Thursday, October 4, 2007

Fill the drain......

When Carol and I were first married we so much enjoyed just getting in the car, hitting the road and seeing where the road would take us. I loved the adventure even though I am not that adventurous to go over seas or too far from home! But I do love going places and changing the scenery of the everyday routine. I think in many ways that is why we built our little cabin in the mountains. Its time to reflect and time to leave stuff behind for a little bit. To refill the gas tanks.
I have been running on empty as many of you know from the last week of posts. I feel like I am doing this and serving where I am supposed to be serving but I just can't finish the way I want to or how I think I should. I am running with a hole in my gas tanks. Won't get me too far! Even as I serve in church, without enough help to make a place for folks to know Jesus on Sunday mornings, that pressure got too much for me. I couldn't keep up with what I was doing and the weight on my shoulders started to drag me down.

2 Timothy 2
Doing Your Best for God

1-7So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!— to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It's the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.

God is making a way. God is providing a path and I can feel it and see it as this week goes on. It is a learning time for me and a reminder that I can't do this all alone. I have never thought of myself as a leader. I am more of a fella that walks along side of you - if you say carry my stuff a mile - I will carry it 2 miles. That is just how I am. Your burdens become my burdens and my attitude has always been teamwork. Don't leave anyone behind. I guess that is why I feel the "Promise" to my mom so much because I am leaving people behind. If eternity came right now as I am typing this, MANY in my family and in my life will be gone - never to see again - because I know I am Heaven bound and they are not. For that reason, I press on at church because it is that important to me for people to know Jesus. Look at what He has done for me, for Carol and Kyle. Look at the awesome people He has surrounded me with to do this life together! My kids - my Rock Group and my church family and folks who I am close with. These things just don't happen by chance ~~ I never knew I had all this in me.
So as I lead a handful of volunteers at church they have to have the vision and the passion to serve Jesus. They are not getting paid to come in and do the things they are asked to do! They need that vision and purpose and see the reason in serving! If we paid them it would be easy!! Look at our jobs..... if we did this for free... we would not be here right?

I am not a teacher by any means but I do have to admit that I cannot get enough of what God is teaching me. I listen to sermons and review them, take notes on Sundays and do my best to lead others in my actions and my words. I am here to make a difference and not here to hoard what I know and what I have learned. I want to DO something with the notes I am taking on Sundays and not just file them away or fold them into my bible to be purged later on when its too full.

Spiritual strength comes from sharing what we are learning. Spiritual strength comes from sharing with others. Not long ago, I would have never asked for prayer for myself. NEVER. Not long ago I was having some health issues and it took a lot out of me to ask my Pastor to pray for me. I had some close MVP's praying for me but it took me a big step in letting others know outside of my little circle something personal and worth praying over. It was a growth moment and this week - I am having another yet again. God works best when we are at our weakest ~ He is at his strongest.
Another teachable moment..... That's what I love about God - He already has the answers even before I have the symptoms.
My gas tank hole has been repaired for now ... so on the road we shall travel. Come with me on this journey .....along "THE WALK".

Love you and thank you......

1 comment:

Sharon Davis said...