Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One last Father's comment~

During one of my morning quiet times with the Lord while eating breakfast a few months back my son came out of his room after getting ready for school and walked up to the kitchen table and asked me what was wrong. I was sitting quietly with my head down and was praying. Maybe he thought I fell asleep or maybe I was having a moment that had brought me to tears - I am not sure but I told him that I was praying and lifting him along with his momma and our day ahead to God. See that was an important moment because praying in front of our children should not be limited to only when we eat. They need to see us trusting and placing our lives and struggles at the feet of Jesus. They need to know they are being prayed for and they need to see us humbly before God.
Fathers - Pray with your kids! The prayers of a father are powerful and effective. Children learn to humbly approach the throne of grace by watching how their fathers pray. Let them see God answer our prayers!

As we finished our Rock Group lesson last week, we all gathered around for closing prayer and our littlest one who is 2 1/2 came walking over as we were in a circle holding hands and he found his place in the circle - gathered the hands of the folks next to him and watched - looking up at everyone and seeing what was taking place. It is such an amazing moment but a moment that will shape this little child into an adult who will remember growing up with loved ones all around him. He will remember them in prayers and over time he will see God answer the many prayers being lifted from our Rock Group. That is exciting!

Fathers - God wants to be a part of your family and He has so much to say about families, things to teach and show you. Give Him a part of it, open His word and let His ways sink into those hard to reach places in your family. If you don't raise your children under the guidance of God, guess who will raise them .... society will and imagine where that road will lead them. It's time to take a stand for your family - its time to lead them.

I have enjoyed learning and writing about being a father - I hope these last blog posts have been beneficial for you as they have for me.
I love being a dad and all it means. Pray over your children - Psalm 91, Psalm 1, Isaiah 54 - that will get you started~

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