Monday, February 16, 2009

Your Prayer life...

Carol, Kyle and I had a great but short visit at the cabin this weekend. Left after work on Friday and came home Saturday afternoon. Got to see so many deer just standing around eating grass near the cabin, stopping in at the deer lick I have placed out for them and even a real small deer alone but very comfortable hanging around the house for what seemed to be a LONG time. Its awesome and even the dogs loved sitting, being still and just watching them. Got to hang out and watch a movie with "MyGirls" Saturday evening as their mom had a date. It was a great time investing in them and love hanging out with them. Sundays church services were rockin and proved to be another incredible day. Pastor Jimmy is leading us for the next few weeks on prayer. Its awesome to know that back around Christmas, God was leading our Rock Group to study some things that He has called us to do. We wrapped up Kaleo, (to be called) and with it also being 2009 - I really wanted to see our rock group folks turn it up a notch in prayer. So for the next few weeks - our rock group will be getting the same topic message in a few different ways. See prayer is our lifeline to God. We are each called and we know we are supposed to pray but often times - we don't.
Why don't we pray more often?
1) Not sure you know how to pray.
2) Get bored or distracted while trying to pray.
3) Think your requests are too small for God.
4) Not sure your prayers will make a difference.
Plain and simple... I am sure there are more than just 4 but those are the biggies. One of the things that my son Kyle knows is that he can come and talk to me about anything. When I am in my chair - that is an open invitation to come and sit with me and talk. I want to know what is going on, his struggles, his hurts and friendships. If for some reason he thinks that I am too busy or if I am investing in another one of "MyKids" too much - then that really hurts. As a dad I am never too busy for my son. Our heavenly father is the same way. He wants to know what is going on in your life, what your hurts and fears are, what you are struggling with. He wants to be involved in your every day life. If we have a 1 way relationship - then that relationship is not that good. Examine the relationships in your life, are any of them 1 way communication? Would my wife love me as much as she does if I just handed her a list of things each day for to do for me and I never thanked her, told her I appreciated her, or told her how much I loved her?
Communication is vital in opening the blessings of heaven upon our lives.
Prayer is just communicating with God. Opening our hearts and our minds and just having a talk like you would with your best friend. About a month ago, it was clear to me that I was missing this part when my Rock Group met. I wanted so much to have meaning, power and something in my prayers for everyone but that is not how we are supposed to pray - we are not supposed to pray for the benefit of others but for the benefit of God. Its to Him we are praying and for Him we are praying. SO that has changed my prayer life the last month or so.
Psalm 5:1-3
Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
We also have to be expectant on God to answer our prayers. We have to continue to talk with Him about what we are struggling with but also in thanking Him. Over the next few days, I think I will share some more but for now ... I am very thankful for the blessings in my life, the people I am doing life with, the kids that God has placed in my heart, my family, my church and church family, my job, my wife Carol and Kyle - and for a God of second chances and more if needed. Back in 1999 I almost left this place, not knowing Jesus then, God gave me my second chance. I plan on using it to the most of my abilities. If I tell you that I love you - I mean it. If I tell you, I am here for you and to walk with you - I mean it. If I reach out to you - I mean it.

Love you all,

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