Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just another blog .....

Am I going about all this blog stuff right? Sometimes I wonder. I mean why on earth would anyone keep reading this? I talk about my day and some of the things my family and I are going through. I write about all kinds of personal things and things that are really close and dear to my heart. Why does anyone care? Why do some folks keep coming back? Why what I write does someone not ask - dude - are you OK???
Someone who does not know Jesus - probably things I am a religious nut. I wonder how I am sharing Jesus with others and if this is what I am supposed to do and in the method I am supposed to be doing it.... I question sometimes why I don't just change subjects and enough of this already....especially if you do know Jesus and I am just going on and on and on about it.......

Well - I have to say that there just may be a person out there that needs this. They need this motivation and this encouragement - maybe they need this to know that they are not alone in their struggles and the issues that life has them in right now. There are others in those same shoes. Maybe there is someone out there on the fence who is going back and forth with coming to know Jesus or not. Maybe there is something in here that is helping with that big life changing decision. See I am not a religious nut - I have given my life to Jesus, He has saved me, He has released me from my sins and gives me unconditional love and foregiveness, He has given me freedom and peace like I have never experienced, He has given me a heart for people whom I would have never of loved or gotten to know because I was turned inward and only cared really about myself. Jesus has given me so much - direction in life and a love in my heart for children and my church and rock group family. Why on earth would I keep all this to myself? Why wouldn't I want you to share what I am trying my best to explain? There is someone who needs this.... and I may not even know them. Eternity is that important.......

Today - I got to have lunch with one of my lost "Kids" - a child I visited last week and introduced me to her teacher as her "Sunday School Teacher". How cool is that? I found out today that she does not get lunch at school. Her account is in the red and maybe financial situations at home prevent this family from having the means to do lunch. I purchased her lunch today and we shared a great time together - also got to have lunch with 2 of my rock group kids which was pretty awesome also - but this lunch thing really bothers me. How can I walk away knowing that this is just not right and there is so much I can do to correct this. I went back to work and felt guilty for having lunch. HONEST - I know I cannot save the world or change it but I can do something,,,, something good, one person at a time. ESPECIALLY - knowing I have the means and Jesus would want me to share His practical love for those hurting. This child may not be mine but she is under my feet so to speak and that requires me to do something. Lunch will be something that this child will not have to worry about anymore. God blesses those who do ..... move faith out of Sunday and into our everyday lives.

Someone needs this today - maybe it is me..... maybe it is someone closer than I think. The Lord is leading me.... and when the nudge comes ... its our job to listen and then get moving.

This evening I took my son Kyle and one of my other "Kids" - over to see Walt. They had the dogs visiting the nursing home folks - WOW - that was awesome to see the folks there interacting with the 2 dogs. SImple basic - touch - love and kindness at its finest. Proud of "My Kids".

Humbled again today .... and another awesome lesson learned.

Hope you're still along for "The Walk"



Anonymous said...

Your blog is a daily source of inspriation for me. I look forward to your updates. I may not always comment, but you do an awesome job conveying your messages. Love you.....!!!

Sharon Davis said...

This is not just "another blog" this is daily encouragement for me and so many others! Thanks for this "walk" that I take with you and God daily! You inspire me and yes there are others besides me that need this motivation and encouragement!!

Keep God's light shinning through you, even us Christians need a nudge now and then!

Love & Prayers for your ministry,
Aunt Sharon