Friday, July 20, 2007

All together now....

Romans 12:5
5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

This is still on my heart from yesterday and yesterday ended with such a blessing! Carol was keeping 2 of our kids from our rock group yesterday afternoon and when Kyle and I got home - they were still there. Got to share some time with them which is always a highlight of the day. We got to have BLT's last night with Dawn and just take a few moments to talk, share and enjoy the time together. It was something that just happened and those are the moments that are really special - not planned and spontaneous!

See God made us to be together. He did not mean for any of us to be alone. Think of your walk with Jesus to be made together. You don't have to go through this life alone and that has never been more clearer to me than over the past year with the blessings from "Our Kids" from school - our Rock Group that is just rocking - the families that have come into my life and the church family that we now have. We are doing this thing "TOGETHER" and the great part is - we are "All In".
We are the "Body" of Christ and He is the head. God shaped you to specifically to serve other members of his Body - that is our ministry. It means you can know with rock-solid-certainty that there are members of the Body – perhaps in your small group, Sunday school or right in your family – who need your support and encouragement as they take a step of faith toward their own mission. Maybe they don't even know their mission or their God given gifts but
Without you, they might not go. AND - without them - You may not go!

Think of your mission in this life as a group effort – A small group of believers working together is able to do more than an individual by themselves.
God created you for a specific and SPECIAL role within a larger body of believers – According to your SHAPE -what do you bring to other believers that might support and encourage them?

You’re part of a Body that’s meant to live on a mission together, to fulfill God’s purposes together, and to share the love of Christ with the rest of the world – together.
Start right where you are, here and now...... and touch the folks who are closest to you.

Imagine what could happen.....

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