Monday, December 17, 2007

Something Personal....

Yesterday was our Rock Group Christmas party. I just can't believe how fast 3 hours goes by when you are surrounded by people you love and want to do life with. Dang its just not fair how fast the time slips by. We had a great meal together but I wanted to share something funny then something serious. I shared the funny part last night with Carol and we got a good laugh even though I didn't want anyone at the time to know.
As the Rock Group leader for our group - many times I am defaulted to praying or saying the blessing before we eat and that is ok. I had 2 specific things in mind last night to pray about before we dug into the AWESOME FOOD. 1- was I wanted to thank God for the family we have together and it's not about the food but its about the invested time spent together and 2 - I wanted to pray for safe travels for those who will be visiting family/friends over the Christmas break. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Well somewhere during point 1 - I lost it - right in the middle. See during church yesterday morning, they played a video clip of Christmas Vacation - Chevy Chase is at the table with all his family around and he is making this Christmas like no other - a good ol fashioned Christmas - so he stood at the head of the table and asked his aunt to say the blessing before they ate since she is the oldest, she had the honors. So everyone nodded their heads and had their hands folded waiting for the blessing to start and she says the "Pledge of Allegiance". So - right when I was on point 1 of our blessing - this comes over my mind and I almost busted out laughing..... not a good time but all that was ready to come out was "I pledge allegiance to the flag etc........" Somewhere i didn't recover and I just ended the prayer. Whew - just when our Rock Group needed a good blessing - the Christmas supper together all of us hand in hand....and that happened...... .... Ok - so we move on right? I expect a little fall out from that one :)

Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I love Sundays more than any other day of the week. Sunday is a day of change - of Serving the Lord - of Serving our Rock Group - of Serving my family - of being a part of something so much bigger than myself - of having the honor of worshipping our Lord in His house - of investing time with others who mean so much to me- of seeing my K-5 kids growing up and loving church, of the last weeks reflections on all the blessings that God is pouring down on all of us, of being thankful for where God has my family and I today, and for giving me the heart to touch and love others - and for my wife who sent me an email last night and when I came into work this morning she thanked me for being our family - Spiritual Leader and that she loved me and was proud of me. What a way to start the morning!
All I can say to those who are struggling around me - is that I love you and if you allow God to bless you and point you in the direction you need to go - then He will. Focus on others and keep God first place in your life and the rest will fall into place.

Carol - thanks for the note this morning~ I love you too! Thanks for always having my back and supporting me in what I am doing. God has placed so many people - so many of "My Kids" on my heart and thank you for always cheering me on ... I am all in with doing Gods work - where ever that may lead "Us".

Love you all,

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