Friday, October 26, 2007

Faith in Action ...

This is something that came via email to me this morning - it just speaks VOLUMES to me and I hope it speaks to you this morning as well.

"Somehow, though he moves right in front of me, I don't see him; quietly but surely he's active, and I miss it." Job 9:11 (MSG)

For a long time, I lived life unaware of God's activity around me. I wrote things off as "coincidence" or "random"--never realizing that the God of the Universe is a living and active part of my life. I lived a crazy, chaotic existence, too busy and distracted to focus on God's presence. Instead I rushed from one urgency to the next--not relying on God to get me through, depending foolishly on my own strength. It never dawned on me to slow down, to tune my ear to God's voice, to learn to listen and look for Him. I simply didn't know how gratifying life could be if I did.
Then a friend of mine began to share with me how God would often speak to her, urging her to do things that didn't always make sense to her, but always produced miraculous results. My friend was on a daily adventure with God. Her day began with a prayer to help her see Him at work, and her life became one big "yes" to Him. She experienced a level of faith that I knew I hadn't come close to, and it excited me to hear what God was going to do next. I realized that I was missing out by living life unaware.
I think that living life aware of God's presence--of His activity all around us--is the life Jesus described when He spoke of living life "to the full." (John 10:10) He didn't mean a life of material abundance, but of spiritual abundance. He wanted all of us to feel the joy and abandon of participating in miracles with Him. He wanted us to lose sight of the world's opinion as we turned our eyes to Him and allowed our purpose to line up with His. He knew that this is a life that is truly life (I Timothy 6:19).
He also knows that we face an enemy who would like nothing more than to snatch that abundance away from us. He knows that too many of us never even come close to this life. We live life ignorant of His activity, and ignorant of the possibilities for blessing and true joy that exist just beyond our comfort zone, just a step outside our busy lives. The trick is to start looking for those "yes" moments.
Yes God, I will give that money away--not because it makes sense or because I know exactly how You will provide, but because I trust You to do so.
Yes God, I will let that person know I am praying for her--even though she isn't a Christian and might laugh at me.
Yes God, I will reach out to that person I don't know--even though I might look crazy. I care more about what You think than what others think.
Yes God, I will ... (you fill in the blanks) I will pass on my project ARK money that You have provided me and pass that onto a family Lord that is in need. A family that I have been praying for for a long time Lord that does not have the means to provide a lunch for their daughter. I don't know the details, I want to make something right here Lord and I am trusting in You to provide for this family and for me to GIVE this child lunch money for the rest of the year. Not because I want to take the credit and the praise but for all of this for you - I want to pass this blessing along Lord and provide just that little spark to this family and let them know that people care and love them. That You are behind why I am doing this and I am just passing along the blessings You have given me - so that I can give to them. YES GOD - I will do ~ because You bless those who do. Thank You for placing this on my heart .... may honor and praise be just for You in this project ARK. AMEN

Do you need to live life aware instead of unaware? Are you ready to start saying "yes" to God? Is God prompting you to do something crazy, but are too afraid to step out in obedience? Living life aware is a great way to live. It is a life of abundance that is unmatched by anything the world can offer.
Dear Lord, I want to live life aware of Your promptings. I want to say "yes" to You without counting the cost. I want to learn to listen for your voice. Please help me to do so today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I John 2:5-6, "But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." (NIV)

I pray this moves you today in moving your Sunday faith into your everyday life. Faith in action......


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