Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The lunch story......

Today I got to have lunch with a few of "My Kids" at school. I was a few minutes early arriving and as I was walking from the parking lot to the school entrance - I could hear the shouts and the fun loudness of kids at recess on the playground. As I came over the hill I turned to the left and the first child that my eyes made contact with - was - one of "My Kids". I just thought that was really wild since there were probably 150 kids on the playground all running around and having fun - why did my eyes turn directly to her? I thought to myself - God you continue to amaze me... there is reasons why things happen and I may not know why right now but God will reveal it to me when I am ready. Until then, I will just be humbled and feel blessed for that little encounter.
As I came in to the school - the Principal thanked me for being there as did the school admin lady behind the desk. I went to the lunch room - got to say hey to a few more kids that I know and I found a seat at the parent table. One of "My Kids" came in and was smiling to see me - he went and got his lunch and we had a good conversation until my other "kid" came in. She told me she had $4 on her account and I had planned ahead - I gave her some $$ and told her to get lunch and meet us back here at the table. She gave me a big hug, thanked me and then ran to get her lunch. She came back with an extra fruit cup and said to me "Since you bought me lunch and you don't have lunch - I got you this so that you would have lunch". I enjoyed the fruit cup. I told them both the story of my walk into school and seeing her out of all the other children. I asked her what she thought of that... she thought for a second and said - because you love me like a daughter? I smiled and thought man ... she is really smart! I told her yes and that I did love her like a daughter - just like all "My Kids" - I do love them and want to make a lasting impact in their lives. I said to her " that I thought the reason why I saw her before all the other children was because God had that worked out in His big plan. He has placed you on my heart and that is why I am here - to have lunch with you". She smiled and then had that look of thinking going on - you know that look. She said "I pray all the time to God but I never hear Him talk back to me ~ Why?" I told her that many times God speaks to us through different things, maybe he is speaking to you through me, maybe in what you are feeling or through her mom or your friends. God places things in your life so that He can teach You about Him and for you to learn to trust Him in everything you do. I explained to her that is one reason why I wear my cross on my neck - it reminds me that I belong to Gods family and everything I do - I should try to honor Him and please Him.
We talked about what they both wanted for Christmas and next weeks plans with school parties and all. It was such a great lunch -more than just food - it was invested time. Its slow and I am determined to make a difference.

I think it was a great question that she asked me. It has me thinking all this afternoon about it. I do believe God wants to talk with us, sometimes He does through avenues we may not even realize. I think for those who stray or have never known Jesus, they are the hardest to reach and in many cases, a painful experience is the only way to get their attention. Many times it takes a painful experience that gets the attention of many folks - like an entire family. My mom is that case ... it took my mom for God to get the attention of my family. Some of us have listened and some have not. Pain is sometimes involved but I bet God would rather use a different avenue, don't you? I have learned the last few years to try and find God in everything that is going on around me - through the people at the grocery store, when my family and I are out to eat, the people I meet everyday, the students I help here at work - the emails I get ... the list is endless. God wants us in tune with what He is saying - when we listen, awesome things take place!
I bet that the worst mistakes we have ever made have been made away from Gods instructions.... funny thing is, people are quick to blame God for the things messed up in life or what we see happening around us but we are slow to thank Him for the good all around us and the awesome folks in our lives today. God may be wanting to show you something - He may be wanting to teach you something and many of us already know what that is because we have felt it over and over again but choose to ignore it. Sooner or later, we won't have that option of ignoring God. He will speak to us in some fashion, when its time and it may not be to our liking or in a way we agree with. Pain just main be involved......
It was a great question today, from a 4th grader, but at an adult level of thinking!

What is God trying to tell you today? What circumstance in your life that has happened that God had to use to get your attention?
What are you going to do with that now?....

Psalm 40:2 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand

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