Friday, May 18, 2007

Its all about Him

I recently was up in Ararat Virginia a few weeks back working at my uncle and grandmothers green house and visiting/working with almost all my aunts and I took this picture on the way down the mountain. I just love church signs - they either draw us into the church or they push us away. I think about my church, where we don't have a home yet and think about that sign that will be out front. Who will update it - who will decide what goes on it? Will it push people away or draw them in. If the sign is for church people, well, they are either going to our church or somewhere else... so what is the point. We are all on the same team and not to steal other members from other churches right? So the signs main goal is to draw the unchurched into church - to make some sense out of something in their lives - all wrapped into one sentence or catchy phrase.
So - this sign - "Its not about us; its all about Him" - wow - that really makes sense to me. But does it make sense to someone who does not go to church? They know nothing of God - all they know is themselves and that is who they have been trying to please and make happy all their lives. So the sign really does not make no sense to the unchurched. It does give us a reminder at times for those folks who follow Jesus or those who have fallen away from Jesus. If we really focus on those words - "Its not about us" - yes it is not all about us. The first line in the book written by Rick Warren - The purpose driven life - it says - its not about us. We are to live our lives for others. We are to reach out and help those in need and those who are hurting. Its about giving a blessing to someone and not always taking one. Your needs before our own.
"Its all about Him" - yes indeed - its all about Jesus. Its why we are here... We are why He came. If we follow the guidelines He taught us and passed down to us through His word and by His actions - we will live a blessed life because we would understand the importance of living for others - to give to others instead of taking -we would have lived our lives with purpose and meaning. We would raise our children with values and morals with standards far greater than society gives us today. Friends if you are at a crossroads in your life or hanging on big decisions that would change your life - your family and children's lives - Ask yourself that simple question. Are you making these decisions for You - or for God. If you choose you - then this plan will surely fail and chalk it up as another bad decision in life with consequences down the road. BUT - if you are choosing do make these decisions for God and with His purpose and in His timing.... it might just prove to be the best decision in your life. It may change your life and the direction of your family. These big decisions - have you spoken to God about them - has He answered you and have you waited to hear from Him? His timing - not your own. Many folks don't have patience and live in the moment -emotions are the worst decision makers. Emotions and feeling change - up and down - good one minute/bad the next. They make horrible decisions when in the moment. Pray about things loved ones - let God guide those big moves - decision that can change the direction in your family - it just might be the best decision you have ever made. God wants to be part of those big things in your life. Make Him an equal part of it.

Acts 1:8
8But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Don't ever give up on what God has placed on your heart - if your looking for direction and an answer - continue to pray about it - God will show you the way. Its all about Him and decisions are in His timing. Not ours........

love you all,

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