Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I have to say that discouragement is an easy place to fall into but a hard place to remove yourself from. Many folks tell me that I am full of encouragement. Many times in reality I am not. But I do try my best to project a "Can do" attitude and nothing is impossible because I have seen it many times when things just are not working out or when the road has ended - God shows up and makes something from nothing. Discouragement sometimes is the way "WE" see things.
When you become discouraged – Stop and ask God, “Am I seeing this situation through your eyes, or my own?” “Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ – that's where the action is. See things from His perspective.”

It's so easy to fall into the trap and many times all we need is a new perspective, a new way to look at things and a new set of eyes. Friends, we are where we are for a reason and there is something to learn from all this right now that we are going through. God will see you through this trial and He will teach you what He wants you to learn. Focus on the picture with news eyes, a new vision and remember the teachable moments - not only your teachable moments but also those moments your in for others to see and learn. God has a plan for all things and never are you outside the parameters of those plans. Trust in Him and He will walk with you like a brother.
If you need encouragement - email me or give me a call. I am a good listener and willing to pray with you and lift your name to our Father in heaven.
Look up and change that attitude! God will say when its over~
Keep your eyes on Jesus and not your circumstances.
With love,


Anonymous said...

Discouragement is not a trap---it is a pit. Each thing that happens or does not go as planned digs that pit even deeper. I guess that is where faith kicks in. Faith that God is there. Faith that all will be ok. Faith that this all means something.

Sharon Davis said...

Sometimes we see people that never appear to be discouraged. Don't buy that, everyone gets discouraged from time to time. I fight it, sometimes it almost wins, I fight it even harder, sometimes I feel myself sinking, I keep fighting, sometimes the tears fall, I keep fighting, I look in the eyes of Jesus and not the waves under my feet, He keeps me from sinking, He is the only thing that keeps me from sinking. I am in a trial, it is a daily thing, fighting to stay up, but I refuse to go under in the name of Jesus. It will be worth it all one day. Only what is done for Christ will last.
My calendar says today
May 2 "Be still, and know that I am God" Psalms 46:10

I'm not ashamed to ask you to pray for me Randy, I need your prayers today and everyday.
I love you,
Aunt Sharon