Thursday, January 18, 2007

Child Faith......

As many of you know we are having a winter storm here - no milk or bread in 5 counties but we have no snow - no ice and little rain. So the streets are wet - its finally up to 33 degrees. I was always taught water freezes at 32 degrees until one lives in NC. Then it can be 26 and still have rain - freezing non driving stuff or sleet - go figure. Never have I wanted snow more in my life. This past Christmas I shared with many of you a dvd movie I made. If you did not get one - email me and I will be glad to drop it in the mail for you. In that dvd was a small movie clip of a winter scene and snow falling - how peaceful and how quiet it is to listen to the music and see the snow falling. Many times in our lives we are just too rushed to sit and be still - to sit and be quiet and hear what Jesus is saying to us. Some of us choose to be that busy and not to hear - others of us get out of focus and are running 100 MPH in all directions but getting nothing done. During our family Christmas time together - I shared a note I had in my pocket with everyone - I carried that note for a week just for the purpose to read it in front of my family. Let me share that with you here,
REAL FAITH isn't about helping people become churchy--it's about helping people experience a transformed life in Christ that challenges folks to live out their faith daily in today's culture. That’s a lot harder than just being churchy. Churchiness is easy. You just follow prescribed rules and do what ever everyone else is doing.
Real faith is dynamic. It's controversial. It's dangerous. It's constantly growing. It asks challenging questions. It involves mystery. You can't put it in a box. You can't keep it quiet. You can't out-grow it. You can't out-dream it. It's more focused on others than it is on self. Real faith gives me peace but makes me discontent to let things stay the same.It's amazing what God can do through a church that embraces that kind of vision for life together. REAL FAITH is revolutionary.

I explained that this past Christmas was the first with out momma and how we are all struggling with this in our own and personal ways. We are not made to understand everything that happens and when our time comes to answer the call of heaven - we then will be told the answers to our questions. See, we are all not capable to understand everything about God, why some things happen, why there is sickness and why children die. Jesus came to this earth as a child and lived a sinless life and gave His life for us and our sins so that we would have a place to go when our time ends here. Even during that time, Jesus performed miracle after miracle - spent his life teaching and giving us the example to live by. Still many chose not to believe even with seeing all this with their own eyes and hearing it with their own ears. Today - God still gives us that choice to choose. Either follow Him or not to follow Him. Still faith has to be something that one accepts as it is - believe in your heart with no reservations other than this is the truth. Children posses this more than adults - that is why Jesus told us to have faith like children - for they will find it easier to get into heaven than adults will. At this time I asked my son to say the blessing before we ate our Christmas dinner. He has faith and believes with his heart - if a child can do this - why can't adults? Experience Jesus and His loving hand and mercy - its not about church- church is just the vessel for Jesus to minister to us. We are His hands to touch those around us who dont know Him; We are His arms to hug those around us who need that comfort; We are his words when we have someone in our life that needs that encouraging word; We are the church 24/7 - no place to hide from Gods love or no emotion to hide from Gods mercy. His love endures forever - Feeling a little childish that you're still reading? GOOD - Be still and listen - Jesus is trying to talk to YOU - If only you would listen.
more to follow....

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