About 6 weeks ago while on the blog site of Craig Groeschel where he had a deal I just couldn't say no to. Pastor Craig is the Sr. Pastor at LifeChurch.tv and is doing just amazing work for God's kingdom - he asked for people to email him concerning his new book he just released and sign up to blog about it once we read it. Here is the deal - if I promise to blog about it - he would send me his book for free. How can I go wrong? This guy is on the cutting edge in church leadership and he wrote a book about relationships..... I just couldn't wait to get it.
Book came in as promised and I couldn't wait to start it. So the day my father n law was having his surgery - I had it with me and in just a few hours, I was deep into the book.
"Going all the way" - a book about relationships and marriage - seems it is out of context really coming from a church guy doesn't it? Not really and I was thinking just like you were - what a strange title and little risky and on the edge. This book has some amazing stories in it. Personal stories of Craig's life, finding Jesus, where he was when he woke up and realized his life was headed down a path of pain and hurt. It has very personal stories of his family, how he met his wife and what Gods view as stated in the Bible about marriage and relationships. See as we grow up and enter adulthood- our hormones are raging and society sells us anything. As parents do we want society raising our children or do we want what God has to say for raising our children?
Gods plan is to have Him first. He is our #1 and our future spouse or person we are dating is #2. When we put God #1 in our life we attract different kinds of people- we expect different things from people and we have our eyes open to different kinds of people. Only God can change us and change people - we cannot change others. Many times folks go into relationships thinking they can change this or that about a person. I do believe there is a small % we can change but overall - people are the way they are. Don't settle for second best. Even if you are involved in a relationship and headed for marriage - its not too late to end it if you don't believe this is the person God has had in store for you all along. Don't just settle for whats left or less that what God has planned. See relationships should be easy and flow - we should not have to struggle with keeping them going if folks are just dating! Marriage doesn't solve anything - if you are having trouble before - marriage wont fix it and children for sure will not fix it!
I looked at this book not from the stand point of marriage because I am married already but there is good advise in the book explaining how men are - how women are - Gods fit into our lives and in the life of our marriage. Its also a book to read if you are a parent and have children. What does God say about marriage and our children. We all know we want want is best for our kids and for them to not make the mistakes we made growing up. Drugs, wrong boyfriends or girl friends.... etc. Its not too early to begin praying even if our children are young concerning their future spouses and boyfriends/girlfriends. What does God say about sex - dating and treating others.... there is backing in this book Biblical as well.
Over all - I loved the book - I learned a lot of things about what God expects from me - from my kids as they mature and venture into society today and all the things that are messed up about relationships and marriage. We as Christians have to stay focused on God during these times - we need a new NORMAL - because societies NORMAL just ain't working!
I showed everyone in our Rock Group last night - asked everyone to read it - even our teenagers!
I will report back as folks get the books read ......
Going all the way - A+ and recommended.... even if the book was free. I would have paid full price for it. Carol - your turn now.... :)
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