Thursday, January 31, 2008

I wanted to share this morning something that took place yesterday and I am still thinking about it. Time today can not go fast enough until I get back to the nursing home. Yes I know that sounds crazy but let me share this story.
Yesterday while visiting my son and some of "My Kids" at school for lunch, I was asked to visit someone who is at the same nursing home as my father-n-law ... so I accepted and told them I would stop in. Not really sure what to expect or what I was going into but with a growing heart for these folks there, it sure was an amazing experience.

This woman is the mother n law of one of the teachers at my sons school. She is probably in her late 70's I would say and as of last night, she was close to leaving this world for heaven. Her kidneys shutting down and some other bodily issues taking place - morphine for pain being administered - what seemed like a gloom and doom thing surely was not. I asked the nurse on staff about where this woman was and told her the situation. She gladly told me she would get me through the locked doors and take me to her room. Upon entering I could tell I was in a very different part of the nursing home - a part of which I did not even know was there or was even prepared for in any way. I was taken to her room and got to meet her and the womans daughter. I told her who I was and how I came to know about her mom. Immediatly I was comforted and knew I was doing a great thing but more importantly a needed thing. I knelt down and spoke with the daughter and asked about her moms life. Where she was from and what her life was like. We spoke probably for 20 minutes even though it went by so fast. It was clear that this daughter loved her family and loved her mom. It was clear that it was ok for mom to leave and that she would be going to a better place - a place to be with family, friends who have passed away over the years but more importantly to a place where her husband would be. As I knelt with this daughter it became clear to me that my mom made this possible. She made it possible for me to sit there in this situation and be ok with it all. To talk from my heart and really know what this daughter was feeling and going through because of what I experienced with my mom 2 years ago - it was such a blessing and last night I took such comfort in that - comfort in taking the time to stop and be with that awesome family. I shared some details with the daughter about my mom and gave her some closing advice about the decisions ahead of her with her mom. I told her to ask God to lead her in keeping her mom comfortable - that God will take her when either He was ready or when her mom was ready to let go and to trust in those decisions that they were the right ones - no regrets. I told her I would stop back tomorrow night (tonight) if her mom was still here. She thanked me and gave me a quick hug before I left. There were some small tears during this conversation but more than that - there were smiles.
I do want to share that I really wanted to pray with her and her mom - even though I did last night and again this morning for them. BUT I wanted to pray then - I did not know what to say or even where to begin - maybe it was a little fear I guess in the situation but I am thankful for the situation that God placed before more. If asked to do that again in the future - I would without hesitation! It's comforting knowing that folks are going to a better place for all eternity. I am sad for those who have chosen a different path in life without God. Eternity is a sad step for those not entering Heaven - especially for those family members left behind. I just pray Walt will open his heart in time to hear what God has in store for him. Carol's mom is there waiting on him and it would be sad for her to go through her life and then pass away - waiting on Walt to once again join her but to never see him again and to know his eternity is in Hell. All of us have someone who is heavy on our hearts if we walk with Christ who is chosing a path to Hell for their eternity. Pray today for that person or loved one - for acceptance and a softening of their heart.
One of the greatest blessings in walking with Christ is accepting whatever it is He places before us - What ever it is Lord, use me for your glory and honor. Yesterday, a scary place that today is a little less scary. Courage, trust in the Lord and a faith that is growing closer to Jesus with each passing day.
So many of the folks at the nursing home are close to their eternity - 30 days to live is a series I am leading my Rock Group family - It just could not be more perfect timing to experience what God is placing on my life today.

My quiet time from this morning~
1 Corinthians 1
Christ the Wisdom and Power of God 18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]

Are you ready? You too could be in your 30 days to live window.....

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