Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Reflections Part 2....

I am not really sure how to begin this post. It's a 3 post day today and I am feeling good about I try to get some things off me - explained here - maybe helping someone along the way and sharing Jesus with all my heart to those who read this blog. It's for Gods purposes I put this together and take the time to reach folks for Him. What, when and how that happens through this blog is between you reading it - and our Lord.

Ecclesiastes 3
There's a Right Time for Everything 1 There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: 2-8 A right time for birth and another for death, A right time to plant and another to reap, A right time to kill and another to heal, A right time to destroy and another to construct, A right time to cry and another to laugh, A right time to lament and another to cheer, A right time to make love and another to abstain, A right time to embrace and another to part, A right time to search and another to count your losses, A right time to hold on and another to let go, A right time to rip out and another to mend, A right time to shut up and another to speak up, A right time to love and another to hate, A right time to wage war and another to make peace.

I will never forget the LifeTalk that Pastor JImmy preached the day he spoke these words into my heart. They live with me today and in SO many ways - they put things into perspective and in timing for me and all that is happening around me - around US.
My Aunt Sharon is facing a tough few days ahead with the sickness of her cat. My dad and my brothers family just has their dog put to sleep because of another dog attacked her and really ripped her beyond fixing. The loss of my mom not long ago - the loss of Carols mom now going on 8 years ago - these are facts that we live with every day of our lives. One day, our names also will be in the local paper - if you have lived a good life and people around you loved you and knew you - they will experience this loss in their lives. But we ALL will face this time - we ALL will face judgement by God, no matter your political views here or your voting party. What we do here on earth matters - how we treat people - how many folks we have helped and if our hearts belong to Jesus or not. Death is a part of our lives.
In the US - we are hidden in so many ways from death. Sure we see it on TV everyday in almost every show at some point but it doesnt affect us because we only watch - when someone passes on that is close to us - then we get it and experience it. Countries all over the globe see death so differently than we do here in this great country but together we experience it the same with the feelings of the loss, loneliness and helplessness. We all handle it about the same and it is the most painful time any one can experience - and I am talking from a person who has experienced this first hand with my mom - Carol with her mom. I am sure you have dealt with at some point in your life.
Death here is hidden away behind closed doors. Behind the hospital rooms and behind Hospice doors. Sudden death seems to haunt those who didn't have time to say goodbye or time to have peace with these hard and truthful facts. Many times its rare to see up close and personal "Death". I don't know how folks in the cancer ward at hospitals do their jobs - how Hospice folks do their jobs but I am grateful they do. I am THANKFUL they do their jobs to help not only the person who is dying but the families.
I know my dad reads this from time to time- this blog was originally put together for him - I am not saying anything here that I would not share with him if we were sitting in his living room and I pray you do know that because this is hard to type and hard to have these feelings come to surface and for my to share them. It is IMPORTANT that I share them though because maybe - it will help him one day... maybe it will help you .......
My dad like many folks spend time at the grave site of a loved one. Carol's grandfather went to his wife's grave site every single day after church - he was Catholic and went to church EVERY single day and he loved the Lord.... and he handled the death of his wife like he loved the Lord and knew where she was. He respected everything about his wife and for years... kept the house like she was coming home at any time.
See he knew where his wife was.... Carol's grandmother was in heaven and pops knew that. Many folks like my dad go and sit at the graveside for hours on end. Hours and hours are spent over 6 feet of dirt. I just want to tell my dad that IF you want to spend hour after hour at my moms grave site than ok ... but if your looking for an answer.... than it wont come from God.... it wont come from momma because SHE AINT THERE!!! She is in heaven and that is where you need to talk - one on one - with God - and come to terms with your own salvation - your own terms with the God of this universe .... you and HIM - and there you will find what you are looking for - ANSWERS.
Death can be so painful that we cling to a 6 foot patch of dirt. We often lose focus of the eternal place our loved ones are - or we have never heard the Truth of Jesus and what He has done for us. We are paralyzed in life - stuck on hold and cant move forward or backwards. For someone who doesnt know Jesus or who has put their entire life into something and now its gone- who can blame anyone for doing such things? I am blessed and saved by the love of Jesus to know this and its the only thing that keeps me going on in life. My mom was so many things to me..... its easy to get stuck in our tracks.
We live in a fallen world - and God uses Death as a vehicle to Him. Putting our trust and understanding in Jesus is our way to say that death is only a part of this life. Its only a grave and we are not saying "Good-Bye" - we are saying "See you later".
When we walk in Sync with God we are saying OK to death and it is a part of life - even our own life ... even if the lives of our parents, our loved ones, our wives and husbands... its a part of LIFE.
2nd Samual 14:14
14 All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him.

The only way we will truly live a life that is beyond human limits and understanding is when we into the full and right relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters....
Put your life into the hands of Jesus Christ - He will begin to mold you and shape you. Get into a church that teaches the Bible near you and begin to experience God... you will never look back.
Death is as much as Life.

Thanks mom for your continued teaching - thank you Jesus for having my heart. Email me if you would like me to pray for you... or my church to pray for you or a family member.

Gods peace,

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