to serving Sunday and attending both services.... seeing and supporting those around us who may come that we have invited and have decided to come to church. To encourage those who have only been coming for a little while as they stand at the doorstep of their faith - our church and experiencing God. Then I can let them go.... pray for them in different ways because they have come to know Jesus and its their relationship with Him now.
Take a second with me - think about who right now is in your life. Are you surrounded by uplifting and encouraging folks - people that are praying for you and doing life together? Are you being dragged down in every direction and the more you give - the more they want.... are you not surrounded by anyone or are your days are filled with loneliness and isolation? Think about your circle of folks who are around you today..... you can do something about it. Start investing today..... start by looking up!