Friday, January 19, 2007


I have been thinking the last few days about relationships - The people in our lives that we have a good relationship with and those who we don't. Why is this? Like most families, their are those that get along, those that don't and those who just put up with each other during those holiday events and then their are those who don’t speak at all. Every family has this and mine is no different. My dad has 2 silver maple trees in his front yard which are nice big trees - provide some shade in the summer and a nice color in the fall but he tells us each year he is cutting them down. I am a tree fan and living near a big city, people love the mature trees but builders cut them down because it’s easier for them. That should be a crime to clear cut the land to build a subdivision - just my personal feelings. Anyways, these trees are a fast growing tree - weak in the strength of its wood and the roots come to the top of the ground and stick out all over the place. Many places these types of fast growing trees if planted in the wrong places - can destroy sidewalks, foundations to homes - fall and land on something during a storm. I think about these roots and how they should be deep and strong but they are week and shallow. Much like our faith - our faith should be strong and deep - but many have shallow and a weak faith. Our lives can have bitterness and hurts that run very deep just like those tree roots. It may have been someone in your past that hurt you, an addiction to drugs or alcohol; it may be abuse in your past or even a parent who did not pay enough attention to you growing up. It may be a spouse who has been unfaithful or you being unfaithful to your spouse. It may be gambling or pornography or an abortion when you where younger - what ever it is- it runs deep and you may not feel able to let go and give those things to God. See these things are in the past and we cannot move forward in life unless we give these things to God. These hang ups - regrets- hurts - bitterness – addictions, whatever it is, it keeps us from moving forward. It keeps us from forgiving each other but more importantly it keeps us from forgiving ourselves. Just like the silver maple - its roots are shallow and it messes up everything around it. If we carry this baggage - it messes everything up in us around us and - our family, our friends, relationships, our wives and husbands, our children, the people we love - it is the sourness and sickness that spreads within us. It affects us deep into our being and holds us back from Gods plan for our lives. God wants us to trust Him with these details - with these important things that carry around. Over the past few months I have come to learn about a marriage that is in trouble. As I think back in my life as a child until now- I can't really say I know any marriage that had an affair in it until now, or at least this close to me. Maybe I just didn't know about it - but I have friends who are divorced now because of an affair. How they were not able to forgive their spouse - but other marriages I know - Have forgiven their spouse. That person who was cheated on or who cheated lives each day carrying around the blame and shame of the unfaithfulness. I wonder if they have given that affair to God or if it’s in secret still - or does each day that goes by that person has to make a commitment to forgive their spouse just to stay married and make it through the day? - it really must hang on them and drag them down everyday. It’s this kind of baggage that God can free you from. Every one of us has something we carry around - and when we learn the meaning of forgiveness and know we can give these things to God - we can then and only then, move forward – in our relationships, our marriages and the things that bog us down. True forgiveness comes only from God – we don’t have the capacity for true forgiveness – but God has given us true forgiveness through Him. Jesus came to give us forgiveness and release us of our sins. Bury your roots deep friends and live in faith that is strong and able to withstand the trials and hurts of this life. God can handle it for you – Quiet, be still and listen – God is speaking to your heart… Kenny Chesney wrote a song – “Freedom” – So close to - Sweet Freedom!!


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