Thursday, January 3, 2008

400 posts....

And I don't mean along a fence! That would be a long fence though :)

Wow - I never would have thought this blog would still be going. Its been a great walk with my first post posted on 1/10/07. I remember my first real blog entry - I was sitting in the Honda dealer waiting on my Element for service and I was looking around at the folks there wondering who were dead. I meant that post as who was spiritually dead or who was spiritually alive. We have come a long way since then. I have received hits from all over the world from far away as China and Japan - I have 100's of hits that read this blog every week - I am not exactly sure why ... I am really humbled that I continue to grow as a Christian and I blog my thoughts and my heart and even sometimes my tears here and people read this. It really is truly amazing. I look forward to 2008 with such excitement and look forward to continue to share "The Walk" with you. Thanks to those reading this blog and I pray it continues to be of some value in your life and in your walk with Jesus.

Speaking of 2008 - this coming Sunday is our kick off in our Rock Group of a new message series I am leading - "30 days to live" - What in your life would change if you found out you had just 30 days to live? There will be some hard conversations and some real gut checks with this message. It will also challenge us as far as where we stand with everyone around us - are we treating people right, have we given forgiveness to those in our lives who have hurt us, have we mistreated someone close to us and what can I be doing to make this life more alive and worth living - living with purpose and meaning - AM I telling the people in my life that I love them every chance I have?

Since we have not got together for the last 2 weeks with Christmas and family time - folks traveling and all - We might use this week as a get together week - to share some laughs and catch up on each other and enjoy a little bit of football together since it is the playoffs right? If we choose that option - I won't be letting everyone off the hook easy. I have something else up my sleeve.
Since its a new year - 2008 - I want to share a small story with everyone about writing their plans down for the year. I don't mean material plans, or plans to go back to school and make more money - I am talking spiritual plans. What are the plans this year to be closer to God? What can I do to further His kingdom and to those around me? What can I do to strengthen the relationships that I hold very dear to us?
That is the vision assignment for this week. I have mine already done and I will post them on Sunday. Its going to be a great year - 2008 - and I am so looking forward to seeing what God has in store for me, my Rock Group, my friends, my church family and my family.

Gods continued blessings,


Sharon Davis said...

Yes, WOW it is, your blog is still growing strong. It is just as awesome this year as it was last year. I am so proud of you Randy, your momma would enjoy reading this if she was here and not in Heaven. I have been blessed beyond measure reading those 400 posts and yes I have read every one of them, not missing a one of them!! I have "watched" you grow as a Christian since that first blog.

My plans for this year are also to draw closer to God and make sure those I love know that I love them.

Happy New Year in the Lord! This may be the year HE comes back for us.

I love you
Aunt Sharon

Anonymous said...

Wow - 400 blogs in 365 days. That is so awesome. I have not missed one, and every one inspires me. You are the Best Friend anyone could ask for. I'm thankful for our partnership and for you being my ROCK. For being who you are ~ a friend to all, a leader, a true follower of Christ, a prayer warrior, a GREAT Dad, and a GREAT Role Model for all "your kids". YOUR ROCK ----- MR. B...!