Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday night. Wow how things have changed over the years. Carol and I used to be tearing up the town but tonight - Kyle is up the street at his friends house - Carol is on the phone with my dad and I am feeling more blessed than anyone right now! I have to share - I got a letter from one of my KIDS today!!! I wrote her a letter a few weeks ago after praying over what to write for over a week and she wrote back to me! How exciting is that? I hope to write all my kids before the summer is over and to also include our R2C2 VBS program with an invite in there - that way I will get to see them as well towards the end of the month. I am looking forward to the plans that Carol puts together with Kyles friends this week. I look forward to seeing both Madisons this week!
Well - vacation is almost over - but its been a good vacation! I am serving 11:00 Sunday school tomorrow with Carol and serving breakdown. I so much look forward to seeing everyone. Catching up with Dawn, Heather and David and seeing how their vacation was the week before. I look forward to hearing from Dan and his family on their vacation to Disney World and I hope I see Mike and his family tomorrow. We have a special evening planned for Rock group over at University Place with the music in the park. Hope we can all go..... well anyways - life is good and I am especially excited that folks want to go to the cabin - we have shared with a few folks that they can go to our getaway place - because God has blessed us with such a great place and Carol and I are both excited that good friends - people we love - are going to take us up on the offer to go and stay a few days with their families. May the Lord bless you all during this time guys!! Carol and I are so excited about this that you can't even imagine.
Church will be awesome tomorrow.... Honoring Your Mother and Father! I can feel a tear already with the message because my mom is with Jesus and my dad is slowly coming into things as he finds himself. Its because of my mom - I am where I am today - Jesus uses circumstances and people in our lives to get our attention. My mom was my attention getter..... my life changed direction..... and Jesus saved me. How can I not feel blessed? Passing along those blessings to those around me... that BUZ I keep talking about?
I had it today........and got caught during it! Still pretty cool :)
love you all,

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