Saturday, October 27, 2007

Saturday Morning..... awesome!

My family and I are at our mountain cabin @Lake Adger. I am sitting here - enjoying probably the BEST cup of coffee I have ever had. There is something about coffee here! mmm... maybe I can market it somehow? Anyways - I got up a little early because today is a day long over due. Its mulch day and I need to run to town and get on the list to have some delivered. But, I am already 17 minutes late~ I will get there when I get there I guess. No rules, no schedule, no time for the next 4 days... we are really needing this. Tomorrow - there is only 2 things planned - a trip to church at NEWSPRING..... its an awesome church in Anderson SC and we are pumped for our visit. I am going to sponge in as much as I can and take it back to Rocky River - so look out. The other thing is football on TV...... I am looking at a deer outside the window now as the sun has come over the mountain and is shining on the leaves of all the trees. There is a little color here but not much - but the trees are so bright with the morning sun hitting them.

Its going to be a good day~ I can feel it...... God has something big planned and I am ready. We are ready.......

Talk soon~ going to get another cup of that coffee now and sit just a bit longer.
Gods Blessings for you,

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