Friday, December 28, 2007

A Cold and Rainy Friday ~

It has been a long time since my family and I had a day to sit and really have nothing to do. Its cold and rainy here at the cabin and I have fully enjoyed the day with no agenda or plans. We all have done nothing! I think its during these quiet times we can reflect on where we have been, where we are going and learn something due to the lack of distractions. I think many times our lives are so distracted with so much - filled to the top and overflowing with things to do, places to go and kids to run - that we lose sight of what is really important.
As I help my father n law in every way I can ... I see the things and am reminded at what is really important. Relationships are what matter most. Things and "Stuff" are just that - stuff. Our children will remember the times we invested and spent with them and not the clean kitchen or yard manicured to perfection. Its this time right now - as we sit in the cabin, fire in the wood stove, and time spent laughing together that we will remember most.
I love having a little quiet time, listening to the rain while sitting on the front porch, seeing my dogs nap like there is no tomorrow or care in the world......
Isaiah 32:17
17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.

Thank You Lord for the recharge of our batteries. We definetly needed this ...


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