Well we are back from a few days of R&R - it was great being out of town even if I feel we are so far from everyone! It was good to get away for a bit. Back to school and work tomorrow. I am looking forward to getting back though - I look forward to seeing what God has planned each day - especially with the folks He has me doing life with these days. Halloween tomorrow - looking forward to that! Kyle has been excited for a few days now and he gets to go out and get some candy with his buddies. He is trading his candy in for cold hard CASH again this year - he is looking for a motorcycle so I am sure he will be hitting the streets hard - only rule is he can't get the same house twice :)
One of the things I have learned the last few days is my leadership at church. I have always been a small type project person - I don't have vision for the big and long project. I am not sure why, I have always been that way. Taking on this leadership role at church, I know I have stayed pretty much to my ways and not doing things Gods way. His ways are so much better. I mean here I am feeling the weight of all the stuff I have to get done - and not having enough folks to do everything and I am serving for like 3 people. But those other 2 people - its not fair to them because I am taking there spot and their chance to get connected and plugged in and to see the value in serving our Lord. After NewSpring - hundreds of volunteers - there is no way anyone can be like this~ they need others to get it all done. We are the same except on a smaller scale. We need folks serving - I need folks serving - Sleeping Saturday night needs to happen - letting others serve and leading these folks in serving needs to happen. I will do my best now to not take up any more spots where we can fit people in. I am a team player - always have been and always will. I am not one to sit on the sidelines and watch.
I have lunch with Kyle and his class tomorrow - they are having a Halloween party! I get to go again to lunch on Thursday since the teacher is out! Friday - I am going to see miss Haley and have lunch with her. I am really looking forward to a short week but a blessed week.
Morgan dear, I am sorry you did not get your cast off. I am so looking forward to our "Date" night with you and your sister. Since that was going to be Thursday to celebrate your cast coming off after how many months you have had this thing??? I think we can still do something special anyways. God knows the timing of your arm and when it will be healed. Better to be safe than sorry...... love you ladies.
Guess we will go carve our pumpkin now and get pumpkin snot all over the place!
Gods best tomorrow and be safe!
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Today ~ It finally happened....
For about a year and half now - I have wanted to go and visit NewSpring church in Anderson SC. Its about an hour and 20 minutes from here in Mill Spring NC - but a little far to go to from Harrisburg NC. I would go though if someone wanted to take the drive down and make it an all day adventure. SO here are my thoughts on today.....
We left at 9:00 and started down the road. It was a long ride down probably because of the excitement - the ride home was fast. Anyways - NewSpring is in the middle of no place. I mean Anderson College is there - Clemson is there and I dont know how far away those places are but I mean it when I say - its in the middle of no where! Where do all these folks come from? There is a church almost at every corner - I wonder what they think of NewSpring?
Ok so here we go to pull in and there is a SC State Trooper directing traffic. We were early so the 9:15 service is getting out and the cars keep coming..... and coming ....and COMING. WOW - this is going to be awesome. It has been a long time since I have been nervous and walking into a church and it was a good and refreshing experience! As we walked in - we were greated by atleast 5 folks saying good morning - folks holding the door open for us - saying good morning and Welcome to New Spring.
We enter the odd shaped office style building and enter into a GIANT room. 2 stories - a coffee shop thing on the right and people everywhere. We go and find out place to check Kyle in as he has instructions to be our R2C2 mole. His goal - to tell us everything that happens in K-4-5 ministry. All computer checkin - we get our tags - and we find the place to drop Kyle off. He is in and there is a cool room for him to hang out in - 2 video screens - music playing..... lots of smiling faces. We talk to the lady that personally took us there and has showed us around some. She tells me that StarBucks wouldnt build in Anderson - so they brought Star Bucks in. Place was jazzed up, music playing, people talking and hugging, video monitors everywhere - places to buy cd's, shirts and bibles...and who knows what else. But the time came to go in....so we enter the theatre like doors -
A arena like place - giant stage with the band setup on these giant blocks promoting their current series - The Perfect Kid - the Band played on the blocks and the music was awesome and loud. 2 large projector video feeds played live video so everyone can see - the seats are cushioned which was cool and there are like 2000 other folks there. Perry Noble preached a great message - he was funny - spoke truth - and had some special moments in prayer. Touching stuff that I will try and incorporate into our Rock Group study over the next few weeks.
I don't think that anything was really blowing me away except the fact how large the place was and how many folks kept coming in. I mean R2C2 has it going on - I really think our band is better!!! I think we have all the areas covered except for volunteers and the amount of folks. With more - we have more to give. More folks coming through the doors - more resourses we have to reach the community - so keeping scale in mind - R2C2 has it going on! Pastor JImmy preaches LifeTalk messages that really relate to life and really talk directly to us.
Today was a great day - a long awaited day and I hope to go back sometime soon. Now more than ever I am pumped with what God is doing in Cabarrus county - if NewSpring can reach 8000 folks in a weekend in 4 services in a town that hold like 80,000 people - I know we can do so much more..... bring it on Charlotte - Concord - Harrisburg......totally pumped.
If you would like more info - http://www.newspring.cc/
Can't wait for next Sunday .... miss our church family at Rocky River Community Church - also missing Rock Group tonight..... can't wait to see everyone soon.
With love,
Here is our church web site - http://www.rockyriverchurch.com in case you are in the area! Call me or email me - be glad to show ya'll around.
We left at 9:00 and started down the road. It was a long ride down probably because of the excitement - the ride home was fast. Anyways - NewSpring is in the middle of no place. I mean Anderson College is there - Clemson is there and I dont know how far away those places are but I mean it when I say - its in the middle of no where! Where do all these folks come from? There is a church almost at every corner - I wonder what they think of NewSpring?
Ok so here we go to pull in and there is a SC State Trooper directing traffic. We were early so the 9:15 service is getting out and the cars keep coming..... and coming ....and COMING. WOW - this is going to be awesome. It has been a long time since I have been nervous and walking into a church and it was a good and refreshing experience! As we walked in - we were greated by atleast 5 folks saying good morning - folks holding the door open for us - saying good morning and Welcome to New Spring.
We enter the odd shaped office style building and enter into a GIANT room. 2 stories - a coffee shop thing on the right and people everywhere. We go and find out place to check Kyle in as he has instructions to be our R2C2 mole. His goal - to tell us everything that happens in K-4-5 ministry. All computer checkin - we get our tags - and we find the place to drop Kyle off. He is in and there is a cool room for him to hang out in - 2 video screens - music playing..... lots of smiling faces. We talk to the lady that personally took us there and has showed us around some. She tells me that StarBucks wouldnt build in Anderson - so they brought Star Bucks in. Place was jazzed up, music playing, people talking and hugging, video monitors everywhere - places to buy cd's, shirts and bibles...and who knows what else. But the time came to go in....so we enter the theatre like doors -
A arena like place - giant stage with the band setup on these giant blocks promoting their current series - The Perfect Kid - the Band played on the blocks and the music was awesome and loud. 2 large projector video feeds played live video so everyone can see - the seats are cushioned which was cool and there are like 2000 other folks there. Perry Noble preached a great message - he was funny - spoke truth - and had some special moments in prayer. Touching stuff that I will try and incorporate into our Rock Group study over the next few weeks.
I don't think that anything was really blowing me away except the fact how large the place was and how many folks kept coming in. I mean R2C2 has it going on - I really think our band is better!!! I think we have all the areas covered except for volunteers and the amount of folks. With more - we have more to give. More folks coming through the doors - more resourses we have to reach the community - so keeping scale in mind - R2C2 has it going on! Pastor JImmy preaches LifeTalk messages that really relate to life and really talk directly to us.
Today was a great day - a long awaited day and I hope to go back sometime soon. Now more than ever I am pumped with what God is doing in Cabarrus county - if NewSpring can reach 8000 folks in a weekend in 4 services in a town that hold like 80,000 people - I know we can do so much more..... bring it on Charlotte - Concord - Harrisburg......totally pumped.
If you would like more info - http://www.newspring.cc/
Can't wait for next Sunday .... miss our church family at Rocky River Community Church - also missing Rock Group tonight..... can't wait to see everyone soon.
With love,
Here is our church web site - http://www.rockyriverchurch.com in case you are in the area! Call me or email me - be glad to show ya'll around.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday Morning..... awesome!
My family and I are at our mountain cabin @Lake Adger. I am sitting here - enjoying probably the BEST cup of coffee I have ever had. There is something about coffee here! mmm... maybe I can market it somehow? Anyways - I got up a little early because today is a day long over due. Its mulch day and I need to run to town and get on the list to have some delivered. But, I am already 17 minutes late~ I will get there when I get there I guess. No rules, no schedule, no time for the next 4 days... we are really needing this. Tomorrow - there is only 2 things planned - a trip to church at NEWSPRING..... its an awesome church in Anderson SC and we are pumped for our visit. I am going to sponge in as much as I can and take it back to Rocky River - so look out. The other thing is football on TV...... I am looking at a deer outside the window now as the sun has come over the mountain and is shining on the leaves of all the trees. There is a little color here but not much - but the trees are so bright with the morning sun hitting them.
Its going to be a good day~ I can feel it...... God has something big planned and I am ready. We are ready.......
Talk soon~ going to get another cup of that coffee now and sit just a bit longer.
Gods Blessings for you,
Its going to be a good day~ I can feel it...... God has something big planned and I am ready. We are ready.......
Talk soon~ going to get another cup of that coffee now and sit just a bit longer.
Gods Blessings for you,
Friday, October 26, 2007
Faith in Action ...
This is something that came via email to me this morning - it just speaks VOLUMES to me and I hope it speaks to you this morning as well.
"Somehow, though he moves right in front of me, I don't see him; quietly but surely he's active, and I miss it." Job 9:11 (MSG)
For a long time, I lived life unaware of God's activity around me. I wrote things off as "coincidence" or "random"--never realizing that the God of the Universe is a living and active part of my life. I lived a crazy, chaotic existence, too busy and distracted to focus on God's presence. Instead I rushed from one urgency to the next--not relying on God to get me through, depending foolishly on my own strength. It never dawned on me to slow down, to tune my ear to God's voice, to learn to listen and look for Him. I simply didn't know how gratifying life could be if I did.
Then a friend of mine began to share with me how God would often speak to her, urging her to do things that didn't always make sense to her, but always produced miraculous results. My friend was on a daily adventure with God. Her day began with a prayer to help her see Him at work, and her life became one big "yes" to Him. She experienced a level of faith that I knew I hadn't come close to, and it excited me to hear what God was going to do next. I realized that I was missing out by living life unaware.
I think that living life aware of God's presence--of His activity all around us--is the life Jesus described when He spoke of living life "to the full." (John 10:10) He didn't mean a life of material abundance, but of spiritual abundance. He wanted all of us to feel the joy and abandon of participating in miracles with Him. He wanted us to lose sight of the world's opinion as we turned our eyes to Him and allowed our purpose to line up with His. He knew that this is a life that is truly life (I Timothy 6:19).
He also knows that we face an enemy who would like nothing more than to snatch that abundance away from us. He knows that too many of us never even come close to this life. We live life ignorant of His activity, and ignorant of the possibilities for blessing and true joy that exist just beyond our comfort zone, just a step outside our busy lives. The trick is to start looking for those "yes" moments.
Yes God, I will give that money away--not because it makes sense or because I know exactly how You will provide, but because I trust You to do so.
Yes God, I will let that person know I am praying for her--even though she isn't a Christian and might laugh at me.
Yes God, I will reach out to that person I don't know--even though I might look crazy. I care more about what You think than what others think.
Yes God, I will ... (you fill in the blanks) I will pass on my project ARK money that You have provided me and pass that onto a family Lord that is in need. A family that I have been praying for for a long time Lord that does not have the means to provide a lunch for their daughter. I don't know the details, I want to make something right here Lord and I am trusting in You to provide for this family and for me to GIVE this child lunch money for the rest of the year. Not because I want to take the credit and the praise but for all of this for you - I want to pass this blessing along Lord and provide just that little spark to this family and let them know that people care and love them. That You are behind why I am doing this and I am just passing along the blessings You have given me - so that I can give to them. YES GOD - I will do ~ because You bless those who do. Thank You for placing this on my heart .... may honor and praise be just for You in this project ARK. AMEN
Do you need to live life aware instead of unaware? Are you ready to start saying "yes" to God? Is God prompting you to do something crazy, but are too afraid to step out in obedience? Living life aware is a great way to live. It is a life of abundance that is unmatched by anything the world can offer.
Dear Lord, I want to live life aware of Your promptings. I want to say "yes" to You without counting the cost. I want to learn to listen for your voice. Please help me to do so today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I John 2:5-6, "But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." (NIV)
I pray this moves you today in moving your Sunday faith into your everyday life. Faith in action......
"Somehow, though he moves right in front of me, I don't see him; quietly but surely he's active, and I miss it." Job 9:11 (MSG)
For a long time, I lived life unaware of God's activity around me. I wrote things off as "coincidence" or "random"--never realizing that the God of the Universe is a living and active part of my life. I lived a crazy, chaotic existence, too busy and distracted to focus on God's presence. Instead I rushed from one urgency to the next--not relying on God to get me through, depending foolishly on my own strength. It never dawned on me to slow down, to tune my ear to God's voice, to learn to listen and look for Him. I simply didn't know how gratifying life could be if I did.
Then a friend of mine began to share with me how God would often speak to her, urging her to do things that didn't always make sense to her, but always produced miraculous results. My friend was on a daily adventure with God. Her day began with a prayer to help her see Him at work, and her life became one big "yes" to Him. She experienced a level of faith that I knew I hadn't come close to, and it excited me to hear what God was going to do next. I realized that I was missing out by living life unaware.
I think that living life aware of God's presence--of His activity all around us--is the life Jesus described when He spoke of living life "to the full." (John 10:10) He didn't mean a life of material abundance, but of spiritual abundance. He wanted all of us to feel the joy and abandon of participating in miracles with Him. He wanted us to lose sight of the world's opinion as we turned our eyes to Him and allowed our purpose to line up with His. He knew that this is a life that is truly life (I Timothy 6:19).
He also knows that we face an enemy who would like nothing more than to snatch that abundance away from us. He knows that too many of us never even come close to this life. We live life ignorant of His activity, and ignorant of the possibilities for blessing and true joy that exist just beyond our comfort zone, just a step outside our busy lives. The trick is to start looking for those "yes" moments.
Yes God, I will give that money away--not because it makes sense or because I know exactly how You will provide, but because I trust You to do so.
Yes God, I will let that person know I am praying for her--even though she isn't a Christian and might laugh at me.
Yes God, I will reach out to that person I don't know--even though I might look crazy. I care more about what You think than what others think.
Yes God, I will ... (you fill in the blanks) I will pass on my project ARK money that You have provided me and pass that onto a family Lord that is in need. A family that I have been praying for for a long time Lord that does not have the means to provide a lunch for their daughter. I don't know the details, I want to make something right here Lord and I am trusting in You to provide for this family and for me to GIVE this child lunch money for the rest of the year. Not because I want to take the credit and the praise but for all of this for you - I want to pass this blessing along Lord and provide just that little spark to this family and let them know that people care and love them. That You are behind why I am doing this and I am just passing along the blessings You have given me - so that I can give to them. YES GOD - I will do ~ because You bless those who do. Thank You for placing this on my heart .... may honor and praise be just for You in this project ARK. AMEN
Do you need to live life aware instead of unaware? Are you ready to start saying "yes" to God? Is God prompting you to do something crazy, but are too afraid to step out in obedience? Living life aware is a great way to live. It is a life of abundance that is unmatched by anything the world can offer.
Dear Lord, I want to live life aware of Your promptings. I want to say "yes" to You without counting the cost. I want to learn to listen for your voice. Please help me to do so today. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I John 2:5-6, "But if anyone obeys his word, God's love is truly made complete in him. This is how we know we are in him. Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did." (NIV)
I pray this moves you today in moving your Sunday faith into your everyday life. Faith in action......
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ephesians 6:4 “Honor your Father and Mother.” This is what Gods word commands us to do.
Growing up I have such fond memories with my family - times spent together at the Grand Canyon - camping in the Grand Tetons and visiting Yellowstone - Judo Tournaments all over the country - swimming in the summer - listening to my mom play Elvis every chance she could -working with my dad at the restaurant. I remember lots of good things and the sacrifices that my parents made to keep the family unit working. I think about the many struggles I face today - have faced in the past and the things I have yet to face in this life. I have learned many things about marriage, teamwork and communication not only with my awesome wife Carol but with my son Kyle. I think we all look back and want to improve on what and how our parents raised us so that we can give and be better at being a parent to our own children. Honoring your Mother and Father ... mean many things to me - some good and some I think I am falling short on.
The last 2 years have been especially hard when dealing with anything concerning moms. Mothers day is forever changed as is every single holiday and birthday. Even Father days are different and my birthday (which is not any time soon). The folks around me complaining they can't get along with their mothers or fathers for whatever reason and excuse. I know Carol feels the same way I do when we hear mentions concerning moms - Our moms are not with us anymore except in our hearts. All we have to hang on to are the memories and the promise of seeing them again in Heaven. I long in a way for that day ... and keeping my eyes upon Jesus so that when my time does come... Mom will be right behind our Lord and Saviour. Death is so final here... today visiting school there was a child in middle school that is no longer with us. For whatever reason either by issues this child had or by accident - I just don't know but the result is the same.... its final. I pray for his family and friends because like any death - the ones left behind are the ones that hurt the most.
Honoring my mom now has been really hard. She has left me with many promises that I hold very close and tight to my heart. They were her last instructions for me to do before she left. I often wonder how I am doing with them and sometimes even feel I am not doing enough or going about things the wrong way. I know one thing I am falling short on is honoring my dad. I just dont feel I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I know he too is having to learn his new life over - he is looking to find himself and who he really is. He struggles at times just like we all do and there are days I am sure that are just unbearable. I feel bad in so many ways that people have to continue on in life without all the things they worked so hard on in life. Especially with another person and one who we really love with everything we have. I know I can do better as a son and I look at how I am being a father to my family and see the places I too need to improve, grow and learn.
Dad - I appreciate everything you have always done, the sacrifices you made for us, teaching us and showing us how to work, never to give up and believe in our selves. I think this generation behind me needs their parents or fatherly figures more so than any other. There is no war taking away dads - many are leaving on their own. Mothers are having to raise the family and pass on those family values alone. I feel for all those kids - those awesome moms out there struggling. Dad I could write all day on thank you's.... and I know I have been somewhat distant - I guess I am just giving you space so you learn once again - who you are and where you fit in life now. I think that is what mom might have wanted... we are here and never that far away.
You have in many ways, made me a better person, a better parent, a better friend and leader in my family. The last 2 years have been hard but my heart is humbled because of Jesus He has been the polish so that I may shine for others to see. I think with each passing generation the awesomeness of being a father grows. Kyle will one day be a great father and a great husband - He knows Jesus already in his young life and I know with all my heart God has big plans for him. Kyle is Gods child before he is mine. I guess I get to experience in all those moments - those tears of his first girl friend, his first car, his first date and the wrath of a father when he comes home late for the first time! I understand your worry now dad ... because I have such high expectations and dreams for Kyle and things happen in life - just like that.... turned on a dime.
I understand a father's love... and the importance of giving it. I even feel that love for "My Kids" because they need it and I have it to give.... because God has given me a heart to give. Some one close to me this week - told me that I was a man of "Peace" - and that is so true. I do have peace in my heart ... something I have never felt before until I experienced and accepted Jesus. He chose me long before I was born ... he has chosen you as well. Our heavenly father loves us all and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with us. Like a child who goes astray and breaks a parents heart..... many of us are doing just that to our Heavenly Father. I pray that one day we may return and experience the Love of a Father once again.
I pray this is what I am commanded to do: Ephesians 6:4 “Honor your Father and Mother.”
My mind is racing...... but I know for sure -that nothing should stand in the way of this relationship.
Miss you mom and thankful for my earthly dad and my heavenly dad,
Love to all "My Kids" ~ and to my son - Kyle. Love you buddy.... Daddy is proud of you in SO many ways.... its an honor to be your dad and friend.
The last few weeks I have been leading my rock group on Parenthood - and this is one of the web sites I shared with them. http://www.parentsareclueless.com I wonder if a website like this would have prevented in any way what happened yesterday....
Sometimes it takes a team of folks (the entire village) to raise a child. I am thankful for all the children that my heart is touching today. Humbled yet again .....
Growing up I have such fond memories with my family - times spent together at the Grand Canyon - camping in the Grand Tetons and visiting Yellowstone - Judo Tournaments all over the country - swimming in the summer - listening to my mom play Elvis every chance she could -working with my dad at the restaurant. I remember lots of good things and the sacrifices that my parents made to keep the family unit working. I think about the many struggles I face today - have faced in the past and the things I have yet to face in this life. I have learned many things about marriage, teamwork and communication not only with my awesome wife Carol but with my son Kyle. I think we all look back and want to improve on what and how our parents raised us so that we can give and be better at being a parent to our own children. Honoring your Mother and Father ... mean many things to me - some good and some I think I am falling short on.
The last 2 years have been especially hard when dealing with anything concerning moms. Mothers day is forever changed as is every single holiday and birthday. Even Father days are different and my birthday (which is not any time soon). The folks around me complaining they can't get along with their mothers or fathers for whatever reason and excuse. I know Carol feels the same way I do when we hear mentions concerning moms - Our moms are not with us anymore except in our hearts. All we have to hang on to are the memories and the promise of seeing them again in Heaven. I long in a way for that day ... and keeping my eyes upon Jesus so that when my time does come... Mom will be right behind our Lord and Saviour. Death is so final here... today visiting school there was a child in middle school that is no longer with us. For whatever reason either by issues this child had or by accident - I just don't know but the result is the same.... its final. I pray for his family and friends because like any death - the ones left behind are the ones that hurt the most.
Honoring my mom now has been really hard. She has left me with many promises that I hold very close and tight to my heart. They were her last instructions for me to do before she left. I often wonder how I am doing with them and sometimes even feel I am not doing enough or going about things the wrong way. I know one thing I am falling short on is honoring my dad. I just dont feel I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I know he too is having to learn his new life over - he is looking to find himself and who he really is. He struggles at times just like we all do and there are days I am sure that are just unbearable. I feel bad in so many ways that people have to continue on in life without all the things they worked so hard on in life. Especially with another person and one who we really love with everything we have. I know I can do better as a son and I look at how I am being a father to my family and see the places I too need to improve, grow and learn.
Dad - I appreciate everything you have always done, the sacrifices you made for us, teaching us and showing us how to work, never to give up and believe in our selves. I think this generation behind me needs their parents or fatherly figures more so than any other. There is no war taking away dads - many are leaving on their own. Mothers are having to raise the family and pass on those family values alone. I feel for all those kids - those awesome moms out there struggling. Dad I could write all day on thank you's.... and I know I have been somewhat distant - I guess I am just giving you space so you learn once again - who you are and where you fit in life now. I think that is what mom might have wanted... we are here and never that far away.
You have in many ways, made me a better person, a better parent, a better friend and leader in my family. The last 2 years have been hard but my heart is humbled because of Jesus He has been the polish so that I may shine for others to see. I think with each passing generation the awesomeness of being a father grows. Kyle will one day be a great father and a great husband - He knows Jesus already in his young life and I know with all my heart God has big plans for him. Kyle is Gods child before he is mine. I guess I get to experience in all those moments - those tears of his first girl friend, his first car, his first date and the wrath of a father when he comes home late for the first time! I understand your worry now dad ... because I have such high expectations and dreams for Kyle and things happen in life - just like that.... turned on a dime.
I understand a father's love... and the importance of giving it. I even feel that love for "My Kids" because they need it and I have it to give.... because God has given me a heart to give. Some one close to me this week - told me that I was a man of "Peace" - and that is so true. I do have peace in my heart ... something I have never felt before until I experienced and accepted Jesus. He chose me long before I was born ... he has chosen you as well. Our heavenly father loves us all and wants nothing more than to have a relationship with us. Like a child who goes astray and breaks a parents heart..... many of us are doing just that to our Heavenly Father. I pray that one day we may return and experience the Love of a Father once again.
I pray this is what I am commanded to do: Ephesians 6:4 “Honor your Father and Mother.”
My mind is racing...... but I know for sure -that nothing should stand in the way of this relationship.
Miss you mom and thankful for my earthly dad and my heavenly dad,
Love to all "My Kids" ~ and to my son - Kyle. Love you buddy.... Daddy is proud of you in SO many ways.... its an honor to be your dad and friend.
The last few weeks I have been leading my rock group on Parenthood - and this is one of the web sites I shared with them. http://www.parentsareclueless.com I wonder if a website like this would have prevented in any way what happened yesterday....
Sometimes it takes a team of folks (the entire village) to raise a child. I am thankful for all the children that my heart is touching today. Humbled yet again .....
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Just another blog .....
Am I going about all this blog stuff right? Sometimes I wonder. I mean why on earth would anyone keep reading this? I talk about my day and some of the things my family and I are going through. I write about all kinds of personal things and things that are really close and dear to my heart. Why does anyone care? Why do some folks keep coming back? Why what I write does someone not ask - dude - are you OK???
Someone who does not know Jesus - probably things I am a religious nut. I wonder how I am sharing Jesus with others and if this is what I am supposed to do and in the method I am supposed to be doing it.... I question sometimes why I don't just change subjects and enough of this already....especially if you do know Jesus and I am just going on and on and on about it.......
Well - I have to say that there just may be a person out there that needs this. They need this motivation and this encouragement - maybe they need this to know that they are not alone in their struggles and the issues that life has them in right now. There are others in those same shoes. Maybe there is someone out there on the fence who is going back and forth with coming to know Jesus or not. Maybe there is something in here that is helping with that big life changing decision. See I am not a religious nut - I have given my life to Jesus, He has saved me, He has released me from my sins and gives me unconditional love and foregiveness, He has given me freedom and peace like I have never experienced, He has given me a heart for people whom I would have never of loved or gotten to know because I was turned inward and only cared really about myself. Jesus has given me so much - direction in life and a love in my heart for children and my church and rock group family. Why on earth would I keep all this to myself? Why wouldn't I want you to share what I am trying my best to explain? There is someone who needs this.... and I may not even know them. Eternity is that important.......
Today - I got to have lunch with one of my lost "Kids" - a child I visited last week and introduced me to her teacher as her "Sunday School Teacher". How cool is that? I found out today that she does not get lunch at school. Her account is in the red and maybe financial situations at home prevent this family from having the means to do lunch. I purchased her lunch today and we shared a great time together - also got to have lunch with 2 of my rock group kids which was pretty awesome also - but this lunch thing really bothers me. How can I walk away knowing that this is just not right and there is so much I can do to correct this. I went back to work and felt guilty for having lunch. HONEST - I know I cannot save the world or change it but I can do something,,,, something good, one person at a time. ESPECIALLY - knowing I have the means and Jesus would want me to share His practical love for those hurting. This child may not be mine but she is under my feet so to speak and that requires me to do something. Lunch will be something that this child will not have to worry about anymore. God blesses those who do ..... move faith out of Sunday and into our everyday lives.
Someone needs this today - maybe it is me..... maybe it is someone closer than I think. The Lord is leading me.... and when the nudge comes ... its our job to listen and then get moving.
This evening I took my son Kyle and one of my other "Kids" - over to see Walt. They had the dogs visiting the nursing home folks - WOW - that was awesome to see the folks there interacting with the 2 dogs. SImple basic - touch - love and kindness at its finest. Proud of "My Kids".
Humbled again today .... and another awesome lesson learned.
Hope you're still along for "The Walk"
Someone who does not know Jesus - probably things I am a religious nut. I wonder how I am sharing Jesus with others and if this is what I am supposed to do and in the method I am supposed to be doing it.... I question sometimes why I don't just change subjects and enough of this already....especially if you do know Jesus and I am just going on and on and on about it.......
Well - I have to say that there just may be a person out there that needs this. They need this motivation and this encouragement - maybe they need this to know that they are not alone in their struggles and the issues that life has them in right now. There are others in those same shoes. Maybe there is someone out there on the fence who is going back and forth with coming to know Jesus or not. Maybe there is something in here that is helping with that big life changing decision. See I am not a religious nut - I have given my life to Jesus, He has saved me, He has released me from my sins and gives me unconditional love and foregiveness, He has given me freedom and peace like I have never experienced, He has given me a heart for people whom I would have never of loved or gotten to know because I was turned inward and only cared really about myself. Jesus has given me so much - direction in life and a love in my heart for children and my church and rock group family. Why on earth would I keep all this to myself? Why wouldn't I want you to share what I am trying my best to explain? There is someone who needs this.... and I may not even know them. Eternity is that important.......
Today - I got to have lunch with one of my lost "Kids" - a child I visited last week and introduced me to her teacher as her "Sunday School Teacher". How cool is that? I found out today that she does not get lunch at school. Her account is in the red and maybe financial situations at home prevent this family from having the means to do lunch. I purchased her lunch today and we shared a great time together - also got to have lunch with 2 of my rock group kids which was pretty awesome also - but this lunch thing really bothers me. How can I walk away knowing that this is just not right and there is so much I can do to correct this. I went back to work and felt guilty for having lunch. HONEST - I know I cannot save the world or change it but I can do something,,,, something good, one person at a time. ESPECIALLY - knowing I have the means and Jesus would want me to share His practical love for those hurting. This child may not be mine but she is under my feet so to speak and that requires me to do something. Lunch will be something that this child will not have to worry about anymore. God blesses those who do ..... move faith out of Sunday and into our everyday lives.
Someone needs this today - maybe it is me..... maybe it is someone closer than I think. The Lord is leading me.... and when the nudge comes ... its our job to listen and then get moving.
This evening I took my son Kyle and one of my other "Kids" - over to see Walt. They had the dogs visiting the nursing home folks - WOW - that was awesome to see the folks there interacting with the 2 dogs. SImple basic - touch - love and kindness at its finest. Proud of "My Kids".
Humbled again today .... and another awesome lesson learned.
Hope you're still along for "The Walk"
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Put Action behind your faith.....
I read something to our Rock Group families last Sunday and I wanted to share this with you today. This is something that I did not write but came to me via email many months ago. Many of you who know me, know that I carry stuff around that might not be important to anyone else but is important to me. A family that is dear to me gave me a Sermon Journal to write in when we first started leading our Rock Group. You should see it now - pictures of some of "My Kids" that I pray for everyday. Notes and brochures - I even have a sticker on the front that is from one of "my other kids" - she gave me her sticker name tag after asking me about my little book one Sunday after Sunday school. She was very excited to be apart of my prayer journal.
Over the last year or so - I have been really pressing hard to put action behind my faith. I did not want to walk along someone in need and say to them - Call me if I can do anything. I wanted to not wait on them - many times folks who are in need don't even know what to ask for or are too proud to ask for help. So - I made the decision to put action behind my faith and serve folks in a way that I was passing on the blessings that God is blessing me with. Its been an amazing year this last year and I am closer with more people now than ever in my life.
I am thankful for so much......
Enjoy the read....and put some action behind your faith.... there is nothing more rewarding than passing it on.....
Getting Practical With Love by Jon Walker
“Little children, let us stop saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.” (1 John 3:18 LB)
The heart is the control center of all actions. How you act reflects what your heart trusts. Dallas Willard says, “You can live opposite of what you profess, but you cannot live opposite of what you believe.”
Eventually what you believe will show up in your actions. If you believe God loves you, then you’ll begin to love others. If you believe God forgives you, then you’ll begin to forgive others. Your experience of God results in an overflow of his life into the lives of others.
As we allow the Holy Spirit to continually fill us, we become a spring of his love and life to all around us. John would say we have “rivers of living water flowing out of us.” We become a conduit for the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus is a practical life. The disciples were expected to live out what they heard Jesus say. Jesus told his disciples they would be known by the way they treated others.
He gets specific in Matthew 25:35-36:
· You gave food to the hungry,
· You gave drink to the thirsty,
· You invited a stranger into your home,
· You gave clothes to the naked,
· You cared for the sick,
· You visited the prisoners,
And this isn’t an exhaustive list on the ways to offer practical help. Jesus constantly provides us with down-to-earth examples meant to get us started.
What now?
· Love language – Make a list of people you love and pray through it, asking God to show you what you can do that will speak love to each person.
· Take initiative – When someone is in crisis, we genuinely want to help, and we’ll say, “If there’s anything I can do, please, just let me know.” Start changing that to express a concrete form of love: “I’m going to do this for you.” Maybe you offer to bring over a meal or watch the children. Perhaps you offer to cut the grass. Maybe you bring a roll of quarters to the hospital so the family can grab snacks and drinks from the vending machine. Be creative – and let the Holy Spirit guide.
· Fake it ‘til you make it – C.S. Lewis said, if you don’t love someone, then act like you do. Eventually the feelings will catch up with your actions.
· Pray – Be still and ask God to show you someone you know who is in need, and ask him how you should help your friend. Seek God about the timing of your help. Ask him to use your act of service to make his presence known to your friend.
Over the last year or so - I have been really pressing hard to put action behind my faith. I did not want to walk along someone in need and say to them - Call me if I can do anything. I wanted to not wait on them - many times folks who are in need don't even know what to ask for or are too proud to ask for help. So - I made the decision to put action behind my faith and serve folks in a way that I was passing on the blessings that God is blessing me with. Its been an amazing year this last year and I am closer with more people now than ever in my life.
I am thankful for so much......
Enjoy the read....and put some action behind your faith.... there is nothing more rewarding than passing it on.....
Getting Practical With Love by Jon Walker
“Little children, let us stop saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions.” (1 John 3:18 LB)
The heart is the control center of all actions. How you act reflects what your heart trusts. Dallas Willard says, “You can live opposite of what you profess, but you cannot live opposite of what you believe.”
Eventually what you believe will show up in your actions. If you believe God loves you, then you’ll begin to love others. If you believe God forgives you, then you’ll begin to forgive others. Your experience of God results in an overflow of his life into the lives of others.
As we allow the Holy Spirit to continually fill us, we become a spring of his love and life to all around us. John would say we have “rivers of living water flowing out of us.” We become a conduit for the life of Jesus.
The life of Jesus is a practical life. The disciples were expected to live out what they heard Jesus say. Jesus told his disciples they would be known by the way they treated others.
He gets specific in Matthew 25:35-36:
· You gave food to the hungry,
· You gave drink to the thirsty,
· You invited a stranger into your home,
· You gave clothes to the naked,
· You cared for the sick,
· You visited the prisoners,
And this isn’t an exhaustive list on the ways to offer practical help. Jesus constantly provides us with down-to-earth examples meant to get us started.
What now?
· Love language – Make a list of people you love and pray through it, asking God to show you what you can do that will speak love to each person.
· Take initiative – When someone is in crisis, we genuinely want to help, and we’ll say, “If there’s anything I can do, please, just let me know.” Start changing that to express a concrete form of love: “I’m going to do this for you.” Maybe you offer to bring over a meal or watch the children. Perhaps you offer to cut the grass. Maybe you bring a roll of quarters to the hospital so the family can grab snacks and drinks from the vending machine. Be creative – and let the Holy Spirit guide.
· Fake it ‘til you make it – C.S. Lewis said, if you don’t love someone, then act like you do. Eventually the feelings will catch up with your actions.
· Pray – Be still and ask God to show you someone you know who is in need, and ask him how you should help your friend. Seek God about the timing of your help. Ask him to use your act of service to make his presence known to your friend.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Project ARK~
Thank you all for your prayers. Last night was great and my heart, I think, was all in the right places. Last night at Rock Group - we launched project ARK - Acts of Random Kindness.
After the last month or a little longer, our rock group meetings have been building to this. A few weeks back I charged everyone with "Prayer Buddy" - their assignment was to bless someone in the group. With lunch, making them dinner, sending flowers, or a card in the mail ~ something to let our "Prayer Buddy"know that they were praying for them. We all picked names out of bag and in a few weeks we will share those stories together. The next week I showed a small movie clip that was titled "Faith with Works". My plan was to move our faith out of church on Sundays and into our everyday lives. Move Faith and take it to work with us, to our lunchroom tables at work, into our friends lives and into our families. Put action behind our Faith ~ This ARK came about.
I passed out envelopes last night with $5 - $10 bills in them. Everyone including our littlest one who is 2 got to participate. I had all our kids in the room that was there and I gave the rules and WHY we were doing this. ARK - Acts of Random Kindness - puts our faith into our everyday lives. The blessings that God is providing us - pass them along to someone. It might be a stuggling mom with groceries - or that little old lady at the check out line in the video store - paying for gas $10 at a time..... buying lunch for that child at school who you know their parents are not together anymore - it might be that sandwhich you have been wanting to buy your friend who you havent seen in a few months and you really want to invite them to church. You are passing along the blessings so that in turn - maybe they will also pass along that blessing.
Our Rock Group children - all into this with eyes just as big as the envelopes - I asked everyone to pray over what they had been given because if we are faithful and trusted with what God has given you - He will bless that with even more.
Honestly - I dont have money to give away - I wish it would have been 4000 bucks there.... but I know God will bless this, change lives and in turn my family and I will reap those blessings knowing we are doing something cool and something awesome for Gods kingdom.
Project ARK - what would you do with $50????? Who would you bless and in what way? Email me your ideas and thoughts.....
This is just something God is doing down here in the little town of Harrisburg NC - in my family and those we are doing life with. Humbled beyond belief - yet again.
With love and prayers,
After the last month or a little longer, our rock group meetings have been building to this. A few weeks back I charged everyone with "Prayer Buddy" - their assignment was to bless someone in the group. With lunch, making them dinner, sending flowers, or a card in the mail ~ something to let our "Prayer Buddy"know that they were praying for them. We all picked names out of bag and in a few weeks we will share those stories together. The next week I showed a small movie clip that was titled "Faith with Works". My plan was to move our faith out of church on Sundays and into our everyday lives. Move Faith and take it to work with us, to our lunchroom tables at work, into our friends lives and into our families. Put action behind our Faith ~ This ARK came about.
I passed out envelopes last night with $5 - $10 bills in them. Everyone including our littlest one who is 2 got to participate. I had all our kids in the room that was there and I gave the rules and WHY we were doing this. ARK - Acts of Random Kindness - puts our faith into our everyday lives. The blessings that God is providing us - pass them along to someone. It might be a stuggling mom with groceries - or that little old lady at the check out line in the video store - paying for gas $10 at a time..... buying lunch for that child at school who you know their parents are not together anymore - it might be that sandwhich you have been wanting to buy your friend who you havent seen in a few months and you really want to invite them to church. You are passing along the blessings so that in turn - maybe they will also pass along that blessing.
Our Rock Group children - all into this with eyes just as big as the envelopes - I asked everyone to pray over what they had been given because if we are faithful and trusted with what God has given you - He will bless that with even more.
Honestly - I dont have money to give away - I wish it would have been 4000 bucks there.... but I know God will bless this, change lives and in turn my family and I will reap those blessings knowing we are doing something cool and something awesome for Gods kingdom.
Project ARK - what would you do with $50????? Who would you bless and in what way? Email me your ideas and thoughts.....
This is just something God is doing down here in the little town of Harrisburg NC - in my family and those we are doing life with. Humbled beyond belief - yet again.
With love and prayers,
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Just putting a quick post out there loved ones - Rock Group meets tonight and I have a LOT on my heart to share with them. May the words come from my heart, a heart filled with the love of Jesus and may His light shine through me for them to see. The things that have been placed on my heart the last few weeks - I pray that all this comes out right and they are as excited about this as I am. May Gods will run over with blessings with what is about to happen.
I know its football Sunday - but it just doesn't matter that much. There are more important things taking place today ...
Prayers are welcome - Project ARK is about to take off. Use us Lord for serving You and for sharing Your love and word.
More to follow...
BTW - church was awesome today! God is really taking the heavy load off my shoulders so that I can do some other things for His kingdom. Teachable moments.... we all have them and we are never too old for any of this. ~
I know its football Sunday - but it just doesn't matter that much. There are more important things taking place today ...
Prayers are welcome - Project ARK is about to take off. Use us Lord for serving You and for sharing Your love and word.
More to follow...
BTW - church was awesome today! God is really taking the heavy load off my shoulders so that I can do some other things for His kingdom. Teachable moments.... we all have them and we are never too old for any of this. ~
Friday, October 19, 2007
What are the chances?
Have you ever been out somewhere or going some place and run into someone you know? It has been a long time since you have seen them and for a long time you have wondered "What ever happened to _____?"
Well, honestly speaking, I don't believe in chance. I think everything that happens has a purpose in Gods plan. Today was just that devine appointment. I am glad I got to share this day with one of my good buddies. Mike and I went to see his daughter Megan for lunch. I was excited way before this day - as it has been building up for weeks when I was going to have lunch with Miss Megan. She even drew me a picture asking me when I was coming to her school and have lunch. TODAY??? She kept saying..... never did I think the blessing was going to be like this.
Let me explain....
As Mike and I walked into the school - we got signed in and I can tell my smile started to get big and I started to get that "Buzz" that I often describe on this blog.... I am just in my element with the kids and I love the shared moments with them. It is the highlight of my day and if you are ever in a down mood or a place that you need some chearing up - go visit a child for lunch and email me your experience. Its pretty darn awesome!!!
So I walk into lunchroom at school and I see Megans Brother Justin - I walk over and he and his class were cleaning up since lunch was almost over and from behind ~ I have a child hugging me. I try to look around and I see the top of a brown haired child just hugging me like there is no tomorrow and no letting go. I kind of squeeze down not knowing who this child was and I see a child that went to our church a long time ago. She is hugging me with her eyes closed - arms around me waist and just "In The MOMENT!" I just didn't know what to do - A GIANT smile came over my face and I say something stupid - "What are you doing here Haley?" - like the question should have been "What am I doing here?" - which is what she asked me. Lots of quick talk explaining I am here to have lunch with Megan - and my son does not go to school here... She asked me if I still taught Sunday school at church with Miss Carol .....and yes - told her about the pumpkins and how our church has moved and she grabs me by the hand and pulls me to the parent table. Mom is there.....
So lets back up a minute - since the day I met Haley - she took to me the first day in Sunday school. I looked forward to seeing them each Sunday at church. For an entire Summer I prayed for her and her mom. From the outside looking in - you could tell there was lots of hurt and lots a pain in this family but I prayed for them not knowing anything, asking God to provide and to make things right. They have been missing since the end of spring I bet - have not seen them. I often would pray for them and think about where they may be now. Did they move etc...... and today - I am enjoying a blessing that God has provided me and He blessed me beyond anything I could imagine with Haley and her mom. I have tears in my eyes now so excuse the misspellings. But - me and Haleys mom talked aobut our church location adn where we are meeting. I told them to come and see us Tuesday at the pumpkin patch .. I would help Haley carry the biggest pumpkin she can!!!! I pray for next Tuesday - that they come and we can talk more - to have a chance to make a little more deposit into an awesome family. Maybe this was Gods way also to remind this family they are loved, that people do care and for mom to see her daughter smiling the way she was is worth the effort to make it church.
After that encounter, I was in the hallway waiting for Megan to come down the hall for her lunch - we haven't even gotten to her lunch yet!!! Haley came over and asked me to come and visit her for lunch - 11:25...... and she would come to the Pumpkin Patch and to church in 2 weeks. She hugged me like 10 more times - smiling - my buddy Mike just taking in the blessing along side of me... I am not exactly sure what she was thinking. I don't even remember saying goodbye really~ it all happened so fast. Haley then went and got her teacher - she shook my hand and said she wanted for her teacher to meet me. I said "Really - me?? what for?" The teacher said, you are her Sunday school teacher! She is a good student..... and said - "It was a pleasure to meet you."
Haley waived and went to class.
Megan - then comes down the hall- smiling and just so excited. We had lunch together with her dad and shared in an awesome experience. I will go back and have lunch at that school soon - because I guess I have "My Kids" - now in another place..... another place for blessings to flow.
God is our awesome Father..... and like any good father who loves us, He wants to bless us. I feel blessed today .... dude, I feel so blessed.
Believe in chance? Not me.... no way.....
Well, honestly speaking, I don't believe in chance. I think everything that happens has a purpose in Gods plan. Today was just that devine appointment. I am glad I got to share this day with one of my good buddies. Mike and I went to see his daughter Megan for lunch. I was excited way before this day - as it has been building up for weeks when I was going to have lunch with Miss Megan. She even drew me a picture asking me when I was coming to her school and have lunch. TODAY??? She kept saying..... never did I think the blessing was going to be like this.
Let me explain....
As Mike and I walked into the school - we got signed in and I can tell my smile started to get big and I started to get that "Buzz" that I often describe on this blog.... I am just in my element with the kids and I love the shared moments with them. It is the highlight of my day and if you are ever in a down mood or a place that you need some chearing up - go visit a child for lunch and email me your experience. Its pretty darn awesome!!!
So I walk into lunchroom at school and I see Megans Brother Justin - I walk over and he and his class were cleaning up since lunch was almost over and from behind ~ I have a child hugging me. I try to look around and I see the top of a brown haired child just hugging me like there is no tomorrow and no letting go. I kind of squeeze down not knowing who this child was and I see a child that went to our church a long time ago. She is hugging me with her eyes closed - arms around me waist and just "In The MOMENT!" I just didn't know what to do - A GIANT smile came over my face and I say something stupid - "What are you doing here Haley?" - like the question should have been "What am I doing here?" - which is what she asked me. Lots of quick talk explaining I am here to have lunch with Megan - and my son does not go to school here... She asked me if I still taught Sunday school at church with Miss Carol .....and yes - told her about the pumpkins and how our church has moved and she grabs me by the hand and pulls me to the parent table. Mom is there.....
So lets back up a minute - since the day I met Haley - she took to me the first day in Sunday school. I looked forward to seeing them each Sunday at church. For an entire Summer I prayed for her and her mom. From the outside looking in - you could tell there was lots of hurt and lots a pain in this family but I prayed for them not knowing anything, asking God to provide and to make things right. They have been missing since the end of spring I bet - have not seen them. I often would pray for them and think about where they may be now. Did they move etc...... and today - I am enjoying a blessing that God has provided me and He blessed me beyond anything I could imagine with Haley and her mom. I have tears in my eyes now so excuse the misspellings. But - me and Haleys mom talked aobut our church location adn where we are meeting. I told them to come and see us Tuesday at the pumpkin patch .. I would help Haley carry the biggest pumpkin she can!!!! I pray for next Tuesday - that they come and we can talk more - to have a chance to make a little more deposit into an awesome family. Maybe this was Gods way also to remind this family they are loved, that people do care and for mom to see her daughter smiling the way she was is worth the effort to make it church.
After that encounter, I was in the hallway waiting for Megan to come down the hall for her lunch - we haven't even gotten to her lunch yet!!! Haley came over and asked me to come and visit her for lunch - 11:25...... and she would come to the Pumpkin Patch and to church in 2 weeks. She hugged me like 10 more times - smiling - my buddy Mike just taking in the blessing along side of me... I am not exactly sure what she was thinking. I don't even remember saying goodbye really~ it all happened so fast. Haley then went and got her teacher - she shook my hand and said she wanted for her teacher to meet me. I said "Really - me?? what for?" The teacher said, you are her Sunday school teacher! She is a good student..... and said - "It was a pleasure to meet you."
Haley waived and went to class.
Megan - then comes down the hall- smiling and just so excited. We had lunch together with her dad and shared in an awesome experience. I will go back and have lunch at that school soon - because I guess I have "My Kids" - now in another place..... another place for blessings to flow.
God is our awesome Father..... and like any good father who loves us, He wants to bless us. I feel blessed today .... dude, I feel so blessed.
Believe in chance? Not me.... no way.....
Friday Morning.........
I have been like such a little kid the last 2 mornings. Honest~ I have gotten out of bed and went to look out the window - like in the winter on a school day morning looking for SNOW!!! Except I am looking for rain. It has only rained here in Charlotte NC like 2 times since the beginning of July. This area is hurting for rain and the area shows it with brown grass, dead bushes, trees dying, lakes drying up and water restrictions in every county. This morning sitting and having breakfast - there is noise outside and I jumped up and said "What is that noise?!" all in a panic. It was dumping out this morning and it was awesome!!! I have forgotten what it sounded like!
Anyways - its awesome to have the rain here and I am fully enjoying it as it refreshes the grasslands, the wildlife and the plants. Much like Jesus refreshes the soul.
This coming Sunday at Rock Group - God has placed something on my heart this week that I have kept to myself until today. I have prayed about this all week and I have flopped back and forth with doing this or not. I want to honor God in this project and I want to make sure God is behind it all. So - I feel good about it so I am pressing forward. I will let you know how it turns out and the details of this assignement when its time. Please pray for Operation - BlessBack.
Going to have lunch soon with one of "My Kids" - you know what that does to me. Yesterday was awesome spending time with "My Kids" at lunch and then spending time with "My Kids" last night over spaghetti and "Operation BOO" ~ it was a blast. Moments to treasure - investing in the right things......
Love you all, thankful its Friday!
Anyways - its awesome to have the rain here and I am fully enjoying it as it refreshes the grasslands, the wildlife and the plants. Much like Jesus refreshes the soul.
This coming Sunday at Rock Group - God has placed something on my heart this week that I have kept to myself until today. I have prayed about this all week and I have flopped back and forth with doing this or not. I want to honor God in this project and I want to make sure God is behind it all. So - I feel good about it so I am pressing forward. I will let you know how it turns out and the details of this assignement when its time. Please pray for Operation - BlessBack.
Going to have lunch soon with one of "My Kids" - you know what that does to me. Yesterday was awesome spending time with "My Kids" at lunch and then spending time with "My Kids" last night over spaghetti and "Operation BOO" ~ it was a blast. Moments to treasure - investing in the right things......
Love you all, thankful its Friday!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Faith Meter.....
I continued with my daily reading in the book of Matthew and yet again the words come to life. Matthew chapter 14 has such a wonderful story about Faith that just rocks my world.
Let me share this with you here.... and I am sure some of you will relate to YOUR level of faith.
Matthew 14:
Jesus Walks on the Water
22Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24but the boat was already a considerable distance[a] from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.
25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.
27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
29"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
I think we all at times have very little faith. Dismal faith at times with things we cannot see but we know are real. Over the last few years, I see so many things differently than I used to. I see God working in all kinds of things that I otherwise would have just pushed aside. I see folks struggling around me but can see the faith they have knowing that this too shall pass. I do believe with my heart that there is something to learn from each and every situation, struggle and blessing. People come into our lives for a reason. Sometimes those friendships do not last and people move on - but they have a lasting impact on our lives.
Faith is knowing "We Can't" but "Jesus Can". Faith is a trust relationship that we know our control over something is places into someone elses hands. (Gods Hands)
I love the fact that Peter saw the Lord walking on the water, after being calmed down that he was not a ghost and being terrified, Peter wanted to go to the Lord. Jesus told him to come on man --- come to me - who cares about the water there..... Peter climbed out and walked on the water towards Jesus. After realizing he was indeed on top of the water, even during the storm with rough water and waves, he became afraid and started to sink. He cried out to Jesus to save him from drowning. Jesus grabbed him by the hand and saved him.
I know many folks around me who have had this experience in life. Jesus comes to save them - grabbing them by the hand to rescue them from something that was to take place in their lives. Just keep your eyes focused on Jesus and He will calm the waters around us. What a great visual and a great lesson for life!
I know many of us ask why don't I see God blessing me? Or why does God bless this person and not me? Or as much as this other person.... It may have to do with the amount of faith you have. When your faith meter is up and tuned in - even the smallest of things you recognize that only God can be behind it or in that situation or in that blessing that someone is experiencing. Tune into Gods word loved ones - raise the meter on your faith and begin to see what God has in store for you. God is not going to impose himself on you or just show up and give you more proof than He has already given us. Maybe that is why they say - to take a leap of faith.
You are all in with no turning back. I have always wanted to go white water rafting - I would love the rush and the excitement on the river before turning the corner and going to far to turn back before being swept downstream to experience the currents, the waves, the turns and the cold water rush. Faith is just like that..... once you make the big decion ... hang on because its about to get interesting.
Who better to to take the ride with than, Jesus?
Let me share this with you here.... and I am sure some of you will relate to YOUR level of faith.
Matthew 14:
Jesus Walks on the Water
22Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, 24but the boat was already a considerable distance[a] from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.
25During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.
27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
29"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
31Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
32And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, "Truly you are the Son of God."
I think we all at times have very little faith. Dismal faith at times with things we cannot see but we know are real. Over the last few years, I see so many things differently than I used to. I see God working in all kinds of things that I otherwise would have just pushed aside. I see folks struggling around me but can see the faith they have knowing that this too shall pass. I do believe with my heart that there is something to learn from each and every situation, struggle and blessing. People come into our lives for a reason. Sometimes those friendships do not last and people move on - but they have a lasting impact on our lives.
Faith is knowing "We Can't" but "Jesus Can". Faith is a trust relationship that we know our control over something is places into someone elses hands. (Gods Hands)
I love the fact that Peter saw the Lord walking on the water, after being calmed down that he was not a ghost and being terrified, Peter wanted to go to the Lord. Jesus told him to come on man --- come to me - who cares about the water there..... Peter climbed out and walked on the water towards Jesus. After realizing he was indeed on top of the water, even during the storm with rough water and waves, he became afraid and started to sink. He cried out to Jesus to save him from drowning. Jesus grabbed him by the hand and saved him.
I know many folks around me who have had this experience in life. Jesus comes to save them - grabbing them by the hand to rescue them from something that was to take place in their lives. Just keep your eyes focused on Jesus and He will calm the waters around us. What a great visual and a great lesson for life!
I know many of us ask why don't I see God blessing me? Or why does God bless this person and not me? Or as much as this other person.... It may have to do with the amount of faith you have. When your faith meter is up and tuned in - even the smallest of things you recognize that only God can be behind it or in that situation or in that blessing that someone is experiencing. Tune into Gods word loved ones - raise the meter on your faith and begin to see what God has in store for you. God is not going to impose himself on you or just show up and give you more proof than He has already given us. Maybe that is why they say - to take a leap of faith.
You are all in with no turning back. I have always wanted to go white water rafting - I would love the rush and the excitement on the river before turning the corner and going to far to turn back before being swept downstream to experience the currents, the waves, the turns and the cold water rush. Faith is just like that..... once you make the big decion ... hang on because its about to get interesting.
Who better to to take the ride with than, Jesus?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Morning time......
During my morning quiet time - which seems to be shorter these days with school in session and that the dogs seem to like anything we eat these days :) - I am reading in the book of Matthew.
Let me share Matthew 13 with you this morning. I used to just struggle reading the bible and forcing myself to move through the words - but then "Click" the words now sometimes take on new meaning and understanding. So hang with me....
Matthew 13:
Why Tell Stories?
10The disciples came up and asked, "Why do you tell stories?"
11-15He replied, "You've been given insight into God's kingdom. You know how it works. Not everybody has this gift, this insight; it hasn't been given to them. Whenever someone has a ready heart for this, the insights and understandings flow freely. But if there is no readiness, any trace of receptivity soon disappears. That's why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight. In their present state they can stare till doomsday and not see it, listen till they're blue in the face and not get it.
We all have folks in our lives that no matter how much we talk about Jesus, heaven and all the things He has done for us - they still are unmoved. No matter how much we try and share with folks how much God has changed our lives -they are still unmoved. Over and over my family and I, like so many others, try to be a good examples of showing folks the practical love of Jesus - His love for them through us. Its the parable of a light of the city on top of the hill. Keep the lights shining so all can see it. Though frustrating at times, heartbreaking at times and wondering why our churches are not PACKED with folks needing to experience life change - we continue to march on.... praying for that next opportunity to share Jesus and bless those around us. Full knowing and experiencing - God is blessing us as we pass along those blessings.
Lets read just a little further~
The Meaning of the Harvest Story
18-19"Study this story of the farmer planting seed. When anyone hears news of the kingdom and doesn't take it in, it just remains on the surface, and so the Evil One comes along and plucks it right out of that person's heart. This is the seed the farmer scatters on the road.
20-21"The seed cast in the gravel—this is the person who hears and instantly responds with enthusiasm. But there is no soil of character, and so when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.
22"The seed cast in the weeds is the person who hears the kingdom news, but weeds of worry and illusions about getting more and wanting everything under the sun strangle what was heard, and nothing comes of it.
23"The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams."
Which person are you? Are you the seed that dries up, makes root, or produces a harvest? I think about my son Kyle this morning. I think about the seed that is planted in his heart and I am thankful that God is growing that seed. He is experiencing things at his young age that some kids will never experience - even as adults. We all want more for our children than we ever had. But is more really what they need? More stuff - more things to play with - more of what in their life would really make a difference? I was on that path as a parent and I remember many times my parents passing along those values as my brother and I were growing up. There is nothing wrong with those values and I am thankful that I realize those values today because I too want more for my son than I ever had. I think right now - He has more than I ever had and ever will have. He is young and I know God has so much planned for him and he is Gods child more importantly than he is my child. My Rock Group families~ Your children are on that path - a path that is narrow and not many find that path to God..... we are doing our part to make sure they have more than we ever had. Heavenly blessings and knowing that God is with them all the days of their lives.
Let that seed that God is trying to plant in you grow loved ones - let is take root - water it by reading Gods word and by finding a church and jumping in - we are never going to be ready enough and got things figured out enough ... God will make those changes if you would just start where you are today - right now........ just like on Survivor - the light and fire is your ticket in the game.....once out - its over.
Shine on,,,
Let me share Matthew 13 with you this morning. I used to just struggle reading the bible and forcing myself to move through the words - but then "Click" the words now sometimes take on new meaning and understanding. So hang with me....
Matthew 13:
Why Tell Stories?
10The disciples came up and asked, "Why do you tell stories?"
11-15He replied, "You've been given insight into God's kingdom. You know how it works. Not everybody has this gift, this insight; it hasn't been given to them. Whenever someone has a ready heart for this, the insights and understandings flow freely. But if there is no readiness, any trace of receptivity soon disappears. That's why I tell stories: to create readiness, to nudge the people toward receptive insight. In their present state they can stare till doomsday and not see it, listen till they're blue in the face and not get it.
We all have folks in our lives that no matter how much we talk about Jesus, heaven and all the things He has done for us - they still are unmoved. No matter how much we try and share with folks how much God has changed our lives -they are still unmoved. Over and over my family and I, like so many others, try to be a good examples of showing folks the practical love of Jesus - His love for them through us. Its the parable of a light of the city on top of the hill. Keep the lights shining so all can see it. Though frustrating at times, heartbreaking at times and wondering why our churches are not PACKED with folks needing to experience life change - we continue to march on.... praying for that next opportunity to share Jesus and bless those around us. Full knowing and experiencing - God is blessing us as we pass along those blessings.
Lets read just a little further~
The Meaning of the Harvest Story
18-19"Study this story of the farmer planting seed. When anyone hears news of the kingdom and doesn't take it in, it just remains on the surface, and so the Evil One comes along and plucks it right out of that person's heart. This is the seed the farmer scatters on the road.
20-21"The seed cast in the gravel—this is the person who hears and instantly responds with enthusiasm. But there is no soil of character, and so when the emotions wear off and some difficulty arrives, there is nothing to show for it.
22"The seed cast in the weeds is the person who hears the kingdom news, but weeds of worry and illusions about getting more and wanting everything under the sun strangle what was heard, and nothing comes of it.
23"The seed cast on good earth is the person who hears and takes in the News, and then produces a harvest beyond his wildest dreams."
Which person are you? Are you the seed that dries up, makes root, or produces a harvest? I think about my son Kyle this morning. I think about the seed that is planted in his heart and I am thankful that God is growing that seed. He is experiencing things at his young age that some kids will never experience - even as adults. We all want more for our children than we ever had. But is more really what they need? More stuff - more things to play with - more of what in their life would really make a difference? I was on that path as a parent and I remember many times my parents passing along those values as my brother and I were growing up. There is nothing wrong with those values and I am thankful that I realize those values today because I too want more for my son than I ever had. I think right now - He has more than I ever had and ever will have. He is young and I know God has so much planned for him and he is Gods child more importantly than he is my child. My Rock Group families~ Your children are on that path - a path that is narrow and not many find that path to God..... we are doing our part to make sure they have more than we ever had. Heavenly blessings and knowing that God is with them all the days of their lives.
Let that seed that God is trying to plant in you grow loved ones - let is take root - water it by reading Gods word and by finding a church and jumping in - we are never going to be ready enough and got things figured out enough ... God will make those changes if you would just start where you are today - right now........ just like on Survivor - the light and fire is your ticket in the game.....once out - its over.
Shine on,,,
Monday, October 15, 2007
Family time......

I am wanting to share with you today a few thoughts from our Rock Group study from last Sunday night. I am leading a series on Parenting for the next 4-5 weeks and I am just beside myself with how little I know about parenting. I mean we never as parents, get the manual - we don't have a published - get it from Amazon.com study guide. We do our best with trying to figure things out as we go along - sometimes changing directions and waffling on decisions. But there is a better way. See God left us His word and written in the Bible. There are lots of things in there about Parenting if we take the time to read Gods word.... God is our Father in Heaven right? We are family right?
First and foremost we need to show our family leadership in loving God with all our hearts.
Let me give you some statistics and you can judge these yourself:
Kids Who Become Active Christ-followers as Adults
If mom and dad went to church: 72% of kids will as adults. If mom only went to church: 15% of kids will as adults. If dad only went to church: 55% of kids will as adults. If neither mom nor dad: 6% of kids will as adults.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
We must also Lead our families intentionally... read through some of the Proverbs and look for guidance in teaching our children. There are so many things there to teach us.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
“The thing that impresses me most about America is the way the parents obey their children.” Edward, Duke of Windsor
Funny how after I read that the first time, my mind runs with examples of how and when my parenting skills are tested. How I can see children in them all or at Sunday School and see who really is leading that family. I want my family to be Christ centered and not child centered. Invest in the people around you, your wife or husband and let your children see that they are not in charge and how to love your wife/husband - we are teaching our children more than you realize. Our everyday actions and the words use are being absorbed like a sponge and will be used .... they will be used.
Mark 10:14-16
13-16The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.
The last few years have been such a blessing for me to get to really know and share my heart with the kids in my life. My life has forever changed because of them and I pray that I am changing them 1/2 of what they have changed me. Thank You Lord for all of "My Kids".
Praise God for godly parents and friends who see their responsibility in blessing children. Praise God for you who will say, "I didn't get it but in God's strength I'm going to give it."
If I have done anything great in my life - I want to be remembered as a dad who loves Jesus, his family and all of "My Kids".
All Gods best today,
First and foremost we need to show our family leadership in loving God with all our hearts.
Let me give you some statistics and you can judge these yourself:
Kids Who Become Active Christ-followers as Adults
If mom and dad went to church: 72% of kids will as adults. If mom only went to church: 15% of kids will as adults. If dad only went to church: 55% of kids will as adults. If neither mom nor dad: 6% of kids will as adults.
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
We must also Lead our families intentionally... read through some of the Proverbs and look for guidance in teaching our children. There are so many things there to teach us.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.
“The thing that impresses me most about America is the way the parents obey their children.” Edward, Duke of Windsor
Funny how after I read that the first time, my mind runs with examples of how and when my parenting skills are tested. How I can see children in them all or at Sunday School and see who really is leading that family. I want my family to be Christ centered and not child centered. Invest in the people around you, your wife or husband and let your children see that they are not in charge and how to love your wife/husband - we are teaching our children more than you realize. Our everyday actions and the words use are being absorbed like a sponge and will be used .... they will be used.
Mark 10:14-16
13-16The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.
The last few years have been such a blessing for me to get to really know and share my heart with the kids in my life. My life has forever changed because of them and I pray that I am changing them 1/2 of what they have changed me. Thank You Lord for all of "My Kids".
Praise God for godly parents and friends who see their responsibility in blessing children. Praise God for you who will say, "I didn't get it but in God's strength I'm going to give it."
If I have done anything great in my life - I want to be remembered as a dad who loves Jesus, his family and all of "My Kids".
All Gods best today,
Not Billy but Joel Osteen. Did anyone see the 60 minutes show last night? I have to comment that he is a marketing engine. I can't even imagine being part of a church that has like 60,000 people in it. The leadership team for that church must be amazing! I read his first book- Your Best Life Now- it was a long winded book but a good read anyways.
I have heard from folks that he does not preach enough from the bible. I tend to agree on that according to the message topic. I think some pastors today might talk down to folks - talk to their congregations concerning Hell - though important- the congregation does not need to walk away from church feeling like they are going there and feel like they have been beaten down.
Joel- always talks with uplifting and with encouragement. Being a person that encourages - I relate to his teachings. I am motivated by his teaching and more importantly - I understand his teachings. If the message is taught over our heads~ what good is that?
That is why I love our church so much. Our LifeTalk messages are clear and understandable. We come away each Sunday knowing what the message was about and how to apply it to our lives. There in that zone is where the greatest changes take place and we get Faith out of Sunday mornings and into our "Everyday" lives.
Joel is reaching millions of people for Jesus. Only after his dad passed did he take on the preaching duties and his style was so much different than his dads. We all have gifts and if we stay focused on the things that we don't do well and do our best to improve them - we fall short on the things we are really good at. If we focus on those things we are good - think about how great we would be if we really put 100% into our gifts!!!
Joel preaches a word from God of encouragement, to never quit, to start right now and where you are in your faith - The simple understanding that God is for you and with you no matter what we are facing today. The simple fact of getting involved into our local churches - learning and growing and reaching others for this life change. We don't need any more folks to make Gods word so hard and complicated..... we have enough of them already.
Many Friday nights at my house at 9:00 is Joel time. Just in case you are wondering.
With Love,
I have heard from folks that he does not preach enough from the bible. I tend to agree on that according to the message topic. I think some pastors today might talk down to folks - talk to their congregations concerning Hell - though important- the congregation does not need to walk away from church feeling like they are going there and feel like they have been beaten down.
Joel- always talks with uplifting and with encouragement. Being a person that encourages - I relate to his teachings. I am motivated by his teaching and more importantly - I understand his teachings. If the message is taught over our heads~ what good is that?
That is why I love our church so much. Our LifeTalk messages are clear and understandable. We come away each Sunday knowing what the message was about and how to apply it to our lives. There in that zone is where the greatest changes take place and we get Faith out of Sunday mornings and into our "Everyday" lives.
Joel is reaching millions of people for Jesus. Only after his dad passed did he take on the preaching duties and his style was so much different than his dads. We all have gifts and if we stay focused on the things that we don't do well and do our best to improve them - we fall short on the things we are really good at. If we focus on those things we are good - think about how great we would be if we really put 100% into our gifts!!!
Joel preaches a word from God of encouragement, to never quit, to start right now and where you are in your faith - The simple understanding that God is for you and with you no matter what we are facing today. The simple fact of getting involved into our local churches - learning and growing and reaching others for this life change. We don't need any more folks to make Gods word so hard and complicated..... we have enough of them already.
Many Friday nights at my house at 9:00 is Joel time. Just in case you are wondering.
With Love,
Friday, October 12, 2007
Highway to ......
If this Sunday, our Pastor at church calls on us to speak our heart - this is what I would say. Why on earth would I hide this from folks - it is who I am now. I do not want to put Jesus first in my life and then arrange the other things in my life behind Him... I want to have Jesus in the center and involved in every aspect of my life. I want to put Him IN the middle and centered around all I am and all I do.
There was some conversation not long ago with a close loved one - When asked if they knew they were going to heaven when their time came? They answered - they didn't know, who really cares, I guess I will find out when I get there ... excuse after excuse - not sure answer after not sure answer. When asking my father-n-law - his answer is - he doesn't care because he will be dead. Friends the bible is very clear that there is a Hell. It is a real place. We all have death in common and we will all one day answer to God for our lives. See many of us believe and ask - How if a loving God who we say loves everyone, how can he send us to Hell? How can he be good and do that to us?
Let me share with you that God does not have to make that decision - YOU DO! You are making that decision all on your own. We have Gods word in the Bible - left to us and written as instructions on how we should live our lives. God sent His son for all of us - to die as a man for our sins. FOR YOUR SINS~ who cares if you tell me that you were not alive then. The book and the facts are still written and your sins were paid for in full regardless if you were there or not.
Friends, you have to know that Hell is real and you have to know in all your heart that Heaven is your next stop. Eternity could be at any moment - we all don't know how, when or where our time WILL come - but it will regardless if you are ready or not. Its like having a will. Many of us don't because we think we will have time to complete that - we don't want to think about death and who will get our possessions and take care of our children. We think we have time to make all the arrangements and get papers signed. Lawyers and the Gov't love this thinking because they get to decide what happens and as you know - they are not going to lose out on anything and they WILL get their share. You have to know where you will spend eternity... and if you are a follower of Jesus - those loved ones in your life today... they should be burning a hole in your heart knowing that if their eternity came today - Hell would be their next stop.
I have people all around me who are choosing their eternity today. God does not have to make that decision - THEY ARE DOING IT ALL ON THEIR OWN. But why? What stops them from accepting Jesus and all that He has done for us, all that He has shown us and taught us?
I am so thankful and blessed that Jesus Christ is in my life today, in my marriage today, in my sons life today - in my Rock Group and church - in my friends lives. There is so much that needs to be done. I take all this serious and very personal. I remember my mom calling me one Saturday afternoon - asking to speak to my Pastor at church. She needed to make sure that she knew her next stop was HEAVEN.
She Confessed that day that Jesus was her Lord and Savior. Today mom is in heaven waiting on us. She wants us there - more so - than she wanted to be with us here. Don't put off the decision - don't ignore that God is nudging you - It is YOUR decision and YOUR eternity rests on that important decision.
Just this week - 2 families close to us had a child in their families, confess that Jesus was their Lord and Savior. I am so proud of them both!!! It was shared with us that there was not a dry eye anywhere to be seen that evening. It is that important! It is that life changing!
Proud of you Adam and Madison! We love you both!
Acts 2:
29-36"Dear friends, let me be completely frank with you. Our ancestor David is dead and buried—his tomb is in plain sight today. But being also a prophet and knowing that God had solemnly sworn that a descendant of his would rule his kingdom, seeing far ahead, he talked of the resurrection of the Messiah—'no trip to Hades, no stench of death.' This Jesus, God raised up. And every one of us here is a witness to it. Then, raised to the heights at the right hand of God and receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he poured out the Spirit he had just received. 38-39Peter said, "Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I blogged earlier in the week loved ones concerning "Changing Lanes" - The time has come to decide to either stay on this road you are on or change lanes and choose the path that leads to heaven, to promises and salvation. Either Jesus was the biggest liar ever or He is exactly who He says he was. Our Lord and Savior!!!!
Fill in the blank from the title~ Highway to ________.
email me: lrbatema@gmail.com
Love you all,
If this Sunday, our Pastor at church calls on us to speak our heart - this is what I would say. Why on earth would I hide this from folks - it is who I am now. I do not want to put Jesus first in my life and then arrange the other things in my life behind Him... I want to have Jesus in the center and involved in every aspect of my life. I want to put Him IN the middle and centered around all I am and all I do.
There was some conversation not long ago with a close loved one - When asked if they knew they were going to heaven when their time came? They answered - they didn't know, who really cares, I guess I will find out when I get there ... excuse after excuse - not sure answer after not sure answer. When asking my father-n-law - his answer is - he doesn't care because he will be dead. Friends the bible is very clear that there is a Hell. It is a real place. We all have death in common and we will all one day answer to God for our lives. See many of us believe and ask - How if a loving God who we say loves everyone, how can he send us to Hell? How can he be good and do that to us?
Let me share with you that God does not have to make that decision - YOU DO! You are making that decision all on your own. We have Gods word in the Bible - left to us and written as instructions on how we should live our lives. God sent His son for all of us - to die as a man for our sins. FOR YOUR SINS~ who cares if you tell me that you were not alive then. The book and the facts are still written and your sins were paid for in full regardless if you were there or not.
Friends, you have to know that Hell is real and you have to know in all your heart that Heaven is your next stop. Eternity could be at any moment - we all don't know how, when or where our time WILL come - but it will regardless if you are ready or not. Its like having a will. Many of us don't because we think we will have time to complete that - we don't want to think about death and who will get our possessions and take care of our children. We think we have time to make all the arrangements and get papers signed. Lawyers and the Gov't love this thinking because they get to decide what happens and as you know - they are not going to lose out on anything and they WILL get their share. You have to know where you will spend eternity... and if you are a follower of Jesus - those loved ones in your life today... they should be burning a hole in your heart knowing that if their eternity came today - Hell would be their next stop.
I have people all around me who are choosing their eternity today. God does not have to make that decision - THEY ARE DOING IT ALL ON THEIR OWN. But why? What stops them from accepting Jesus and all that He has done for us, all that He has shown us and taught us?
I am so thankful and blessed that Jesus Christ is in my life today, in my marriage today, in my sons life today - in my Rock Group and church - in my friends lives. There is so much that needs to be done. I take all this serious and very personal. I remember my mom calling me one Saturday afternoon - asking to speak to my Pastor at church. She needed to make sure that she knew her next stop was HEAVEN.
She Confessed that day that Jesus was her Lord and Savior. Today mom is in heaven waiting on us. She wants us there - more so - than she wanted to be with us here. Don't put off the decision - don't ignore that God is nudging you - It is YOUR decision and YOUR eternity rests on that important decision.
Just this week - 2 families close to us had a child in their families, confess that Jesus was their Lord and Savior. I am so proud of them both!!! It was shared with us that there was not a dry eye anywhere to be seen that evening. It is that important! It is that life changing!
Proud of you Adam and Madison! We love you both!
Acts 2:
29-36"Dear friends, let me be completely frank with you. Our ancestor David is dead and buried—his tomb is in plain sight today. But being also a prophet and knowing that God had solemnly sworn that a descendant of his would rule his kingdom, seeing far ahead, he talked of the resurrection of the Messiah—'no trip to Hades, no stench of death.' This Jesus, God raised up. And every one of us here is a witness to it. Then, raised to the heights at the right hand of God and receiving the promise of the Holy Spirit from the Father, he poured out the Spirit he had just received. 38-39Peter said, "Change your life. Turn to God and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, so your sins are forgiven. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
I blogged earlier in the week loved ones concerning "Changing Lanes" - The time has come to decide to either stay on this road you are on or change lanes and choose the path that leads to heaven, to promises and salvation. Either Jesus was the biggest liar ever or He is exactly who He says he was. Our Lord and Savior!!!!
Fill in the blank from the title~ Highway to ________.
email me: lrbatema@gmail.com
Love you all,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Pumpkin Smile.....

Let me share with everyone today that the pumpkin patch was fun last night even though it was HOT! Carol was there earlier in the day for ladies lunch and then came back that afternoon - so she was pumpkined out! I love her anyways!!!...
But let me tell you what God placed on my heart yesterday afternoon. I have come to realize and then act on these nudges when He nudges me. I have always just kind of brushed them off in the past but I have learned over the last few years, that no matter how crazy sounding - there is a blessing waiting to happen even if I don't see any way that there could be one.
So last night, I told Kyle and Carol that the Lord told me to buy 10 smaller pumpkins and go out to the traffic light and give those pumpkins away. So that is what I did - even amongst the comments of being crazy - that is stupid - why on earth would you give them away...etc. Feeling kind of funny about it as well --- Kyle and I marched to the road near the traffic light. A few folks drove by speeding to make the light - probably on their way home from work or going to daycare to get their children. BUt then the light turned and Kyle and I went to serving. WOW - at the smiles - the faces - questions of "Why are you giving away pumpkins?" - Compliments of Rocky River Church and here is a coupon for a free cup of coffee and directions and times of where our church meets. WOW - big smiles - Comments - "That is so nice". "What a blessing!" "When are you going to build?" - Kyle and I shared some moments out there on that corner. We GAVE away all in good faith that maybe - just maybe one of those families will come and visit our church and experience God in their life. If it means saving one person - or one family ... then it was all worth it. I just may do it again!!!!!
Its also a great learning tool to explain to my son Kyle - that God does speak to us. He does nudge us sometimes to do some things that seem nuts or doesn't make sense at all until He unfolds the plan and we experience the blessings.
Also last night we took it a step further - Under the cover of darkness.... Kyle with shoes off - we went into "Operation- Pumpkin Drop". We dropped off 2 big size pumpkins to two families who we just love and have become close with over the last year - I pray for them daily and it was so cool dropping off those pumpkins knowing that the children and those families will share in a big laugh and smiles knowing they had the pumpkin fairy drop by their home........
See friends - there is nothing like passing on a blessing to others knowing that your heart is in the right place and all you want to do is love on the folks around you. God gives us this heart and when we are walking with God - everything takes on a new meaning and things are not the same as they were before. God can change your heart - He can change your life.......
There is nothing more rewarding..... take that leap of faith loved ones if Jesus in not part of your life.
Check that front porch...... "Operation Pumkin Drop" might be passing along smiles and blessings to your home too :)
But let me tell you what God placed on my heart yesterday afternoon. I have come to realize and then act on these nudges when He nudges me. I have always just kind of brushed them off in the past but I have learned over the last few years, that no matter how crazy sounding - there is a blessing waiting to happen even if I don't see any way that there could be one.
So last night, I told Kyle and Carol that the Lord told me to buy 10 smaller pumpkins and go out to the traffic light and give those pumpkins away. So that is what I did - even amongst the comments of being crazy - that is stupid - why on earth would you give them away...etc. Feeling kind of funny about it as well --- Kyle and I marched to the road near the traffic light. A few folks drove by speeding to make the light - probably on their way home from work or going to daycare to get their children. BUt then the light turned and Kyle and I went to serving. WOW - at the smiles - the faces - questions of "Why are you giving away pumpkins?" - Compliments of Rocky River Church and here is a coupon for a free cup of coffee and directions and times of where our church meets. WOW - big smiles - Comments - "That is so nice". "What a blessing!" "When are you going to build?" - Kyle and I shared some moments out there on that corner. We GAVE away all in good faith that maybe - just maybe one of those families will come and visit our church and experience God in their life. If it means saving one person - or one family ... then it was all worth it. I just may do it again!!!!!
Its also a great learning tool to explain to my son Kyle - that God does speak to us. He does nudge us sometimes to do some things that seem nuts or doesn't make sense at all until He unfolds the plan and we experience the blessings.
Also last night we took it a step further - Under the cover of darkness.... Kyle with shoes off - we went into "Operation- Pumpkin Drop". We dropped off 2 big size pumpkins to two families who we just love and have become close with over the last year - I pray for them daily and it was so cool dropping off those pumpkins knowing that the children and those families will share in a big laugh and smiles knowing they had the pumpkin fairy drop by their home........
See friends - there is nothing like passing on a blessing to others knowing that your heart is in the right place and all you want to do is love on the folks around you. God gives us this heart and when we are walking with God - everything takes on a new meaning and things are not the same as they were before. God can change your heart - He can change your life.......
There is nothing more rewarding..... take that leap of faith loved ones if Jesus in not part of your life.
Check that front porch...... "Operation Pumkin Drop" might be passing along smiles and blessings to your home too :)
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Everyday Faith........

This past Sunday our Pastor at church gave his LifeTalk on money. Jesus spoke more about money than any other subject. He had a lot to say about money and our possessions. I have heard our Pastor speak on money a few times over the years - as a matter of fact - he made is clear that it had been since spring that he last talked to us about it.
Many of you know, I have been troubled the last few weeks concerning leading our Setup/Breakdown crews at church. It is a lot of work but it is work that needs to be done if we are to have anything close to church services. We are a production team and with that comes responsibility and a driving passion for saving people and making a place for them to come and experience God in their lives. I am all in with this mission God has me on. When serving like an animal week after week plus all the other things going on in life - I became a little out of focus and a little weary. My heart was starting to sink in what I was doing and for the folks I was serving. Watching the folks leave after the 11:00 service knowing all the work that had to be done before I too got to go home. I am a team player and pitching in to get the job done is just how God created me..... I am in.
I think about the church plans our church is wanting to build and I along with so many others can't wait to get started - a building to call our own and the resources now we are investing into a mobile church can then be shared into other ministries. Some that really would have an affect on our community and reaching people for Jesus. I think about the statistics that show that less than 5% or lower give 10% of their income to their church. Like many new folks coming to church and others who are unchurched think its all about the money. A few folks close to my family just recently shared with us that our church doesn't need the money because our Pastor lives in a big house and has a fancy new car. He doesn't need "My" money.
Funny thing is - our Pastor doesn't have those things. He and his family are struggling like the rest of us but they give more than 10% to Gods kingdom. What if our church - Your church - if almost 50% of the folks attending gave Gods share of 10%? What could the local church do for others with that kind of giving. God GAVE us His son - He gave us everything - He gave us the things we have today - we should GIVE back what is rightfully His in the first place. He tells us to test Him with that!!! He wants to bless us and by GIVING - we GET back and then some.
Last year at Kyle's school - they had a ice cream day every so many days. Some kids didn't have the money - some forgot or whatever the reason - I did not want one of my kids to go without ice cream when everyone else was having ice cream. It did not matter that their parents could afford it or not - I didn't want any one of "My Kids" doing without. Sharing in those times when I was there for Ice cream day and seeing the smiles on their faces and ENJOYING the ice cream - There is nothing better than walking along side someone and GIVING a blessing. The rewards and blessings in return are SO much more!
Not only do my wife and I do our best in giving our share to God - we also spend out time and talents at church - we give to special needs with outreach programs and other things at church. We spend our time investing in others with our Rock Group family - but I know we can do more.
I think about those numbers at our church - increasing Volunteer Ministry - increasing giving to our church so that we can pay a person to run our Rock Group program and lead the Volunteers Ministry - outreach to the pregnancy center or local food bank- whatever the reach may be!!! Yes folks serve to feed the hungry at Christmas and Thanksgiving but you know what...those same folks are hungry the other 363 days!!!!!! We are supposed to be examples of Gods children - but we actually give the same as the folks who don't know Jesus..... we need to be a better example for Jesus. Let us break the banks and break the mold of everyday church - lets get our FAITH OUT OF CHURCH ON SUNDAYS and INTO PEOPLES EVERYDAY LIVES.
Proverbs 3
Don't Assume You Know It All
1-2 Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take to heart my commands.They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well. 3-4 Don't lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart.Earn a reputation for living well in God's eyes and the eyes of the people. 5-12 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over.But don't, dear friend, resent God's discipline; don't sulk under his loving correction.It's the child he loves that God corrects; a father's delight is behind all this.
I love you all - I am a little fired up today and tomorrow - I will let you know what the Lord has placed on my heart this afternoon concerning the pumpkin patch..... details tomorrow.
Many of you know, I have been troubled the last few weeks concerning leading our Setup/Breakdown crews at church. It is a lot of work but it is work that needs to be done if we are to have anything close to church services. We are a production team and with that comes responsibility and a driving passion for saving people and making a place for them to come and experience God in their lives. I am all in with this mission God has me on. When serving like an animal week after week plus all the other things going on in life - I became a little out of focus and a little weary. My heart was starting to sink in what I was doing and for the folks I was serving. Watching the folks leave after the 11:00 service knowing all the work that had to be done before I too got to go home. I am a team player and pitching in to get the job done is just how God created me..... I am in.
I think about the church plans our church is wanting to build and I along with so many others can't wait to get started - a building to call our own and the resources now we are investing into a mobile church can then be shared into other ministries. Some that really would have an affect on our community and reaching people for Jesus. I think about the statistics that show that less than 5% or lower give 10% of their income to their church. Like many new folks coming to church and others who are unchurched think its all about the money. A few folks close to my family just recently shared with us that our church doesn't need the money because our Pastor lives in a big house and has a fancy new car. He doesn't need "My" money.
Funny thing is - our Pastor doesn't have those things. He and his family are struggling like the rest of us but they give more than 10% to Gods kingdom. What if our church - Your church - if almost 50% of the folks attending gave Gods share of 10%? What could the local church do for others with that kind of giving. God GAVE us His son - He gave us everything - He gave us the things we have today - we should GIVE back what is rightfully His in the first place. He tells us to test Him with that!!! He wants to bless us and by GIVING - we GET back and then some.
Last year at Kyle's school - they had a ice cream day every so many days. Some kids didn't have the money - some forgot or whatever the reason - I did not want one of my kids to go without ice cream when everyone else was having ice cream. It did not matter that their parents could afford it or not - I didn't want any one of "My Kids" doing without. Sharing in those times when I was there for Ice cream day and seeing the smiles on their faces and ENJOYING the ice cream - There is nothing better than walking along side someone and GIVING a blessing. The rewards and blessings in return are SO much more!
Not only do my wife and I do our best in giving our share to God - we also spend out time and talents at church - we give to special needs with outreach programs and other things at church. We spend our time investing in others with our Rock Group family - but I know we can do more.
I think about those numbers at our church - increasing Volunteer Ministry - increasing giving to our church so that we can pay a person to run our Rock Group program and lead the Volunteers Ministry - outreach to the pregnancy center or local food bank- whatever the reach may be!!! Yes folks serve to feed the hungry at Christmas and Thanksgiving but you know what...those same folks are hungry the other 363 days!!!!!! We are supposed to be examples of Gods children - but we actually give the same as the folks who don't know Jesus..... we need to be a better example for Jesus. Let us break the banks and break the mold of everyday church - lets get our FAITH OUT OF CHURCH ON SUNDAYS and INTO PEOPLES EVERYDAY LIVES.
Proverbs 3
Don't Assume You Know It All
1-2 Good friend, don't forget all I've taught you; take to heart my commands.They'll help you live a long, long time, a long life lived full and well. 3-4 Don't lose your grip on Love and Loyalty. Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart.Earn a reputation for living well in God's eyes and the eyes of the people. 5-12 Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil!Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!Honor God with everything you own; give him the first and the best.Your barns will burst, your wine vats will brim over.But don't, dear friend, resent God's discipline; don't sulk under his loving correction.It's the child he loves that God corrects; a father's delight is behind all this.
I love you all - I am a little fired up today and tomorrow - I will let you know what the Lord has placed on my heart this afternoon concerning the pumpkin patch..... details tomorrow.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Change Lanes....

Sounds like a simple thing to do ~change lanes ~ but then again it can be tough and dangerous. Traffic is heavy, mean drivers not letting you in, people tailgating and today's term of "Road Rage" seems to be at every stop light. I long for those long curvy country roads where there are no cars and our only worries is a deer running out or how big is the bug going to splat on the windshield.
Life has its lanes doesn't it?
Life goes down the path sometimes in the left lane - full speed and we are just either trying to keep up or we are getting run over from behind. The right lane keeps us going slow because of the traffic getting on the highway and people slowing down to get off. The middle lane seems to be the easiest to navigate because all we have to do is keep 'er straight.
Sooner or later - we have to change lanes and its during these times we evaluate where we are. Do we get in the fast lane or make our way to the right so we can get off this highway. Maybe life has been tough - maybe its been easier than most - right now as you look at your life - you know what lane you are in don't you?
If there was something in your life that you could change - what would it be? What lane would you be in today if that decision of long ago was made differently? I think we all would like to change things in our lives ... we are all not perfect and decisions can sometimes put us in the wrong lane - the wrong interstate and headed for disaster. I often think about the big decisions in life and wonder if God was asked to be part of that decision. Was that decision made on emotions or feelings... they are the worst decision makers!!!
It takes courage to change - some think its determination or will power. I think God is the only one that can help us change. Some people DREAD change and are afraid - so they stay in that bad and abusive marriage or in that dead end job that they just cant wait for Fridays to come.
Change is necessary for us to grow and to learn. When it comes to change, we have an easy time identifying and wanting it. But making it happen is something else entirely. Simply put, we can’t change. Not on our own at least. We need help, direction and hope if we’re going to really make change in our lives.
Do you see a need in your life right now to change? Do you feel there is more or something better than where you are and you know you need to change lanes?
Jesus told his disciples many times to not be afraid. Sometimes we can't see what is up ahead - sometimes smoke has filled the car - our spotter tells us to go high - to go low - whatever the safest path may be to get through the mess that is up ahead.... that is God softly whispering in your ear giving you the direction you need. Listen - be still - Listen some more and then change lanes.......
It might be the best move you have ever made.... only time will tell.
Matthew 7:13
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
Be strong loved ones and don't give up. Do what God is calling you to do today. Even if that means driving alone on that road - it will only be for a short time. A time to learn something new ... and a time for others to follow along. This new road may not be easy but God is showing you what lane you need to be in. Thats the lane I want to be in ... we are in this together.
Life has its lanes doesn't it?
Life goes down the path sometimes in the left lane - full speed and we are just either trying to keep up or we are getting run over from behind. The right lane keeps us going slow because of the traffic getting on the highway and people slowing down to get off. The middle lane seems to be the easiest to navigate because all we have to do is keep 'er straight.
Sooner or later - we have to change lanes and its during these times we evaluate where we are. Do we get in the fast lane or make our way to the right so we can get off this highway. Maybe life has been tough - maybe its been easier than most - right now as you look at your life - you know what lane you are in don't you?
If there was something in your life that you could change - what would it be? What lane would you be in today if that decision of long ago was made differently? I think we all would like to change things in our lives ... we are all not perfect and decisions can sometimes put us in the wrong lane - the wrong interstate and headed for disaster. I often think about the big decisions in life and wonder if God was asked to be part of that decision. Was that decision made on emotions or feelings... they are the worst decision makers!!!
It takes courage to change - some think its determination or will power. I think God is the only one that can help us change. Some people DREAD change and are afraid - so they stay in that bad and abusive marriage or in that dead end job that they just cant wait for Fridays to come.
Change is necessary for us to grow and to learn. When it comes to change, we have an easy time identifying and wanting it. But making it happen is something else entirely. Simply put, we can’t change. Not on our own at least. We need help, direction and hope if we’re going to really make change in our lives.
Do you see a need in your life right now to change? Do you feel there is more or something better than where you are and you know you need to change lanes?
Jesus told his disciples many times to not be afraid. Sometimes we can't see what is up ahead - sometimes smoke has filled the car - our spotter tells us to go high - to go low - whatever the safest path may be to get through the mess that is up ahead.... that is God softly whispering in your ear giving you the direction you need. Listen - be still - Listen some more and then change lanes.......
It might be the best move you have ever made.... only time will tell.
Matthew 7:13
13"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
Be strong loved ones and don't give up. Do what God is calling you to do today. Even if that means driving alone on that road - it will only be for a short time. A time to learn something new ... and a time for others to follow along. This new road may not be easy but God is showing you what lane you need to be in. Thats the lane I want to be in ... we are in this together.
It has been a few days since I last posted. My family and I did get a little much needed down time over the weekend. I missed my family reunion yesterday~ Just was not feeling all that great to make the long drive to Ararat VA and back.
Today I have been working a little extra on materials for Rock Group for next week. I tried my best to get these materials together because I think the topic we are going to cover for the next month is so important. I hope it turns out what I think it is ~ I tried to piece it together myself and I am frustrated with it so I just went ahead and purchased it. Hope it comes in this week and I have time to go through the materials.
It is Fall break this week here at the university - even though its 87 out right now. What ever happened to fall anyways? It just does not seem right we are playing football when its this hot out.
Anyways - many of you know that I have been pretty stressed out the last few weeks. It is funny though how God works when we ask Him to get in the middle of our problems and in our worries. Yesterday for setup at church, we got done in record time and with less help than I am confortable in having. How did that happen? I mean God just made everything flow for some reason... Even Pastor Jimmy said yesterday before the first service - that when setup goes smooth and everything comes together like it did yesterday ~ it really sets the stage for everything else to fall in place. I pray God handles things each week like He did yesterday.
Matthew 6
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
Looking forward to the pumpkin patch tomorrow night. Carol, Kyle and I are going to pumpkin a few families tomorrow night. We will sneak the pumpkins onto their porch and have R2C2 written on them..... I wonder what they will think of that....... I will let you know.
Today I have been working a little extra on materials for Rock Group for next week. I tried my best to get these materials together because I think the topic we are going to cover for the next month is so important. I hope it turns out what I think it is ~ I tried to piece it together myself and I am frustrated with it so I just went ahead and purchased it. Hope it comes in this week and I have time to go through the materials.
It is Fall break this week here at the university - even though its 87 out right now. What ever happened to fall anyways? It just does not seem right we are playing football when its this hot out.
Anyways - many of you know that I have been pretty stressed out the last few weeks. It is funny though how God works when we ask Him to get in the middle of our problems and in our worries. Yesterday for setup at church, we got done in record time and with less help than I am confortable in having. How did that happen? I mean God just made everything flow for some reason... Even Pastor Jimmy said yesterday before the first service - that when setup goes smooth and everything comes together like it did yesterday ~ it really sets the stage for everything else to fall in place. I pray God handles things each week like He did yesterday.
Matthew 6
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?
Looking forward to the pumpkin patch tomorrow night. Carol, Kyle and I are going to pumpkin a few families tomorrow night. We will sneak the pumpkins onto their porch and have R2C2 written on them..... I wonder what they will think of that....... I will let you know.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Fill the drain......

When Carol and I were first married we so much enjoyed just getting in the car, hitting the road and seeing where the road would take us. I loved the adventure even though I am not that adventurous to go over seas or too far from home! But I do love going places and changing the scenery of the everyday routine. I think in many ways that is why we built our little cabin in the mountains. Its time to reflect and time to leave stuff behind for a little bit. To refill the gas tanks.
I have been running on empty as many of you know from the last week of posts. I feel like I am doing this and serving where I am supposed to be serving but I just can't finish the way I want to or how I think I should. I am running with a hole in my gas tanks. Won't get me too far! Even as I serve in church, without enough help to make a place for folks to know Jesus on Sunday mornings, that pressure got too much for me. I couldn't keep up with what I was doing and the weight on my shoulders started to drag me down.
2 Timothy 2
Doing Your Best for God
1-7So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!— to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It's the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.
God is making a way. God is providing a path and I can feel it and see it as this week goes on. It is a learning time for me and a reminder that I can't do this all alone. I have never thought of myself as a leader. I am more of a fella that walks along side of you - if you say carry my stuff a mile - I will carry it 2 miles. That is just how I am. Your burdens become my burdens and my attitude has always been teamwork. Don't leave anyone behind. I guess that is why I feel the "Promise" to my mom so much because I am leaving people behind. If eternity came right now as I am typing this, MANY in my family and in my life will be gone - never to see again - because I know I am Heaven bound and they are not. For that reason, I press on at church because it is that important to me for people to know Jesus. Look at what He has done for me, for Carol and Kyle. Look at the awesome people He has surrounded me with to do this life together! My kids - my Rock Group and my church family and folks who I am close with. These things just don't happen by chance ~~ I never knew I had all this in me.
So as I lead a handful of volunteers at church they have to have the vision and the passion to serve Jesus. They are not getting paid to come in and do the things they are asked to do! They need that vision and purpose and see the reason in serving! If we paid them it would be easy!! Look at our jobs..... if we did this for free... we would not be here right?
I am not a teacher by any means but I do have to admit that I cannot get enough of what God is teaching me. I listen to sermons and review them, take notes on Sundays and do my best to lead others in my actions and my words. I am here to make a difference and not here to hoard what I know and what I have learned. I want to DO something with the notes I am taking on Sundays and not just file them away or fold them into my bible to be purged later on when its too full.
Spiritual strength comes from sharing what we are learning. Spiritual strength comes from sharing with others. Not long ago, I would have never asked for prayer for myself. NEVER. Not long ago I was having some health issues and it took a lot out of me to ask my Pastor to pray for me. I had some close MVP's praying for me but it took me a big step in letting others know outside of my little circle something personal and worth praying over. It was a growth moment and this week - I am having another yet again. God works best when we are at our weakest ~ He is at his strongest.
Another teachable moment..... That's what I love about God - He already has the answers even before I have the symptoms.
My gas tank hole has been repaired for now ... so on the road we shall travel. Come with me on this journey .....along "THE WALK".
Love you and thank you......
I have been running on empty as many of you know from the last week of posts. I feel like I am doing this and serving where I am supposed to be serving but I just can't finish the way I want to or how I think I should. I am running with a hole in my gas tanks. Won't get me too far! Even as I serve in church, without enough help to make a place for folks to know Jesus on Sunday mornings, that pressure got too much for me. I couldn't keep up with what I was doing and the weight on my shoulders started to drag me down.
2 Timothy 2
Doing Your Best for God
1-7So, my son, throw yourself into this work for Christ. Pass on what you heard from me—the whole congregation saying Amen!— to reliable leaders who are competent to teach others. When the going gets rough, take it on the chin with the rest of us, the way Jesus did. A soldier on duty doesn't get caught up in making deals at the marketplace. He concentrates on carrying out orders. An athlete who refuses to play by the rules will never get anywhere. It's the diligent farmer who gets the produce. Think it over. God will make it all plain.
God is making a way. God is providing a path and I can feel it and see it as this week goes on. It is a learning time for me and a reminder that I can't do this all alone. I have never thought of myself as a leader. I am more of a fella that walks along side of you - if you say carry my stuff a mile - I will carry it 2 miles. That is just how I am. Your burdens become my burdens and my attitude has always been teamwork. Don't leave anyone behind. I guess that is why I feel the "Promise" to my mom so much because I am leaving people behind. If eternity came right now as I am typing this, MANY in my family and in my life will be gone - never to see again - because I know I am Heaven bound and they are not. For that reason, I press on at church because it is that important to me for people to know Jesus. Look at what He has done for me, for Carol and Kyle. Look at the awesome people He has surrounded me with to do this life together! My kids - my Rock Group and my church family and folks who I am close with. These things just don't happen by chance ~~ I never knew I had all this in me.
So as I lead a handful of volunteers at church they have to have the vision and the passion to serve Jesus. They are not getting paid to come in and do the things they are asked to do! They need that vision and purpose and see the reason in serving! If we paid them it would be easy!! Look at our jobs..... if we did this for free... we would not be here right?
I am not a teacher by any means but I do have to admit that I cannot get enough of what God is teaching me. I listen to sermons and review them, take notes on Sundays and do my best to lead others in my actions and my words. I am here to make a difference and not here to hoard what I know and what I have learned. I want to DO something with the notes I am taking on Sundays and not just file them away or fold them into my bible to be purged later on when its too full.
Spiritual strength comes from sharing what we are learning. Spiritual strength comes from sharing with others. Not long ago, I would have never asked for prayer for myself. NEVER. Not long ago I was having some health issues and it took a lot out of me to ask my Pastor to pray for me. I had some close MVP's praying for me but it took me a big step in letting others know outside of my little circle something personal and worth praying over. It was a growth moment and this week - I am having another yet again. God works best when we are at our weakest ~ He is at his strongest.
Another teachable moment..... That's what I love about God - He already has the answers even before I have the symptoms.
My gas tank hole has been repaired for now ... so on the road we shall travel. Come with me on this journey .....along "THE WALK".
Love you and thank you......
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
At that place....
Lord, I come to you this morning asking for you. The past few weeks the pressures of life seem to be growing far faster than I am adjusting to. I know today is my day to send out the schedule for church setup/breakdown and the schedule is mostly empty. I read a church blog here and a pastors blog there and I wonder what is it that we as a church are not doing right. I don't have the answers Lord but I know You do. I know You have the answers for the things that we all personally struggle with. May our trust and faith grow today in the things You have planned for us. Fill us today Lord with those wonderful things. Point our feet and show us the direction we need to take. We cannot do this alone, I cannot do this alone but I know we can if we ask You to be involved - to be in the game with us. Lord I feel better about things today than I did earlier this week. I thank You for the folks who let me know they are praying for me and for my family. Lord help us press through these times. Help us remain focused on You. Fill me today Lord to make a difference in someones life, someones day - just point me in that direction. I am at that place Lord that I am ready to learn something from you because I admit I cannot do this alone. I need Your help. I am Yours Lord and with You leading me and leading my family ~ I know we cannot lose.
Thank You for choosing to work through me today.
I pray in Jesus name,
Thank You for choosing to work through me today.
I pray in Jesus name,
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Our Gifts......
Thank you all for those who have emailed me and letting me know you are praying for my family and I. It does mean a lot to me knowing folks are there praying and lifting our names and struggles to our most awesome God.
I have been struggling with the question of serving the last few weeks. I asked our church staff and my Pastor to pray for our volunteers and those giving their talents and time in creating a place for others to come and know Jesus. Its a passion that I feel strongly about and I wonder what is it that holds folks back- do they not care enough, afraid, don't know what the Lord is calling them to do?
I came across some information that a good friend of mine shared with me not too long ago. Its an article that tells us all, that we have spiritual gifts. We have talents and passions in different areas and we all make up the body of Christ - working together in all these little parts. I am not good at big GIANT projects - I am a results type of person and smaller projects are in my target range. I am also not good at decorating - making things look really nice and presentable for those coming into our church .... I guess I just don't have much taste with those things but I am not fretting about it - let someone lead that ministry who loves it and is good at it. Invest in those things that we love and are good at .....!!! The things we are not so good at - well we could probably spend a lifetime trying and digging to be better at them and still stink at them!
There are basically 7 gifts that God has given us. Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Organization, and Mercy.
As I read over the article explaining these gifts - I know exactly where I am even though I may have some of each - my heart is in the gift of Service.
I guess this has been a refresher and a reminder for me as I read this article about this Gift from above - I know my mom was a service person and always put others before herself. She worried about everyone else and always put herself last. In many ways over the last year and half since mom went to be with Jesus - it is written so clearly for me that mom, who put herself last in everything - actually went first. She was first to go to heaven so that we would once again be served by her when our time comes. She along with Jesus has made a way... even as my mom laid for months with cancer - her body failing, her smile and the love she had for us and for Jesus kept her focused on the bigger picture and that picture was Heaven. She made those arrangements with Pastor Jimmy months before in our church office when she once again asked God into her heart. She had to know - Heaven was her next stop.
Those with the gift of service meet practical needs of others. We are constantly thinking of others and finding ways to serve them in some way. Those with the gifts of service work almost ceaselessly, beyond the point at which others grow weary. We delight in accomplishing the task and fulfilling someone else's need and its that JOY that drives us onward. We are the last to rest. We have difficulty in saying "NO". We are not self centered but "other-centered" and sometimes that leads us doing too many things and NO is often time a hard word to say. We are in the small details - family life details, names, favorite places etc. We have a strong desire to be with other people. My Rock Group family knows this part of me is TRUE! We know that we can't serve folks if we don't spend time with them. Those with the gift of service are not procrastinators - we are quick to get involved and quick to get dirty. Frustration happens when we are tide down with paperwork and rules. We also feel unqualified for spiritual leadership. Man if this is ever me :)
Readiness does not mean pushiness. Some folks have a hard time with how they view Service oriented folks.
Today's world glorifies celebrity, fame and high visible achievement. People work to bring credit and power to themselves. Gods servants quietly but effectively build the kingdom of God and bring Glory to His name through consistent, dependable and loving work. Nothing can be accomplished in our own power, but through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit - there are no limits to what might get done.
I can honestly say that the joy that comes from serving others, serving my church and serving Jesus is beyond anything I could ever imagine. There is nothing more fulfilling than meeting the needs of others as the Holy Spirit shows me what to do.
SO no matter what your spiritual gifts from God are - be in them, live in them and serve in them. Our lives on this earth are short and when we live the way God has meant for us to live all along, there is nothing sweeter.
Allow God to show you what your gifts are and get busy......
Off to find someone to serve now..... I bet it won't be hard to do :)
Romans 12:6-8
6We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his[a]faith. 7If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
Loved ones, find your sweet spot~~~
I have been struggling with the question of serving the last few weeks. I asked our church staff and my Pastor to pray for our volunteers and those giving their talents and time in creating a place for others to come and know Jesus. Its a passion that I feel strongly about and I wonder what is it that holds folks back- do they not care enough, afraid, don't know what the Lord is calling them to do?
I came across some information that a good friend of mine shared with me not too long ago. Its an article that tells us all, that we have spiritual gifts. We have talents and passions in different areas and we all make up the body of Christ - working together in all these little parts. I am not good at big GIANT projects - I am a results type of person and smaller projects are in my target range. I am also not good at decorating - making things look really nice and presentable for those coming into our church .... I guess I just don't have much taste with those things but I am not fretting about it - let someone lead that ministry who loves it and is good at it. Invest in those things that we love and are good at .....!!! The things we are not so good at - well we could probably spend a lifetime trying and digging to be better at them and still stink at them!
There are basically 7 gifts that God has given us. Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Giving, Organization, and Mercy.
As I read over the article explaining these gifts - I know exactly where I am even though I may have some of each - my heart is in the gift of Service.
I guess this has been a refresher and a reminder for me as I read this article about this Gift from above - I know my mom was a service person and always put others before herself. She worried about everyone else and always put herself last. In many ways over the last year and half since mom went to be with Jesus - it is written so clearly for me that mom, who put herself last in everything - actually went first. She was first to go to heaven so that we would once again be served by her when our time comes. She along with Jesus has made a way... even as my mom laid for months with cancer - her body failing, her smile and the love she had for us and for Jesus kept her focused on the bigger picture and that picture was Heaven. She made those arrangements with Pastor Jimmy months before in our church office when she once again asked God into her heart. She had to know - Heaven was her next stop.
Those with the gift of service meet practical needs of others. We are constantly thinking of others and finding ways to serve them in some way. Those with the gifts of service work almost ceaselessly, beyond the point at which others grow weary. We delight in accomplishing the task and fulfilling someone else's need and its that JOY that drives us onward. We are the last to rest. We have difficulty in saying "NO". We are not self centered but "other-centered" and sometimes that leads us doing too many things and NO is often time a hard word to say. We are in the small details - family life details, names, favorite places etc. We have a strong desire to be with other people. My Rock Group family knows this part of me is TRUE! We know that we can't serve folks if we don't spend time with them. Those with the gift of service are not procrastinators - we are quick to get involved and quick to get dirty. Frustration happens when we are tide down with paperwork and rules. We also feel unqualified for spiritual leadership. Man if this is ever me :)
Readiness does not mean pushiness. Some folks have a hard time with how they view Service oriented folks.
Today's world glorifies celebrity, fame and high visible achievement. People work to bring credit and power to themselves. Gods servants quietly but effectively build the kingdom of God and bring Glory to His name through consistent, dependable and loving work. Nothing can be accomplished in our own power, but through the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit - there are no limits to what might get done.
I can honestly say that the joy that comes from serving others, serving my church and serving Jesus is beyond anything I could ever imagine. There is nothing more fulfilling than meeting the needs of others as the Holy Spirit shows me what to do.
SO no matter what your spiritual gifts from God are - be in them, live in them and serve in them. Our lives on this earth are short and when we live the way God has meant for us to live all along, there is nothing sweeter.
Allow God to show you what your gifts are and get busy......
Off to find someone to serve now..... I bet it won't be hard to do :)
Romans 12:6-8
6We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his[a]faith. 7If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; 8if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.
Loved ones, find your sweet spot~~~
Monday, October 1, 2007
I want to take a few minutes and thank the folks who read this blog. My life before Jesus was pretty normal I guess and I was basically going through life but never feeling like I was living it. The last few years God has really been working me over and teaching me so many things. After our church moved to its new location - leading 2 ministries at church - unloading what seemed to be a million pumpkins Saturday and not having enough help to setup/breakdown everything for our Sunday services - I am on empty.
I emailed my Pastor and asked him and his staff to pray for our church volunteers - to pray for new volunteers and for team work. We are not meant to live life alone. We are not meant to be following Jesus alone either.
I think back a few years and the direction where my life was going and the people who I would not know today if I had not accepted Jesus and then allow Him to lead my life. He has surrounded my family and I with such awesome folks. People who I love and want to do this life with.
Today I find myself tired. I feel the weight of my church and all the folks who need Jesus. I feel the weight of letting folks down who need Jesus - all in part of making a place on Sundays for them to come and experience Jesus in their life. I pray for the folks who walk out of there on Sundays after the 11:00 service and go back to their weekday lives who use church as a check box on their list of things to do. I pray for life change - and for real changes in their hearts.
I find it hard to watch so many folks, teenagers too, who come and go to our church and walk out afterwards. How can I connect them? What can I do to explain to them the power and awesomeness in serving? I can't do this alone and today - I am feeling alone - not totally alone because people are with me in this vision - Carol and Kyle are total in too and I know they feel the pressure as well - Carol runs the children's ministry and finding folks is sometimes just a hard battle.
Please pray for me this week - sometimes I feel like quitting~ like right now. Stepping down and going back to serving once or twice a month - maybe even serving just in the k-5 area and just doing my thing with "My Kids". I know I am here for a reason and God has placed in me a leadership quality I didn't know I had. I never thought I would be doing this and be where I am today none of this!
Sometimes digging deep is tough and I am not like the Panthers or the Mets and just fold like a cheap tent. I am in the long run but even the encourager needs some encouragement from time to time. I know quitting is not in me- my mom/dad raised me to fight and press through the tough times.
Pray for Carol Kyle and I this week - for our church leaders and for our Pastors and also for all our volunteers...... and the new folks God is going to bring us.
Thank you also for being faithful with ... The Walk...... pray for someone this week who needs to know the practical love of Jesus in their life.
Gods Best,
I emailed my Pastor and asked him and his staff to pray for our church volunteers - to pray for new volunteers and for team work. We are not meant to live life alone. We are not meant to be following Jesus alone either.
I think back a few years and the direction where my life was going and the people who I would not know today if I had not accepted Jesus and then allow Him to lead my life. He has surrounded my family and I with such awesome folks. People who I love and want to do this life with.
Today I find myself tired. I feel the weight of my church and all the folks who need Jesus. I feel the weight of letting folks down who need Jesus - all in part of making a place on Sundays for them to come and experience Jesus in their life. I pray for the folks who walk out of there on Sundays after the 11:00 service and go back to their weekday lives who use church as a check box on their list of things to do. I pray for life change - and for real changes in their hearts.
I find it hard to watch so many folks, teenagers too, who come and go to our church and walk out afterwards. How can I connect them? What can I do to explain to them the power and awesomeness in serving? I can't do this alone and today - I am feeling alone - not totally alone because people are with me in this vision - Carol and Kyle are total in too and I know they feel the pressure as well - Carol runs the children's ministry and finding folks is sometimes just a hard battle.
Please pray for me this week - sometimes I feel like quitting~ like right now. Stepping down and going back to serving once or twice a month - maybe even serving just in the k-5 area and just doing my thing with "My Kids". I know I am here for a reason and God has placed in me a leadership quality I didn't know I had. I never thought I would be doing this and be where I am today none of this!
Sometimes digging deep is tough and I am not like the Panthers or the Mets and just fold like a cheap tent. I am in the long run but even the encourager needs some encouragement from time to time. I know quitting is not in me- my mom/dad raised me to fight and press through the tough times.
Pray for Carol Kyle and I this week - for our church leaders and for our Pastors and also for all our volunteers...... and the new folks God is going to bring us.
Thank you also for being faithful with ... The Walk...... pray for someone this week who needs to know the practical love of Jesus in their life.
Gods Best,
A few more...... too good not to post~
These are the days that these kids will remember always. I pray for their continued relationships and friendships. Many of us need to learn to laugh like children - its good medicine and does the soul good. If it was not for our k-5 kids Saturday - us old folks would still be unloading those pumpkins...... Ya'll are awesome!
Big hugs for you all... love ya.
Mr B
Pumpkins are here...!
Its been a tough hard weekend. We got the delivery of Pumpkins for our church's Pumpkin Patch this past Saturday. We had a less than normal turnout to inload the pumpkins and get them placed out on the land and we got more than normal amount of pumpkins! I can tell you that I am not young anymore - or atleast as I used to be. I am sore on top of sore. I have a bruise on my right arm that is all KINDS of colors. My legs look like someone smashed them with a stick and after serving both setup and breakdown yesterday - I think my tank is on empty.
We had lots of my "kids" come and give us a hand. They all had a great time and shared doing something for God as we reach out to the community to pass on the love that Jesus has for them. Kyle you have some awesome friends and they have enriched not only my life but your mothers also. Hopefully soon I will get the soreness out of me and back into action~
Time to sell all those pumpkins!
We had lots of my "kids" come and give us a hand. They all had a great time and shared doing something for God as we reach out to the community to pass on the love that Jesus has for them. Kyle you have some awesome friends and they have enriched not only my life but your mothers also. Hopefully soon I will get the soreness out of me and back into action~
Time to sell all those pumpkins!
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