I want to wish everyone a very happy new years - I pray that 2008 will be a great year. I have been giving this blog entry some good thought so I hope I can manage to get my thoughts out here the way I want to.
You are probably wondering what this is... does it look familiar? If you know anything about the stars - you would know this is our closest galaxy to our own. This is Andromeda galaxy - also known as Messier Object 31. This galaxy is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 million light years away from our Milky Way. That is traveling 186,000 miles per second for 2-3 million light years ... that is pretty far away!
This is our Milky Way. Can you see yourself over there on the left? No wait, on the right? See how small we are compared to everything around us? Things we can't explain or know so little about... we are the size of a pin head to everything else around us.
We live in a giant spiral galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy, of 100,000 light years diameter and a mass of roughly a trillion solar masses and our Solar System together with at least 200 billion other stars (more recent estimates have given numbers around 400 billion) and their planets. Our sun and our planet earth along with our known 9 planets are just a spec in this awesome picture. Did you know that if Earth was formed say - 100 miles closer to the sun we would burn up? Did you know that if Earth was formed say 100 miles farther from the sun we would be all frozen solid? These things dont just form by chance. Most people don't want to face the reality of something that they can't understand so most ignore it and don't think about it.
Did you ever wonder why the 3 wise men traveled to see Jesus the night they were born? See they lived FAR away from where Jesus was born - it might have taken them a year or more in traveling to come and bring Him gifts, to honor and worship Him. They didn't have planes then or cars - just horses, camels, donkeys and by foot. So imagine with me walking from say - NY to San Diego... How long would that take you? God placed the message in the stars for those wise men to go - to meet a saviour of the people. They knew the importance behind it and they brought the best gifts that at that time, they had. Do you see the signifigance of how small we really are compared to what we know and understand? Jesus has told us to not rely on our own understanding - yes there are questions and becoming a Christian only opens the doors to many more questions but there are answers to some of them.
Do not rely on your own understanding or wait until you got it all figured out before coming to Jesus and asking Him into your heart. Your life changes, He gives you peace and understanding - I pray 2008 will be your year. I have many around me that need 2008 to be there year. Life is but a mist and then it is gone. Do you know that time is fleeting and our days are already numbered...... we can't get them back but we can look ahead at tomorrow as long as Jesus is in front.
I can just imagine what my mom is seeing today - there is hope in our next journey and this is just a stop to whats to come. Thank you Jesus for coming, stepping down from heaven, walking with us and giving us hope.
Want to start 2008 off right? Want to make this year different than all the years past? All it takes is an easy prayer and a heart transformed in believing. God gave His son to come and die for you - I don't think I could give my son to anyone for any reason, I would fight to the death if I had too ... thats how big that was. God sent His son ~All for you.....
That next evening looking up at the stars will never be the same ....
Praying for everyone around me for a great 2008.
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