WOW - what a week we are having. VBS has been great this week so far and we are fully enjoying the company we have riding over together with many of our friends children - many of which are Kyles friends. Its just been fantastic even though its a lot of work - its a long day by the time we get home after 9. But its so worth it seeing those kids smiling, learning about Jesus, making friends and lasting relationships, inviting their parents to church, watching the volunteers and the most awesome teachers I have ever seen!
As these blessings are flowing, I can't help but to thank God for these opportunities we are all sharing and experiencing together. Our walk with our Lord is a personal one but many times we share the paths together. My promises to my mom still have deep roots in my commitments to her and to the Lord. I know the Lord is changing me more than anyone in my family and I do believe with all my heart that is how God is working here. Like you, I often wonder why God doesn't just take over - WHAP - problems solved, relationships fixed, marriage back on track, finances just taken care of, the loss of loved one can be overcome - so many things. But that is not how God works.
Remember the story of Jesus feeding the 5000? Sure Jesus could have just taken care of everyone right then - He could have prayed to our heavenly Father and asked for their hunger pains to be gone. But that is not how God works. He uses what we have. What we don't have - God provides. It makes us dependant on God and teaches us to look UP to Him for what we really need in this life.
David and Goliath - You know the story - David did not want the kings sword, the armor and shields - he had what he needed. He had a sling shot and something that he had been using as a kid for years! He had all HE NEEDED!!! God provides what we don't have .... and uses what we do have.
Sometimes we dont even know we have something until its either tested or taken away. Our health is a good example - leadership that is untested - faithfulness to continue raising that empty place in your heart to God each and every chance you get.
He uses us also to reach to others. Like I said, I know God is changing me to reach to others. The gift I never knew I had with children - leading a Small Group - leading a ministry at church - leading my home in godly values where the question on Sundays are not - "Dad are we going to church today?" but more "Dad when are we leaving?" God uses us in so many ways if you continue to raise that empty place in your heart to Him to fill.
Many of us are struggling with finances, finding a job, loneliness, a marriage that is not working, a struggling son or daughter who has lost directions.....
friends if you look around you -
YOU HAVE people all around you praying for you - Use it.
YOU HAVE a church where you can go and talk with your pastors - Use it.
YOU HAVE a family who will help you and love you - Use it.
YOU HAVE the Bible with all the wisdom and guidance for you life - Use it.
YOU HAVE a God who loves you, longs for your heart and prayers - USE it.
Friends we have what we need.... God has promised that he will multiply what you have - He would give you your hearts desires - Don't put God in a time frame - or a box- Those are YOUR conditions - When the time is right and when you are ready - God will produce what you need. Stay faithful ..... stay strong - You have all you need to move forward.
But you say I don't have a spiritual problem - I have a money problem, a loneliness problem, grief problem, a loss of job problem..... Everything friends is a spiritual problem - How can you keep God out of your finances, your loss of employment, or grieving process? Everything you do, every breathe you take, everyone you meet is spiritual!
Keep bringing yourself to God and He will continue pouring out His blessings. You stop lifting to God - He stops pouring.
When my mom was sick - I lifted everything I had in me to Jesus - He is still pouring and the awesome thing is - I know it. It took my mom for me to understand this and it usually costs something of great value before we all come to understand. Maybe this is why you are still reading this, God is changing me so that MAYBE - He can get to you.
I pray for your hunger of God - for life change and for God to speak directly into your heart and fill that empty place you have today.
Quote of the day:
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens."– Carl Jung
Its time to be AWAKEN........ or are you sleeping at the wheel of your life?
Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
WOW - What a day......
After dragging most of the day yesterday - I had to be in the game today with church setup, the big announcement and Volunteer sign ups- 2 services - then breakdown -airport run to get Carol and Kyle - and then tonight with VBS.
Carol and Kyle both had a safe flight - had a great time and glad to be home. We all walked in the door and had about an hours before gathering the troops up and heading back to church. Tonight was lots of fun.... even if it is hard work and much of it is putting things together as we go. Tomorrow another run to the airport - Kyle has camp tomorrow with the Cabarrus County Parks association so that will be lots of fun and then we gather up even more troops tomorrow and take 2 vehicles back to church for VBS. Oh, did I mention we have to setup and break down all that stuff each and every night? whew....... but I tell ya something - seeing those kids having fun and learning something - making friends and then their mom and dads coming to get them and they dont want to leave is priceless.
Pastor Jimmy made the announcement at church today that we are moving our church to a new location right near our land. This means we will be serving the very folks who will be in walking distance to the land and our ministry campus. This is big stuff and tomorrow we get to meet at the school - to give it a walk through and DREAM - what it can be... what it will look like and how this is all going to work. We needed folks to serve - we have had this need for months!!!! Today we signed up 31 new folks/families - to help with this dream and mission that God has us on. This is very exciting and Carol and I will be working through those names this week to get people connected and plugged in.
Ready to ride the wave???? It's going to get even more exciting....... Never did I ever in my wildest dreams - think that I would be where I am today - that my family is where they are today and have the most awesome friends and church family that anyone could ever ask for.
I hope I can sleep tonight...... busy day tomorrow! :)
Cya tomorrow......
Carol and Kyle both had a safe flight - had a great time and glad to be home. We all walked in the door and had about an hours before gathering the troops up and heading back to church. Tonight was lots of fun.... even if it is hard work and much of it is putting things together as we go. Tomorrow another run to the airport - Kyle has camp tomorrow with the Cabarrus County Parks association so that will be lots of fun and then we gather up even more troops tomorrow and take 2 vehicles back to church for VBS. Oh, did I mention we have to setup and break down all that stuff each and every night? whew....... but I tell ya something - seeing those kids having fun and learning something - making friends and then their mom and dads coming to get them and they dont want to leave is priceless.
Pastor Jimmy made the announcement at church today that we are moving our church to a new location right near our land. This means we will be serving the very folks who will be in walking distance to the land and our ministry campus. This is big stuff and tomorrow we get to meet at the school - to give it a walk through and DREAM - what it can be... what it will look like and how this is all going to work. We needed folks to serve - we have had this need for months!!!! Today we signed up 31 new folks/families - to help with this dream and mission that God has us on. This is very exciting and Carol and I will be working through those names this week to get people connected and plugged in.
Ready to ride the wave???? It's going to get even more exciting....... Never did I ever in my wildest dreams - think that I would be where I am today - that my family is where they are today and have the most awesome friends and church family that anyone could ever ask for.
I hope I can sleep tonight...... busy day tomorrow! :)
Cya tomorrow......
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Whew.... what a long day today. Its quiet and I am thankful for that but I am wiped out. Yesterday the Red Cross was on campus and I donated Red Blood cells and Platelets. They then put plasma back in your system. Its a longer process and its really weird feeling when the plasma is put back into your body. Makes me cold and my lips went numb and they tingle - even that little flapper thing in the back of your mouthwas tingling.
Anyways - I ventured out today and it was HOT. Went back inside.... thats it today.
Thanks to Donna and Dawn for the plans to go to Mexicasa tonight. Even if I didn't feel up to par - it was great seeing everyone. I stuck a few french fries in little Davids shirt pocket and he could figure out how to get to them... he kept looking down his shirt. He also tried chips and salsa and a lemon. Didn't go over that well....but we all got a big laugh with his body quivers and his funny faces.
Carol and I used to do that all the time to Kyle. We would just laugh and laugh.... one time at OutBack he was quiet for a change because he was drinking the butter out of those little cups. Hey we got a good meal in while he was busy!!!! Whatever it takes when we are out to eat. All of us have been there.......
well - I am out of here... church day tomorrow. Have to be at church at 7:15 - long day ahead but atleast it will be one - serving and praising our Lord.
Pray for safe travels for Carol and Kyle tomorrow....... Can't wait to see them!!!
I think I survived the week without them..... how, I don't know. Even did laundry and dishes...... and nothing broke. YET
Anyways - I ventured out today and it was HOT. Went back inside.... thats it today.
Thanks to Donna and Dawn for the plans to go to Mexicasa tonight. Even if I didn't feel up to par - it was great seeing everyone. I stuck a few french fries in little Davids shirt pocket and he could figure out how to get to them... he kept looking down his shirt. He also tried chips and salsa and a lemon. Didn't go over that well....but we all got a big laugh with his body quivers and his funny faces.
Carol and I used to do that all the time to Kyle. We would just laugh and laugh.... one time at OutBack he was quiet for a change because he was drinking the butter out of those little cups. Hey we got a good meal in while he was busy!!!! Whatever it takes when we are out to eat. All of us have been there.......
well - I am out of here... church day tomorrow. Have to be at church at 7:15 - long day ahead but atleast it will be one - serving and praising our Lord.
Pray for safe travels for Carol and Kyle tomorrow....... Can't wait to see them!!!
I think I survived the week without them..... how, I don't know. Even did laundry and dishes...... and nothing broke. YET
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday Reflections Part 2....
I am not really sure how to begin this post. It's a 3 post day today and I am feeling good about I try to get some things off me - explained here - maybe helping someone along the way and sharing Jesus with all my heart to those who read this blog. It's for Gods purposes I put this together and take the time to reach folks for Him. What, when and how that happens through this blog is between you reading it - and our Lord.
Ecclesiastes 3
There's a Right Time for Everything 1 There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: 2-8 A right time for birth and another for death, A right time to plant and another to reap, A right time to kill and another to heal, A right time to destroy and another to construct, A right time to cry and another to laugh, A right time to lament and another to cheer, A right time to make love and another to abstain, A right time to embrace and another to part, A right time to search and another to count your losses, A right time to hold on and another to let go, A right time to rip out and another to mend, A right time to shut up and another to speak up, A right time to love and another to hate, A right time to wage war and another to make peace.
I will never forget the LifeTalk that Pastor JImmy preached the day he spoke these words into my heart. They live with me today and in SO many ways - they put things into perspective and in timing for me and all that is happening around me - around US.
My Aunt Sharon is facing a tough few days ahead with the sickness of her cat. My dad and my brothers family just has their dog put to sleep because of another dog attacked her and really ripped her beyond fixing. The loss of my mom not long ago - the loss of Carols mom now going on 8 years ago - these are facts that we live with every day of our lives. One day, our names also will be in the local paper - if you have lived a good life and people around you loved you and knew you - they will experience this loss in their lives. But we ALL will face this time - we ALL will face judgement by God, no matter your political views here or your voting party. What we do here on earth matters - how we treat people - how many folks we have helped and if our hearts belong to Jesus or not. Death is a part of our lives.
In the US - we are hidden in so many ways from death. Sure we see it on TV everyday in almost every show at some point but it doesnt affect us because we only watch - when someone passes on that is close to us - then we get it and experience it. Countries all over the globe see death so differently than we do here in this great country but together we experience it the same with the feelings of the loss, loneliness and helplessness. We all handle it about the same and it is the most painful time any one can experience - and I am talking from a person who has experienced this first hand with my mom - Carol with her mom. I am sure you have dealt with at some point in your life.
Death here is hidden away behind closed doors. Behind the hospital rooms and behind Hospice doors. Sudden death seems to haunt those who didn't have time to say goodbye or time to have peace with these hard and truthful facts. Many times its rare to see up close and personal "Death". I don't know how folks in the cancer ward at hospitals do their jobs - how Hospice folks do their jobs but I am grateful they do. I am THANKFUL they do their jobs to help not only the person who is dying but the families.
I know my dad reads this from time to time- this blog was originally put together for him - I am not saying anything here that I would not share with him if we were sitting in his living room and I pray you do know that because this is hard to type and hard to have these feelings come to surface and for my to share them. It is IMPORTANT that I share them though because maybe - it will help him one day... maybe it will help you .......
My dad like many folks spend time at the grave site of a loved one. Carol's grandfather went to his wife's grave site every single day after church - he was Catholic and went to church EVERY single day and he loved the Lord.... and he handled the death of his wife like he loved the Lord and knew where she was. He respected everything about his wife and for years... kept the house like she was coming home at any time.
See he knew where his wife was.... Carol's grandmother was in heaven and pops knew that. Many folks like my dad go and sit at the graveside for hours on end. Hours and hours are spent over 6 feet of dirt. I just want to tell my dad that IF you want to spend hour after hour at my moms grave site than ok ... but if your looking for an answer.... than it wont come from God.... it wont come from momma because SHE AINT THERE!!! She is in heaven and that is where you need to talk - one on one - with God - and come to terms with your own salvation - your own terms with the God of this universe .... you and HIM - and there you will find what you are looking for - ANSWERS.
Death can be so painful that we cling to a 6 foot patch of dirt. We often lose focus of the eternal place our loved ones are - or we have never heard the Truth of Jesus and what He has done for us. We are paralyzed in life - stuck on hold and cant move forward or backwards. For someone who doesnt know Jesus or who has put their entire life into something and now its gone- who can blame anyone for doing such things? I am blessed and saved by the love of Jesus to know this and its the only thing that keeps me going on in life. My mom was so many things to me..... its easy to get stuck in our tracks.
We live in a fallen world - and God uses Death as a vehicle to Him. Putting our trust and understanding in Jesus is our way to say that death is only a part of this life. Its only a grave and we are not saying "Good-Bye" - we are saying "See you later".
When we walk in Sync with God we are saying OK to death and it is a part of life - even our own life ... even if the lives of our parents, our loved ones, our wives and husbands... its a part of LIFE.
2nd Samual 14:14
14 All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him.
The only way we will truly live a life that is beyond human limits and understanding is when we into the full and right relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters....
Put your life into the hands of Jesus Christ - He will begin to mold you and shape you. Get into a church that teaches the Bible near you and begin to experience God... you will never look back.
Death is as much as Life.
Thanks mom for your continued teaching - thank you Jesus for having my heart. Email me if you would like me to pray for you... or my church to pray for you or a family member.
Gods peace,
Ecclesiastes 3
There's a Right Time for Everything 1 There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: 2-8 A right time for birth and another for death, A right time to plant and another to reap, A right time to kill and another to heal, A right time to destroy and another to construct, A right time to cry and another to laugh, A right time to lament and another to cheer, A right time to make love and another to abstain, A right time to embrace and another to part, A right time to search and another to count your losses, A right time to hold on and another to let go, A right time to rip out and another to mend, A right time to shut up and another to speak up, A right time to love and another to hate, A right time to wage war and another to make peace.
I will never forget the LifeTalk that Pastor JImmy preached the day he spoke these words into my heart. They live with me today and in SO many ways - they put things into perspective and in timing for me and all that is happening around me - around US.
My Aunt Sharon is facing a tough few days ahead with the sickness of her cat. My dad and my brothers family just has their dog put to sleep because of another dog attacked her and really ripped her beyond fixing. The loss of my mom not long ago - the loss of Carols mom now going on 8 years ago - these are facts that we live with every day of our lives. One day, our names also will be in the local paper - if you have lived a good life and people around you loved you and knew you - they will experience this loss in their lives. But we ALL will face this time - we ALL will face judgement by God, no matter your political views here or your voting party. What we do here on earth matters - how we treat people - how many folks we have helped and if our hearts belong to Jesus or not. Death is a part of our lives.
In the US - we are hidden in so many ways from death. Sure we see it on TV everyday in almost every show at some point but it doesnt affect us because we only watch - when someone passes on that is close to us - then we get it and experience it. Countries all over the globe see death so differently than we do here in this great country but together we experience it the same with the feelings of the loss, loneliness and helplessness. We all handle it about the same and it is the most painful time any one can experience - and I am talking from a person who has experienced this first hand with my mom - Carol with her mom. I am sure you have dealt with at some point in your life.
Death here is hidden away behind closed doors. Behind the hospital rooms and behind Hospice doors. Sudden death seems to haunt those who didn't have time to say goodbye or time to have peace with these hard and truthful facts. Many times its rare to see up close and personal "Death". I don't know how folks in the cancer ward at hospitals do their jobs - how Hospice folks do their jobs but I am grateful they do. I am THANKFUL they do their jobs to help not only the person who is dying but the families.
I know my dad reads this from time to time- this blog was originally put together for him - I am not saying anything here that I would not share with him if we were sitting in his living room and I pray you do know that because this is hard to type and hard to have these feelings come to surface and for my to share them. It is IMPORTANT that I share them though because maybe - it will help him one day... maybe it will help you .......
My dad like many folks spend time at the grave site of a loved one. Carol's grandfather went to his wife's grave site every single day after church - he was Catholic and went to church EVERY single day and he loved the Lord.... and he handled the death of his wife like he loved the Lord and knew where she was. He respected everything about his wife and for years... kept the house like she was coming home at any time.
See he knew where his wife was.... Carol's grandmother was in heaven and pops knew that. Many folks like my dad go and sit at the graveside for hours on end. Hours and hours are spent over 6 feet of dirt. I just want to tell my dad that IF you want to spend hour after hour at my moms grave site than ok ... but if your looking for an answer.... than it wont come from God.... it wont come from momma because SHE AINT THERE!!! She is in heaven and that is where you need to talk - one on one - with God - and come to terms with your own salvation - your own terms with the God of this universe .... you and HIM - and there you will find what you are looking for - ANSWERS.
Death can be so painful that we cling to a 6 foot patch of dirt. We often lose focus of the eternal place our loved ones are - or we have never heard the Truth of Jesus and what He has done for us. We are paralyzed in life - stuck on hold and cant move forward or backwards. For someone who doesnt know Jesus or who has put their entire life into something and now its gone- who can blame anyone for doing such things? I am blessed and saved by the love of Jesus to know this and its the only thing that keeps me going on in life. My mom was so many things to me..... its easy to get stuck in our tracks.
We live in a fallen world - and God uses Death as a vehicle to Him. Putting our trust and understanding in Jesus is our way to say that death is only a part of this life. Its only a grave and we are not saying "Good-Bye" - we are saying "See you later".
When we walk in Sync with God we are saying OK to death and it is a part of life - even our own life ... even if the lives of our parents, our loved ones, our wives and husbands... its a part of LIFE.
2nd Samual 14:14
14 All of us must die eventually. Our lives are like water spilled out on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. But God does not just sweep life away; instead, he devises ways to bring us back when we have been separated from him.
The only way we will truly live a life that is beyond human limits and understanding is when we into the full and right relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters....
Put your life into the hands of Jesus Christ - He will begin to mold you and shape you. Get into a church that teaches the Bible near you and begin to experience God... you will never look back.
Death is as much as Life.
Thanks mom for your continued teaching - thank you Jesus for having my heart. Email me if you would like me to pray for you... or my church to pray for you or a family member.
Gods peace,
Friday Reflections 1A
Well - I know Kyle and "My Kids" wont read this so instead of taking the chance of telling the story - I will share it here with everyone so that the kids wont know and get upset. Hope you dont get upset either .......
Tonight, I had dinner with one of our Rock Group families - they joined me for some pizza and I fully enjoyed this time - as family. Its really good to share time together one on one with the folks you love and people that mean so much to us. THANK YOU!!!
When I got home tonight, I let the dogs out - those who dont know my family - we have 2 Siberian Huskies. Adger is 85 pounds and 3 years old and Payton is 6 and she is about 40 pounds. They are the highlight of this household and very much a part of our family in everyway! Well I let them both out tonight - they have been in their crates for most of the day ... and I went outside to check the pool - water the garden - eat a few cherry tomatoes and pick a few more for my stash! As I am doing this, I notice out of the corner of my eye - Adger is running full speed through the yard with Payton right behind him. After a pass around the pool - I know now what they are doing. They are chasing down a rabbit. BANG - game over - Adger has him and is strutting his stuff.... proud of his catch. I am not mad- its in their nature. I stop long enough to thank the Lord that Kyle and Carol are not here - or Donna's children or Heather - or any of our other kids :) - I walk over... pat Payton and tell her good girl. I follow Adger around the yard telling him "Good Boy" for like 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do. He cant possible EAT this rabbit - RIGHT?
Well after figuring he wasn't going to let it go ... I picked up a few piles of crap in the yard with my little shovel and walked up to him as he sat looking at it and being proud and dropped a big pile of crap on the thing. Man he was not happy...... but he did not try and pick it up. So I scooped it up and put it in the bag. Done deal..... that has been 1.5 hours ago almost and he has yet come to the door. Still running the yard - still sniffing the spot and still thinking - MAN I AM GOOD!!!
We used to have squirrel issues ... but the dogs I think have got all of them....but a rabbit? I have been wondering what was in my garden. Now I know.
So those of you who think Siberians are great dogs with cats, little animals like rabbits, hamsters etc... think again. These are pray animals and they hunt by instinct. They are the pack - and they will hunt and defend the pack. I am a husky man and there is no other dog to me.... they are the best dog to have - PERIOD.
Sad for the rabbit..... I hate it for him but this is the way the Lord made things.... I am not to change that or scold the dog for doing what he knows.
Seeing this animal die before my eyes - give me 2 thoughts here. 1. will be my Friday Reflections 2 and 2. Is please pray for my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster - they noticed something wrong with their cat the last few days.... and after the vet visit - it has blood cancer and it will probably be soon. I don't know how old the cat is - its a farm cat and a pretty one at that. BUt I know my Aunt Sharon really loves this cat. Please keep them all in your prayers.
Love you all,
Tonight, I had dinner with one of our Rock Group families - they joined me for some pizza and I fully enjoyed this time - as family. Its really good to share time together one on one with the folks you love and people that mean so much to us. THANK YOU!!!
When I got home tonight, I let the dogs out - those who dont know my family - we have 2 Siberian Huskies. Adger is 85 pounds and 3 years old and Payton is 6 and she is about 40 pounds. They are the highlight of this household and very much a part of our family in everyway! Well I let them both out tonight - they have been in their crates for most of the day ... and I went outside to check the pool - water the garden - eat a few cherry tomatoes and pick a few more for my stash! As I am doing this, I notice out of the corner of my eye - Adger is running full speed through the yard with Payton right behind him. After a pass around the pool - I know now what they are doing. They are chasing down a rabbit. BANG - game over - Adger has him and is strutting his stuff.... proud of his catch. I am not mad- its in their nature. I stop long enough to thank the Lord that Kyle and Carol are not here - or Donna's children or Heather - or any of our other kids :) - I walk over... pat Payton and tell her good girl. I follow Adger around the yard telling him "Good Boy" for like 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do. He cant possible EAT this rabbit - RIGHT?
Well after figuring he wasn't going to let it go ... I picked up a few piles of crap in the yard with my little shovel and walked up to him as he sat looking at it and being proud and dropped a big pile of crap on the thing. Man he was not happy...... but he did not try and pick it up. So I scooped it up and put it in the bag. Done deal..... that has been 1.5 hours ago almost and he has yet come to the door. Still running the yard - still sniffing the spot and still thinking - MAN I AM GOOD!!!
We used to have squirrel issues ... but the dogs I think have got all of them....but a rabbit? I have been wondering what was in my garden. Now I know.
So those of you who think Siberians are great dogs with cats, little animals like rabbits, hamsters etc... think again. These are pray animals and they hunt by instinct. They are the pack - and they will hunt and defend the pack. I am a husky man and there is no other dog to me.... they are the best dog to have - PERIOD.
Sad for the rabbit..... I hate it for him but this is the way the Lord made things.... I am not to change that or scold the dog for doing what he knows.
Seeing this animal die before my eyes - give me 2 thoughts here. 1. will be my Friday Reflections 2 and 2. Is please pray for my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster - they noticed something wrong with their cat the last few days.... and after the vet visit - it has blood cancer and it will probably be soon. I don't know how old the cat is - its a farm cat and a pretty one at that. BUt I know my Aunt Sharon really loves this cat. Please keep them all in your prayers.
Love you all,
Friday Reflections.... Part 1
Proverbs 20:7
7 The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.
With Carol and Kyle out of town - I have been busy but I am also making time to study a little and catch up on a few LifeTalks - Yes Sermons... boring I know but many times, life changing and eye opening!
I am moved today with where God has my family and the direction that it's going in. I am not saying anything is easy and there are tough times, hard things to work through and refocus is necessary at times to stay on course - just like a ship that gets lost without its navigation.
Many of you know that I do believe in Vitamins. I think a body does not get all its nutrients from our food these days even with all the hype of added this and added that. I think our diets today contain too much "Fake" Man-Made by products and not much we eat today is really natural. For our children, I think the most important vitamin they could ever take would be one of a home of peace. There are 8 essential vitamins but I think a home of peace would be the ninth. Many folks grow up in homes with fighting, strife and tough things. As children we learn to deal with conflict and resolution and fighting fairly by our parents. We are the examples that in our actions and words - we are teaching our children.
Let me ask you - if you asked your children today no matter how old they are - How would they answer this question. Who is the most godly person you know?
How would they answer? Would you be that person? If not, than what is holding you back and why?
During the summer, Kyle and Carol usually sleep in past the time I leave for work. Its a different schedule when school is in since Kyle has to be out of the house earlier in the morning. So during the summer, I have time to make coffee, breakfast and have some quiet time reading my bible. I also pray in the morning before I get up and make my final morning preparations before leaving for work. Last week, Kyle came out of his room earlier than normal and he walked up to the table and stood there...probably trying to figure out what was wrong with me because I had my head in my hands at the kitchen table in prayer. Silently praying for the day ahead and for those in my life who need to be raised in prayer to our awesome God. I finished up and he startled me - but it was awesome in so many ways now looking back that he "Caught" me in prayer. I don't know if I am the most godly person he knows because he is surrounded by awesome folks who know God!
Some of you know that the word "Can't" is not in our home. It is not used at all because as a father - I know that God can do far more than anything I can ever do in our homes. Can't should not be used EVER when it comes to dreams and be able to do things. I am not talking about getting icecream and me saying "no". You know what I mean - but God CAN do what seems impossible to us. Our homes should be a loving place, an accepting place, an encouraging place and a place where our children get to witness LOVE from a mom and a dad. For the homes with divorce, there is nothing wrong with that level of love from a parent - even if one is missing from the home. I Value my small group so much because deep in my heart - I want to make up for that level of love to those children - even the ones from the married families who are currently in my small group. I love these children like they are my own and that goes for those who know me and Carol - You know who you are without any doubt! Setting a good example - a loving example and someone who maybe one day - they will need someone to come and talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Little by little chipping away at doing the right things and staying on course. Nothing happens overnight and with quick fixes.
My little brother recently asked me what was he going to do with his out of control young kids. I really think that a child has its best mold features when they are before 5-6 years old. Just my understanding now after having a child my self. After that - if you child is lost and is feeling out of control - its going to be that much harder to pull them in. Ever wonder why gangs and crimes from young people happen today? Its the dads missing from the equation. Dad is probably not in the picture anywhere.
Friends, I value my responsibility as a dad so much. I am not perfect and there will be days ahead where I am going to have to sit down with Kyle and maybe even my small group kids and say I am sorry for something and that I have fallen short of Gods best. But I will do that when its needed because if I can't come to accept God discipline - how can they accept ours?
Kids do need discipline an in such a way that they still know they are loved first and foremost. Just a little redirection in attitude or attention - Kids today we are losing so fast because we are not raising our kids to Gods standards - we are letting the media tell us what to do - TV people.
Read the book of Proverbs -
32 He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
Taking on the responsibility as a dad - there is nothing more important. Teach your children, ask God to help you and guide you - to pick up the pieces from where you fall short on, spend TIME with your children one on one every few weeks at least - make the investment today and NEVER GIVE UP. EVER......... they will love you more for it later.
Thank You Kyle for being such an awesome son - compassionate for others - the love for others and caring about everyone. Jesus has big plans for you bud. Proud of you no matter what you do in life. Daddy misses you.....
7 The righteous man leads a blameless life; blessed are his children after him.
With Carol and Kyle out of town - I have been busy but I am also making time to study a little and catch up on a few LifeTalks - Yes Sermons... boring I know but many times, life changing and eye opening!
I am moved today with where God has my family and the direction that it's going in. I am not saying anything is easy and there are tough times, hard things to work through and refocus is necessary at times to stay on course - just like a ship that gets lost without its navigation.
Many of you know that I do believe in Vitamins. I think a body does not get all its nutrients from our food these days even with all the hype of added this and added that. I think our diets today contain too much "Fake" Man-Made by products and not much we eat today is really natural. For our children, I think the most important vitamin they could ever take would be one of a home of peace. There are 8 essential vitamins but I think a home of peace would be the ninth. Many folks grow up in homes with fighting, strife and tough things. As children we learn to deal with conflict and resolution and fighting fairly by our parents. We are the examples that in our actions and words - we are teaching our children.
Let me ask you - if you asked your children today no matter how old they are - How would they answer this question. Who is the most godly person you know?
How would they answer? Would you be that person? If not, than what is holding you back and why?
During the summer, Kyle and Carol usually sleep in past the time I leave for work. Its a different schedule when school is in since Kyle has to be out of the house earlier in the morning. So during the summer, I have time to make coffee, breakfast and have some quiet time reading my bible. I also pray in the morning before I get up and make my final morning preparations before leaving for work. Last week, Kyle came out of his room earlier than normal and he walked up to the table and stood there...probably trying to figure out what was wrong with me because I had my head in my hands at the kitchen table in prayer. Silently praying for the day ahead and for those in my life who need to be raised in prayer to our awesome God. I finished up and he startled me - but it was awesome in so many ways now looking back that he "Caught" me in prayer. I don't know if I am the most godly person he knows because he is surrounded by awesome folks who know God!
Some of you know that the word "Can't" is not in our home. It is not used at all because as a father - I know that God can do far more than anything I can ever do in our homes. Can't should not be used EVER when it comes to dreams and be able to do things. I am not talking about getting icecream and me saying "no". You know what I mean - but God CAN do what seems impossible to us. Our homes should be a loving place, an accepting place, an encouraging place and a place where our children get to witness LOVE from a mom and a dad. For the homes with divorce, there is nothing wrong with that level of love from a parent - even if one is missing from the home. I Value my small group so much because deep in my heart - I want to make up for that level of love to those children - even the ones from the married families who are currently in my small group. I love these children like they are my own and that goes for those who know me and Carol - You know who you are without any doubt! Setting a good example - a loving example and someone who maybe one day - they will need someone to come and talk to or a shoulder to cry on. Little by little chipping away at doing the right things and staying on course. Nothing happens overnight and with quick fixes.
My little brother recently asked me what was he going to do with his out of control young kids. I really think that a child has its best mold features when they are before 5-6 years old. Just my understanding now after having a child my self. After that - if you child is lost and is feeling out of control - its going to be that much harder to pull them in. Ever wonder why gangs and crimes from young people happen today? Its the dads missing from the equation. Dad is probably not in the picture anywhere.
Friends, I value my responsibility as a dad so much. I am not perfect and there will be days ahead where I am going to have to sit down with Kyle and maybe even my small group kids and say I am sorry for something and that I have fallen short of Gods best. But I will do that when its needed because if I can't come to accept God discipline - how can they accept ours?
Kids do need discipline an in such a way that they still know they are loved first and foremost. Just a little redirection in attitude or attention - Kids today we are losing so fast because we are not raising our kids to Gods standards - we are letting the media tell us what to do - TV people.
Read the book of Proverbs -
32 He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.
Taking on the responsibility as a dad - there is nothing more important. Teach your children, ask God to help you and guide you - to pick up the pieces from where you fall short on, spend TIME with your children one on one every few weeks at least - make the investment today and NEVER GIVE UP. EVER......... they will love you more for it later.
Thank You Kyle for being such an awesome son - compassionate for others - the love for others and caring about everyone. Jesus has big plans for you bud. Proud of you no matter what you do in life. Daddy misses you.....
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thoughts this morning...
Proverbs 17:17
17 Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.
This goes for our families as well as our church families! This is SO much how I am feeling this morning. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me and called me to check on me and invite me to go out and eat..... it really makes me smile. Not so many years ago, Carol used to travel every week with her job. Gone from Monday to Friday - or some kind of crazy schedule - it was hard but you get used to it over time and it just becomes normal routine. We did not have a church family, Rock Group family or even any family in the area - so it was just me and little Kyle. But it has been years since she did all that traveling and now, thankfully, its only once in awhile. But now that Carol and Kyle are away - it really is weird. Last year during their beach trip, I escaped to the cabin for a long weekend and worked all weekend- painting the walls of the basement. I hate painting!!! But did not want to waste our time TOGETHER doing the painting - so I got it done myself so we would have time there - Together!
Thanks everyone for the calls and emails - they mean the world to me and nothing is more important than our families and our friendships.
I love you all and you know I really mean that -:)
Held together with Gorilla Glue - I heard that somewhere a few years back - and still blessed by that glue as we continue to keep those bonds and friendships.
Humbled this morning....and looking forward with great excitement and encouragement.
17 Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble.
This goes for our families as well as our church families! This is SO much how I am feeling this morning. Thanks to all of you who have emailed me and called me to check on me and invite me to go out and eat..... it really makes me smile. Not so many years ago, Carol used to travel every week with her job. Gone from Monday to Friday - or some kind of crazy schedule - it was hard but you get used to it over time and it just becomes normal routine. We did not have a church family, Rock Group family or even any family in the area - so it was just me and little Kyle. But it has been years since she did all that traveling and now, thankfully, its only once in awhile. But now that Carol and Kyle are away - it really is weird. Last year during their beach trip, I escaped to the cabin for a long weekend and worked all weekend- painting the walls of the basement. I hate painting!!! But did not want to waste our time TOGETHER doing the painting - so I got it done myself so we would have time there - Together!
Thanks everyone for the calls and emails - they mean the world to me and nothing is more important than our families and our friendships.
I love you all and you know I really mean that -:)
Held together with Gorilla Glue - I heard that somewhere a few years back - and still blessed by that glue as we continue to keep those bonds and friendships.
Humbled this morning....and looking forward with great excitement and encouragement.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This is weird.....
All is quiet here at the house - except for a howling dog or 2! Got the Mets game on - AC is OFF and trying my best to get used to the non family noise. I don't think I will get used to it because I miss it already! I may visit some of my peeps tomorrow, Friday and Saturday just to have some folks to talk with and hang out with!!!
Anyways - Carol and Kyle made it to Newark NJ without any problems. Flight delayed and they had to switch planes so that put them behind a little over an hour but they had a good flight. They are in Milford Pa visiting with Carol's brother Bob and his family. They are off to Tupper Lake NY tomorrow to visit with Carol's dad and Aunt Violet. Should be a great time unless the weather is bad.
So I am going to hit the hay early tonight - have lots to do in the morning, including getting a walk in with the dogs. I am a little worried about Friday though - will have to do laundry by then and my 2 days of meal plans will be out! Will have to come up with something new!
Just gave the dogs a rawhide, so everyone is happy and they are not just standing here barking and howling at me.
Lord willing, talk tomorrow.....
Anyways - Carol and Kyle made it to Newark NJ without any problems. Flight delayed and they had to switch planes so that put them behind a little over an hour but they had a good flight. They are in Milford Pa visiting with Carol's brother Bob and his family. They are off to Tupper Lake NY tomorrow to visit with Carol's dad and Aunt Violet. Should be a great time unless the weather is bad.
So I am going to hit the hay early tonight - have lots to do in the morning, including getting a walk in with the dogs. I am a little worried about Friday though - will have to do laundry by then and my 2 days of meal plans will be out! Will have to come up with something new!
Just gave the dogs a rawhide, so everyone is happy and they are not just standing here barking and howling at me.
Lord willing, talk tomorrow.....
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Romans 4~
Romans 4:
17-18We call Abraham "father" not because he got God's attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Isn't that what we've always read in Scripture, God saying to Abraham, "I set you up as father of many peoples"? Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing. When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, "You're going to have a big family, Abraham!"
19-25Abraham didn't focus on his own impotence and say, "It's hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child." Nor did he survey Sarah's decades of infertility and give up. He didn't tiptoe around God's promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said. That's why it is said, "Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right." But it's not just Abraham; it's also us! The same thing gets said about us when we embrace and believe the One who brought Jesus to life when the conditions were equally hopeless. The sacrificed Jesus made us fit for God, set us right with God.
There are a few families right now in my life who are really hurting and really struggling. I am praying hard for them and I do hope they feel those prayers. Today they find themselves hurting in such a way they are feeling there is no hope. Everything is lost. If you don't know Jesus - than you are on your own to battle these situations and circumstances. But if you do know Jesus than you do have HOPE! When you say "I can't" - God says "you can". When you say - "I don't see a way" - God says "to trust Him and He will provide a way". All of us wait for things in our lives. We wait for this and we wait for that - its when we become impatient with waiting - its when we force things to happen - that is when mistakes take place and God's will is replaced by our own. How we wait on things has so much to say about how things in our lives turn out. If you have Faith in Jesus - wait on His timing for your answers and your solutions. Many times we pray and pray for something to get better - for answered prayers for someone who is sick, who passed away and the feelings of loneliness, despair, a job offer, a promotion, financial situations - many times we give up right before God does what He says He would do. Miracles happen but they are in His timing, not ours! Many times God is preparing you for this miracle. Maybe there are things He wants to show you in life while you are in this pit - focusing you on the good things in your life. The health of your family - being thankful for your marriage and for your friends - thankful for the ability to press through hard times and to minister to those around you, and leading your families.
Friends we have to move past this hopelessness and move to a place where we expect God to do big things. He has our backs, He will deliver what we desire but only in His time. Move from faith and trust in God to expecting in God - make arrangements and plans for when you do move past this obstacle in your life. Start moving towards - "when" and not "if".
If we are having friends over for dinner - we don't start cooking when they get there. We prepare - early in the day we hit the store to get food or some tasty wine (I don't like wine!)- we clean the house and get some flowers for the table - we prepare well in advance for what will take place.
Expect God to move you through this and start making preparations now. Hopeless people have no hope - nothing will ever get any better- the situations will never change - the relationships that are broken will never get any better. Expect God to mend all that - to move you past where you are today.
Make preparations for that victory - a new level of understanding - a deeper faith and courage to trust the Lord.
It is written to "Walk by Faith and not by sight". If we can see things then we don't need faith. Faith will guide you to the next place...... the place where you are wanting to be today. So close your eyes and ask the Lord to move your heart and give you understanding, to provide for you and your family, to heal the sick person in your life or your financial situation- Whatever it may be...and then start making plans for when this time will come.
Gods planning..... Gods timing. What is He trying to teach you today? What are you missing and more importantly - What are you thankful for today?
Read the passage above again. Abraham - trusting not on his own understanding but made plans because God had the better plans for his life.
I am praying for those who are hurting today - who have lost hope and who need encouragement in the things they are struggling with. God loves you and is with you always.
Dare to trust God and in His promises.
17-18We call Abraham "father" not because he got God's attention by living like a saint, but because God made something out of Abraham when he was a nobody. Isn't that what we've always read in Scripture, God saying to Abraham, "I set you up as father of many peoples"? Abraham was first named "father" and then became a father because he dared to trust God to do what only God could do: raise the dead to life, with a word make something out of nothing. When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn't do but on what God said he would do. And so he was made father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, "You're going to have a big family, Abraham!"
19-25Abraham didn't focus on his own impotence and say, "It's hopeless. This hundred-year-old body could never father a child." Nor did he survey Sarah's decades of infertility and give up. He didn't tiptoe around God's promise asking cautiously skeptical questions. He plunged into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he had said. That's why it is said, "Abraham was declared fit before God by trusting God to set him right." But it's not just Abraham; it's also us! The same thing gets said about us when we embrace and believe the One who brought Jesus to life when the conditions were equally hopeless. The sacrificed Jesus made us fit for God, set us right with God.
There are a few families right now in my life who are really hurting and really struggling. I am praying hard for them and I do hope they feel those prayers. Today they find themselves hurting in such a way they are feeling there is no hope. Everything is lost. If you don't know Jesus - than you are on your own to battle these situations and circumstances. But if you do know Jesus than you do have HOPE! When you say "I can't" - God says "you can". When you say - "I don't see a way" - God says "to trust Him and He will provide a way". All of us wait for things in our lives. We wait for this and we wait for that - its when we become impatient with waiting - its when we force things to happen - that is when mistakes take place and God's will is replaced by our own. How we wait on things has so much to say about how things in our lives turn out. If you have Faith in Jesus - wait on His timing for your answers and your solutions. Many times we pray and pray for something to get better - for answered prayers for someone who is sick, who passed away and the feelings of loneliness, despair, a job offer, a promotion, financial situations - many times we give up right before God does what He says He would do. Miracles happen but they are in His timing, not ours! Many times God is preparing you for this miracle. Maybe there are things He wants to show you in life while you are in this pit - focusing you on the good things in your life. The health of your family - being thankful for your marriage and for your friends - thankful for the ability to press through hard times and to minister to those around you, and leading your families.
Friends we have to move past this hopelessness and move to a place where we expect God to do big things. He has our backs, He will deliver what we desire but only in His time. Move from faith and trust in God to expecting in God - make arrangements and plans for when you do move past this obstacle in your life. Start moving towards - "when" and not "if".
If we are having friends over for dinner - we don't start cooking when they get there. We prepare - early in the day we hit the store to get food or some tasty wine (I don't like wine!)- we clean the house and get some flowers for the table - we prepare well in advance for what will take place.
Expect God to move you through this and start making preparations now. Hopeless people have no hope - nothing will ever get any better- the situations will never change - the relationships that are broken will never get any better. Expect God to mend all that - to move you past where you are today.
Make preparations for that victory - a new level of understanding - a deeper faith and courage to trust the Lord.
It is written to "Walk by Faith and not by sight". If we can see things then we don't need faith. Faith will guide you to the next place...... the place where you are wanting to be today. So close your eyes and ask the Lord to move your heart and give you understanding, to provide for you and your family, to heal the sick person in your life or your financial situation- Whatever it may be...and then start making plans for when this time will come.
Gods planning..... Gods timing. What is He trying to teach you today? What are you missing and more importantly - What are you thankful for today?
Read the passage above again. Abraham - trusting not on his own understanding but made plans because God had the better plans for his life.
I am praying for those who are hurting today - who have lost hope and who need encouragement in the things they are struggling with. God loves you and is with you always.
Dare to trust God and in His promises.
The Walmart Experience...
Many of you know that I don't like Walmart that much. I think the company long ago had its values lined up correctly and since the Daddy has left the empire to the children - it has really went down hill.
Last week my son and I went to the Walmart in Charlotte - We were at the store next door and I figured we can run in there quickly and get a few things we needed. Fully dreading the idea even before we got in the parking lot. As we walked in we were greeted by a nice older lady and then it was down hill from that point on. Rude people - Isle's too small - product all over the floor - can't get down this isle and that isle because of folks and product jammed all in the same space. I am thinking - what if there is a fire? How would we all make it out? All of this to save a few bucks - to ship our jobs and manufacturing over seas? I think I am even more leaning to the mom and pop stores - the local business community even if I have to pay just a little more for something.
So after Kyle and I got what we needed - scrapped the rest of the other items to just save ourselves from any additional torture - there it was. Stopped dead in our tracks near the food isle and the cleaning isle. Someone had puked all over the floor. The smell was pretty bad and people just continued walking around - looking on the shelves doing their thing.
Kyle and I bolted for the registers. As we approached - there were lines of folks all over waiting. Down on the left out of the corner of my eye I see a register open - no line. We make the walk over as to not draw attention and give our place in line away.
We walk up and there is a black lady there - a big lady but what a smile she had. She said to Kyle and I, "Hi, I hope you are having a blessed day today and you found everything you came for today at Walmart". On her neck was a Cross - and I was taken back. Out of nowhere - someone representing Jesus was standing before us! I was just amazed - Kyle began bagging and I told the woman that I liked her Necklace and she said "Thank You". I said "ma'am" - as she was finishing up the bill and making the transaction - "You are a bright spot today in this store. Have a wonderful and Blessed evening".
She smiled and started with the next customer. I almost forgot about this story until this morning. I spent a little time in Proverbs and then read a little in a book I am reading from Franklin Graham. I am reminded that God is in all places if we look for Him. Sometimes He shows up in the most incredible places - when You least expect it. One day last week - He reminded me that He was in Walmart and He was represented by a wonderful cashier - who probably doesn't make all that much money - is probably struggling with things in this life like the rest of us - but looked peaceful- happy and not a worry in the world.
If you are having trouble finding Jesus today - look for Him in everything you do, everywhere you go and in all the people you meet. You will be amazed and where He is and how He shows Himself to you.
I still am not a fan of Walmart but that day - I am glad I went.
Last week my son and I went to the Walmart in Charlotte - We were at the store next door and I figured we can run in there quickly and get a few things we needed. Fully dreading the idea even before we got in the parking lot. As we walked in we were greeted by a nice older lady and then it was down hill from that point on. Rude people - Isle's too small - product all over the floor - can't get down this isle and that isle because of folks and product jammed all in the same space. I am thinking - what if there is a fire? How would we all make it out? All of this to save a few bucks - to ship our jobs and manufacturing over seas? I think I am even more leaning to the mom and pop stores - the local business community even if I have to pay just a little more for something.
So after Kyle and I got what we needed - scrapped the rest of the other items to just save ourselves from any additional torture - there it was. Stopped dead in our tracks near the food isle and the cleaning isle. Someone had puked all over the floor. The smell was pretty bad and people just continued walking around - looking on the shelves doing their thing.
Kyle and I bolted for the registers. As we approached - there were lines of folks all over waiting. Down on the left out of the corner of my eye I see a register open - no line. We make the walk over as to not draw attention and give our place in line away.
We walk up and there is a black lady there - a big lady but what a smile she had. She said to Kyle and I, "Hi, I hope you are having a blessed day today and you found everything you came for today at Walmart". On her neck was a Cross - and I was taken back. Out of nowhere - someone representing Jesus was standing before us! I was just amazed - Kyle began bagging and I told the woman that I liked her Necklace and she said "Thank You". I said "ma'am" - as she was finishing up the bill and making the transaction - "You are a bright spot today in this store. Have a wonderful and Blessed evening".
She smiled and started with the next customer. I almost forgot about this story until this morning. I spent a little time in Proverbs and then read a little in a book I am reading from Franklin Graham. I am reminded that God is in all places if we look for Him. Sometimes He shows up in the most incredible places - when You least expect it. One day last week - He reminded me that He was in Walmart and He was represented by a wonderful cashier - who probably doesn't make all that much money - is probably struggling with things in this life like the rest of us - but looked peaceful- happy and not a worry in the world.
If you are having trouble finding Jesus today - look for Him in everything you do, everywhere you go and in all the people you meet. You will be amazed and where He is and how He shows Himself to you.
I still am not a fan of Walmart but that day - I am glad I went.
Monday, July 23, 2007
John 11:35-36
Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby said, "See how much he loved him".
This passage was talking about Jesus's friend - Lazarus. Jesus feels your pain friends - He understands your struggles. No doubt about it that you will move on from the place you find yourself today, right now, when you have given yourself to Him. He will see you through these struggles and always remember that Jesus - God himself - Loves you!
Many folks around me today find themselves in such tough places. A place where they see no way out. A rebuilding that needs to take place - a safe haven to heal - a child that is sick or hurt - Maybe you don't have the energy or the courage to move forward, Paralyzed right where you stand. Maybe it was someone else who has put you where you are today and you are left holding the bags, the shame, the hurt and the guilt.
I learned many things during the time my mom passed away. Looking back I know God led me moment by moment and gave me the strength to endure this hard time. I am better for it in SO many ways today because He loved me during this time and I know that. I felt it more so than at any other time in my life. I am forever a changed person because of that experience and experiencing God in such awesome ways. Such comfort and such beauty was provided when I didn't think I could do one more thing. God will do this for you also. Ask Him, Trust Him and rely completely on Him. We expect so many things that we are unwilling to wait for, a quick fix for this and a quick fix for that. It's in Gods hands the timing of when things are right. When we rush through things, we make bad decisions that many times we pay for them years and years down the road and sometimes we never fully recover from them.
Jesus knows your pain, your loss and your hurts. He has walked in your shoes before your feet even did. Examine your circumstances - they can be far worse than they are right now. Focus on the good things, the blessings that are around you, the people around you who are helping you, encouraging you, loving you and praying for you. Start at that place - build one step at a time and ask the Lord to walk with you. Its a journey and along the way there is much to learn about who we are and why we are here. God gives us purpose and direction. His ways are best and you are at a place today for a reason. Once you accept this reason, then it will be time to move past it. Then true healing can begin and God will bring you through the other side.
Its up to you how long you stay where you are and if things get better or worse.
His provisions and His ways .... will lead to victory.
Love you all,
Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby said, "See how much he loved him".
This passage was talking about Jesus's friend - Lazarus. Jesus feels your pain friends - He understands your struggles. No doubt about it that you will move on from the place you find yourself today, right now, when you have given yourself to Him. He will see you through these struggles and always remember that Jesus - God himself - Loves you!
Many folks around me today find themselves in such tough places. A place where they see no way out. A rebuilding that needs to take place - a safe haven to heal - a child that is sick or hurt - Maybe you don't have the energy or the courage to move forward, Paralyzed right where you stand. Maybe it was someone else who has put you where you are today and you are left holding the bags, the shame, the hurt and the guilt.
I learned many things during the time my mom passed away. Looking back I know God led me moment by moment and gave me the strength to endure this hard time. I am better for it in SO many ways today because He loved me during this time and I know that. I felt it more so than at any other time in my life. I am forever a changed person because of that experience and experiencing God in such awesome ways. Such comfort and such beauty was provided when I didn't think I could do one more thing. God will do this for you also. Ask Him, Trust Him and rely completely on Him. We expect so many things that we are unwilling to wait for, a quick fix for this and a quick fix for that. It's in Gods hands the timing of when things are right. When we rush through things, we make bad decisions that many times we pay for them years and years down the road and sometimes we never fully recover from them.
Jesus knows your pain, your loss and your hurts. He has walked in your shoes before your feet even did. Examine your circumstances - they can be far worse than they are right now. Focus on the good things, the blessings that are around you, the people around you who are helping you, encouraging you, loving you and praying for you. Start at that place - build one step at a time and ask the Lord to walk with you. Its a journey and along the way there is much to learn about who we are and why we are here. God gives us purpose and direction. His ways are best and you are at a place today for a reason. Once you accept this reason, then it will be time to move past it. Then true healing can begin and God will bring you through the other side.
Its up to you how long you stay where you are and if things get better or worse.
His provisions and His ways .... will lead to victory.
Love you all,
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Today @ Lake Adger...
What can I say? Spending time here at the cabin is priceless and the more I spend time here with my family - the more I appreciate it. It was about 85 today and just wonderful. We didnt tear up the fish but we stopped mid afternoon on the canoe and jumped in the lake. Carol led the charge with like 5 splash downs! Smiling the entire way .... we have had a great day today. Thanks Mike for calling today and letting us know about Rock Group tomorrow - we are still planning to get together and see a movie. It will be fun none the less.... but will miss everyone else who wont make it.
Lots of changes coming our way @ church in the next few weeks - glad to rest up now for what is ahead. Nothing but good things and more chances to reach those who are lost and need to hear about Jesus! I am pumped about that....
Well - not much else happening here at the cabin - its movie time... miss you Morgan - next time ok? Hope you are taking care of mom :)
cya everyone tomorrow at the 11:00 service.... Carol and Kyle will be out of town Wednsday next week through Sunday - please pray for the both of them!
Lots of changes coming our way @ church in the next few weeks - glad to rest up now for what is ahead. Nothing but good things and more chances to reach those who are lost and need to hear about Jesus! I am pumped about that....
Well - not much else happening here at the cabin - its movie time... miss you Morgan - next time ok? Hope you are taking care of mom :)
cya everyone tomorrow at the 11:00 service.... Carol and Kyle will be out of town Wednsday next week through Sunday - please pray for the both of them!
Friday, July 20, 2007
All together now....
Romans 12:5
5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
This is still on my heart from yesterday and yesterday ended with such a blessing! Carol was keeping 2 of our kids from our rock group yesterday afternoon and when Kyle and I got home - they were still there. Got to share some time with them which is always a highlight of the day. We got to have BLT's last night with Dawn and just take a few moments to talk, share and enjoy the time together. It was something that just happened and those are the moments that are really special - not planned and spontaneous!
See God made us to be together. He did not mean for any of us to be alone. Think of your walk with Jesus to be made together. You don't have to go through this life alone and that has never been more clearer to me than over the past year with the blessings from "Our Kids" from school - our Rock Group that is just rocking - the families that have come into my life and the church family that we now have. We are doing this thing "TOGETHER" and the great part is - we are "All In".
We are the "Body" of Christ and He is the head. God shaped you to specifically to serve other members of his Body - that is our ministry. It means you can know with rock-solid-certainty that there are members of the Body – perhaps in your small group, Sunday school or right in your family – who need your support and encouragement as they take a step of faith toward their own mission. Maybe they don't even know their mission or their God given gifts but
Without you, they might not go. AND - without them - You may not go!
Think of your mission in this life as a group effort – A small group of believers working together is able to do more than an individual by themselves.
God created you for a specific and SPECIAL role within a larger body of believers – According to your SHAPE -what do you bring to other believers that might support and encourage them?
You’re part of a Body that’s meant to live on a mission together, to fulfill God’s purposes together, and to share the love of Christ with the rest of the world – together.
Start right where you are, here and now...... and touch the folks who are closest to you.
Imagine what could happen.....
5so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
This is still on my heart from yesterday and yesterday ended with such a blessing! Carol was keeping 2 of our kids from our rock group yesterday afternoon and when Kyle and I got home - they were still there. Got to share some time with them which is always a highlight of the day. We got to have BLT's last night with Dawn and just take a few moments to talk, share and enjoy the time together. It was something that just happened and those are the moments that are really special - not planned and spontaneous!
See God made us to be together. He did not mean for any of us to be alone. Think of your walk with Jesus to be made together. You don't have to go through this life alone and that has never been more clearer to me than over the past year with the blessings from "Our Kids" from school - our Rock Group that is just rocking - the families that have come into my life and the church family that we now have. We are doing this thing "TOGETHER" and the great part is - we are "All In".
We are the "Body" of Christ and He is the head. God shaped you to specifically to serve other members of his Body - that is our ministry. It means you can know with rock-solid-certainty that there are members of the Body – perhaps in your small group, Sunday school or right in your family – who need your support and encouragement as they take a step of faith toward their own mission. Maybe they don't even know their mission or their God given gifts but
Without you, they might not go. AND - without them - You may not go!
Think of your mission in this life as a group effort – A small group of believers working together is able to do more than an individual by themselves.
God created you for a specific and SPECIAL role within a larger body of believers – According to your SHAPE -what do you bring to other believers that might support and encourage them?
You’re part of a Body that’s meant to live on a mission together, to fulfill God’s purposes together, and to share the love of Christ with the rest of the world – together.
Start right where you are, here and now...... and touch the folks who are closest to you.
Imagine what could happen.....
Thursday, July 19, 2007
And then....
They walk away. Why? - I guess it would be better not to know - but I am hurt in a way and I do want to know why - Why do people who you take a risk with - ask them to come to church and they actually come on the first invite! Find out they have been "Church Shopping" for months if not over a year and at times - quit all together going... The kids seem to be loving Sunday School - we call and email them to make sure they are liking it. They seem to be on the same page with everything. They keep coming back and at times I really think they are going to start serving and Lord knows we need a connected family like this serving!
Folks who come to church and those who put 110% in serving the church in every capacity are very different in their walks with Jesus! Just when we are ready to get VBS kicked off and the entire family can take part in serving - taking ownership in doing something for God - doing something for those in our church - and BANG!!!!!!
They walk away. A little email is sent saying - they are moving on and it just isn't right. The kids are upset but we feel it is best to move on to another church. I am not even a pastor - I am just someone who has poured my heart into this mission - into this church - into loving and caring for folks - into praying we are connecting people to Jesus - into making sure every detail is covered on Sunday mornings so that the people who are just "Not Sure About Church" we have erased all the excuses - then they just walk away. Man I am hurt with this....but I will press on because our church is not for everyone. I am glad they came for as long as they did. I pray and wish them all the best in their church search and hopefully in their church home.
I guess when you find a church HOME and Jesus really takes over your heart - its only natural for you to want to share it - share the experience and the joy and the peace - the family connection with everyone we can.
It's really a shame.... but we will move on - investing in the next family - the next person and giving the Lord the avenue to connect folks to Him. Praise the Lord.
We are blessed when we have worked up a good appetite for God. God's food and drink is the best meal you'll ever eat.
Staying Hungry.......
Folks who come to church and those who put 110% in serving the church in every capacity are very different in their walks with Jesus! Just when we are ready to get VBS kicked off and the entire family can take part in serving - taking ownership in doing something for God - doing something for those in our church - and BANG!!!!!!
They walk away. A little email is sent saying - they are moving on and it just isn't right. The kids are upset but we feel it is best to move on to another church. I am not even a pastor - I am just someone who has poured my heart into this mission - into this church - into loving and caring for folks - into praying we are connecting people to Jesus - into making sure every detail is covered on Sunday mornings so that the people who are just "Not Sure About Church" we have erased all the excuses - then they just walk away. Man I am hurt with this....but I will press on because our church is not for everyone. I am glad they came for as long as they did. I pray and wish them all the best in their church search and hopefully in their church home.
I guess when you find a church HOME and Jesus really takes over your heart - its only natural for you to want to share it - share the experience and the joy and the peace - the family connection with everyone we can.
It's really a shame.... but we will move on - investing in the next family - the next person and giving the Lord the avenue to connect folks to Him. Praise the Lord.
We are blessed when we have worked up a good appetite for God. God's food and drink is the best meal you'll ever eat.
Staying Hungry.......
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
making the most of every opportunity.....
As I am sitting here in the office waiting on trucking across campus to see my son for lunch - something comes to mind.
In Ephesians 5:15-16, Paul explains to us to, “Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”
I am excited about what God is doing next.... Let me share something that a close friend shared with me this morning.
You're blessed when.. you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by God.
Man, that is just awesome. This past weekend, Carol, Kyle and I took a ride up to my mom and dads. I will probably always call it that even though my mom is not here with us anymore but we got to hang out a little - see my brother and his family. We then moved on to my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Busters farm where we had a picnic, laughed and enjoyed each others company until the competition started - the fishing tournament.
Needless to say it was lots of fun but I do have to share with everyone that I long so much for the day when my dad can smile again. His complete identity was with my mom and I think only now does he realize it. I really feel so sad about it and it just breaks my heart seeing him in this funk and trying to rediscover himself again. He thinks he is too old to work any more. He things he is too old to hang out with friends, have a girl as a friend, date, have fun, smile, enjoy life, Go someplace or somewhere - there is just so much lost stuff taking place. There is no purpose - nothing worth getting exciting about - nothing really to live for except making it morning, afternoon and evening. I may be wrong about all this but it really does put a hurting on me. I rant and talk all the way home every time I am there. I need to get up there more than I do - to continue to shine for Jesus because He is not found anywhere around those situations, those places and in the area!
I long for the day when my dad finally gets it - He finds Jesus and has a smile on his face - telling everyone he is happy, there is more to this life, there are people who love him, there are people who need him, there are people who pray for him and there is purpose and great things happen when we serve others. We cannot take our earthly possessions with us..... but we can leave a legacy of how much we loved others - what we did for people - people will always remember a smile and how much we loved life. Sad knowing someone passes away and we remember he died a broken heart.
There is more to this life than what we see.... only Jesus will open your eyes and only then will you "REALLY LIVE".
Make the MOST out of every Opportunity...we never know when our opportunities will run out. Time to get up and get moving....there are people around us who need a smile, a hug, a helping hand and a cheerful word of encouragement. IS there any other way to live your life?
I don't think so......
In Ephesians 5:15-16, Paul explains to us to, “Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity.”
I am excited about what God is doing next.... Let me share something that a close friend shared with me this morning.
You're blessed when.. you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by God.
Man, that is just awesome. This past weekend, Carol, Kyle and I took a ride up to my mom and dads. I will probably always call it that even though my mom is not here with us anymore but we got to hang out a little - see my brother and his family. We then moved on to my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Busters farm where we had a picnic, laughed and enjoyed each others company until the competition started - the fishing tournament.
Needless to say it was lots of fun but I do have to share with everyone that I long so much for the day when my dad can smile again. His complete identity was with my mom and I think only now does he realize it. I really feel so sad about it and it just breaks my heart seeing him in this funk and trying to rediscover himself again. He thinks he is too old to work any more. He things he is too old to hang out with friends, have a girl as a friend, date, have fun, smile, enjoy life, Go someplace or somewhere - there is just so much lost stuff taking place. There is no purpose - nothing worth getting exciting about - nothing really to live for except making it morning, afternoon and evening. I may be wrong about all this but it really does put a hurting on me. I rant and talk all the way home every time I am there. I need to get up there more than I do - to continue to shine for Jesus because He is not found anywhere around those situations, those places and in the area!
I long for the day when my dad finally gets it - He finds Jesus and has a smile on his face - telling everyone he is happy, there is more to this life, there are people who love him, there are people who need him, there are people who pray for him and there is purpose and great things happen when we serve others. We cannot take our earthly possessions with us..... but we can leave a legacy of how much we loved others - what we did for people - people will always remember a smile and how much we loved life. Sad knowing someone passes away and we remember he died a broken heart.
There is more to this life than what we see.... only Jesus will open your eyes and only then will you "REALLY LIVE".
Make the MOST out of every Opportunity...we never know when our opportunities will run out. Time to get up and get moving....there are people around us who need a smile, a hug, a helping hand and a cheerful word of encouragement. IS there any other way to live your life?
I don't think so......
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Start close to home...
I am feeling tired today. There are lots of things going on and I did not sleep all that well last night. Waking a few times during the night - tossing back and forth - getting up to get a drink and finally just saying - HEY - lets pray about a few things.
So this week I have my son Kyle with me at work and he is taking part in his only Camp this summer here on campus. Its a science and nature camp and he seems to be enjoying it. I get to go have lunch with him and pick him up when the camp is over. Its cool having him with me here. Its a change for him and a change he has adjusted to and being an only child, I think it will prepare him better for the future. There are some children at the camp that just dont do well with change - I think sometimes their parents don't adjust either and it shows through their children at this age. Some tend to shelter them and keep them from these situations but how is a person to know how to adjust if they are not exposed to it?
At church we have some major changes coming. New roles and new things to think through. Many of our folks are tired and worn out - its been a long summer already with attendance down and folks taking time off from serving - but the ship must continue sailing and with that comes the duty and honor of leading - stepping up regardless if anyone else does to make things happen. There are lost people out there and they need to hear about Jesus - I am passionate about that and will do what is needed to be a part of that. I can see with all the frustrations and tough things that Pastors deals with why they can get to a point where they walk away from the ministry. People are tough - but people's problems are even tougher! If you are anything like me - Your problems become my problems for some reason. I guess I got that from my mom. She just wanted to love everyone and have everyone get along. She wanted to serve YOU before she did anything else. Since she has left for Heaven - I fully understand my God given gift of service and I am excersizing that gift as much as I can during - I have found my joy and peace. More so now, right now, I am happier and at peace than I have ever been in my life.
Now before you say - oh yea he has it all and has this and that - let me challenge you to find your God given gift - to use it and let God lead you in it. Then see for yourself what I am talking about!
Many of us have the gift of Prophecy - Service- Teaching- Exhortation- Giving- Organization and Mercy. Where do you fall into?
I will go into each of them on another blog as I learn them myself and study them as well. The most important thing I want to share with you today is to- NOT TO GIVE UP! Start where you are right now and Ask the Lord to speak to you in a new way. Ask HIm for new understanding and to lead you to your spiritual gift. We all have them and I do believe true happiness and peace is finding your gift and living in that gift.
Galations 6:9
9-10So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
So as this new adventure starts to take off with church and all that I will be involved with - all that my family will be involved with - all that our church - Rock Group and church family will be involved with - I know God will bring us folks to help. We dont have to take it all upon ourselves to do everything. People will step forward and I know God will move them in a new and exciting way. That is my prayer today.... for I too am scared and weary but I know deep in my soul - God will deliver if I just trust and believe. He hasnt failed me yet...why would He start now?
LORD, forgive me for times when my excitement over knowing you is more than others can handle or are even ready for. I want others to know you and experience your work in their lives. Use me Lord, to spread the Good News. I pray that I will be so amazed by what you reveal to me Lord that I won't hesitate to share my hope with those who don't yet know you. I know Lord the best is yet to come. Thank You for Your love and never ending Mercy on us. Thank You for Your son Jesus! I pray in His name, AMEN
So this week I have my son Kyle with me at work and he is taking part in his only Camp this summer here on campus. Its a science and nature camp and he seems to be enjoying it. I get to go have lunch with him and pick him up when the camp is over. Its cool having him with me here. Its a change for him and a change he has adjusted to and being an only child, I think it will prepare him better for the future. There are some children at the camp that just dont do well with change - I think sometimes their parents don't adjust either and it shows through their children at this age. Some tend to shelter them and keep them from these situations but how is a person to know how to adjust if they are not exposed to it?
At church we have some major changes coming. New roles and new things to think through. Many of our folks are tired and worn out - its been a long summer already with attendance down and folks taking time off from serving - but the ship must continue sailing and with that comes the duty and honor of leading - stepping up regardless if anyone else does to make things happen. There are lost people out there and they need to hear about Jesus - I am passionate about that and will do what is needed to be a part of that. I can see with all the frustrations and tough things that Pastors deals with why they can get to a point where they walk away from the ministry. People are tough - but people's problems are even tougher! If you are anything like me - Your problems become my problems for some reason. I guess I got that from my mom. She just wanted to love everyone and have everyone get along. She wanted to serve YOU before she did anything else. Since she has left for Heaven - I fully understand my God given gift of service and I am excersizing that gift as much as I can during - I have found my joy and peace. More so now, right now, I am happier and at peace than I have ever been in my life.
Now before you say - oh yea he has it all and has this and that - let me challenge you to find your God given gift - to use it and let God lead you in it. Then see for yourself what I am talking about!
Many of us have the gift of Prophecy - Service- Teaching- Exhortation- Giving- Organization and Mercy. Where do you fall into?
I will go into each of them on another blog as I learn them myself and study them as well. The most important thing I want to share with you today is to- NOT TO GIVE UP! Start where you are right now and Ask the Lord to speak to you in a new way. Ask HIm for new understanding and to lead you to your spiritual gift. We all have them and I do believe true happiness and peace is finding your gift and living in that gift.
Galations 6:9
9-10So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
So as this new adventure starts to take off with church and all that I will be involved with - all that my family will be involved with - all that our church - Rock Group and church family will be involved with - I know God will bring us folks to help. We dont have to take it all upon ourselves to do everything. People will step forward and I know God will move them in a new and exciting way. That is my prayer today.... for I too am scared and weary but I know deep in my soul - God will deliver if I just trust and believe. He hasnt failed me yet...why would He start now?
LORD, forgive me for times when my excitement over knowing you is more than others can handle or are even ready for. I want others to know you and experience your work in their lives. Use me Lord, to spread the Good News. I pray that I will be so amazed by what you reveal to me Lord that I won't hesitate to share my hope with those who don't yet know you. I know Lord the best is yet to come. Thank You for Your love and never ending Mercy on us. Thank You for Your son Jesus! I pray in His name, AMEN
Monday, July 16, 2007
Vertigo - a dizzying sensation of tilting within stable surroundings or of being in tilting or spinning surroundings.
This is something I fight everyday. The past few years have been a little tough - I know it could be lots worse than it is and I am very blessed and thankful it is not. Vertigo has taken out Pro Baseball players and even a good friend of mine - to the point where they have episodes of 20-30 a day. Sickness to the stomach, not being able to stand - the entire 10 yards of it. It can really be a scary thing - think about driving when an episode hits! I am very blessed to have mine under somewhat control and only feel a small amount of it every so often but a year or so ago - I was really struggling and really scared when the doctors where poking and scanning and looking for the cause.
Does life seem to feel that way sometimes? When everything you do just doesn't add up - things spin out of control - you're short tempered when you just feel you can't take one more thing on your shoulders - Life has no joy or peace in it and struggling to survive is the normal routine from day to day. One bad decision after another and things seem to get worse with each passing day and to top it off - your decisions are affecting people around you. When things are upside down and falling apart it's almost impossible to see God through all the darkness and all the muck we have created - It's what we call our lives. We have made it this way....
God can flip that life back on its right side. You dont have to go belly up and give up. You can make it and you can make the way if you let Jesus show you - to mold you- to forgive you so that you can start fresh. A do over in life - God can provide that opportunity - even if this is #43 time - He will accept #44! You don't have to have everything right and in the right place before you ask God for help. He is the way and He will provide. He does His best work when we are at our lowest and we have no place else but to look up - look up to Him.
Many folks around me are in a state where they are asking "Why? How did I get here - how much more can I take?" God understands and maybe He is seeking you to totally be willing to follow Him, for HIm to show you something amazing not only about yourself but about HIM! Yes it is all about Him and sometimes lifes lessons are hard and they are sometimes included with pain. I lost my mom to fully understand and I am not pointing fingers - I have experienced pain and loss and dissapointment - and have cried out with everything I have in my being. I do understand but God provides during your pain and your struggles. Open your eyes and open your heart - God is showing you something and teaching you something. It may be a little later in your timing that God is clear on what He is teaching you but you will come full circle if you stay strong in your faith and your eyes remained on Jesus. Its in His timing and He knows best when you are ready and capable to understand - FULLY.
Someone in my family today is getting a fresh start and a chance to come home - lick the wounds and admit fault and guilt and admit many other things that are wrong to those important loved ones around this person. It is time to make mends and peace and not throw in anger because something is tough and decisions have been bad ones. Accept responsibility - pray for forgiveness and better understanding. WAIT on the Lord to show you the answers before rushing into the next situations..... This also applies to many marriages and friendships of some folks around me also. Many are hurting and my heart hurts for them.
So no matter where you are today.... there is hope -
Being willing to start where you are, use what you have, and do the best you can. If thats the attitude you have, then God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within each of us. Ephesians 3:20.
I am BLOWN away today because of good friend of ours from church was rushed to the ER this morning. Our church folks came together - took care of kids - called and emailed - we all knew what was going on and when each test was scheduled to be done - we were all in tune ready to do whatever was necessary - because we all love this person and her family.
I am BLOWN away today because last night my rock group got together and went to a church to listen to a band sing. They were awesome and all of us enjoyed the music regardless if we knew anyone there or not -
I am BLOWN away today because last night, my heart just filled with this awesome warm feeling and I turned my head and looked down the isle my rock group family was sitting on and each of them were smiling, clapping and singing - they were at a place where they needed to be and wanted to be. Together - in church - having fun and doing this "life" thing together. The icecream afterwards never tasted so good. Even if I didnt eat my napkin this time... it was still pretty awesome!
A church is not measured by its congregation but by the love they show each other.
I can't think of any other way to live and I feel overly blessed to be part of this family - Gods family. Willing to go the extra mile for each other because they know love - Jesus has filled their hearts with it and they extend it with no bounderies.
When life is tough - wham.... it turns around for the good ..... just like Vertigo.
This is something I fight everyday. The past few years have been a little tough - I know it could be lots worse than it is and I am very blessed and thankful it is not. Vertigo has taken out Pro Baseball players and even a good friend of mine - to the point where they have episodes of 20-30 a day. Sickness to the stomach, not being able to stand - the entire 10 yards of it. It can really be a scary thing - think about driving when an episode hits! I am very blessed to have mine under somewhat control and only feel a small amount of it every so often but a year or so ago - I was really struggling and really scared when the doctors where poking and scanning and looking for the cause.
Does life seem to feel that way sometimes? When everything you do just doesn't add up - things spin out of control - you're short tempered when you just feel you can't take one more thing on your shoulders - Life has no joy or peace in it and struggling to survive is the normal routine from day to day. One bad decision after another and things seem to get worse with each passing day and to top it off - your decisions are affecting people around you. When things are upside down and falling apart it's almost impossible to see God through all the darkness and all the muck we have created - It's what we call our lives. We have made it this way....
God can flip that life back on its right side. You dont have to go belly up and give up. You can make it and you can make the way if you let Jesus show you - to mold you- to forgive you so that you can start fresh. A do over in life - God can provide that opportunity - even if this is #43 time - He will accept #44! You don't have to have everything right and in the right place before you ask God for help. He is the way and He will provide. He does His best work when we are at our lowest and we have no place else but to look up - look up to Him.
Many folks around me are in a state where they are asking "Why? How did I get here - how much more can I take?" God understands and maybe He is seeking you to totally be willing to follow Him, for HIm to show you something amazing not only about yourself but about HIM! Yes it is all about Him and sometimes lifes lessons are hard and they are sometimes included with pain. I lost my mom to fully understand and I am not pointing fingers - I have experienced pain and loss and dissapointment - and have cried out with everything I have in my being. I do understand but God provides during your pain and your struggles. Open your eyes and open your heart - God is showing you something and teaching you something. It may be a little later in your timing that God is clear on what He is teaching you but you will come full circle if you stay strong in your faith and your eyes remained on Jesus. Its in His timing and He knows best when you are ready and capable to understand - FULLY.
Someone in my family today is getting a fresh start and a chance to come home - lick the wounds and admit fault and guilt and admit many other things that are wrong to those important loved ones around this person. It is time to make mends and peace and not throw in anger because something is tough and decisions have been bad ones. Accept responsibility - pray for forgiveness and better understanding. WAIT on the Lord to show you the answers before rushing into the next situations..... This also applies to many marriages and friendships of some folks around me also. Many are hurting and my heart hurts for them.
So no matter where you are today.... there is hope -
Being willing to start where you are, use what you have, and do the best you can. If thats the attitude you have, then God can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within each of us. Ephesians 3:20.
I am BLOWN away today because of good friend of ours from church was rushed to the ER this morning. Our church folks came together - took care of kids - called and emailed - we all knew what was going on and when each test was scheduled to be done - we were all in tune ready to do whatever was necessary - because we all love this person and her family.
I am BLOWN away today because last night my rock group got together and went to a church to listen to a band sing. They were awesome and all of us enjoyed the music regardless if we knew anyone there or not -
I am BLOWN away today because last night, my heart just filled with this awesome warm feeling and I turned my head and looked down the isle my rock group family was sitting on and each of them were smiling, clapping and singing - they were at a place where they needed to be and wanted to be. Together - in church - having fun and doing this "life" thing together. The icecream afterwards never tasted so good. Even if I didnt eat my napkin this time... it was still pretty awesome!
A church is not measured by its congregation but by the love they show each other.
I can't think of any other way to live and I feel overly blessed to be part of this family - Gods family. Willing to go the extra mile for each other because they know love - Jesus has filled their hearts with it and they extend it with no bounderies.
When life is tough - wham.... it turns around for the good ..... just like Vertigo.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Fishing 101

What a good day today. We went to see my Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster - have some lunch and do some fishing. Kyle was up at 5 this morning waiting to go! He slept most of the way there this morning and it was great being there! Uncle Buster has a pond and if you can't catch fish - well then something is big time wrong if you can't catch a fish at the pond.
There is stiff competition - last time up Uncle Buster beat Kyle 9-8 but this time Kyle had the lead with 20 - and I am not even sure what the closest catch was.
We all had a great time being on the farm. I love spending time with them because life goes back 30 years - goes back to a time when things are simple - not even a cell phone signal!
I love it...... and was glad to enjoy the time today - fishing, watermelon, cake and sandwhiches..... with some good ol-timer fishing!
Thanks Aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster for a great day today!!!!!!
Love you both,
Friday, July 13, 2007
Medicine? Who needs it when you have this...

Is there something here that you notice more than something else?
Let me explain -
Proverbs 17:22
22 A cheerful heart is good medicine.
What can I say? - these are families that are coming together and I am so proud to be able to experience this! Years ago - this would have NEVER of happened. Ask Carol if you don't believe me. There is no other place I would rather be than spending time with my kids. Investing in the future - not my future - but theirs. We have commitments that my girls will be attending our church's VBS this year and I have to be honest - I am nervous! I am praying God works in their lives and in the lives of their families. It is sometimes scary stretching outward to folks....praying all the excuses of today are wiped clean so that Jesus would have a chance to take over a heart and change a life~ one at a time.
Kyle, man you are one cool dude and I am so proud of you. Proud of the friend choices you are making and the families they represent.
A cheerful heart is good medicine~ is there any other way to want to live your life?
Its a choice....even under the most extreme conditions.... there is happiness and joy in everything when we have the Lord.
We are ALL blessed beyond our wildest dreams.....
Something someone needs.....
There are a few folks in my life today that need to read this:
Proverbs 16:
1 Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. 2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good. 3 Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place.
What does this mean to you?
Email me at or click the comment button and let us know.
Proverbs 16:
1 Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word. 2 Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good; God probes for what is good. 3 Put God in charge of your work, then what you've planned will take place.
What does this mean to you?
Email me at or click the comment button and let us know.
34-35"Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other."
Really think about that for a second. I mean really think. Read it again. It just blows my mind - to think of where my heart is today in regards to the folks around me today. I mean, I really love these people - the people that make up my circle - my families - circle. I have been praying for a long time and continue to do, that people will see Jesus through me. Plain and simple - its not about me at all - its about Jesus. My actions, my words - the things I am doing - I am serving others before myself. My family is serving the needs of others before themselves. It's a lesson I continue to learn and I just try and look for opportunities to teach my son these lessons from our Heavenly Father. Its pretty awesome! This morning I received an email from someone that still has me flying. They told me that they can see Jesus through my actions and in the things I do. Thats awesome bringing Jesus the glory and praise like this!!! Investments - paying huge dividends.
Galatians 5:22
When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
There is nothing we cannot overcome or cannot do. When stress and struggles come, we tend to run away and hide. We tend to think about changing jobs, Churches and relationships and even pushing God out of their lives - just when you need Him the most! But if the Lord has your heart and you are serving others needs before your own - it changes the entire spectrum - it changes the way you see things. You will make things work and you will find away because God will bring you THROUGH these struggles - in these relationships - in your place of work. If you ask the Lord to help you persevere - You WILL.
Focus outward instead of inward. Focus on others instead of yourself. It will change everything you do - it will change almost everything about you. Your future will be brighter and you will experience God like you never have before. Giving - Investing - sharing - loving - SERVING others. Its the buzz I keep talking about......
and its not the bees.
34-35"Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other."
Really think about that for a second. I mean really think. Read it again. It just blows my mind - to think of where my heart is today in regards to the folks around me today. I mean, I really love these people - the people that make up my circle - my families - circle. I have been praying for a long time and continue to do, that people will see Jesus through me. Plain and simple - its not about me at all - its about Jesus. My actions, my words - the things I am doing - I am serving others before myself. My family is serving the needs of others before themselves. It's a lesson I continue to learn and I just try and look for opportunities to teach my son these lessons from our Heavenly Father. Its pretty awesome! This morning I received an email from someone that still has me flying. They told me that they can see Jesus through my actions and in the things I do. Thats awesome bringing Jesus the glory and praise like this!!! Investments - paying huge dividends.
Galatians 5:22
When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
There is nothing we cannot overcome or cannot do. When stress and struggles come, we tend to run away and hide. We tend to think about changing jobs, Churches and relationships and even pushing God out of their lives - just when you need Him the most! But if the Lord has your heart and you are serving others needs before your own - it changes the entire spectrum - it changes the way you see things. You will make things work and you will find away because God will bring you THROUGH these struggles - in these relationships - in your place of work. If you ask the Lord to help you persevere - You WILL.
Focus outward instead of inward. Focus on others instead of yourself. It will change everything you do - it will change almost everything about you. Your future will be brighter and you will experience God like you never have before. Giving - Investing - sharing - loving - SERVING others. Its the buzz I keep talking about......
and its not the bees.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Something special to me~ Psalm 139

Psalm 139
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
1 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. 2 You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. 3 You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. 4 You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. 5 You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand!
7 I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! 8 If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there. 9 If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10 even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. 11 I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— 12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God. They cannot be numbered! 18 I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!
19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked! Get out of my life, you murderers! 20 They blaspheme you; your enemies misuse your name. 21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you? 22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred, for your enemies are my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
7 I can never escape from your Spirit! I can never get away from your presence! 8 If I go up to heaven, you are there; if I go down to the grave,[a] you are there. 9 If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, 10 even there your hand will guide me, and your strength will support me. 11 I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night— 12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you. To you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. 15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God. They cannot be numbered! 18 I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!
19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked! Get out of my life, you murderers! 20 They blaspheme you; your enemies misuse your name. 21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you? Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you? 22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred, for your enemies are my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Heavenly Father - thank You Lord for this day. For the encouragement and for the trust I have in You. Lord thank You for the courage to step out into Your light and into a place I have never been up until last year. Thank You for the courage and letting You open my eyes to the children and families around me Lord. Lord I pray I can continue to do Your will and serve You above all else. May I have all the correct things to say and the right meaning behind my actions in everything I do. Lord I was afraid of showing this side of me for so long and never knew this side of me was even there but I am thankful and for this step in faith many are sharing in the blessings of these friendships. Lord I pray I can continue to be someone to look up to for the children and teenagers in my life today - may new families continue to come and surround my family and I - May we continue to share Your Good News with them. May I press on even in difficult and trusting times to lean on You Lord to do what is right. I am afraid sometimes Lord of saying the wrong thing or someone taking my words or actions or outward love that I have for these children and teenagers and their families as something weird or politicaly incorrect or out of bounds but Lord please help me continue to stand strong for You and put You first for them to see You through me. Lord I pray I am setting a good example for these children, teenagers and families. I pray my family is setting a good example for them and we can continue this ministry You have us on today. Blessings I feel from Your Heavenly spring are showering down on us and all those who are with us now. Keep us honest and true - show us Your love so that we may learn what real love is for each other. I pray You continue to provide Lord for the families that we so desperatly care and love - may we learn how to serve each other, reach out to each other, love each other and care for each others childen like they were our own in such a way that it would bring You Lord, the honor and praise You so deserve. Thank You for the path You have me on today - for our families Lord as You continue to bring folks together and bring them to You. Help us flow the blessings in this life onto others and Help us praise Your awesome name together - today and forever more.
I pray in Your sons most awesome name in Jesus,
Getting in the game....
I am so encouraged today even though my mind is racing all over the place. But let me try to start from the beginning on what's going through my mind. Follow along with me....
The United States has now had 17 generations of people since we first became a country. It's not that many really since Europe and other countries are much older than we are. But thats still 17 generations of folks that have been born and raised. Our country is probably in the worst state it has ever been in my opinion as far as spiritually and raising our children with godly faith values compared to past generations. I'm not ready to tackle the entire generation but we all can together and change the course we are all on. There are many needs that I pray for concerning people around me. People who know people who are sick - circumstances ranging all over the place - the future of a particular child - just so many needs but also so much to be thankful for. Until the Lord took over my life I would have been walking almost like everyone else, doing my thing and not caring about much that didn't affect me or my family. But that is not the case any longer. God has opened my eyes to so much - I feel differently about things and about people - about their struggles and their families. Gifts that I never knew I had have now been exposed to me. I have been blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine and I don't plan on living with these blessings all by myself. I want to pass them out and give. GIVE like Jesus wants me to give! I am placing investments in people around me and it has been awesome seeing those dividends paying off. Just last night after stopping at our friends house to rip and tear and smash a broken swing set apart - the Lord opened up the heavens and poured all over us - Kyle and I kept going and we loved it! We knew we were doing something important and we were enjoying the blessing of helping a close friend and her family - a family which we love and have been blessed to become close with now. But after this teachable moment to my son and for myself- we stopped at the neighbors up the street. We stayed until 9:30 or something last night sitting in the garage - laughing and enjoying conversation. It's a first for our families to be together and God is moving here friends. One of the things that happened was the conversation of church - Pastor Jimmy and the style that we worship God in. Friends, I really feel this will happen this Sunday at 11:00 - a new family coming to visit church with us. A family who we have been inviting for MONTHS if not a year!! IS coming this Sunday. A little time invested could be life changing for this family. One of the comments said last night was - "you know, no matter how hard life is and how messed up it is, I just feel I need to have God breathe some fresh truth into my life and it just may happen now." Sounds like the Lord will be showing up in a big way this Sunday.
Romans 13:11
“But make sure that you don't get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God.”
Even if it takes Jesus another 100 years to come back for us - our days are numbered here. It's time to share the love we have for Jesus to others. Yes we might get hurt along the way - we may offend some folks along the way but then again we just may catch a few fish along the way too. God wants us in the game.... and He alone with strengthen us to play and to play hard. Maybe the next generation of young folks wont be so lost as they are today. Another investment is being made today... one victory at a time. God teaching one moment at a time. God providing one provision at a time. God connecting one person and family at a time.
Friends, - God wants you in the game.
The United States has now had 17 generations of people since we first became a country. It's not that many really since Europe and other countries are much older than we are. But thats still 17 generations of folks that have been born and raised. Our country is probably in the worst state it has ever been in my opinion as far as spiritually and raising our children with godly faith values compared to past generations. I'm not ready to tackle the entire generation but we all can together and change the course we are all on. There are many needs that I pray for concerning people around me. People who know people who are sick - circumstances ranging all over the place - the future of a particular child - just so many needs but also so much to be thankful for. Until the Lord took over my life I would have been walking almost like everyone else, doing my thing and not caring about much that didn't affect me or my family. But that is not the case any longer. God has opened my eyes to so much - I feel differently about things and about people - about their struggles and their families. Gifts that I never knew I had have now been exposed to me. I have been blessed beyond anything I could ever imagine and I don't plan on living with these blessings all by myself. I want to pass them out and give. GIVE like Jesus wants me to give! I am placing investments in people around me and it has been awesome seeing those dividends paying off. Just last night after stopping at our friends house to rip and tear and smash a broken swing set apart - the Lord opened up the heavens and poured all over us - Kyle and I kept going and we loved it! We knew we were doing something important and we were enjoying the blessing of helping a close friend and her family - a family which we love and have been blessed to become close with now. But after this teachable moment to my son and for myself- we stopped at the neighbors up the street. We stayed until 9:30 or something last night sitting in the garage - laughing and enjoying conversation. It's a first for our families to be together and God is moving here friends. One of the things that happened was the conversation of church - Pastor Jimmy and the style that we worship God in. Friends, I really feel this will happen this Sunday at 11:00 - a new family coming to visit church with us. A family who we have been inviting for MONTHS if not a year!! IS coming this Sunday. A little time invested could be life changing for this family. One of the comments said last night was - "you know, no matter how hard life is and how messed up it is, I just feel I need to have God breathe some fresh truth into my life and it just may happen now." Sounds like the Lord will be showing up in a big way this Sunday.
Romans 13:11
“But make sure that you don't get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day-by-day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God.”
Even if it takes Jesus another 100 years to come back for us - our days are numbered here. It's time to share the love we have for Jesus to others. Yes we might get hurt along the way - we may offend some folks along the way but then again we just may catch a few fish along the way too. God wants us in the game.... and He alone with strengthen us to play and to play hard. Maybe the next generation of young folks wont be so lost as they are today. Another investment is being made today... one victory at a time. God teaching one moment at a time. God providing one provision at a time. God connecting one person and family at a time.
Friends, - God wants you in the game.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
One Victory at a time........
Have you ever just known its going to be a tough day on your spirit the moment you walk into work or a meeting or whatever your about to do? You just have the wrong attitude or someone rubs you wrong? Well I am there today. Pray that I can over come this today and get through the day somehow in a way that would not disappoint Jesus in my words and in my actions. See even with this situation, I am faced with decisions and a teachable moment. And that is just what God does when we accept Him into our hearts. He uses moment by moment to mold us and shape us. When we accept Jesus - He does not just take over our entire lives, fix all our hurts and problems - He does not mend all the bad and hurting relationships and everything that is wrong all at once. I think many new Christians do believe this and its just not the way it works. If it did happen all at once? - we would not need Christ anymore. We would be fixed at that moment - the only thing that happens at that moment is - we are saved and forgiven of all our past and all our sins. God will then flow into your heart and save you from Hell and He will then begin to teach you and shape your life - but it takes effort on your part friends. We can't just walk away then. I have some around me who have done this and honestly - I am not sure how God handles this and I am afraid for these folks and loved ones. God uses each Sunday at church, each relationship, each worship experience, each Sunday school class, each Rock Group session, each prayer, each prayer request - each circumstance in your life to learn and be more like Jesus. Its a moment by moment thing and the more we understand and learn about what God is doing in our lives the more we want to be more like Him. We learn to recognize the little things that God is doing in everything. This summer our church challenged us to find Jesus in everything we do and everywhere we go. He has shown up in the most amazing places this summer and I look forward to seeing Him more and in more places!!
Yes God does do the miracles in our lives where He shows up in big ways and takes over situations or blesses us in amazing ways but its our job to also continue to grow in Him even during the mundane of days - the everyday walk we are all on in our lives. The other thing we all need to remember is to not condemn people but to love them. Many times we don't know how much people are hurting until we ask. We have not walked in their shoes at all and extending a hand, a meal, a smile even in the Food Lion to the lady who checking out your groceries could make all the difference in the world to them.
The cross on my necklace reminds me that I belong to Jesus. The other day while working out at the gym - they have like 8 TV's playing MTV, VH1 - and all kinds of things I would NOT rather look at. Those stations among others play such horrible things for our youth on those channels and as I am working out on the treadmill - I find myself looking at the TV's. I would be ashamed if someone saw me looking at them because I have a cross on my neck and I represent Jesus. Jesus would have probably have ripped them off the ceiling - but I have to look away because I want to be different. I want to set a good example for Jesus for others to see. All my actions and all my words are behind my CROSS and Jesus has given me my cross.... even though He has paid for it in full for me. My soul is His because of what He has done for me.
I plan on sharing my cross soon with a young person near me - explaining what the cross means to me and hopefully being a great example for her - for Jesus.
I think I am going to take a walk now free my mind of what I am dealing with this morning. Jesus working moment by moment and not all at once. A teachable moment and a Goliath many times for me. But with Christ - I will climb my Goliath and claim victory day by day .... Just the way God had planned for all of us. One victory at a time......
Love you all,
Yes God does do the miracles in our lives where He shows up in big ways and takes over situations or blesses us in amazing ways but its our job to also continue to grow in Him even during the mundane of days - the everyday walk we are all on in our lives. The other thing we all need to remember is to not condemn people but to love them. Many times we don't know how much people are hurting until we ask. We have not walked in their shoes at all and extending a hand, a meal, a smile even in the Food Lion to the lady who checking out your groceries could make all the difference in the world to them.
The cross on my necklace reminds me that I belong to Jesus. The other day while working out at the gym - they have like 8 TV's playing MTV, VH1 - and all kinds of things I would NOT rather look at. Those stations among others play such horrible things for our youth on those channels and as I am working out on the treadmill - I find myself looking at the TV's. I would be ashamed if someone saw me looking at them because I have a cross on my neck and I represent Jesus. Jesus would have probably have ripped them off the ceiling - but I have to look away because I want to be different. I want to set a good example for Jesus for others to see. All my actions and all my words are behind my CROSS and Jesus has given me my cross.... even though He has paid for it in full for me. My soul is His because of what He has done for me.
I plan on sharing my cross soon with a young person near me - explaining what the cross means to me and hopefully being a great example for her - for Jesus.
I think I am going to take a walk now free my mind of what I am dealing with this morning. Jesus working moment by moment and not all at once. A teachable moment and a Goliath many times for me. But with Christ - I will climb my Goliath and claim victory day by day .... Just the way God had planned for all of us. One victory at a time......
Love you all,
Monday, July 9, 2007
Well for the life of me, I cant seem to figure out what happened to my Title. Seems I am locked out of it now and can't add anything. Oh well - I am title less from now on unless I get it figured out. But I guess its a mood point - kind of like judging a book by its cover right?
Well I had a good work day today. Hated the alarm clock this morning but a good day afterwards. Lots of things going on but I look forward to getting them done and moving on to the next thing. Kind of like enjoying my ministry for God and serving those around me. I look forward to each opportunity to serve our God in these opportunities that He is opening for me, my family, the loved ones in my life and my church family.
Our church mission trip to Daytona is underway. Please keep the leaders, guardians and the kids in your prayers this week. Pray they all are led by what God is doing through this ministry - our church and under our care of our awesome pastors.
I am off to Honda tonight to get some work done on the "E". I hate the wait but enjoy looking at the new vehicles. I will bring my Ipod and get a sermon in - I know "Geek".
I have been thinking about 2 things the last few days..... one to challenge my Rock Group members to carry God with them everywhere they go for a week. Bring your bible - your Ipod - a Christian book to read at lunch time - a Christian magazine - whatever that includes God's word in it. When we carry Gods word with us, I think we will have a better understanding of where and how God fits into our lives each day and in each circumstance. I would love to hear what God does that week you do this. The other thing I am thinking about - is a Rock Group for new folks at our church. Maybe having a Startup Rock Group that meets like 3 times or so over the course of a month and half..... and introduce them to Rock Groups - Rocky River style. If they like it and want to join - they can get plugged into a group or if they are led to lead, I am sure they can do that. If they can't at the time commit - well thats fine also.
Just some things rolling in my head......
I also wrote 3 letters today to some of my kids from Kyles class last year. I am very excited to hear back from them. With Carol taking special care to invite all the kids from the class that she has contact info for - I hope VBS at church this year will be lots of fun! With lots of smiling faces... including mine. Thats something neat I am really praying for.
Well - almost done with work today..... a good day back at it. Glory to God - even at work -MY Mission field. I have accepted that........and love it.
God's Best,
Well I had a good work day today. Hated the alarm clock this morning but a good day afterwards. Lots of things going on but I look forward to getting them done and moving on to the next thing. Kind of like enjoying my ministry for God and serving those around me. I look forward to each opportunity to serve our God in these opportunities that He is opening for me, my family, the loved ones in my life and my church family.
Our church mission trip to Daytona is underway. Please keep the leaders, guardians and the kids in your prayers this week. Pray they all are led by what God is doing through this ministry - our church and under our care of our awesome pastors.
I am off to Honda tonight to get some work done on the "E". I hate the wait but enjoy looking at the new vehicles. I will bring my Ipod and get a sermon in - I know "Geek".
I have been thinking about 2 things the last few days..... one to challenge my Rock Group members to carry God with them everywhere they go for a week. Bring your bible - your Ipod - a Christian book to read at lunch time - a Christian magazine - whatever that includes God's word in it. When we carry Gods word with us, I think we will have a better understanding of where and how God fits into our lives each day and in each circumstance. I would love to hear what God does that week you do this. The other thing I am thinking about - is a Rock Group for new folks at our church. Maybe having a Startup Rock Group that meets like 3 times or so over the course of a month and half..... and introduce them to Rock Groups - Rocky River style. If they like it and want to join - they can get plugged into a group or if they are led to lead, I am sure they can do that. If they can't at the time commit - well thats fine also.
Just some things rolling in my head......
I also wrote 3 letters today to some of my kids from Kyles class last year. I am very excited to hear back from them. With Carol taking special care to invite all the kids from the class that she has contact info for - I hope VBS at church this year will be lots of fun! With lots of smiling faces... including mine. Thats something neat I am really praying for.
Well - almost done with work today..... a good day back at it. Glory to God - even at work -MY Mission field. I have accepted that........and love it.
God's Best,
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Well back to work tomorrow. In many ways I am looking forward to it. I am not looking forward to hearing the alarm clock going off but getting back into the groove is ok with me. I have a busy week this week coming up with many projects happening and also putting in some serving time. Tonight our rock group minus Mike and his family all went to University Place and listened to the music there. They had a band playing some good music and by the time we left - the place was packed. Guess when the sun goes down - thats a song I have heard somewhere!
Anyways - it was lots of fun being with everyone. Enjoy the picture!
The Lord has put this family together to enjoy times just like these - to remind us that we don't have to do things alone - there are people around us who love us and pray for each other. Their kids are my kids and there is nothing I would not do for anyone in this family. My Rock Group - what a blessing to take part in something so COOL!!!!
Today's message about honoring our parents really hit home for me. Pastor JImmy had some great things to remind us with and to also teach us something new. One thing I realized is - Yes I have not forgotten my promises to my mom - but I need to do a better job with my dad - my brothers - my aunt Sharon and Uncle Buster - my Sister Patty and her side of the family. I have yet to even meet the love of her life already!!! Whats up with that? Anyways - my grandmothers wont be around forever and I need to sit with them more - pray for them more - and listen to them more. Its hard being 2 hours or so away from everyone - but I know I can do better at phone calls and emails than I have been doing.
So that is where I am today.... God showing me so many things and reminding me of others.
Like I said ~ busy week ahead. God will lead the way... and I am sure He will show me something along His path.
Love you all,
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Saturday night. Wow how things have changed over the years. Carol and I used to be tearing up the town but tonight - Kyle is up the street at his friends house - Carol is on the phone with my dad and I am feeling more blessed than anyone right now! I have to share - I got a letter from one of my KIDS today!!! I wrote her a letter a few weeks ago after praying over what to write for over a week and she wrote back to me! How exciting is that? I hope to write all my kids before the summer is over and to also include our R2C2 VBS program with an invite in there - that way I will get to see them as well towards the end of the month. I am looking forward to the plans that Carol puts together with Kyles friends this week. I look forward to seeing both Madisons this week!
Well - vacation is almost over - but its been a good vacation! I am serving 11:00 Sunday school tomorrow with Carol and serving breakdown. I so much look forward to seeing everyone. Catching up with Dawn, Heather and David and seeing how their vacation was the week before. I look forward to hearing from Dan and his family on their vacation to Disney World and I hope I see Mike and his family tomorrow. We have a special evening planned for Rock group over at University Place with the music in the park. Hope we can all go..... well anyways - life is good and I am especially excited that folks want to go to the cabin - we have shared with a few folks that they can go to our getaway place - because God has blessed us with such a great place and Carol and I are both excited that good friends - people we love - are going to take us up on the offer to go and stay a few days with their families. May the Lord bless you all during this time guys!! Carol and I are so excited about this that you can't even imagine.
Church will be awesome tomorrow.... Honoring Your Mother and Father! I can feel a tear already with the message because my mom is with Jesus and my dad is slowly coming into things as he finds himself. Its because of my mom - I am where I am today - Jesus uses circumstances and people in our lives to get our attention. My mom was my attention getter..... my life changed direction..... and Jesus saved me. How can I not feel blessed? Passing along those blessings to those around me... that BUZ I keep talking about?
I had it today........and got caught during it! Still pretty cool :)
love you all,
Well - vacation is almost over - but its been a good vacation! I am serving 11:00 Sunday school tomorrow with Carol and serving breakdown. I so much look forward to seeing everyone. Catching up with Dawn, Heather and David and seeing how their vacation was the week before. I look forward to hearing from Dan and his family on their vacation to Disney World and I hope I see Mike and his family tomorrow. We have a special evening planned for Rock group over at University Place with the music in the park. Hope we can all go..... well anyways - life is good and I am especially excited that folks want to go to the cabin - we have shared with a few folks that they can go to our getaway place - because God has blessed us with such a great place and Carol and I are both excited that good friends - people we love - are going to take us up on the offer to go and stay a few days with their families. May the Lord bless you all during this time guys!! Carol and I are so excited about this that you can't even imagine.
Church will be awesome tomorrow.... Honoring Your Mother and Father! I can feel a tear already with the message because my mom is with Jesus and my dad is slowly coming into things as he finds himself. Its because of my mom - I am where I am today - Jesus uses circumstances and people in our lives to get our attention. My mom was my attention getter..... my life changed direction..... and Jesus saved me. How can I not feel blessed? Passing along those blessings to those around me... that BUZ I keep talking about?
I had it today........and got caught during it! Still pretty cool :)
love you all,
Friday, July 6, 2007
Up and Down the creek...
We have had a great couple of days at the cabin. Vacation finally - I can sleep past 8AM! You know I am rested and relaxed - even the dogs sleep in and lounge all day. Last night we took both dogs down to Ostin Creek and Payton actually went swimming. Adger still wants his feet on the bottom but I dragged him across the creek anyways - it was right up under his neck! Too funny..... yesterday we did something we have always wanted to do. We took the canoe out to the lake and ventured into the Ostin Creek basin of the lake. There are some pretty houses there and we actually canoed all the way to the bridge. Wilderness at its finest through there. Pretty neat looking up at the house from the water - we even canoed right up on a deer that was getting a drink. We didnt catch much fish but we swam - laughed - got to see a bald eagle - swam some more... it was lots of fun. We spent about 6 hours on the canoe and even ventured past the Ostin Creek basin and further down the lake. Furthest we have even been. Still have not seen the entire lake but its pretty none the less. Glad the batteries held out. We are the only ones in the state probably with a motor on our canoe! No way we could paddle that far!
Tomorrow we head back home - going to get a morning start and get the grass cut - stop and see our friend Donna and her 2 girls hopefully - get a chance to hang with them a little and enjoy the last of vacation! Big serving day Sunday at church and I am pumped about being back. I have missed everyone - but glad God has given me the rest and relaxation this week. A recharge of the batteries for all of us.
Love you all,
Tomorrow we head back home - going to get a morning start and get the grass cut - stop and see our friend Donna and her 2 girls hopefully - get a chance to hang with them a little and enjoy the last of vacation! Big serving day Sunday at church and I am pumped about being back. I have missed everyone - but glad God has given me the rest and relaxation this week. A recharge of the batteries for all of us.
Love you all,
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Looking forward....

Happy July 4th everyone! Enjoy the day today with celebrations - community fireworks~ friends and family cooking over the BBQ.
Today is a day we celebrate our freedom. Many though around us are not free. They live in places that keep them locked down and from enjoying their freedom. Freedom to live, to choose and to go places. They live outside the US but they also live in the US also. They are people we all know and they are people who don't know Jesus. Jesus has given us freedom. Freedom of our personal chains that are tied around our necks - freedom of sin - freedom of guilt and worry - freedom of shame and hurts. Jesus has taken all that from us and lets us LIVE!!!
So even though we celebrate today the freedom of our country - Pray for those around you today that are not totally free...... so that one day they too may enjoy true FREEDOM.
Love you all,
Today is a day we celebrate our freedom. Many though around us are not free. They live in places that keep them locked down and from enjoying their freedom. Freedom to live, to choose and to go places. They live outside the US but they also live in the US also. They are people we all know and they are people who don't know Jesus. Jesus has given us freedom. Freedom of our personal chains that are tied around our necks - freedom of sin - freedom of guilt and worry - freedom of shame and hurts. Jesus has taken all that from us and lets us LIVE!!!
So even though we celebrate today the freedom of our country - Pray for those around you today that are not totally free...... so that one day they too may enjoy true FREEDOM.
Love you all,
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The last few weeks - and today at Lake Adger...
We are wooped today! Not used to this cabin life and nonstop moving. But we are having some fun. This afternoon we took the big tube down to the lake and jumped in - Kyle and I swam across Lake Adger and back. Dang that was hard or I am getting old. Anyways - we are looking forward to a fun day tomorrow with the 4th - there is a big fireworks show tomorrow night in town and the parade of boats on Lake Adger is tomorrow at 2:30. Looking forward to some fun time.
Here is what we have been doing the last 2 or so weeks. A few pictures from the concert - Taylor, Morgan and Kyle going to see Bella at UNCC right before the big "Stink". Also including the swim meets with the 2 Madisons and their families - we have been blessed to do life together with these folks..... Life is good!
Still no fish tales - I think the fish know we are coming before we even get there. Bummer......
Fun trying though...
Monday, July 2, 2007
First day of VACATION!
Well, the first day of vacation today. After little sleep from staying up late on Saturday night from the Faith and Freedom concert - which was pretty awesome - Half worship and half music! We were pretty wore out this morning and slept in until 8:30. There is nothing like praying with 12,000 people around ya and everyone just having fun~ Salvador, Todd Agnew and then MercyMe..... the place was really happening by the time MercyMe came on the stage. We really thought the rain was going to hit but it held off until the fireworks started so that was cool. I will post some pictures as soon as we can get them off the camera - hey I am on vacation!!
Well today we didn't get to go fishing but that is on the hit list for tomorrow for sure. We ventured into Spindale NC today to find a mattress~ after waking up this morning with a stiff neck and our backs hurting - it was time to throw out the mattress. Not only did we find a mattress but we found a dining table! We have been looking for a table for like 3 years and have not had one until now. The place feels like a home now especially with a place to eat instead of our laps!
Well - we have an easy night planned and look forward to getting a good nights rest up here at the cabin. Let the vacation begin!!! Talk tomorrow, Lord willing :)
Randy, Carol, Kyle - Adger and Paypay.
Well today we didn't get to go fishing but that is on the hit list for tomorrow for sure. We ventured into Spindale NC today to find a mattress~ after waking up this morning with a stiff neck and our backs hurting - it was time to throw out the mattress. Not only did we find a mattress but we found a dining table! We have been looking for a table for like 3 years and have not had one until now. The place feels like a home now especially with a place to eat instead of our laps!
Well - we have an easy night planned and look forward to getting a good nights rest up here at the cabin. Let the vacation begin!!! Talk tomorrow, Lord willing :)
Randy, Carol, Kyle - Adger and Paypay.
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