Tuesday, January 23, 2007

True Character ....2

So this bring me to the point of - Where do you stand? Do you go through your week as your normal old self or has Jesus inspired you to do more, to be more and to live more? Making a difference in someones life has been an eye awakening experience for me and my family this past year. Mainly because we expect nothing in return - especially when we are helping those we love who can't repay us, those who we serve we don't know and those who could repay us - but we choose not to accept anything. I am working right now on a computer from a friend of my wife's - I know the question will come up with concerning payment for my services. I have been praying about this and I know in my heart never at any one moment have I thought about charging them - even if I did - I would give it to the offering basket on Sunday. But I am going to take a leap of faith and invite her and her family to church. A few posts before this one - I mentioned inviting people to church and how the excuses come when they choose not to go with us. I pray there won't be an excuse from them - I am preparing myself for a "Yes" and let God handle the details. I am sure the music will have to be just right, the service message will have to be just right - the right look with the people that they are after. So many things come into play to get people to come back. But then again - it may just be the way God wanted this to work. How I, little ol' sinful me, taking part in making the way to bring someone to church. God knows what will happen here and its with Him I leave the details. See this is living the church outside of the church. This is living the week one day at a time like it is Sunday! If you're going to church - AWESOME - but I pray you are engaging in what is happening around you. That you are getting the message that God loves YOU - gave all for you. If you have been following Jesus for years and not going to church now for whatever reason - I pray that Jesus makes your spiritual life a little uncomfortable so that it moves you into seeking out a place to experience Jesus on Sunday mornings, to surround yourself with Jesus following people - to raise the bar on your life and bring it to a new level. If you stay in a place long enough - you become the surroundings. If your in a place in your life right now where everyone is complaining, everyone wants something from you, God is hard to find or getting harder and harder to find, the month is longer than the paycheck, work is tough and you are at your whits end - I pray Jesus moves in your heart - Experience God like never before or renew that fire you once had. The doors will open and blessings will pour out onto you. If you can't find an awesome church to experience this life transformation I am trying to explain here - let me know - I have a place for you. No drive is long enough - when you can experience Jesus like this in your life. Hey if you email me and want to come - my treat for Bojangles after church - we can talk about in person. Deal or no deal? I do believe Bojangles will be in heaven.........
I can't serve you if I didn't love you. I have given it some thought the last few months - that Pastors have such a hard job - I appreciate everything they do! They wear so many hats! Its a job they love with a burning desire - teaching us Gods word and loving people - their congregation - the people God has trusted them with. If a Pastor does not love his congregation - he cannot serve them. Serving.... it breaks down the walls, humbles us and allows us to experience Love the way God wanted us to experience it. No agenda, no hidden rules - just love with compassion, mercy, forgiveness and trust. Just the way God loves you...... Just the way my mom loved you.
Email me - lrbatema@gmail.com

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