Welcome to my blog site - a Journey in life that begins somewhere in the middle and saving the best for last.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Not just another Sunday...
I shared something today with one of "MyKids" that I was really excited about sharing and the situation just happened - happened the way God wanted it to. See I have some things in my journal book that I keep for taking LifeTalk notes and in that book I have some pictures, some notes from some of "MyKids" and other stuff. I showed her what was in my book and she noticed something of hers in there. I told her that all the things she is looking at are from "MyKids" and I personally pray for each of them each week. She was included in that and she looked at me and said "Really" I said "Yes". Some of these kids dont even come to our church but that doesn't mean that they are not important to me and that they are not important to God. It was a great shared moment and I pray this child can really know the investment I am trying to make in her life.
Today church was a little empty as far as seats go. Pastor Jimmy had a great message, the band rocked and the video selection was pretty awesome also - ending with bloopers from all the recordings over the last year - some of which were really really funny. I look forward to Jan 6th - our next Rock Group meeting - I miss all my "peeps" - seems like I haven't seen some of them for weeks! I look forward to having Kim and her family back and the Lucas family back SOON!!!
Carol is under the weather today - please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Prayers needed for Walt who is not doing well at all. I keep praying for the right moment to talk about God with him ... God will tell me when its time. Sometimes our lives need to be hit with a hammer and broken into smaller pieces before our heart can move to a place where God can enter it.
Kids are back at school this week - I am back at work and that means - back to seeing "mykids" at lunch again.
I am putting something together for a blog post for new years - talk with you then........and no I am not staying up for 12:00 - LOL
Love to all,
Volunteer Thank You~
Today Rocky River Community Church stands 7 years old. I want to take a minute and thank those who have served our church for those 7 years – some of which have been here almost since the beginning. It’s through your hard work, dedication and leadership that our church continues to serve the “Good News” to folks in our community.
Many of you already know this story but for those who don’t, I think its worth sharing. Back on a summer Saturday afternoon in June of 2005 my mom, Pastor Jimmy and I, were sitting in our church office. That is were my mom gave her life to Jesus. If not for those folks serving our church the years before that day – my mom might not be in Heaven today.
See there is more to doing church than just attending church. It takes a team of dedicated and loving people to make all this happen. Many of our folks are behind the scenes and are not noticed much by the general congregation. I am ok with that because, I myself don’t like to be the center of attention or out in the front and center. But we have caught the vision of the church Jesus had planned. We are not only serving each other and the folks who come through our doors but we are more importantly serving our Lord Jesus Christ.
We can’t ride the coat tails of our parents, or our spouses or our children. When we become Christians and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, It becomes personal.
You want to know the secret that makes our church stand out? It’s the single mom with 3 daughters who has to get her kids up early on Sunday mornings and get them here by 8:30 so she can setup her children’s area. It’s the single dad who comes in at 6:30 to setup chairs and then has to go back home and get his children out of bed and ready for church. It’s the talented mom who is making sure the coffee is hot and the hospitality area is just perfect and looks awesome. It’s their personal ministry and they are serious about it!
You are not just serving in the nursery, changing diapers, holding a crying baby – did it occur to you that you just may be holding the next Billy Graham?~ Or the next president of Brandon’s fan club?
You are not just greeting folks as they come in the doors and then showing them where the bathrooms are and where to check their children in at the K-5 area; you are not just helping teach in Sunday school – you are providing those children there a chance to learn about Jesus – You are giving their mom and dad a chance to sit worry free and listen to Pastor Jimmy preach – a Life Talk message that may be giving them that last chance to hear what God has to say about their struggling marriage or their money problems. It’s that opportunity for Jesus – to change them forever because they are leaving that morning – knowing Jesus. You are giving that single mom a chance to redo her life and know that there are church families who loves her regardless of her past. You are providing a support system for families who need support and encouragement that only Jesus and His church can provide. You are providing a place for people to feel of part of something so much bigger than themselves, to have a place to feel wanted and be connected in a Rock Group family and finally to have a place to serve and find their God given gifts and passions that they never knew they had.
Alone, we cannot accomplish much, but together – serving God as a family – we can accomplish so much more for His kingdom. A church is not measured by how many people attend the services but by how much the people love one another.
Imagine with me for a second, our building out there on the land. Imagine a place for our children to get married, a place where we can plant a tree for a lost loved one, a place where hurting people find refuge and acceptance from society’s rules. Imagine padded chairs! Imagine a place where people all across Harrisburg, Concord and Charlotte can come and experience the life changing grace of Jesus.
Colossians 3: 23-24
23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Thank you all for taking ownership in our church, being great examples for others, and for stepping up and serving.
It’s an honor to serve along side of you all. For Carol, Kyle and myself – there is no other place we would rather be serving God and no other church family we would want to do this life with.
It’s all about Jesus, but Volunteers are the vehicle.
I look forward to serving along side of you in 2008.
Gods Best,
Friday, December 28, 2007
A Cold and Rainy Friday ~
As I help my father n law in every way I can ... I see the things and am reminded at what is really important. Relationships are what matter most. Things and "Stuff" are just that - stuff. Our children will remember the times we invested and spent with them and not the clean kitchen or yard manicured to perfection. Its this time right now - as we sit in the cabin, fire in the wood stove, and time spent laughing together that we will remember most.
I love having a little quiet time, listening to the rain while sitting on the front porch, seeing my dogs nap like there is no tomorrow or care in the world......
Isaiah 32:17
17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.
Thank You Lord for the recharge of our batteries. We definetly needed this ...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
What a great day...
It has been a good day to relax even if we miss everyone. There hasnt been a moment where we talked about "Our Kids" being at the cabin with us and who would be scared of the dark or strange outdoor noises or something else taking place out here in the woods. We do know who would be right at home though!
Once again - there is not a cloud in the sky tonight and I will take the dogs for our evening walk in the star sky evening. It will be a good chance to talk with mom - and I look forward to talking with her. What she must be seeing I can only imagine but I just bet its totally awesome. I am thankful for my family and for some down time. It usually takes me a few days to just unwind and get into the groove of being unwound.
Prayers tomorrow for my cousin Patty - she has some kidney tests taking place in Winston tomorrow so please keep her in your prayers. She is like a sister to me....
Miss everyone but glad to get a few hours of down time. Morgan - hope you are feeling better sweety - big hugs to you, your sister and momma. Heather - got to see 2 Hummers today - was thinking of you~
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Evening thoughts....
I want to make the biggest impact in this life. I want to touch as many people as possible and walk along side folks who really need a friend and someone to talk with. Today - I had a few of "My kids" that I am not that far along with yet to call them on Christmas. I had to stop myself and think well - maybe their families wont think the way I am. I will continue to pray for those relationships into the new year. So that maybe one day - I wont feel scared to call them or wish them Merry Christmas. Maybe today - they were wanting that call~ now you know where I am.
During the time I spent with my family this past weekend - I wanted to share with them a small story. I will share that now because I feel it in my heart to do so.
Have you ever been to BJ's or Sams Club and they are giving out samples of food they sell? I mean many times they have good stuff and if you time it right - well lunch can be on them if you make friends with the sales lady there! Why do they do that? Well - they are wanting to sell what they have~ if they give you a sample and you like what is given~ you will purchase what is given for free.
God works the same way. He gives you little samples for you to try. He is wanting to give you more but its up to you to want it and for you to put aside your fear to sample just a little of what he has to offer. There is so much more that He can give but so many fall short just before He is blessing you. God will not give you everything you ask all at once. He wants to give you a little as you can understand and appreciate. God does want to bless you but so many are unwilling to allow Him to do so.
Psalm 13 -
How long, O LORD ? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?
2 How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?
3 Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
4 my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.
That is awesome and I am thankful that my family and I know the Lord in a personal way and that the things of this life don't hold us back or keep us down. Its hard sometimes but we always know that the Lord is looking over our shoulders. The Lord is with us no matter what we may face. When it really comes down to it, that new car or big screen tv or that 1 hours of OT dont make much difference - relationships do. The people we are doing life with ... they matter and I love the people we are doing life with today. I live for those moments.... I pray for those opportunities to make a difference.
God you have been good to me also those who let you ~ Make the Lord your #1 and you will find meaning, purpose and happiness in life. The rest will fall into place ...
Christmas ...
I just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Carol was up early this morning preparing the turkey and all the fixings. Round one is over and whew - it was good. Stuffed now! Carol and Kyle are already planning the meal plate drop off to our neighbor and another neighbor who 's wife passed away earlier this year.
Last night we had our Christmas Eve service at church. It was totally amazing! It was an awesome evening - the place was packed with almost 400 folks - the band was having fun and were loud - Pastor Jimmy shared the Christmas Story according to Luke 2 - and the last song the band played we turned on the snow machine and blew snow all over the place and out into the congregation. Man that was awesome and all the kids ran down front and were jumping arounnd catching the snow - the band played right through it all and it was just an awesome experience.
This morning we snuck out early and did our secret santa - like we did last year but this year we got caught. The good thing about getting caught was that we got to share in the smiles while the gifts were being opened. I wont tell you who that family is but I know it meant a lot to them. They mean a lot to us and we love you gals!!!!! You know we mean that.
Kyle had us up at 7:15 this year - enjoy the picture! Adger was right in the middle of everything and had to sniff each and every thing for safety. Payton could care less!
I love you all - time to get back outside now and play with Kyles new remote control contraption that goes like 35 miles per hour! Wow to be a kid again.......
Merry Christmas everyone! Thank You Lord for all You have done for us. Miss you mom and MaryLou! I am sure Christmas is pretty awesome in Heaven!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Another day.......

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Got love that camera~

An Intro to someone VERY SPECIAL~
Here is your moment to shine Violet - You always are shining because God always looks after His children. You are something special and we all love you. This was written from the heart and with such truth.
Dear Carol,
I was so happy that your Birthday was a surprise and a Happy one at> that--hope you have many more.> Carol, please don't think you have failed your Dad! God gave us all a> free will and because Dad has not accepted God into his life, doesn't> mean that he is not thinking about him. I have a deep feeling in my> heart that when Walt realizes all the wonderful friends he has and they> are praying for him every day, he will change his tune and, then, maybe> listen to you Carol, and realize that your family is wonderful because> you have accepted God into your life and your Family's life. My little> calendar I read every day says"True success can only be achieved in> partnership with God". I think if Walt started to believe in God, his> pain would be lessened. God only gives us as much as we can handle and> if only your Dad could stop thinking about himself, I know he would> feel relieved and life would be good to him! Tell Walt the woman who> cuts his hair is praying for him and cares so much for him. I gave her> your address so she can tell him herself--I know that will make him> feel better. The woman who was walking her dog the morning Walt was> crying out for help, calls me often to find out how he is. It has to> be so nice to know there are people out there who care for him and> these people have all acepted God into their lives. I hope your> Minister can find Walt's heart and show him the path we will all take> someday.> Love to you all, Aunt Violet
Desperate times call for desperate measures~
Today's message at church really hit home for me. The baseline message was Joy - Happiness.
They seem the same but they are very different. I have folks all around me right now hurting from one thing or another. Some are choosing to hurt and some are choosing to HURT BIG TIME LATER! There is nothing I can say - nothing I can do except to continue to love these people - as is and then help pick up the pieces when its over. God wants you to be happy - He does not promise you happiness but through Him - He does promise you Joy. He promises you purpose and meaning in your life. So many folks are struggling because they choose to be where they are today and some choose to continue to walk down a path that will have NO Good Outcome! My heart is just hurting for those loved ones today.
A few times during the message I just want to hide in the corner and just break down - get it over with. Feeling hopeless and sick to my stomach -but I know God will provide what I need as well as what these folks will need if they call on Him at any time.
So here I stand - stepping aside - ready to help pick up the broken parts. God wants to give you Joy and its amazing how many people continue to NOT accept it. They are doing what they are wanting to do - regardless......
I have the afternoon off this afternoon - we got done with church early today and Rock Group does not meet again until Jan 6th. I am already praying for that meeting - you would think I could sit and watch some football - take a much needed nap since I was up at 4:50 this morning praying that God would reveal Himself to those around me who NEED to hear from Him in a big way - Like TODAY!!!!
So I guess I will try to keep busy today and not let my heart and mind run off somewhere - bogging down doesn't do anyone any good. Desperate times call for Desperate measures - God its all in Your hands......
Friday, December 21, 2007
Pictures - a Moment in time and also PRICELESS
Take a moment and really LOOK at this picture....... take another moment and really look at it.
These are "My Kids" Lexi is the one dressed up in the Elf costume and Morgan is on my side there. We shared such a smile this evening during one of our Rock Group meetings that is just priceless. Carol always has a camera around and my computer is full of not files of work - but of pictures. They are snapshots of time. Taken in the moment and I am thankful for this picture!
What Lexi and I were talking about was if she likes dressing up for these work party things - she does ...and we were just glad her dad was not voted to wear the "Elf" costume! So there brings the smiles ... I love moments like these because its investing in others - investing time and energy into the lives of others. It shapes my daily walk - even today - I had a meeting in Kannapolis this morning and I had a time limit because I had a lunch date with 2 - 5th graders. We shared an awesome lunch and it means a lot to me when they come down the hall and smile and wave with excitement knowing I am there for them. Teachers - take notice because they are in full contact with those children who don't get visitors and folks to have lunch with them. Broken promises day after day..... that part breaks my heart.... and that is a motivating factor as to why - God has placed these children on my heart. They are worth the effort!!! I think God would agree .... they are worth it and looking at this picture above - man its just priceless.
Where are you investing your time? Would it matter 2o years from now?
This picture is worth a thousand words don't you think? Thanks Lexi and Morgan for sharing the moment.....
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Not just another Thursday
Carol, I hope you have a great birthday today~ I love you with all my heart and I thank the good Lord for giving me such a great woman, friend, love of my life, mother and wife. You are reaching more people for God than you realize and I want to tell you I am proud of you in every way. I really overshot when the Lord put us together! I am thankful!!!!
Many more birthdays sweet love,
Forever yours -
Monday, December 17, 2007
Something Personal....
As the Rock Group leader for our group - many times I am defaulted to praying or saying the blessing before we eat and that is ok. I had 2 specific things in mind last night to pray about before we dug into the AWESOME FOOD. 1- was I wanted to thank God for the family we have together and it's not about the food but its about the invested time spent together and 2 - I wanted to pray for safe travels for those who will be visiting family/friends over the Christmas break. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Well somewhere during point 1 - I lost it - right in the middle. See during church yesterday morning, they played a video clip of Christmas Vacation - Chevy Chase is at the table with all his family around and he is making this Christmas like no other - a good ol fashioned Christmas - so he stood at the head of the table and asked his aunt to say the blessing before they ate since she is the oldest, she had the honors. So everyone nodded their heads and had their hands folded waiting for the blessing to start and she says the "Pledge of Allegiance". So - right when I was on point 1 of our blessing - this comes over my mind and I almost busted out laughing..... not a good time but all that was ready to come out was "I pledge allegiance to the flag etc........" Somewhere i didn't recover and I just ended the prayer. Whew - just when our Rock Group needed a good blessing - the Christmas supper together all of us hand in hand....and that happened...... .... Ok - so we move on right? I expect a little fall out from that one :)
Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I love Sundays more than any other day of the week. Sunday is a day of change - of Serving the Lord - of Serving our Rock Group - of Serving my family - of being a part of something so much bigger than myself - of having the honor of worshipping our Lord in His house - of investing time with others who mean so much to me- of seeing my K-5 kids growing up and loving church, of the last weeks reflections on all the blessings that God is pouring down on all of us, of being thankful for where God has my family and I today, and for giving me the heart to touch and love others - and for my wife who sent me an email last night and when I came into work this morning she thanked me for being our family - Spiritual Leader and that she loved me and was proud of me. What a way to start the morning!
All I can say to those who are struggling around me - is that I love you and if you allow God to bless you and point you in the direction you need to go - then He will. Focus on others and keep God first place in your life and the rest will fall into place.
Carol - thanks for the note this morning~ I love you too! Thanks for always having my back and supporting me in what I am doing. God has placed so many people - so many of "My Kids" on my heart and thank you for always cheering me on ... I am all in with doing Gods work - where ever that may lead "Us".
Love you all,
Friday, December 14, 2007
the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.
Our past, the way we were raised, the habits we form from selfish desires through our teenage years and into adulthood, our personal life struggles and situations, our physical challenges can all mold our Lifestyle. But - we all have a choice. Right now we can live a life of reflecting on our past or let our life reflect Christ so that we can truly live. The choice is ours to make.
LifeStyles are those decisions where we are going to go "Healthy" - especially with the new years right around the corner. The gym's will be packed with folks turning a corner and making a decision to improve their health - to live better and have more energy. There is good in making that lifestyle decision - but how many are still there come May?
The alcoholic - makes a decision to stay off the booze but every day is a struggle. Does this person have the willpower to make this lifestyle change? LifeStyle change can be a hard thing because its a new direction in life and sometimes its a hard direction to follow down until it becomes your new LifeStyle.
Carol, Kyle and I - 2 years ago walked into our church on Easter morning. It was one of those morning like so many others who venture out in search of something, a place to fit into and have a church home, a new direction in life - 2 days a year are these days that folks visit churches - Easter and Christmas. Some of these folks are even Christians and only come on those 2 days... but what about all the in between days? There is where the LifeStyle change transformation takes place. Its all the Sundays in between~ Once we get our faith out of Sunday and into our every day week and into our everyday life - thats when LifeStyle really takes hold and we got something!
When I think about the phrase "A Lifestyle change", I think about becoming involved in your church can also be a "Lifestyle change". I know it was for Carol and I. The thought of serving at church was almost comical to us. (looking back I am ashamed really) At our old church, people serving in different places would call and ask if we could help them do this and that and we were always busy - when deep down I knew we weren't. We never made the connection to serving and being a bigger part of the church because in reality we didn't really "get it". We felt under-qualified, not worthy, and not holy enough - not even connected enough. We felt like we didn't have anything that the church needed or even wanted. But, through attending Rocky River Community Church the past 2 years, for the first time a Lifestyle change has begun. We do have gifts and talents that our church needs and wants and just recently we have discovered we have PASSION for these gifts and talents that God has blessed us with that the church needs and wants! We have also learned to put God first in every area of our lives. We had to come together and choose that we would jump in even though we had no clue what we were doing (and still don't). We gave up more sleep on Sunday mornings, a self-centered schedule, unhealthy friendships, working late hours and weekends, arguing over little things that don't matter much, crying ourselves to sleep and in search of what life was all about. We found that a lifestyle centered around "self" is not a life at all. We chose to let God direct the life He wanted for us. Along the way, we have shown our son Kyle so many things about the practical love of Jesus that we could have never taught him if we had not put God first in our lives. We have friends, that care and love us more than family. We have a hurt in our heart for lost people and for those around us to come and experience Jesus like we have. It really hurts when we continue to hear excuses as to why they won't come to church or folks find excuses not to serve on Sunday mornings and we are really putting 155% of our time, energy, talents, money and PASSION into what we are doing. We are doing this as a family and our son Kyle "Gets it". It took me 38 years and the passing of my mom for me to finally "get it". So much lost time and so much missed out on.
I want a Lifestyle change for every person in our community and for every person that walks through our church doors. Serving is an introduction to selflessness that I hope to see grow in every volunteer and your ministry become a reflection of what Jesus is all about in every area of your lives. As a volunteer you are the sermon illustration every week - you are what the preacher is trying to explain. As people get to hear about Jesus from the stage, they get to see a reflection of Jesus in every other area of the church.
Does your Lifestyle reflect a fruitful service for Christ? Are you attending a church 1 or 2 times a year and call yourself a follower of Jesus?
Do you need to make a Lifestyle change? How have you experienced a Lifestyle change?
God is willing to help with that change ~ You just have to do the first part and ask Him.
I guess now the shoe is on the other foot..... I am the one calling and asking folks to serve and have a chance to experience a "LifeStyle" change.
What is holding you back?
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The lunch story......
As I came in to the school - the Principal thanked me for being there as did the school admin lady behind the desk. I went to the lunch room - got to say hey to a few more kids that I know and I found a seat at the parent table. One of "My Kids" came in and was smiling to see me - he went and got his lunch and we had a good conversation until my other "kid" came in. She told me she had $4 on her account and I had planned ahead - I gave her some $$ and told her to get lunch and meet us back here at the table. She gave me a big hug, thanked me and then ran to get her lunch. She came back with an extra fruit cup and said to me "Since you bought me lunch and you don't have lunch - I got you this so that you would have lunch". I enjoyed the fruit cup. I told them both the story of my walk into school and seeing her out of all the other children. I asked her what she thought of that... she thought for a second and said - because you love me like a daughter? I smiled and thought man ... she is really smart! I told her yes and that I did love her like a daughter - just like all "My Kids" - I do love them and want to make a lasting impact in their lives. I said to her " that I thought the reason why I saw her before all the other children was because God had that worked out in His big plan. He has placed you on my heart and that is why I am here - to have lunch with you". She smiled and then had that look of thinking going on - you know that look. She said "I pray all the time to God but I never hear Him talk back to me ~ Why?" I told her that many times God speaks to us through different things, maybe he is speaking to you through me, maybe in what you are feeling or through her mom or your friends. God places things in your life so that He can teach You about Him and for you to learn to trust Him in everything you do. I explained to her that is one reason why I wear my cross on my neck - it reminds me that I belong to Gods family and everything I do - I should try to honor Him and please Him.
We talked about what they both wanted for Christmas and next weeks plans with school parties and all. It was such a great lunch -more than just food - it was invested time. Its slow and I am determined to make a difference.
I think it was a great question that she asked me. It has me thinking all this afternoon about it. I do believe God wants to talk with us, sometimes He does through avenues we may not even realize. I think for those who stray or have never known Jesus, they are the hardest to reach and in many cases, a painful experience is the only way to get their attention. Many times it takes a painful experience that gets the attention of many folks - like an entire family. My mom is that case ... it took my mom for God to get the attention of my family. Some of us have listened and some have not. Pain is sometimes involved but I bet God would rather use a different avenue, don't you? I have learned the last few years to try and find God in everything that is going on around me - through the people at the grocery store, when my family and I are out to eat, the people I meet everyday, the students I help here at work - the emails I get ... the list is endless. God wants us in tune with what He is saying - when we listen, awesome things take place!
I bet that the worst mistakes we have ever made have been made away from Gods instructions.... funny thing is, people are quick to blame God for the things messed up in life or what we see happening around us but we are slow to thank Him for the good all around us and the awesome folks in our lives today. God may be wanting to show you something - He may be wanting to teach you something and many of us already know what that is because we have felt it over and over again but choose to ignore it. Sooner or later, we won't have that option of ignoring God. He will speak to us in some fashion, when its time and it may not be to our liking or in a way we agree with. Pain just main be involved......
It was a great question today, from a 4th grader, but at an adult level of thinking!
What is God trying to tell you today? What circumstance in your life that has happened that God had to use to get your attention?
What are you going to do with that now?....
Psalm 40:2 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Up and Down ........
Being a Christian does not mean we are kept from hard times and struggles. We are not meant to live a life on top of the mountain - God grows us and teaches us through many things. We have spiritual highs as well as spiritual lows. THANK GOD for those tough times and those hard seasons in life - its those times we can hold strong on the fact that God has shown us how we need to cling to Him during those hard seasons. They don't last! While we are there - God uses us to walk along side of others to help them through tough times as we shine for Him. Don't think for a second that God cannot use you in some way. He has a plan for your life all the way until your last breathe. Keep fighting and focused on what God is doing ~ I think in many ways its the reason why I serve our church the way I do. Its the reason why Carol and my son Kyle serve the way we do. We are part of a team of Gods family - of our extended families who are working together to reach lost people for Jesus. If He can change me - He can change anyone! Why on earth would I not want someone to experience what I have experienced and how God has changed my life?
What really hurts in leading a ministry, serving so hard, making sacrifices of time and energy is the fact that people walk away. People that seem to love what we are doing and how we are trying to reach folks. But they have reasons to walk away and either quit church all together or attend one of the other many churches. For me - its time to dig in and reach further than we ever have in the past. The church God envisioned is not about a building, a Sunday school lesson on Wed night study or a ladies lunch ... being a mobile church is tough and hard work but it gives us the freedom to break free from doing church the traditional and safe way of the past. I pray as one person walks away - God brings in two...... I have been praying for 7 great plugged in families, willing to do whatever is asked to lead in our church. I feel this Christmas as we reach folks and lives are being changed all around us - our season is coming.
For some - it takes something hard and difficult - to move forward and not be afraid. I am honored and humbled to be serving God and being out of my "Comfort Zone" ...
Attend a Sunday service at a church near you this month ~ Its my Christmas wish for you.
Birthday update~
Well - I just have to say that Kyle had a great birthday yesterday! Thanks to all who sent cards and called him yesterday. Last night we went out to eat with some of his "Peeps" and a family that is just dear to Carol and I. It was a long overdue evening with this family and we are planning to do this again very soon - and without a reason to celebrate other than investing time together. After supper, Carol and I took all the kids for icecream ... shared some big laughs and then stopped at each house as we dropped the kids one by one back home. It was a great evening then topped with WII bowling until 11:00! I think we are addicted now and we will need to move the WII into the LR so Carol and I can get to play it! That thing is cool and I see lots of family fun nights in our futures.
Carol had her coffee this morning bowling a 198 game ... I was wondering where she went when she got up and ran out of the room LOL ~
I am excited for Kyle as he grows up and the friends he is choosing to be friends with. He has a great core of kids that Carol and I love spending time with - AND - thats the awesome part!
Monday, December 10, 2007
10 years old.....
10 years old today! Happy Birthday Kyle! I am so proud of you and I hope that I tell you that each and every day. Am I really old enough to have a 10 year old? Wow time is flying by. I know your angel grandmas are looking down on you and smiling. You are such a big hearted little man who loves and cares so much about others. You have such a great laugh and attitude about everything and you always give your best. Especially important is that you are Gods child and He has special plans for you in your life. I am excited about that and just blessed to be raising a son as awesome as you are. Kyle, mommy and I love you bud....enjoy your day and in time we will share with you the story of the WII! LOL
May God bless you and keep you always,
Daddy and Mommy
A comment left that can't be missed....
Thanks Carol for your comments and thoughts. Totally AWESOME!
I think the Angel Tree night was awesome. I really think it was a life-changing evening for our kids. Kids who have a comfortable life and don't know any need. Kids who always have a warm bed, a roof over their head, and a hot meal at dinner-time. Kid who cannot imagine not having a Christmas Present under the tree.So here is what these children were presented with: Pick an Angel and shop for them. Sounds Easy Enough....NOT. On a small Angel postcard is a wealth of information - the child's first name, age, clothing size, shoe size and wish list items! Our teams (Adult and child) have one chance to make Christmas magical for a child we are holding in our hands. The child comes to life through our children. I worked with Kyle and we picked boys who were his age. We studied the Wish List ~~ and he went to work, like ALL the kids did. With Passion. Finally understanding that the things he placed in that plastic bag would be the only things that boy got this Christmas. So it became personal. A quest to find the BEST gift that would bring happiness, for at least, one morning. This is another example of a life experience that we could have never shown to our son, or the other children with us that evening, without experiencing it. I can't even begin to tell you about ALL the blessings that have been going on within our family, our Rock Group, our Church....but we are being blessed by blessing others... that is really the true reason for the season.
Friday, December 7, 2007
An Evening to Remember...
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Exciting day ahead...
Hope everyone is getting into the spirit of "Giving".
Love you all,
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A picture worth a thousand words.....
The year - 1978. I have had this picture on my computer desktop for over a year now. I look at it from time to time just as a reminder of a "Mothers Love". I don't remember what had happened at this judo match but the hurt in my brother Craig's face speaks volumes to me. Kyle and I took the dog's for a walk last night and I asked him a question. I said" Kyle, when daddy comes to have lunch with you at school and other kids come and sit with us, you do know I am there specifically for you, right?" He said yes and he loved the fact that other kids are sitting with us because they also need a good fatherly figure in their lives. He understands that I am there for him and I am also there for all the children and for the teachers. Our children need more support these days. Earlier this year I heard that 2 of my Rock Group kids had NEVER had a visitor for lunch at school and they are in the 5th grade! Man, I tell you, that just breaks my heart. These are great kids and important kids. All the kids at Kyle's school are like "My Kids". There is nothing I wouldn't for them. It takes investment to get to know them. To continue to come back and spend time with them and get down next to them at their level for them to know they can trust me and this really opens them up to see who they really are. You can see which ones struggle at home and who are lacking in support and attention. You can almost always pick out the ones who come from divorce or are going through a hard time. I see these things as well as a child who is just awesome and has something really important to share with me and stories to tell me. God has opened my eyes and my heart to children. I do want you to know that every time I visit a school and have lunch with one of "My Kids" that I am investing so much in, I pray for that lunch time. I pray for the communication that is taking place and for the smiles that are shared. Sure sometimes kids are really struggling and hurting - last week was case and point where one of "My Kids" was being picked on and made fun of. She was really upset and it bothered me all week. She thanked me yesterday and it really puts a stamp on things for me - to know I am doing what is right. Investing my time and energy into these little lives and kids who are so important and have things to say and tell us - if we just take the time and listen.
Parents - our kids spell love - T.I.M.E - they mostly don't care that you buy them things. A Tuesday afternoon at school is almost empty of parents having lunch. Invest your time - don't let society have a grip on your children - teach them that God loves them and then show them Gods love through your actions and words. That is all I am trying to accomplish.
The Practical love of Jesus. Going to have lunch now ....
Monday, December 3, 2007
Going all the Way .... its not what you think~

What a blessing.....~
When project ARK was launched in our Rock Group 5-6 weeks ago, there was a family that I had just reconnected with. They had been coming to our church for many years and this family would come in spurts. Come for 5-6 Sundays and then be missing for a few months. Come back for 8 Sundays and then be gone again. When we moved our services to a new location, I really began to wonder if this family knew we had moved and where they were. I had really had this family on my heart since the moment I met them. I really connected with miss Hailey who is Kyles age. If you have read my blog any - you know the story so I wont go there again here. But long story short - I have been having lunch at school each week with miss Hailey and I really look forward to that time invested.
Yesterday - was the day I had been praying for since spring! Kyle came and found me in between services - I was putting out new pens and envelopes in the chairs after the 9:30 service and he came running in and said - Daddy she's here! Hailey is here! I said "WHAT?" I followed him into the K-5 area and her mom was checking her in. It was a magical and such a moment I won't soon forget. See the folks teaching Sunday school at 11:00 could not be there and Carol and I fill in as back up - we both were in K-5 yesterday helping with Sunday school. It was meant to happen this way - all part of the perfect plan. Her mom thanked me for helping with her lunch money - I explained that it was such a blessing to do this for them and one day soon, I hope to share our story of Project ARK. I got to show them around and each area of our church. They went ahead and into the service and when the kids were dismissed, I got to hang with "My Kids". There were a few extra of "My Kids" there yesterday and it was just fun sitting with them, talking with them and being a part of their lives.
Our Christmas series kicked off yesterday. We had Christmas trees lit up - all kinds of extra lights in the Worship Center and the place looked amazing! For this family to come back and pick this Sunday as their day to start again.... is just perfect. Beginning of a new series, Christmas LifeTalk kicking off, new digs - man its awesome.
When Hailey's mom came to get her after the service she said, "See you next Sunday!" - I got a couple extra hugs and questions of when I am coming to have lunch LOL -
It is pretty awesome when we can invest time in this kind of stuff. Lasting and meaningful - time spent in prayer over a family and God answers those prayers by bringing them through His doors on a Sunday morning. See we are not just attending church and checking off the box for the week of things to get done. This is life changing stuff taking place and God has many things to show us if we would just take the time to see them. Life might never be the same again after experiencing Jesus - Others come before yourself. People matter - relationships matter - Children matter - loving and helping people matter!
I look forward to lunch this week with all "My Kids" because they all matter! Each and every one of them. I wonder how God feels about us ..... "My Kids" - all of us matter.
Every day is Sunday now..... Faith taken out of my Sunday service and bringing it with me in my daily walk ......
Everyday is such a blessing ... one moment at a time.
Love you all,