Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our Gifts......

Thank you all for those who have emailed me and letting me know you are praying for my family and I. It does mean a lot to me knowing folks are there praying and lifting our names and struggles to our most awesome God.

I have been struggling with the question of serving the last few weeks. I asked our church staff and my Pastor to pray for our volunteers and those giving their talents and time in creating a place for others to come and know Jesus. Its a passion that I feel strongly about and I wonder what is it that holds folks back- do they not care enough, afraid, don't know what the Lord is calling them to do?

I came across some information that a good friend of mine shared with me not too long ago. Its an article that tells us all, that we have spiritual gifts. We have talents and passions in different areas and we all make up the body of Christ - working together in all these little parts. I am not good at big GIANT projects - I am a results type of person and smaller projects are in my target range. I am also not good at decorating - making things look really nice and presentable for those coming into our church .... I guess I just don't have much taste with those things but I am not fretting about it - let someone lead that ministry who loves it and is good at it. Invest in those things that we love and are good at .....!!! The things we are not so good at - well we could probably spend a lifetime trying and digging to be better at them and still stink at them!

There are basically 7 gifts that God has given us. Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Organization, and Mercy.

As I read over the article explaining these gifts - I know exactly where I am even though I may have some of each - my heart is in the gift of Service.

I guess this has been a refresher and a reminder for me as I read this article about this Gift from above - I know my mom was a service person and always put others before herself. She worried about everyone else and always put herself last. In many ways over the last year and half since mom went to be with Jesus - it is written so clearly for me that mom, who put herself last in everything - actually went first. She was first to go to heaven so that we would once again be served by her when our time comes. She along with Jesus has made a way... even as my mom laid for months with cancer - her body failing, her smile and the love she had for us and for Jesus kept her focused on the bigger picture and that picture was Heaven. She made those arrangements with Pastor Jimmy months before in our church office when she once again asked God into her heart. She had to know - Heaven was her next stop.
Those with the gift of service meet practical needs of others. We are constantly thinking of others and finding ways to serve them in some way. Those with the gifts of service work almost ceaselessly, beyond the point at which others grow weary. We delight in accomplishing the task and fulfilling someone else's need and its that JOY that drives us onward. We are the last to rest. We have difficulty in saying "NO". We are not self centered but "other-centered" and sometimes that leads us doing too many things and NO is often time a hard word to say. We are in the small details - family life details, names, favorite places etc. We have a strong desire to be with other people. My Rock Group family knows this part of me is TRUE! We know that we can't serve folks if we don't spend time with them. Those with the gift of service are not procrastinators - we are quick to get involved and quick to get dirty. Frustration happens when we are tide down with paperwork and rules. We also feel unqualified for spiritual leadership. Man if this is ever me :)
Readiness does not mean pushiness. Some folks have a hard time with how they view Service oriented folks.

Today's world glorifies celebrity, fame and high visible achievement. People work to bring credit and power to themselves. Gods servants quietly but effectively build the kingdom of God and bring Glory to His name through consistent, dependable and loving work. Nothing can be accomplished in our own power, but through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit - there are no limits to what might get done.

I can honestly say that the joy that comes from serving others, serving my church and serving Jesus is beyond anything I could ever imagine. There is nothing more fulfilling than meeting the needs of others as the Holy Spirit shows me what to do.

SO no matter what your spiritual gifts from God are - be in them, live in them and serve in them. Our lives on this earth are short and when we live the way God has meant for us to live all along, there is nothing sweeter.

Allow God to show you what your gifts are and get busy......

Off to find someone to serve now..... I bet it won't be hard to do :)

Romans 12:6-8
6We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his[a]faith. 7If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

Loved ones, find your sweet spot~~~


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