Saturday, January 20, 2007

Can't ...... should be removed from the Dictionary

I am at the cabin now for a day or so - a good chance to unwind and enjoy the wilderness and wildlife that God has created. This is a place I always feel comfort and rest - a place to be quiet and be still. Things are slow here even if I have internet and TV! I have to stay connected right? Since yesterday I have been focused on a little word with a big meaning. Its a word that is part of another but when added together is totally opposite. "CAN" meaning - to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to, to have the possibility: SO when we add "NOT" - What do we have? "Cannot/Can't" - meaning - to NOT be able to; NOT have the ability, power, or skill, to NOT have the possibility. Very different meanings to 2 little words - outcomes so different. Ok so why the english lesson? I will tell you - When we make up our minds with "Can't" it changes our direction, our disposition and our attitudes. When we say we CAN'T do something - we have already given up. I remember back when my momma was sick - people would come and say " I can't do this, I can't handle this, I can't - they have already given up - many did not come back or only came 1 or 2 times instead of pushing through - setting aside the Can't attitude and changing our minds to "CAN" do attitudes. See friends everyone makes a choice, a decision, if they are going to do something or not. Many of us have relationships that are broken because someone CAN'T go about forgiving or leaving things in the past. Many of us have marriages on the brink because we have already made up our minds to "Can't". God wants us to have a CAN DO attitude - a Can do outlook on life. I have heard so many times over the last year, that people will do what they want to do. I agree big time with that - people make up their minds and DO what they want to. CAN - people find a way no matter what they want to do or what they set out to do. Our attitude each day should be "CAN" - Many people never really manage to enjoy their lives. They spend day after day just going through the motions, hoping things will get better. Maybe you're one of them. If so, listen to this: Your life can be better. You CAN be the happy, healthy, victorious, and overcoming champion God made you to be! Everything you need to start enjoying life is already inside you.. You just need a little help to bring it out. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you and help bring out the best in you—because it's already there! Stop with the attitude of Can't and give those things to God - today is the day to start fresh - a new slate - hit that reset button!! People around you want to love you - reach out to you - be a better friend or daughter or son - a better momma or daddy - Drop the baggage of "Can't" and start today with a smile knowing God has these things for you and will work them out for you if you just give them to HIm. In John 5 - there is a man who has been sitting near a pool of water waiting for one day to be healed from his disabilities. John 5: 6When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"
7"Sir," the invalid replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."
8Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." 9At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.
Friends Jesus "CAN" do this for you if you choose to give those things holding you back to Him. Make the choice today and start living your life in victory. We are only here for a short time and time is passing us by. People we know are hurting because of the hurts and baggage we carry. Our relationships CAN'T go any further the way it currently is and - Maybe - all they simply really want is to know -they are loved and accepted. Things of the past will be gone - our hurts washed away - true forgiveness will be granted and your spirit will rise to a new level. Freedom from your hurts, hangups and problems are closer than you think. I bet someone in your life "RIGHT NOW" would be jouyous to hear this Good News.
As many of you know who are close to me - I wrote a letter o few months ago saying that since momma was the leader of our family and she is not physically with us now - it was time for new leadership - new direction and new guidance. It was then I asked for everyone to pray that God takes our family - your family and lead us - Lord lead our families. Friends - everything Rises and Falls on leadership. Be a leader and make the decision - to "CAN" - and watch what happens.... I bet someone right now is waiting on you and your decision.......... with tears in their eyes!


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