Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A sleep at the wheel.......

WOW - what a week we are having. VBS has been great this week so far and we are fully enjoying the company we have riding over together with many of our friends children - many of which are Kyles friends. Its just been fantastic even though its a lot of work - its a long day by the time we get home after 9. But its so worth it seeing those kids smiling, learning about Jesus, making friends and lasting relationships, inviting their parents to church, watching the volunteers and the most awesome teachers I have ever seen!

As these blessings are flowing, I can't help but to thank God for these opportunities we are all sharing and experiencing together. Our walk with our Lord is a personal one but many times we share the paths together. My promises to my mom still have deep roots in my commitments to her and to the Lord. I know the Lord is changing me more than anyone in my family and I do believe with all my heart that is how God is working here. Like you, I often wonder why God doesn't just take over - WHAP - problems solved, relationships fixed, marriage back on track, finances just taken care of, the loss of loved one can be overcome - so many things. But that is not how God works.
Remember the story of Jesus feeding the 5000? Sure Jesus could have just taken care of everyone right then - He could have prayed to our heavenly Father and asked for their hunger pains to be gone. But that is not how God works. He uses what we have. What we don't have - God provides. It makes us dependant on God and teaches us to look UP to Him for what we really need in this life.
David and Goliath - You know the story - David did not want the kings sword, the armor and shields - he had what he needed. He had a sling shot and something that he had been using as a kid for years! He had all HE NEEDED!!! God provides what we don't have .... and uses what we do have.
Sometimes we dont even know we have something until its either tested or taken away. Our health is a good example - leadership that is untested - faithfulness to continue raising that empty place in your heart to God each and every chance you get.
He uses us also to reach to others. Like I said, I know God is changing me to reach to others. The gift I never knew I had with children - leading a Small Group - leading a ministry at church - leading my home in godly values where the question on Sundays are not - "Dad are we going to church today?" but more "Dad when are we leaving?" God uses us in so many ways if you continue to raise that empty place in your heart to Him to fill.
Many of us are struggling with finances, finding a job, loneliness, a marriage that is not working, a struggling son or daughter who has lost directions.....
friends if you look around you -
YOU HAVE people all around you praying for you - Use it.
YOU HAVE a church where you can go and talk with your pastors - Use it.
YOU HAVE a family who will help you and love you - Use it.
YOU HAVE the Bible with all the wisdom and guidance for you life - Use it.
YOU HAVE a God who loves you, longs for your heart and prayers - USE it.

Friends we have what we need.... God has promised that he will multiply what you have - He would give you your hearts desires - Don't put God in a time frame - or a box- Those are YOUR conditions - When the time is right and when you are ready - God will produce what you need. Stay faithful ..... stay strong - You have all you need to move forward.
But you say I don't have a spiritual problem - I have a money problem, a loneliness problem, grief problem, a loss of job problem..... Everything friends is a spiritual problem - How can you keep God out of your finances, your loss of employment, or grieving process? Everything you do, every breathe you take, everyone you meet is spiritual!
Keep bringing yourself to God and He will continue pouring out His blessings. You stop lifting to God - He stops pouring.

When my mom was sick - I lifted everything I had in me to Jesus - He is still pouring and the awesome thing is - I know it. It took my mom for me to understand this and it usually costs something of great value before we all come to understand. Maybe this is why you are still reading this, God is changing me so that MAYBE - He can get to you.
I pray for your hunger of God - for life change and for God to speak directly into your heart and fill that empty place you have today.

Quote of the day:
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."– Carl Jung

Its time to be AWAKEN........ or are you sleeping at the wheel of your life?

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