Monday, July 9, 2007

Well for the life of me, I cant seem to figure out what happened to my Title. Seems I am locked out of it now and can't add anything. Oh well - I am title less from now on unless I get it figured out. But I guess its a mood point - kind of like judging a book by its cover right?

Well I had a good work day today. Hated the alarm clock this morning but a good day afterwards. Lots of things going on but I look forward to getting them done and moving on to the next thing. Kind of like enjoying my ministry for God and serving those around me. I look forward to each opportunity to serve our God in these opportunities that He is opening for me, my family, the loved ones in my life and my church family.
Our church mission trip to Daytona is underway. Please keep the leaders, guardians and the kids in your prayers this week. Pray they all are led by what God is doing through this ministry - our church and under our care of our awesome pastors.
I am off to Honda tonight to get some work done on the "E". I hate the wait but enjoy looking at the new vehicles. I will bring my Ipod and get a sermon in - I know "Geek".
I have been thinking about 2 things the last few days..... one to challenge my Rock Group members to carry God with them everywhere they go for a week. Bring your bible - your Ipod - a Christian book to read at lunch time - a Christian magazine - whatever that includes God's word in it. When we carry Gods word with us, I think we will have a better understanding of where and how God fits into our lives each day and in each circumstance. I would love to hear what God does that week you do this. The other thing I am thinking about - is a Rock Group for new folks at our church. Maybe having a Startup Rock Group that meets like 3 times or so over the course of a month and half..... and introduce them to Rock Groups - Rocky River style. If they like it and want to join - they can get plugged into a group or if they are led to lead, I am sure they can do that. If they can't at the time commit - well thats fine also.
Just some things rolling in my head......
I also wrote 3 letters today to some of my kids from Kyles class last year. I am very excited to hear back from them. With Carol taking special care to invite all the kids from the class that she has contact info for - I hope VBS at church this year will be lots of fun! With lots of smiling faces... including mine. Thats something neat I am really praying for.
Well - almost done with work today..... a good day back at it. Glory to God - even at work -MY Mission field. I have accepted that........and love it.

God's Best,

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